Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton – The Kibo Code
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Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton – The Kibo Code
From the desks of Steven Clayton & Aidan Booth
If you’re reading this page there’s a strong possibility you’ve seen the frenzy and buzz surrounding this opportunity, have witnessed the undeniable proof that this really works, and are poised and ready to stake your claim…
If so, quickly scroll to the foot of this page and take action immediately.
This page will only be live for a short amount of time – then we’ll be shutting the doors PERMANENTLY.
However, if you’re sitting on the fence, or simply need a little more information, don’t worry, there is a little more time… so read this page carefully (but quickly).
You see, in the next few minutes, the days of desperately trying to make money online will finally (and abruptly) come to an end.
And they’ll do so for ONE SIMPLE REASON…
We’re going to give you the chance to access a little known secret that ourselves, our team and our “beta-testers” have been using to generate astonishing results over the past 12 months.
It’s totally different…
It’s a way of selling products online that you’ve NEVER seen before…
…and when we say astonishing results, we mean like this:
I know… it does seem a little unbelievable – but actually, these earnings are just the tip of the iceberg.
But do you want to know the most amazing thing about this?
The method we use to make this money is BREATHTAKINGLY SIMPLE!
So simple in fact, that we firmly believe that ANYONE, regardless of age or experience, can also achieve incredible results using the exact same method…
…AND in a staggeringly short amount of time.
I know, it’s a big claim, and obviously you’ve heard similar statements before…
So just before we give you more detail on exactly how this works, let me give you…
A brief background on who we are.
If you don’t know already, I’m Aidan Booth, and my business partner is Steven Clayton.
Steve has been running online businesses for over 16 years since leaving his corporate job in 2003.
He quickly saw success with “Google PPC”, and built an affiliate business that started to make more than $50K each month.
He then expanded to eCommerce and built a 7-figure revenue stream, which is still at the core of our business today.
For me, I started in 2006 with the idea of building a small income stream that would allow me to be geographically independent.
I knew that I’d never be able to be completely free if I was tied down to a day job in my native New Zealand, so I set about finding a way to make more money.
To cut a long story short, within a couple of years I had managed to build a consistant online income of more than twenty thousand dollars a month.
As a result, I became officially free to live anywhere in the world, was able to quit my day-job and got a one-way ticket to Argentina (which is where I still live).
So that is where it all started.
Fast-forward to the present day, our business has grown tremendously…
We now have multiple ventures that collectively generate 8-figures each year and have a team of over 60 employees who are based in the USA, the UK, Canada, Pakistan, Argentina, Venezuela and China.
So… that’s a brief background on us.
Now that you know who we are, let’s take a step back for a moment to explain the one big reason why this is DIFFERENT to anything you’ve seen before and why we are so excited about sharing it with you.
The simple fact is this…
What we’re going show you today BREAKS ALL “THE RULES”
Every last one of them.
Here’s why…
We can safely assume that since you began looking to the internet as a way out of your day job…or simply to supplement your income, you’ve been led into trying one of the following in an attempt to make money online…
Affiliate Marketing…
Selling products on Amazon…
AliExpress Dropshipping…
Creating Info products…
Search Engine Marketing…
…and obviously, the list goes on.
Of course, maybe you’ve had success, (and we sincerely hope you have)… but what we CAN assume is the reason you’ve pursued one or more of these avenues is because the products, courses and people you’ve been following have been telling you to do so.
Now let me just clarify something important…
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with any of the business models I just mentioned…
In fact, we make a ton of money with them too as you can see by the following screenshots…
However, while these business models can produce huge profits, some of them are notoriously difficult to implement, financially risky and can take many months to materialize into money.
And this “months to materialize into money” factor is a REALLY KEY POINT for one VERY important reason…
“Failure to see results fast” is THE biggest reason why people throw in the towel and it regrettably means that 99% of people never get anywhere.
Has this happened to you?
Have you failed or given up before?
If you have, then obviously it will have hurt (and maybe still does!)… but the only way forward is to ignore the past, forget about previous failures, and focus on the future.
That’s how every successful online entrepreneur thinks (without exception)… and it’s how you should be thinking too.
There’s an old Japanese business saying….
It means…
“Seven times over, eight times up”…
It refers to these traditional “Daruma dolls” which are weighted at the bottom…
…so no matter how many times you knock them over, they always pick themselves up again.
You’ve got to be the same way as persistence is a defining factor of success.
Here’s the truth…
You DON’T have to be ultra-smart, articulate and super-confident to build a successful online business…
Neither do you need to work 24 hours a day or throw yourself into things you don’t like or are uncomfortable doing…
The secret is to focus on finding something you ENJOY, while working as little as possible, while making as much money as possible.
In other words, what you should be aiming for is this…
The system we are telling you about today ticks ALL these boxes.
