Matt Marshall – Whipsaw Method
For the next 10-14 days, we’re going to “whipsaw” your body and go the opposite direction. With your metabolism Format File: (1 ebook – pdf, 2 Videos – Mp4) File Size:18.39 MB
Matt Marshall – Whipsaw Method
This is the fastest way to transform your physique.
Keep reading to discover how it works…
By Matt Marshall, certified personal trainer.
By Matt Marshall, certified personal trainer.
This discovery changes EVERYTHING.
Because for years we’ve been told it’s impossible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. If you’re like me you’ve always been told you’ve got to pick one or other other: Focus on building muscle or focus on shedding fat. But never both.
On the surface, this makes sense. To build muscle, you need EXTRA calories. To lose fat, you need FEWER calories. Therefore, how can you build muscle and burn fat at the same time?
It’s Mathematically Impossible.
Or Is It?
“Just because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for others.” Marcus Aurelius
“Just because a thing seems difficult for you, do not think it impossible for others.”
Marcus Aurelius
First, let’s shatter that word “impossible” right off the bat.
Every year MILLIONS of people successfully gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.
Don’t believe me?
Fine. I’ll prove it.
Here are two groups of people who ALWAYS gain muscle and burn fat at the same time:
Group #1: Male Teenagers Going Through Puberty.
When a male teenager goes through puberty, his body releases floods of powerful hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1. As a result, male teenagers typically pack on muscle mass and burn off body fat EVEN IF THEY LOUNGE ON THE COUCH ALL DAY LONG!
Group #2: First-time steroid users.
It’s quite common for first-time steroid users to pack on muscle mass and burn off body fat at the exact same time. Because the first-time steroid user is flooding his body with artificial hormones designed to mimic the effects of puberty.
In reality, the first-time steroid user is putting himself through puberty all over again. (That’s why steroid users often suffer from voice changes, acne, increase body hair and many of the other effects typically associated with puberty.)
But What About You?
Ok so we’ve proven it’s certainly possible to gain muscle mass and burn fat at the same time by harnessing the effects of hormones.
But what about you? Assuming you are NOT a 13-year old boy or a juiced-up steroid user… can YOU really gain muscle and burn fat at the same time?
The two key principles are…
The Timeline & The Sweet Spot.
Now let me ask you… if is possible to build muscle and burn fat in the same decade? Of course it is. You could spend 8 years adding muscle (and fat) and then spend 2 years losing fat (and muscle) and after 10 years you’d (hopefully) end up with more muscle and less fat than when you started out.
Is it possible to build muscle and burn fat in the same year?
Again, yes. This is actually what most bodybuilders try to do. They’ll spend 8 months “bulking up” and 4 months “dieting down” all in the hopes of ending up with more muscle and less fat after all is said and done.
Again, this is what most people do. It works… but it’s painfully slow and ineffective.
Is it possible to gain muscle and burn fat in the same day? Maybe so… but a day is too short of a time frame to accurately measure results.
So as you can see, it’s all about the timeline. A day is too short. A decade or even a year is too long.
So Where’s The Sweet Spot?
The sweet spot is ONE MONTH. Over the course of one month, you can build muscle AND burn fat. After 30 days, you’ll end up with more muscle and less fat than you when you started.
In 30 days, you could have bigger arms and a smaller waist.
In 30 days, you could have bigger arms and a smaller waist.
Obviously, I’m not promising a miracle. You won’t gain 40 pounds of muscle and lose 40 pounds of fat in the same month.
But even if you “ONLY” pack on a few pounds of muscle and lose a few pounds of fat… it will make a huge difference on your physique. And better yet, if you can keep this up month after month after month… you’ll completely overhaul your physique in just a few months!
Think about it…
Every single month, you get bigger, stronger and more muscular. And every single month your waist gets smaller, your abs get tighter and your body fat percentage shrinks.
After the first month you’ll see the difference in the mirror. After the 2nd month you’ll look like a brand new person. And after 3 months? Well, after gaining muscle and losing fat simultaneously for 3 straights months, you’ll most likely have the kind of body that typically takes years to achieve.
