Rich Schefren – $42000 Mastermind Manuscript 2008
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Download available within 1-2 hours. If that’s been your experience and you just want someone to show you how to truly make big money online… you should know… the deck is stacked against you.
Rich Schefren – $42000 Mastermind Manuscript 2008
Dear Internet Business-Builder,
Yes, it’s true… I started with nothing… and then…
…the 9 real-deal online millionaires I’m about to introduce you to handed me just a few specific pieces of advice… which I followed to the letter. Then…
BANG!… my website brought me $3.5 million in just 2 weeks… with over $965,000.00 slamming my PayPal account within the first 137 minutes alone – all thanks to that specific advice I got… the very same advice you’re about to get.
I told PayPal I was planning on a “big” day… but the money was coming in so fast at one point… I had to pull the plug on the website because I wasn’t sure if PayPal was going to freeze my account and hold my money.
Here’s How I Did It…
I know it sounds utterly ridiculous… and… quite honestly if it didn’t happen to me I’d be totally skeptical myself. Let’s face it… claims of “millions pouring into your bank account” are just bogus. At least most are. Don’t be fooled.
But, because of the specific advice I got… the very same advice I’m going to pass on to you in this letter… the money really did come flooding in.
Today I can say I am a true cash-flush Internet Millionaire with a ridiculously lavish lifestyle – one well beyond what I ever imagined the Internet could give me. But, here’s the thing…
If you’re up for it… in the rest of this letter I’ll show you exactly how I did it and how you can let the very same expert advice I got go to you work for you… maybe… just maybe… making you an Internet millionaire as well.
How To Make Serious Money Online Despite The Odds!
If you’re like most aspiring online marketers and business-builders, you’re not making even close to the amount of money you hoped for. I know I didn’t until I grabbed a hold of the specific advice these 9 experts gave me.
Unfortunately, most online marketers struggle to make even a few hundred or few thousand dollars each month online.
Because, let’s face it…
It’s confusing as anything out there. Everywhere you turn someone else is either claiming they can make you rich over night with their “push-button method” or “autopilot profits”, or “their just nice people interested in depositing billions into your bank account from Nigeria”. You know what I mean, right?
And, because of that… most average internet marketers are overwhelmed with all of the information out there… with what really works and what doesn’t… and what they should actually be spending their time on to grow their online income.
Unfortunately, the outcome for most aspiring online entrepreneurs is that their passion for making money online gets squashed by the reality of practically no sales, a tiny email list that doesn’t seem to grow, and nobody wanting to joint venture or promote their site.
I guess this is why it’s common for me… today… to have struggling online entrepreneurs ask me…
So-Called Gurus And Experts Doing
To Make So Much FREAKIN’ MONEY?!?!
Maybe you’ve even thought that yourself before. Or worse.. maybe you’ve thought there was just something wrong with YOU.
Maybe you’ve spent hours racking your brain trying to figure out what you’re doing wrong. Or why you’re not making more money. I know I used to ask my wife that very same question… “Why can’t I make the kind of money these guys are?”
Maybe you’ve even sat back or laid awake at night and thought maybe internet marketing just isn’t for you. I used to think the very same thought myself. Thank goodness I finally got that expert advice. You see… I can totally relate to what you’re feeling.
To me, at least, there’s almost nothing worse than wanting something so badly, working desperately to get it, and just not being able to figure out how to make things work or make it happen. Especially when you’ve got that entrepreneurial fire inside you… and… you’re willing to do almost anything to get it… if someone would just show you what REALLY works.
And Your Online Business?
If that’s been your experience and you just want someone to show you how to truly make big money online… you should know… the deck is stacked against you.
Most of the so-called online “gurus” or “experts” teaching others “what to do to make money” aren’t really making the big money themselves. Unfortunately, I found this out the hard way.
I spent thousands of dollars on useless ebooks, hours of my time listening to outdated audio and video recordings, and so much energy taking action on inaccurate and incorrect instruction from people claiming they “knew the way to online wealth”.
The good thing is… you don’t have to experience or worry about any of that.
My track record… as you’ll see in a second… proves that.
Know this: there are only a tiny handful of true online marketing experts who know what it takes to make you an online millionaire. And, I’m going to introduce you to them in this letter and tell you exactly what they told me about getting rich online.
A Money-Making Online Business!
So, what IS the answer then, you’re wondering?