It’s something you’ve never been told…
…and it doesn’t involve any of the intense frustration and drawbacks that you’ve likely experienced before.
Sitting Down? We hope so…. Because the chances are…
This’ll Probably SHOCK YOU…
What if we were to tell you that you could generate more money in just 30 days than most people make in an entire year at their day job…
And what if we were to tell you that in order to do this, you need to have exactly ZERO experience at online marketing.
Difficult to believe, right?
Well, that’s totally understandable… and at this point we’d fully expect you to be dubious.
However, what we’re going to do is prove beyond all doubt that this really is the case by “opening the doors” and revealing a powerful formula so ridiculously simple to put into practice that with only a little bit of drive and concentration, literally anyone can make it work.
It’s something so revolutionary and so unique that hardly anyone talks about it for the simple reason that most people don’t even know it exists.
…and you wanna’ know the best thing?
In order to consistently make money using this system, all the “stuff” you usually need to think about is thrown completely out of the window…
In other words, here’s what you DON’T need:
…and because all of the above are completely eliminated, it basically means that you can start earning faster than with any other type of online business model.
But How is it Different Exactly?
Well, first let me tell you the issue with most business models by running through a few “standard practices”…
The first thing you usually do is start by choosing a market or niche.
You then need to think about what product you are going to make, sell or promote within that market or niche.
Then you need to build your website, think about brand names, create your product(s), get all your sales material created…
…and the list goes on.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with these practices – with most models it’s simply a necessity.
However, the problem is it can sometimes take MONTHS to get all this done.
Not only that, once you have chosen a niche, got your domain name, set up your site and have started creating your products, you find yourself at a point of no return.
In other words, you simply need to hope and pray that all the time, work and money you are putting in will eventually amount to something.
Sadly, though, it often doesn’t.
…And to top it all off, if you do manage to get up and running, you then need to compete with tens of thousands of other people who are all doing the exact same thing!
But – here’s the good news…
With the system that we are telling you about today, you don’t need to worry about ANY of this…
All the risks, issues and time-consuming activities have been completely and utterly ELIMINATED.
Let me take a moment to tell you why…
The system models itself on a chain of famous “brick & mortar” stores in Japan, called “Don Quijote”.
These stores make BILLIONS of dollars every year selling literally every single type of product you can possibly imagine.
Everything from Towels, to TV’s to Trenchcoats to Tamagochi’s…
What they do is load up their storefronts and shelving with different types of products to see what sells the best…
They then place the best-selling products in more visible places (and remove what does not sell…)
Then they continue to add, test, replace and optimize their product offerings to boost their sales and increase their profits…
…until they have a “store” stacked full of products that ALL convert like gangbusters.
We do exactly the same – but the difference is that we do it online.
Here’s how…
We test products in multiple niches simultaneously using a simple website system.
We implement a UNIQUE METHOD to IMMEDIATELY position ourselves at the top of the search engines for the most profitable keywords for each product.
Then we target people who are actively looking to buy these products and get INSTANT “buyer” traffic.
We then eliminate products that don’t sell (and keep the ones that do)
The end result?
You’ve guessed it…
We end up with an online store of killer products that ALL convert to sales and profits!
It only takes 60 seconds to get set up… We test fast… We make money almost instantly – then we scale.
…No market research… no product creation…no inventory… and no fiddling about with Facebook and Amazon accounts.
So the question I hope you are asking yourself now – is this…
Why would I want to limit myself to selling ONE product, in ONE niche…
…when I could be selling 50 profitable products in MULTIPLE niches and making 50x as much money!??
The fact is there are over a billion people online each day looking to buy millions of different products that could potentially put money in YOUR bank account.
…so it really makes sense to reach far and wide.
But what sort of products are we talking about exactly?
Well, here are a few examples to give you an idea…
I know, it’s difficult to imagine that you could make thousands of dollars each day selling products like this – but the fact is, you really can.
Let’s take one product as an example…
A simple “hiking travel backpack”…
So what do you think…? How many people look for this product each month?
300, 700… maybe 1000 people a month?
Well, here’s the truth…
It’s actually tens of thousands each month equating to a potential $25,000+ in monthly revenue…
…and yet for targeted keywords such as “hiking backpack”, there’s hardly any competition at all on the “shopping platforms” where we sell them!
Imagine if YOU replicated our system and in only the third month had THREE profitable products making $840+ per day EACH
I mean, how would that change things for you?
How much difference would that make to your life financially?
…And then, what if you uncovered an ADDITIONAL product each month that also made $840 each per day, and carried on at the same rate for 6 months…
Here’s what the math would look like…
Of course, there will be some variation in the numbers and the cost of the products you sell…
…but as you can see, when you start to scale, the numbers become VERY impressive VERY quickly…
You see, that’s the beauty about this whole thing…
Get immediately download Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton – The Kibo Code April 2020
This is a real business, there’s a ton of money to be made, there is almost no competition as there are TENS OF THOUSANDS of products that fit our sales criteria…
Therefore it is totally realistic for anyone to do this – and SUCCEED.