The Science of Over-Eating, Under-Eating And
The Art Of Rapid Physique Transformation
Let’s talk about what happens when you over-eat. On a long-term basis, we know what happens: You get fat.
But what about on a short term basis? Now that’s where things get interesting. Because studies show brief bouts of overeating actually cause a massive INCREASE in your testosterone levels!
That’s correct – short periods of over-eating can actually MIMIC what happens when you take steroids or go through puberty.
In fact, researchers overfed a group of women for 3 weeks. Even though these women did NOT exercise or do any weight training what so ever, they gained an average of 4.73 pounds of LEAN MUSCLE MASS.(1)
Researchers noticed a spike in testosterone levels and insulin-like growth factor. As it just so happens, synthetic testosterone and synthetic insulin are two of the most popular anabolic steroids in the world. Yet you can NATURALLY harness the power of these NATURAL hormones just by over-eating.
This is what happens when people bulk wrong.
This is what happens when people bulk wrong.
You’ve probably experienced this for yourself. Ever gone on a heavy duty “bulk-up” plan? Then you’ve probably noticed everything goes GREAT for the first two weeks… but then it seems like no matter how much you eat you stop gaining muscle and instead pack on fat. In a moment, I’ll explain how you can pack on lean muscle mass WITHOUT fat.
But first, let’s talk about what happens when you under-eat.
On a short-term basis, under-eating can have some pretty amazing effects. The first two weeks of ANY diet are always the most effective and produce the most dramatic results. And it’s because the body is well-adapted to dealing with short term food shortages.
Think about our ancient ancestors from hundreds of thousands of years ago. Not every hunt was a success. They didn’t bring home a buffalo or stumble upon a fruit tree every single day. So there were clearly short term periods with little or no food.
Done correctly, your insulin levels will drop which sends a signal to the body to start burning body fat for fuel. In addition to melting off pounds of body fat… there’s also quite a few studies showing short-term periods of under-eating can boost your immune system, lengthen your life and make the mitochondria in your cells function better.
But it gets even better. Because –- when done correctly – short term under-eating also “resets” the cascade of hormones we need to build muscle.
Which means when you jump back into a short-term period of over-eating immediately AFTER a short-term period of under-eating, you will once again pack on slabs of new muscle!
Again, this is a common phenomenon. Ask any bodybuilder who diets down to ultra low levels of body fat for a contest, and then pigs out for two weeks after. He’ll tell you he packs on more muscle in those two weeks than he does the rest of the year – even if he’s just lounging on the couch!
The Secret To Getting Big & Ripped
Is A Scientific “Zig-Zag”
Is this the secret to a lean and muscular body?
Is this the secret to a lean and muscular body?
On the surface, this sounds pretty simple right? Over-eat for 2 weeks, pack on a bunch of muscle, then under-eat for 2 weeks to strip off a bunch of fat. And after 30 days you’ll have more muscle and less fat than when you started… right?
Get immediately download Matt Marshall – Whipsaw Method
Done correctly, this zig-zag method can transform your physique in just a few short months. But if performed incorrectly you will actually gain fat and lose muscle!
Because there is a right way to under-eat and a wrong way. And there is a right way to over-eat and a wrong way.
And the same holds true for trying to gain muscle mass. Do it the right way and you’ll gain quality, lean muscle mass. Do it the wrong way and you’ll just pack on fat.
Unfortunately, Most People Get This Part Wrong…
It’s not enough just to pig out for 2 weeks and then starve yourself for 2 weeks. That’s what most people try to do and the results are disastrous. They just end up packing on a bunch of fat and then burning off muscle mass – the exact OPPOSITE of what we’re trying to accomplish.
To get incredible results, you need to take a scientific approach. I’ve been testing this method for a few months now. With each passing month I’ve been tweaking the methodology and I’m finally at a point where I’m ready to share this bodybuilding breakthrough with my close-knit group of core readers.
The Whipsaw Method
thew_copyThis underground manual details the exact step-by-step system you need to follow to pull off the impossible: Adding muscle and subtracting fat within the same month.