Well, I’ll tell you. But, before we go any further let me tell you a little about who I am and why I can help you make it big… really BIG… online
Now, I believe it’s not good form for a guy to boast of his exploits, either in sports, romance, bar-room brawls, or business. But I do want you to know why I can… and WILL… show you how to cash-in online, so you can appreciate the opportunity you’re getting in this letter.
So please understand that the following is offered purely in that spirit…
My name is Rich Schefren, CEO of Strategic Profits. Since that memorable two-weeks where my website raked-in millions, I’ve gone on to make millions more for myself and hundreds of millions for others marketing on the Internet.
Today I live in a plush community in Boca Raton in South Florida. I drive a fast-as-heck convertible 911 Carrera 4 Porsche and recently bought my wife, Debi, a sweet, maroon Maserati for Mother’s Day. And… oh yeah… I paid cash for both.
I get up in the morning when I want, go to work when I want, and take vacations… flying on a private jet my company right-hand man arranges for me… as often as I can find new places to take Debi and my two little girls.
I’ve been featured on the front of the Wall Street Journal and profiled on every major television network, including: FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC.. Just one of my 2-hour business-building videos on Google has hit the Google Top 100… twice… for most viewed videos online.
In fact, during the 2008 U.S. Presidential Primaries, my live online video-stream got more attention and had more viewers than Presidential-Hopeful John McCain’s live video stream got. And we were featured on the homepage of because of that.
My Internet Business Manifesto… a simple 32-page report… is one of the most downloaded online business documents on the Net… with close to one MILLION downloads today.
To Teach Google, Yahoo And MSN For One Hour
Most recently, Eniro…the Swedish company known for their search and directory prowess overseas… sought me out and offered to pay me $25,000.00… plus flip the bill for first-class flight and hotel accomodations… just to share with them, Google, Yahoo, and MSN, my business-building methodologies for ONE single hour. (Of course, I happily obliged.)
And, after doing some coaching and consulting for Darryl Peddle, the Director of SEO for North, South and Central America at Yahoo, here’s what he, had to say…
And, because of all of that… over the last 3 years I’ve gotten paid… day in and day out… up to $10,000.00 each to coach hundreds of others on what I did to get rich so quickly and build such a massive business online in such a short period of time.
As of today… I am personally responsible for transforming more aspiring online entrepreneurs into millionaire “business gurus” than any other single individual on the Net.
Funny, right?… me… a guy who started with nothing… turned online millionaire… now the most sought-after online business coach on the Internet.
In fact, if you do a search on Google for – internet business guru – guess who’s number one??
Yep… you got it… me and my company – Strategic Profits. And, here’s why…
My very first group of just 25 coaching clients from 2006 increased their online business revenues by over $40 million dollars combined… in just 18 months alone… with many having gone on since then to become highly-recognized leaders in the online marketing world. Recognize any of these names?…
Here’s just a couple of the hundreds of amazing success stories I now proudly keep on file from my students… who were also one-time average Joe’s like you and me… now financially-free internet entrepreneurs…
And, just in case none of those name ring a bell to you… I’ve also taught my strategies to companies like: Agora Publishing, Boardroom,, Weiss Financial, and even Motley Fool.
But that’s not all…
In addition to hundreds of testimonials and case studies from one-time-marketers just like you… now millionaires… my methods have been endorsed by many of the top-level marketing experts, authors, and speakers, including the likes of: Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Gary Bencivenga, Bob Bly, Michael Masterson, John Carlton, Chet Holmes, Clayton Makepeace, Brian Tracy, and more.
And, of course… all of these guys are now in my personal rolodex… allowing me to tap into their ever-expanding knowledge of building wealth and freedom online whenever I feel the need.
So, what does all of this mean for you?
It means that you can feel comfortable knowing that regardless of where you’re at right now with your web business, I can show you how to experience massive breakthroughs.
It also means that if you’ve purchased products before that have promised to give you the latest online money-making technique or you’ve been to some live marketing seminars and you’re still not making the money you want… understand…
…you’ve just never been given the FULL TRUTH and the FULL STORY about what it REALLY takes to make big money online in 2009.
Is Finally Exposed!
Most educational products being sold to aspiring internet millionaires like yourself contain nothing more than superficial marketing tactics… most of which are either outdated today or just don’t give you the “full” story.
Most products don’t contain any real breakthrough ideas or strategies that will REALLY grow your business on-going, perpetually.
And, now as an insider having most of the top marketers come to me… with cash-in-hand for guidance… I can easily say… most of the products being sold online are really just created to be sold – not to really show people like yourself how to make it big online.