Now, in case you’re worried that this is sounding a little “complicated”, I want to give you some good news…
The process we use involves just 4 SIMPLE STEPS.
…and in just a moment, I’m going to tell you exactly what they are.
But first, let me quickly answer a question that you may be asking yourself at this point…
No – this is different. VERY different.
To explain why, here are…
7 Huge Benefits That Set This Apart From Everything Else Out There…
We use untapped sources of high-targeted buyer traffic where you place the products you are selling directly in front of people who are looking to buy them right at that very moment.
We only use products from US suppliers and to begin with we only sell these products to US based people. We don’t have to worry about communication issues like you often get when dealing with China.
We don’t stock, ship or ever touch any products and we NEVER buy inventory upfront. With many models you need to spend as much as $2000 to get started. With this method you don’t need to buy a product until you’ve actually sold it.
We have no competition as we’re choosing items from a selection of 3 million products. Therefore, unlike most business models where everyone is trying to push the same thing, it is exceptionally unlikely that we will be selling the same product as someone else.
You get extremely HIGH PROFIT MARGINS
Net profit margins for this business model are on average 50%. This means that if you earn $200,000 in revenue, then $100,000 will actually end up in your bank account.
You get very RAPID RESULTS
As you are able to fill your store with top-converting, profitable products within minutes you can test products to see if they sell within super-short time periods of 48 hours or less.
This system requires very little time to start, and as little as 5 to 10 hours a week to run so you can continue to work your day-job or current online business (if you want to).
OK, so how does this work in practise?
Like we told you a moment ago, there are 4 simple steps…
Let’s elaborate on them further…
First, you install your super-fast 1-click web store which requires no technical knowledge whatsoever.
We’ve spent the past 12 months testing and tweaking at least 50 website “themes” which have been visited by millions of people with tens of thousands of products sold.
We’ve optimized them down to the highest converting version – and one that we’ve used to generate up to $76,000+ in sales in a single day.
We call it “Theme X”.
Next, you install a series of special custom-made apps that have been carefully designed to maximize sales and triple conversions.
The next step is to select your first set of products, load them into your storefront ready to sell and make money.
Now the beauty about this system is that the product selection process is super-fast and you don’t need to spend days or weeks trawling through Amazon listings or using paid-for tools to do market research.
You side-step all that time-consuming stuff and focus directly on selecting hand-picked products using our “Profit Vault” tool (which we’ll tell you more about in a moment).
You simply search the database, pin-point products, load the “pre-created” listings and images directly into your store ready to start testing them to live targeted traffic.
The third step is all about getting targeted traffic using from Bing and Google’s “Shopping Platforms”.
All you need to do is tell the shopping platforms the product pages on your site and they will suck in the images and text from your website and automatically create your Ads for you.
Once this is done, you launch the campaign, only pay for cheap clicks that you KNOW will turn into profit, then you keep testing products until you end up with a high-converting selection that’ll make you the most money.
This is in sharp contrast to advertising on Facebook and Adwords which are 10x more expensive – plus, you never know how much you are ACTUALLY going to pay for ads.
It works like this…
Then Step 4 is all about making sales and profits by optimizing your campaigns and keeping on testing more products so you end up with a store full of high converting items that make the most money.
And in case you were wondering about product delivery…
The way it works is beautifully simple.
In laymen’s terms, what happens is this…
1. A person orders a product from your store…
2. You get paid upfront…
3. You buy the product from the supplier…
4. The supplier ships the product directly to the customer…
5. The difference between what the customer paid for the product on your store and what the supplier charges you for it is your PROFIT.
The good news is you don’t need to talk to anyone and you NEVER need to see or handle the products you are selling.
…and go from $100/day to $1000/day and beyond by keeping the most profitable products and eliminating the ones that only produce small amount of profits.
Then you find additional winners and continue to scale your business.
The system really is that simple.
In fact, the reality is that you only need a handful of successful products to start making really amazing money.
Listen, we have showed you the system, revealed some of the amazing results that we’ve had using it… and have given you a detailed run through of how everything works.
However, what you’re probably wondering is this…
“Sure… you are making a lot of money doing this, but could this honestly work for me too??”
Well here’s the thing…
Over the past 12 months we’ve been working closely with a small number of Beta-Testers…
…in other words students who we’ve taken under our wing.
Under a strict confidentiality pact we gave them all the secrets and detailed inner-workings of the system and handed them a series of shortcuts…
…And even for these students, some of who had no previous experience, the results were truly astonishing…
As an example, take one student called “JB”…
We helped him get his site set up..
