Zivamind Meditation
$399.00 Original price was: $399.00.$58.90Current price is: $58.90.
Meditation is proven to actually reverse your body age (how old the body acts and feels). Meditation reduces blood pressure, has been known to improve eyesight,
Zivamind Meditation
What’s a high performer? Someone who wants to improve themselves and the world around them every damn day. The trouble is, many of us high performers can’t access our full potential because of the stress of deadlines, bills, passive-aggressive mother-in-laws, fill in the blank. If this sounds familiar, what you’re missing are 3 simple but powerful mental techniques that will completely change your relationship with stress and the demands of your everyday life…so you can perform at the top of your game.
Learn How
>> Deeper, more efficient sleep
>> More energy
>> Improved immune function
>> Less depression and anxiety
>> Better focus, attention and memory
>> And even better sex (yes, really)
Instead of asking “How can The Ziva Technique do ALL these things?” let’s ask, “How does stress mess so many things up?”
45% of women in the US take medication for anxiety and/or depression. JAMA Internal Medicine found that meditation helps effectively heal depression and anxiety by flooding the brain with dopamine & serotonin.
Meditation is proven to actually reverse your body age (how old the body acts and feels). Meditation reduces blood pressure, has been known to improve eyesight, stop and reverse graying hair AND counteract the effects of stress on skin appearance and elasticity.
Better Sex
Too much cortisol prevents female orgasm. Too much adrenaline prevents male erection. Plus, what woman has ever said, “I had the hottest sex last night with this guy who looked WAY older than his age and was totally distracted the whole time”?
When the body is in “fight or flight” mode, mental capacity decreases. Meditation reduces stress and allows you to perform at the top of your game. Plus, Aetna’s CEO told The New York Times that employees who meditated gained over an hour of productivity each week
Meditation can help relieve the intensity, frequency and duration of migraines. Migraines tend to be 3 hrs shorter for meditators and happen 1.4 times less frequently.
In a recent study of meditation for people with ADHD, 78% of participants reported a reduction in total ADHD symptoms, with 30% reporting at least a 30% symptom reduction. For adults, significant reductions in depressive and anxiety symptoms were reported.
50% of adults suffer from insomnia a few nights a week. Meditation gives you a custom designed time to get rid of stress in the body, so you can use your sleep as a time for sleep. We have a 90% success rate with insomnia at Ziva.
Meditation makes the body less acidic, which can increase your fertility. If you are not looking to get pregnant, then please take care. We are having zivaBABIES popping up all over the place.

In addition to the physical and mental benefits of The Ziva Technique, this will fundamentally change the way you approach challenges in your daily life.

MindfulnessMindfulness helps deal with stress in the present moment. During mindfulness exercises, you’re directing your focus, which, on a brain scan, lights up a small part of the brain (the Prefrontal cortex). Over time this improves your clarity and focus.
MeditationMeditation gives the body deep, healing rest to get rid of stress from the past. The technique you’ll learn in zivaONLINE is nearly effortless, and on a brain scan lights up the whole brain, but not as brightly as mindfulness. Over time, meditation strengthens the corpus callosum, which improves how the two hemispheres of the brain communicate and increases creativity.
ManifestingThe manifesting tools you’ll learn in zivaONLINE helps you clarify, create and achieve your goals for the future. During manifesting, you’ll activate the creative center of the brain, also known as the right brain. It’s why Olympic athletes are known to use manifesting tools to visualize their goals before a race or game.
- You are looking for a quick fix. Adopting The Ziva Technique is a complete lifestyle change. When you integrate this practice into your everyday life, you’ll experience shifts big and small from the very first day and for years to come.
- You aspire to be a monk. If you’re looking to live in a cave, wear a robe and meditate all day long, it’s time to look elsewhere. The Ziva Technique is extremely powerful and efficient so you can devote only 2% of your day to making the other 98% more amazing.
- You want a guru, mala beads or incense. zivaONLINE is mental training in 3 scientifically proven techniquesused by CEOs, professional athletes, Oscar and Grammy winners, and high performers the world over. The Ziva Technique will move you into an innate mindset for success and fulfillment.
You can’t clear your mind Surprise! YOU DON’T HAVE TO. In fact you’ll find it’s quite the opposite. Thoughts can be an important and enjoyable part of the zivaONLINE experience.
You don’t want to sit in lotus position Again — you don’t have to. Nor do you have to use “fancy fingers.” You’ll simply find a comfy spot on the couch, a park bench, anywhere you can think a thought is a good place to practice.
You don’t want to have to do it for an hour at a time Nope, zivaONLINE teaches 15-minutes twice a day.
You don’t want to chant in a strange language Uh, no. No chanting in any language at Ziva.
You think meditation is Buddhist, Hindu or religious Wrong. We’ve had rabbis and priests take zivaONLINE — and love it. Think of The Ziva Technique as a hardware upgrade for your brain and body — something that makes everything run more smoothly and efficiently. From there, you can run any software (diet, religion, philosophy) you want.
You’re worried it’s “weird” What’s so weird about sitting and thinking? Besides, US congressmen, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, NFL teams, Olympic athletes and the US Marine Corps are doing it…how weird can it be?
You can’t sit still Again, not a requirement of The Ziva Technique. All you need to do is sit comfortably, and fidget if you need to.
You get “too anxious” to meditate That’s also normal. zivaONLINE will give you mindfulness techniques to calm you down before meditating.
You tried before and hated it There are many types of meditation out there — and The Ziva Technique is unique. The apps, downloads and drop-in studios you may have come in contact with are all typically types of mindfulness. In zivaONLINE, you’ll learn a powerful trifecta of mental techniques, and meditation is one. Our mission at Ziva is to make meditation attractive, accessible and easy to adopt. Give it a try and see what you think (we have a 30-day money back guarantee).
It’s too hard to commit to a daily practice No, what’s hard is going through life knowing you’re capable of more, but not being able to access your full potential. What’s hard is constantly being stressed, getting sick, feeling overwhelmed and unhappy. Ask yourself, is learning and adopting this new skill harder than going through life as stressed/angry/sad/frustrated as you do now?
You just don’t have the time This is our favorite meditation myth to bust. Think of all those minutes you waste every day on Instagram or watching Netflix… If you want to spend the time with The Ziva Technique, you will find the time. Plus, more importantly, The Ziva Technique saves you time by making you more productive. Gandhi is quoted as saying “I have so much to accomplish today that I must meditate for two hours instead of one.”

Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva, the creator of The Ziva Technique and regarded as the leading expert in meditation for high performance.The New York Times, The Today Show, Vogue and ABC News have all featured Emily’s work. She’s been named one of the top 100 women in wellness to watch, has taught more than 20,000 students around the world and has spoken on meditation for performance at Google, Harvard Business School, Summit Series, Viacom, Wanderlust Festival & The Omega Center.
Ziva graduates include Oscar, Grammy, Emmy and Tony award winners, as well as NBA players, CEOs, Navy SEALs, busy parents, entrepreneurs and everyone in between.
Her recent accomplishments provide a stark contrast to the stressed out Broadway performer she was ten years ago. During Emily’s career on Broadway, which included roles in Chicago, The Producers & A Chorus Line, she began going gray at 27, suffering from insomnia, underperforming at work and getting sick 4-5 times a year — and believing this was all “normal.”
In 2008, Emily was introduced to a powerful practice that cured her insomnia and improved her health on the very first day. She stopped going gray, she stopped getting sick, and started kicking ass at work (and loving it). Her physical and professional transformation was so dramatic that she felt inspired to share it with others.
One year later, Emily left Broadway for Rishikesh, India to begin wha
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