I didn’t, and still don’t want any part of that. (This is why I confidently challenge you to do a Google search and try to find a single complaint or bad word about me or my company. You won’t…)
And, frankly, this is why… when I started online… I only wanted to learn from the most successful, most knowledgeable, and most respected marketers on the Internet.
I didn’t want to play any games or gamble with the so-called “experts”. I only wanted to learn from those really in the know about making big money online… and… doing it everyday themselves. I had strict criteria for what I was looking for.
I only wanted to get advice from the true online business-leaders who were not only making millions for themselves, but were also turning other ordinary marketers, like I used to be 2 ˝ years ago, into millionaires as well.
Each expert had to be a proven educator who was helping LOTS of online marketers QUICKLY make big money… and had a boatload of student success stories to back it up. This way I knew they could show me, and almost anyone, how to accomplish their dream of having a successful online business.
So, I went straight to Google…
Funny thing is… after just a few minutes on Google I quickly found out exactly who were the real-deal and who weren’t. I’ll introduce you to 9 of them in a second.
The Notebook That Changed My Life…
And Why You’re Getting It Today FREE!
Once I secured time with these 9 online business wizards… everything they told me to do… every bit of advice they feed me about becoming a millionaire online… I wrote down feverishly in my private notebook.
In total, I scribbled almost 20 pages of notes like a madman as each expert handed me their most effective tactics and strategies over the phone.
Then, I took massive action from my notes as fast as I could. The outcome… well… you already know the results…
Looking back…today… each page of those notes has been worth an average of about $175,000.00 to me. Probably even more. Crazy, right… $175,000.00 from each single page of advice they gave me. But, that’s not all…
That notebook of advice literally put me and my company, Strategic Profits, on the map and stuffed millions into my bank account.
And… today… I have a very unique reason why I want to give YOU those exact handwritten notes from that notebook… for FREE… if you’re up for it. More about that in a few minutes.
When recently I decided it was time for me to take Strategic Profits to a whole new level… I figured… who better than to get those same original 9 gurus together in one place to share their newest and most up-to-date business-building and money-making strategies with me and my staff.
In First-Class Airfare And Top Accommodations
For These Marketing Techniques?
If their tips and advice were worth millions to me years ago, I figured they’d easily be worth multiple-millions today. And, frankly…that’s why I decided to shell out over $42,000.00 to gather them all in Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida for a weekend.
Of course, I invited our best customers to sit in and soak up as much as they could — at a price tag of between $2,000.00 and $10,000 (for V.I.P. access) per person — a bargain for the information that was shared, not too mention the $42,000 price tag for my company.
I’m sure you’ll agree the lineup is like a Who’s Who of Millionaire-Makers:
Marketing legend JAY ABRAHAM who helped thousands of business owners, just like you, grow from $100,000 in annual sales to $13 million in 18 months.
MARY ELLEN TRIBBY, whose new affiliate marketing strategies have expanded Early to Rise, an arm of Agora Publishing, from $5 million in sales to $26 million in just 15 months.
FRANK KERN, whose recent “mass control” marketing techniques are netting $1 million in sales in under an hour for marketers… and up to $18.3 million in 24 hours.
MIKE FILSAIME, whose latest viral marketing strategies are now generating six figures PER MONTH (up from just $15,000 a month two years ago).
JEFF WALKER, whose latest Product Launch Formula is netting up to $600,000 a week for himself and MILLIONS for his friends, clients and students… many of which started without even having a website.
Copywriting superstar JOHN CARLTON, whose breakthrough marketing techniques are adding $4 million to Internet entrepreneur Lou Vukas’s bottom line… DOUBLING Perry Marshall’s sales… helping John Gardener earn $70,000 a month on his website… and countless others add thousands and thousands to their monthly and weekly incomes.
Wine Maven GARY VAYNERCHUK, who took his family’s mom and pop liquor store in New Jersey and transformed it into a $50 million brand through a simple blog.
… and even more millionaire-makers I’ll tell you about shortly.
Prior to this rare gathering… their enormous celebrity and success online dictated extremely high and premium prices for their courses and instruction… putting them way out of reach for the beginning internet marketer. Please understand…
Most internet marketing events are pitch fests where the speakers fly in on their own dime and have to sell their products to pay their own way. The outcome is a seminar or half-educational experience where speakers give incomplete information to tease you and leave you wanting (and needing) more.