We gave him THREE products to sell (hand-picked by us).
We showed him how to set up his site and load the products into “Theme X”.
We showed him how to tap into targeted “buyer traffic” with lazer-precision.
And just check out his results from the first 2 weeks.
And as another example…
Here Are The Results From A *3 Product* “Test Store” We Set Up To Demonstrate How Fast The System Is…
At the end of the test, which we ran up until Christmas, these were the results…
Obviously the next logical step would be to scale the store from 3 products… to 5 to 10 (and beyond).
However, as you can see, it is perfectly possible to generate as much as $2500 per day with only 3 successful products.
In fact…
Just 3 winning products could equate to over $850,000 PER YEAR!
…and with the average profit margin being 50% (including Ad costs) this would mean a HUGE $400,000 income – cash in bank.
Can you see the potential here?
It’s so darn simple, literally ANYONE can make it work.
Remember, unlike other eCommerce models, there is:
…and this is the EXACT REASON why we are so excited to have the opportunity to show you how to do it too.
Let’s run through the components of The Kibo Code to show you how this all comes together and how YOU can take advantage of this incredible business model…
The first component of the Kibo Code is ‘Central Intelligence’…
This is the core 8 week training which has been designed specifically to fast-track you to expert-level with this system and features a series of detailed modules, each with step-by-step videos, strategy manuals, live weekly webinars, MindMaps and more.
The training is comprehensive to the point where it would take PAGES of detail to list everything out. So rather than do that here, let me just give you a 10,000ft synopsis…
First, you’ll get a full A – Z guide of each area of the system revealing how to start from scratch, begin making money and build a life-changing business as quickly as possible.
You’ll discover how to set everything up in record time so you can secure your first slice of income in as little as 48 hours once you have done the initial “prep work” and are ready to start securing sales.
We’ll show you how to price your products for the highest possible profit but still have people queuing up to buy from YOU.
And we’ll show you how to avoid having a product ‘inventory’ or the need for any upfront investment, by using US-based product suppliers who will stock and ship the products for you.
This is just scratching the surface of what you will receive within Central Intelligence. The training you’ll receive will be truly exhaustive with literally no stone unturned – and just so you know…
All the training will be delivered directly by us, along with our team of experts ALL of whom do tens of thousands per month in PROFIT with this system.
In addition, we will hand you ALL the “inner-circle” secrets that we use in our 7-figure per year business that‘ll enable you to maximize the number of sales you’ll make – resulting in more money and profit to you.
StoreStorm is part of The Kibo Code software package that’ll allow you to set up your website with one click of the mouse.
We’ve spent months developing this software to make the process as super-fast and intuitive as possible… so you can get your site set up fast, even if you have no technical experience.
StoreStorm will allow you to…
Rapidly launch an expert-designed, money-making site that’ll automatically draw in sales, establish you as a market leader and will generate consistant buyers and income.
Take advantage of “THEME X”, that has been proven to convert traffic into customers like clockwork.
As we mentioned earlier, we’ve spent the past 12 months testing and tweaking at least 50 website “themes” which have been visited by millions of people with tens of thousands of products sold.
We’ve optimized them down to the highest converting version – and “Theme X” is the one that we’ve used to generate up to $76,000 in sales in a single day. You will get unprecedented access to it!
Get a massive head start by taking advantage of our experience, expertise and infrastructure with the EXACT same “setups” that WE use to generate tens of thousands of dollars on a daily basis in our own business.
All you need to do is click your mouse, then let StoreStorm set everything up for you…
So if website creation and building landing pages has been something you have struggled with in the past, these headaches will be completely eliminated.
Within Central Intelligence we’ll reveal the process we use to find the most profitable products to sell…
However, in this section we’re going to do something completely unprecedented….
We’re going to hand you FIVE unique “Hand-Picked” products to expedite your success.
These genuine money-making products will remove any guesswork on your part and will get you that “instant gratification” you need.
As we’ve shown, you only need as little as THREE products to start generating as much as $2500 per day and we are going to be giving your FIVE right from the start.
As long as you follow our instructions, having access to these handpicked products will allow you to SEE money rolling into your account first hand, PROVING that this system WORKS.
BUT BE WARNED: Due to the fact we’ve got a limited number of “done-for-you” products to give away, it DOES mean that we WILL need to limit the number of people we can take into this program.
ALSO REMEMBER: As we’ve shown, you only need as little as THREE products to start generating up to $2500 per day… so the products that we’ll give you will likely be enough to start making serious money right from the offset.
As we mentioned, in the Hand-Picked Products component of The Kibo Code training, we’re going to hand you 5 products you can set up and sell immediately.
However, not only are we going to give you five money-making products, we’re also going to show you how to mine for gold and identify ADDITIONAL best-sellers from our curated repository of over 3 million products.