Here’s a brief overview of the system:
Lean Mass Gain Phase
The lean mass gain phase runs for 10-14 days.
During this phase, you will follow a unique muscle-building meal plan. Unlike the typical bulk up plans where you eat 6-8 times a day and get fat, this unique eating strategy is guaranteed to help you pack on LEAN muscle mass fast.
“G.T” the reclusive bodybuilding genius at age 66.
“G.T” the reclusive bodybuilding genius at age 66.
But the eating plan is just half the equation. The real magic comes from the training plan. It’s based on a little-known routine used in the 1950’s to help guys pack on muscle mass FAST. In fact, the creator of this routine — a reclusive bodybuilding genius — packed on 90 pounds of muscle in a few years with nothing more than this routine.
I won’t kid you: This routine is NOT easy. But the good news is you’ve only got to do 6 workouts and then you’re done with the mass gain phase.
After two weeks, you should be 9-12 pounds heavier. Expect 4-5 pounds of that gain to be lean, solid muscle mass.
Rapid Fat Loss Phase
For the next 10-14 days, we’re going to “whipsaw” your body and go the opposite direction. With your metabolism running sky high from your two-week mass phase, we’re going to cut calories and start stripping off body fat FAST.
Don’t worry: You’re not going to eat like a bird or do a bunch of cardio. Instead you’re going to take it easy, relax as much as possible for the next two weeks and let your sky-high metabolism melt away excess body fat automatically.
In addition, you’ll follow a tasty and filling eating plan that will ensure you hold your muscle mass while every ounce of fat falls away.
Plus, there’s a two-week training program you’ll follow to build strength, keep the muscle mass and incinerate fat. At the end of these two weeks, I expect you to have lost 5-8 pounds. Some of that will be water… but the majority of the weight loss will come from body fat.
After your first month on the program, you’ll have packed on a MINIMUM of 3-5 pounds of lean muscle mass while stripping off a minimum of 3-6 pounds of body fat.
If you think that doesn’t sound impressive, keep it up for 2 or 3 months and you’ll have packed on 15 pounds of lean mass while shedding 15 pounds of fat. That’s a MAJOR transformation, the kind of change that takes most people years to make.
Fair Warning: This Program Is
NOT For The Faint Of Heart
Just so we’re on the same page here…
Yes: This program really can completely transform your physique in just a few short weeks. But there’s a price to pay.
It ain’t easy. You will sweat. Some of the workouts will leave you crumpled on the floor crying for mommy.
Half the time you will overly full of food and ready to burst at the seams. The other half of the time you’ll be hungry.
But if you can stick with it… you’ll be rewarded with a jaw-dropping physique in record time. Heck, just one month on this program will completely change your physique. And if you can tough it out for 3 straight months you’ll have made more progress in 90 days than most gym rats make in 9 years. That’s no joke.
So if you’re willing to work extremely hard for 90 days to get 9 years of gains… then here’s your next step: Order the Whipsaw Method. This system is for not for everyone. It’s only for guys willing to go the extra mile in order to get a jaw-dropping physique.
Let me be very clear and up-front about this: The Whipsaw Method is NOT for beginners. If you’ve never picked up a barbell… or if you’re still struggling to complete your first push-up… please do NOT order! This system is too advanced for rookies.
But if you’ve got at least a few months of training under your belt, if you’re not afraid of a little hard work, if you can follow simple instructions and if your progress has slowed to a crawl lately and you’re looking for a way to bust out of your rut and pack on new muscle while slashing body fat, then you should consider trying this program for 30 days.
URGENT DEADLINE WARNING: You Must Order By Wed, Nov 26th at Midnight EST Or You Will Be Locked Out
Once the deadline passes, I will yank the ordering options and you will NOT be allowed to purchase. The reason I am doing this is because I provide PERSONAL SUPPORT and coaching for anyone who takes me up on this offer. However, I can only provide support to a limited number of people each month. So because my time is limited, I am limiting the number of people I am allowing to use this system each month.
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