It sucks… but that’s what they have to do when they’re not being paid to be there.
I didn’t want anything like that for me or any of my clients in attendance. Which is why I paid hand-over-fist to fly these experts in first-class and put them up in penthouse suites.
And, because I shelled out a lot of money to gather these experts all together in one room at the Contemporary Hotel in Disney World, I made sure they did NOT share the same old rehashed stuff… but…
And, if you’ve been online for any significant length of time, I think you’ll be pretty shocked at how much their techniques and tactics have actually evolved from even just one year ago.
When all was said and done, it was one of the most valuable educational experiences for everyone involved.
Fortunately, we made sure we video-taped everything – even the startled looks on the faces of attendees as each guru, one by one, revealed their newest stuff without holding anything back. It was pretty amazing, which is why…
Later, we actually did an ultra-exclusive release of those audio and video-recordings for $1,397.00 per set. Then… pulled the entire program off of the market… to keep it totally private and elite. (Today, you can’t buy this program anywhere.)
Right afterwards, for my own knowledge (and library) I paid a writer from the Mid-west to go through every presentation… video by video… to extract out the big ideas and gold nuggets each expert shared.
3 weeks later…
…the outcome…
And I was thrilled!
But then something weird happened… something very unusual for me…
After reviewing my private manuscript and having Brian, my COO review it, we both came to the very same conclusion: it was way too valuable to not share it with our clients and customers.
And, after a bit of tweaking, the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript was born. Now, you can get your hands on this amazing resource… for a FRACTION of what everyone else paid…
Really Hand You Everything You Need
To Make Big Money Online In 2009?
NO… this is different…
The $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript is a rare resource that TRULY contains cutting-edge information from the sharpest marketers online.
In fact, why not judge for yourself. After you order your copy today and flip through it… here’s what you’ll find…
- 2 easy steps to getting your customers to practically buy your stuff on demand.
- Why you need to avoid typical persuasion tactics – which can actually hurt your business – and instead let the core influence method grow your business. Do this right, and making money online becomes super-easy!
- How to match your core identity to the desires of your market. This is the key to having a web-business that generates big, big money!
- The EXACT step-by-step process that took Frank from unhappy Internet Marketer to living on the beaches of San Diego making millions every month.
- The “Instant Bond Method” of advanced persuasion and why it MUST be included in every email you send out – if you want to sell a heck of a lot more than your competitors.
- Why core influence works even better than persuasion to sell your products – without being an a**hole or obnoxious and without any stress.
- The E+I=L Formula for creating a cool company that gives you tremendous personal fulfillment.
- A step-by-step breakdown of an extremely powerful communication technique Frank calls the “Results In Advance List Favor Technique” Beach Video.
- The million-dollar launch Frank did without having any affiliates, without a large email list, and without doing a big product launch. This is perfect for you if you don’t have a big list or lots of affiliates either.
- How to create business that pays you an obscene amount of money while allowing you to have tons of fun. It just takes this slight tweak in mindset.
- Why you must avoid the dreaded “Empty Shell Identity” if you don’t want your business filled with angry, annoyed, “bad” customers.
- Follow along as Frank walks you through the very same “mind exercise” that has been worth $31,000,000 for him in just 36 months.
- The exact 9-Month Total Life Makeover Process that Frank credits as giving him the business and life of his dreams. Funny thing is… almost anyone can use it.
- … and more!
Turn to Section 9: Where Jay Abraham, America’s Number One Marketing Wizard, Shares His Answers To The Most Pressing Questions On The Minds Of Entrepreneurs Right Now, Including:
- Most small business people never fulfill their true potential because they don’t have _________. Fortunately, Jay gives it to you.
- Simple ways to approach ultra-lucrative JV partners to create blockbuster endorsements that explode your business exposure overnight! Jay’s JV techniques have brought him close to $20,000,000 in the last 19 months alone, and over $3 BILLION combined in close to 400 different niches and industries.
- The exact thinking process behind creating an insanely-powerful USP for your online business. This is how and why the biggest earners stand out in their markets.
- How to go online profitably when you’ve been doing business offline for years
- How to quickly identify the key leverage points in your business… so you can ethically exploit them for massive profits.
- 3 tips for connecting deeply with your prospects (so much so that they will come back to you over and over again for advice and sales)
- The very first thing you need to do if you want to optimize your business and income. This shortcuts the time it takes for you to double your profits.