Here’s how it’s going to work…
Profit Vault is one part of the software suite you’ll get which has been specifically designed to pinpoint the highest quality and most profitable products to sell.
Not only does it identify products, it also shows you the suppliers who will actually stock, ship and do all the grunt work for you once you’ve made a sale!
The software can analyze tens of thousands of products in a matter of seconds so at the click of a button you can literally filter down 3 million products to the very best opportunities.
Once you’ve identified additional products to sell within Profit Vault, the StoreStorm software that we’ve just been telling you about will suck them straight into your website, effectively building out your listings in a matter of seconds and allowing you to test out these products with immediate effect.
Obviously this is MASSIVELY valuable, as it will take all the boring, time-consuming and frankly risky product research out of the equation…and will save you days or even WEEKS of research.
This section of the core training is a “tell all” explanation that concentrates on one thing… GETTING WEBSITE TRAFFIC.
It details our fool-proof plan that’ll allow you to reel in unlimited amounts of customers without any of the headaches that you’ve experienced before.
You’re going to discover…
How to take advantage of the major search engines to get your products listed for the most profitable keywords WITHOUT having to do any SEO or traditional pay-per-click advertising.
The secret traffic source we use where people literally have their credit card in hand and are looking to buy the products you are selling immediately (literally nobody is teaching this).
How to get dirt cheap clicks and vastly higher levels of profit with without having to write any ad copy.
How to instantly generate buyer leads who are actively searching for the products you are selling without having to go out and find them.
How to set up simple but ultra-effective sales funnel and retargeting strategies to double or even triple your sales with minimal effort.
By the end of this section of the training you’ll realize just how easy getting traffic, customers and cash can really be and you’ll be able to sit back, watch the sales roll in, then rinse and repeat the process.
Take a look at the following screenshot from just ONE of our websites and imagine how much money you could make with this many people coming to your website. Well we know… and remember, we’re going to reveal every last secret we have…
A key focus of The Kibo Code is to make it as hands-free for you as possible and one of the ways you’re going to achieve this is by using our suite of “smart” software tools called Oracle X.
These tools have been specifically designed to handle all the time-consuming and complex parts of the process and will allow you to shortcut your path to success, save you time and make you money faster.
Let’s look at some of the details…
Firstly, you’ll get access to the domain name selector which will quickly pin-point a high-quality domain to use for your store.
Next, you’ll get a “key code” into our proprietary design tool that’ll enable you to rapidly create a stunning logo for free, even if you don’t know the first thing about design.
Another part of the software suite is our automated store publishing software which will allow you to get your website up, running and online in record time WITHOUT needing any technical knowledge.
Next, there is The Product Populator tool which will add “fluff” products (which you will not actual sell) to bulk up and build out your store into a credible looking online marketplace that’ll give people the confidence to buy from YOU.
Finally, there is the Listing Builder which will automatically suck in the listings from the products you plan on selling right onto your website.
This will eliminate the need to do any mind-numbing formatting and fiddling about with image or copywriting work!
Essentially, the tools you’ll get access to have been specifically designed to engage potential customers and accelerate the speed in which you can succeed with this business model. They have all been tried, tested and proven.
As people who have taken our past trainings and courses will know, we provide incredible support to our students and this time around will be no exception.
The Kibo Academy is an exclusive community and support desk where you’ll get assistance and support from our team along with fellow members.
Here’s how it’ll work…
The support center is private email based system and will be manned 365 days per year so we can help you whenever you need it and guide you every step of the way.
You’ll also get access to a “Rapid-Response” help desk where our team of expert coaches will be on call to help you out.
The Kibo Code community will be an exclusive members-only group where you will get important notifications, connect with fellow members and keep your finger on the pulse. You’ll also be notified about new advanced tactics, additional updates as well as other opportunities to generate income from this business model.
We are providing multiple avenues of support and assistance so you can ask questions and get support even if it’s 2am — and so you know, both we, and our team will be present and helping out in the groups EVERY single day.
Remember — over the past 10 years we have literally helped thousands of people build successful online businesses, and we can help solve ANY problems you have.
So as you can see, this is a massive, ultra comprehensive training program with literally everything you need to start making money using this system.
However, we do need to be upfront with you…
To be successful with it will require you to take action – because unless you take action, nothing is going to happen for you.
I know it’s obvious, but we have to say it anyway.
However, here are 3 important points you should bear in mind….
Even if you are only able to fit in just 5 or 10 hours a week, you can still start making money with this fast as the instructions are set out in an exceptionally easy-to-follow fashion.
The main training is delivered exclusively online with all the components available indefinitely, so can implement each step of the system in your own time.
You can ask us any questions you want during the live training workshops… not to mention we’ll obviously give you our FULL unrivalled support which is categorically the best in the business.
…In other words, we really are making this as easy as possible for you to implement, even if you are busy with family or work.
All you need to do is to follow the steps to the letter and you’ll STILL be able to see results and build a highly valuable business even if general “life stuff” gets in the way.
Ok, now that we have covered the core components of The Kibo Code, there is one additional (and EXCEPTIONALLY exciting element) to this that we we need to mention…
As a Kibo Code member, you will also be invited to…
As a member we’re going to hand you a FREE All-Access Pass to “Kibo 2020”!
The event will take place in the next few months (date and location to be confirmed) and the benefits of being there are almost too colossal to put into words.
However, what we can tell you is this…
At the event you’ll be able to meet and network with other business owners, learn from successful entrepreneurs and will come away from the event armed with a treasure chest of secrets and strategies and a true competitive edge that’ll enable you to make more money in your business right out of the gate.
At the event you will hear from…
A host of expert speakers (some of whom make up to $10 million a year) about how they achieved their success and the methods they used to get where they are today.
Industry-leading eCommerce authorities who will share techniques and methods they use on a daily basis to generate tens of thousands of dollars each month selling simple products online.
Successful students who have used our training to overcome common roadblocks and obstacles and have subsequently created life-changing online businesses.
But it’s not all going to be about selling physical products online. You’ll also going to get…
Tips and tricks from sales and conversion specialists who will show you how to generate more leads and sales no matter what the market or model you are in.
Proven tactics to dramatically increase website traffic which you can implement into any business or venture.
Actionable growth strategies that you can apply with immediate effect as soon as the event has wrapped up.
Plus, we’re going to have break out sessions on a multitude of topics so no matter what you are doing and where your are in your online business journey, there will be plenty of content, training and help that is suited to you.
Most importantly, you will leave the event feeling inspired and excited, equipped with a wealth of knowledge that’ll help take your business to the next level.
Now let us just repeat one of the most crucial aspects of The Kibo Code:
To be successful with this system requires absolutely no experience!
It simply doesn’t matter if you don’t know the first thing about marketing, getting a website online, copywriting or any of the things that might have held you back before…
…if you can read and watch then you are already over qualified… and we provide all the websites, tools, instructions and training so this is as ‘push button’ as it could ever possibly be.
Essentially, this is the perfect opportunity for either those who are struggling to make money online, people looking for a realistic way to supplement their income… or even more experienced online business owners who are already making a decent income, but simply want to make A LOT more!
The fact is, literally ANYONE can do this – and we know this for a fact…
Just check out these AMAZING results from more of our beta-testers…
The reality is that we have spent over 10 years helping thousands of people start successful online businesses and we KNOW that we can help you too…
Here is what some of our students have to say:
Listen, there is an even more important element to this and it is one of the major reasons why it is so critical that you seriously consider joining us on this journey…
Think Of This As Your Financial Safety Net!
Layoffs, corporate downsizing, economies in tatters…
Ultimately, there is no such thing as job security anymore and everyone knows that at some point there WILL be another devastaing downturn similar to 2009.
It will happen – it is predicted to happen soon (usually does every 10 years) — and when it does, things are going to get UGLY.
The rate of unemployment will increase at a frightening level leaving people out of work, struggling to pay for food, mortgages as well as other commitments.
In other words, there could be a very strong possibility that you will need some sort of a financial back up plan no matter what age you are, no matter what your occupation and no matter where you live.
…and this system is the perfect way to do it.
But… even if you are unaffected…
Wouldn’t an extra $10,000, $50,000 or even $128,000 each month be useful?!!
The reality is this…
It doesn’t matter if you’re a work at home Mom that wants to make a bit of extra cash, or even a corporate executive looking for a way out of their mind-numbing day job…
…literally anyone can do this. A student, mother or grandfather.
Remember the reasons why?
You DO NOT need Amazon, Facebook or to create a product of your own.
Neither do you need to deal with overseas suppliers or place expensive and risky inventory orders…
…and the best thing is that once you have secured your position, we will give you a complete end-to-end guide to get everything set up quickly so you can quickly start cranking out money and achieve financial, time and geographic freedom as quickly as possible.
Remember, there are only 4 SIMPLE STEPS to the process and you can get set up and ready to sell in a matter of minutes as we have literally done all the “grunt-work” for you.
Ok… so hopefully by this stage you’ll realize just how powerful The Kibo Code System is, how much you’ll benefit and the potentially insane levels of additional income that you can create…
But there is something that I BET you are wondering…
“If this system works so well, why on earth would you be sharing it?”
It’s a good and fair question and the explanation is three-fold…
Firstly – we love teaching. We’ve been showing people how to build successful online businesses for over a decade now and nothing gives us more satisfaction than seeing someone who has been struggling to make things work finally turn things around and build a life-changing income with our help.