- The exact thing to send any maven in your niche to turn them into a hugely-profitable strategic alliance partner. You’ll be amazed at how effective this is.
- Jay’s Strategy Of ______________ and how you can use it to quickly become your marketplace’s most sought-after maven.
- One of Jay’s newest business secrets… what he calls the “Amazon School of Business” and how you can start using this technique TODAY to create best-selling products like crazy!
- … and more!
Turn to Section 3:Where Mike Filsaime, The Creator Of Butterfly Marketing, Speaks For The LAST TIME EVER On Stage Revealing His Top Internet Marketing Tactics, Including:
- The one $17.99 book Mike credits for giving him the tools to turn his sputtering online income into a 10-MILLION DOLLAR empire!
- How to get your affiliates to flip the bill and do all of the frustrating pay-per-click work for you. Use this strategy and Google will be filled with ads promoting your website… without you paying a dime
- The 6-word phrase that transformed Mike’s thinking about his online business… and the one he credits for “changing his life”. It could just do the same for you.
- The “Green Thumb” strategy of “planting seeds online”. It pulls in a consistent stream of visitors to your website.
- What most online entrepreneurs don’t know about generating traffic. You don’t have to buy it or create it. You can borrow it like Mike explains.
- The one thing that increases sales conversions almost every time it’s used.
- The one thing even the late great Sir Gary Halbert, one of the greatest copywriters to ever live, said you should test before anything else. “Testing anything else first is a complete waste of time”, Gary said.
- How to use the money-sucking tactics of Amazon and GoDaddy on your website to double or even triple the amount of money customers are spending with you when they buy your stuff.
- The secret power of Contrast and how to use it in your marketing to boost conversions.
- 4 simple, straight-forward ways to reduce refunds. Plus, the exact strategy Mike’s customer support people use to turn potential refunds into happy customers.
- A simple 5-step process to almost instantly increase your business profits and your personal income. Step 3 alone could increase your profits 50 percent, some times even more.
- How to leverage competitors so they actual build your business and income. They’ll be thrilled, so it’s win-win.
- A brand new marketing tactic that is bringing in over $50,000.00 EVERY MONTH, and has only been used for the last 12 months.
- …and more!
Get immediately download Rich Schefren – $42000 Mastermind Manuscript 2008
Turn to Section 2:Where And Get The Master Thought-Process Behind The Meteoric Growth Of Strategic Profits, Including:
- The master marketing strategies behind Strategic Profits… publically revealed for the very first time! These very same tactics shot my company to multi-million-dollar status in 18 short months. Now you can use them in your company to do the same.
- The secret formula behind the Internet Business Manifesto, the most downloaded internet marketing report online, and how you can use it write your own profit-pulling reports.
- How the changing economy creates unprecedented opportunities for you as an online entrepreneur. Put these to work for you now, and you have such an advantage.
- Why you must make sure readers of your blog are engaged in active learning, and not just passive learning like on most blogs. It all comes down to producing content the way I show you.
- A fool-proof process for finding the real needs and desires of your marketplace. Once you can do this, more and more of your leads will become happy, paying customers.
- The single strategy that will immediately make you and your website stand out from every one else in your marketplace.
- What Tim Ferris, author of the book “The 4-Hour Work Week”, did to insure his book was a huge best-seller even before it was released… and how you can do the very same thing with any of your products.
- What to do to insure your prospective customers “Reticular Activating System” is totally tuned in to listen and respond to everything you say.
- An online business-building model and template you can follow… that continues to generate millions of dollars every month – without doing any SEO, pay-per-click, or CPA..
- and more!
Turn to Section 4: Where May Ellen Tribby, CEO of Early To Rise, Shares How She Used These Direct Response Principles To Build Revenues From $3 Million To $36 Million In Just Four Years, Including:
- The 3 Key Factors that propelled ETR from 3 million to 36 million. Could these possibly be worth an extra few thousand dollars a month to you?
- The fundamental mindset everyone on your business team must have… even if you only work with one outsourcer. And, why you should immediately fire them, if they don’t.
- How to grow and sustain a profitable online business, and avoid the trap most online marketers fall into of being nothing more than “a hamster on wheel”.
- The simple process to expand your marketing campaigns from online to offline, so you can reap the financial rewards like the big marketing players do.
- Swipe these 7-million-dollar tested direct response campaign strategies and it short-cuts your journey to online millionaire. How much would it be worth to you if you reached your financial goals in half the time?