Secondly – due to the nature of this method, saturation is not an issue. The reality is there are millions of products out there that anyone can make money with, so the chances of you selling the same products as us, is very VERY slim.
Thirdly – we want to get as many success stories and testimonials as we possibly can. This will boost our credibility, give people the confidence to learn from us in the future… and in turn will allow us to help as many people as we can in the years to come.
So the question you’re most likely asking yourself now is this…
“How much is being a member of The Kibo Code going to set me back?”
Well, the real question you should be asking is how much is it worth to you to having a team of experts already generating millions of dollars with this system being at your beck and call, taking you by the hand and showing you what to do?
The answer should be obvious…
It’s “Priceless”.
As you already know…
Remember, we reveal absolutely everything…
All the tips, tricks, and strategies that allow us to make more money each month than we used to make in a FULL two years at our previous jobs!
Here’s the bottom line…
If you’re serious about creating a real online business… and one that sells real products in real markets and that makes real money day in day out, then this unprecedented, unique system is for YOU…
This isn’t some sort of “flash in the pan” either…
It is something you can set up, show off to your family and friends (especially the one’s who doubted you.. that’s the fun part ? )
…and more importantly, this is something that YOU will be proud of.
Honestly, we’ve battled with how to price this for weeks…
Originally we ‘toyed’ with the idea that $9997 would be a fair price to ask.
After all we are giving away the ENTIRE SYSTEM that allows us to generate up to $76,000 per day – literally every last secret.
However, we soon realized that this price-point would put this opportunity out of reach of those who need it the most.
Look, even though the plan was to sell this at nearly ten thousand bucks, (which, by the way, still isn’t even close to its true value), to give everyone a chance, we have decided to offer you…
For a VERY limited time only, we’re going to allow you to literally steal this from us for just $3497.
Or… if you are someone who would prefer to pay in instalments, you have the option to pay $997 per month for 4 months. (although it’s worth noting that taking the one-payment option of $3497 will actually save you $491 overall).
But be warned…
The doors will be closing shortly and once they do, your chance will be GONE forever!
In other words, there is only one chance and we are not planning to ever release this information again as we will want to concentrate on making money for those people who are lucky enough to get through the door.
To be honest, you really don’t have the time to mull over this and you can reserve your spot directly below…
However, just before you do, we do have one last important thing to say…
…and that is:
We are not here to take your money if you’re not serious.
What we really want are people who are willing to follow the videos, manuals and live workshops… (in other words the ENTIRE proven blueprint)… and who have the drive to turn their dreams into reality by putting this simple system into action in order to generate a massive consistent income for themselves for months, years, or possibly decades to come.
In other words, if you’re skeptical, then please move over and let someone in. Thank you for understanding.
But that’s not all…
If you decide to join us today we’ll also hand you 3 Exclusive Bonuses worth close to $14,000.
Here’s what you’re going to get…
Another important thing that we need to mention is this…
There is ZERO risk for you.
Here’s why…
We are so confident in this program that we flat-out challenge you to use The Kibo Code system, complete the workshop trainings, go through the step-by-step videos, all the manuals, use the tools we’ll provide, tune in for the live shows and connect the dots with a few simple actions….
…and if you aren’t seeing amazing results within 30 days, we don’t want your money.
You only have one opportunity to make your decision and if you tell us within the next 30 days that you are not TOTALLY convinced by the income pulling power of this revolutionary system, we’ll swiftly refund every penny of your small investment – no questions asked.
To put it bluntly, we are willing to shoulder all the risk while you FREELY test-drive the system and make non-stop sales and profits in the process.
But why a 30 day guarantee?
Simply put, this is SO fast and SO easy to set up and get started with, that you will KNOW whether this will be working for you within 30 days. It’s pretty much that simple.
Listen, it’s your decision… places WILL be taken extremely fast and whether it’s you or someone else who “gets in” won’t directly affect us.
The smart people will take this opportunity and have direct access to our knowledge and everyone else will be left in the dark… trailing in their wake.
In fact, once you start using this simple system, nothing or no-one will be able to keep you from all the success and wealth you DESERVE.
Truthfully, not everyone will be able to take advantage of this opportunity. It’s only for the person who is ready to take their rightful place as a successful online business owner and is willing to do whatever it takes to finally make it happen…
As soon as your order is confirmed (it happens instantly), you can start immediately.
Don’t delay your success any longer.
Choose an option below and get started now…
Remember, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you’ve got everything to gain, nothing to lose and it could change your life forever…
To sum everything up about the Kibo Code system and the benefits of your membership, let’s recap on some critical points…
The method is simple, fast and highly effective — and we firmly believe that literally ANYONE, regardless of age or experience, can achieve similar results.
The profit margins and sheer speed at which you can make serious money is UNRIVALLED by any other online (or offline) business models that we know of.
This is a true “lifestyle business” that is fun, rewarding, enjoyable and can be run from the comfort of your own home.
You don’t need to deal with Amazon, Facebook, overseas suppliers and the competition is essentially non-existent.
You’re getting all the tools, training and resources you need to run this business including your websites, assets and other custom items done-for-you by us.
You DON’T need to do niche or market research, spend money on website development, write product descriptions or create any product images.
You can get rapid results – in fact, it is perfectly possible to generate as much as $2500+ per day with just 3 products.
This is absolutely PROVEN. We use this system to generate tens of thousands of dollars on a daily basis and our “beta students” are hitting the 6-figure mark on a monthly basis.
There are NO TRAFFIC ISSUES. You take advantage of untapped sources of ultra-targeted “buyer” traffic which will enable you to haul in sales almost instantly.
You will get a free “all-access” pass to our live event and come away from the event armed with a treasure chest of secrets and strategies and a true competitive edge.
You will also get exclusive access to the 3 special bonuses which would usually cost in excess of $10,000 if we were to sell them separately.
If you are just getting started or have failed before, this is the best way we have ever seen to get into gear and hit the ground running.
If you already have an online business, you won’t need to jump ship or shift your focus as most parts of this business can be automated.
There are NO upsells and nothing else to buy. The Kibo Code is one complete package and you will get FREE access to all the updates we make in the future.
Remember, we have coached and worked with thousands of people from all over the world, helping them to build and scale their online businesses – and we can help you too.
Take action now and we’ll be ready to meet you on the other side.
Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton
PS. With our 30-day money-back guarantee there is absolutely no risk to you. Remember, this is PROVEN to work, completely unprecedented and you will never get this opportunity ever again. It really is now or never. If you don’t get in on this now, you WILL miss the boat. The only people who will have access to this are the people who are on the inside with us. So you’re either in, or you’re out.
PPS. Remember, if you don’t make a conscious change, then nothing in your life will change. You NEED to try something new, and this is it. If you don’t, you’ll stay in the exact same situation. Look at the current world climate… I would NOT want to be in a day-job right now where someone else is in control of my destiny and whether I make money each week or not. Don’t let this pass you by. I can promise you that you’ll regret it. And if you’re struggling financially, the good news is you can give yourself a chance to make things better by joining us today. Take action now…
To address the most common question we get from people…
“This is a big investment for me”.
Listen, we get it. This is not chump change – this is a serious investment for a serious person, because we have a serious offer here to change your life. If the price tag is your main concern, then let’s be direct with one another…
A normal knee jerk reaction when presented with an opportunity like this is to say that you can’t afford it. However, think about it like this…
Lets say that instead of having to invest $3497 to get started in this program, you found out that you needed to have a life saving operation tomorrow, and the cost of the operation was $3497. I mean you wouldn’t say “I can’t afford it, I’ll just die”.
Of course not! So lets get rid of the myth of whether you can afford it or not. The real question is are you willing to do what it takes to make this investment or not?
The reality is this…
As you sit here now, you have 3 OPTIONS…
Option 1 is to do nothing – but as Aristotle put it best… “say nothing, do nothing, be nothing”. Doing nothing doesn’t just leave you with a problem – the longer you do nothing, the greater the problem becomes. Clearly this is not the best option.
Option 2 is that you could do something else – But why? You know and I know that there is no easier path to financial freedom and building a life changing online business than what we’re discussing here today.
Option 3 is to just do it. Yes, it’s an investment, yes, money may be tight, yes this may be a stretch, yes you’re going to have to step out of your confort zone a bit – but if you don’t, where do you think your growth will come from?
If you want to change your life for the better and come on this once in a lifetime journey with us, then you need to sign up now.
If resources are tight, frankly it is time to be resourceful…
The truth is that the more resourceful you need to be to get signed up, the more resourceful you’ll be to make this opportunity a big success for you.
Most people think in a “when-then” way, which is why most people end up broke at the age of retirement. This type of approach to life is disastrous.
People say… “When I have more time, then I’ll decide to start my business”.
That’s like someone ill saying, “when I feel better, then I’ll start living healthier”.
Or it’s like saying… “when I have more money, then I’ll start investing and building wealth, and not just worrying about making ends meet”.
Life doesn’t work that way. You’ve been waiting for that your whole life, and if you continue to wait for it, we might as well give up right now.
It’s the ACTION that creates the result, not the waiting.
Most of the 7.5 billion people on this planet will never get the chance to see this opportunity…
But YOU are seeing it, and it’s available to you right here and now.
Now is the time to do this, the opportunity is here, and whatever time you have available is more than sufficient to get started – and make a SERIOUS go of this.
With all that said, choose an option below, get started and we’ll see you in a few moments…
Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton – The Kibo Code: Sample
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