- Why the big money online is made with multi-channel marketing and how to easily incorporate it into your business.
- What to do with a marketing step if it fails to produce a positive ROI. It’s not what you think.
- Why you must understand your customers buying behavior if you want to your online business to bring in the big bucks.
- Analyze ROI like this to quadruple your business like it did Early To Rise’s..
- The most important piece of any online marketing campaign. If this is lacking, you’re done before you even get started.
- The “Triangle Method” for developing a hugely profitable backend for your business. This is the same strategy ETR has used to continue to grow their company practically every month..
- A time-tested and proven formula to determine your best converting upsell price. Use this since it puts pure money to your bottom line.
- …and more!
Turn to Section 5: Where Paul Sheele, The Master Learning Expert, Shows You How To Use The Persuasive Power Of Hypnosis To Grow Your Business, Including:
- The REAL secret behind the best-selling book, The Secret, and how to use it so it creates a windfall income stream for you!
- How to use both sides of your brain to master learning any material including the most cutting-edge income-generating tactics and strategies.
- The secret to training your subconscious mind to quickly accomplish your most important business and personal goals (even when you’re feeling stuck or frustrated)
- How to free yourself up from the limiting beliefs holding you back from online business success and living the lifestyle of your dreams. All the top internet marketers know how to do this.
- How to use more of your mind’s fuller potential to overcome the obstacles to success you may have.
- Why you need to switch from a “fixed mindset” to a “growth mindset” if you want to make it big on the Internet.
- How to use the insane power of Positive Outcome Patterning…it overcomes barriers to your success for you.
- The “secret science” you can use to boost customer satisfaction and slash your refund rate.
- …and more!
Turn to Section 7:Where Tom Mccarthy, Peak Performance and Executive Coach, Shares The 10 Leadership Principles To Use To Turn Your Online Business Into A Multi-Million Dollar Company, Including:
- The 1 thing your whole team must do daily so you can experience exponential business growth.
- How to quickly identify the A-level players you need around you in order to grow your website into a multi-million dollar lifestyle-business!
- What needs to be the number focus of your team… if you don’t want to fail like most online entrepreneurs do!
- How to put the power of a Disney-Like world-class culture to work in your online company… no matter how big or small it is.
- The whole key to performing at the level you’re truly capable of in your business and life.
- Which metrics to use so your virtual team works for you day-in and day-out like a well-oiled machine — accomplishing your goals for you.
- Why you need a “Mental Diet” like this if you’re ever going to finally overcome information overload..
- Why your most important business metric is NOT ROI or profit. Understand this metric and those are guaranteed to go up.
- The most important online business metric you must understand. If this one is off, you’ll sacrifice lots of profit and income.
- How to get your customers into the “Zone Of Affection” to watch their loyalty to your company shoot through the roof.
- …and more!
Turn to Section 12:Where I Reveal The Key To Turning All Of Your New Knowledge Into Results At Lightning Pace, Including:
- The 1 mindset-shift you must make that ensures success on the Internet is virtually guaranteed!
- How to develop incredible concentration and focus to become a productivity-machine!
- How to easily turn your new ideas into reality — without stress, struggle or strain, and in record time.
- The 2 things to incorporate in your online business that will allow you to dominate in almost any marketplace.
Turn to Section 10:Where John Carlton, Hard Hitting A-List Copywriter, Reveals His BRAND NEW 17-Point Copywriting Formula For The Very First Time Publically, Including:
- The 3 basic questions you should always ask yourself before writing a single word of copy. This makes writing killer sales copy ten times easier!
- The 4 must-have elements of a great sales message. Leave out just one and your conversions (and income) will suffer.
- What 3 books you should read in order to get a rock-solid foundation in writing copy.
- The worst type of so-called “testimonial” you may have on your website. Get these off of your salesletters right away or continue sacrificing sales.
- The Gr_____________ Technique that A-list copywriters use to keep prospects reading their salesletters from beginning to end.
- A quick and easy way to identify your customer avatar. Without knowing this, the odds of creating a persuasive sales message are slim to none.
- How to knock your website visitors out of there “zombie state”… it turns them into rabid buyers of your products.
- Why you must put your bonuses through the “Mooch-Pleasing Test” to insure they actually increase conversions and not take away from them.
- How to create an eye-popping offer for your product that converts visitors into paying customers for you like mad!
- The secret to creating paranoia-calming guarantees that stand out and ease your prospects fears and concerns about purchasing your products.
- …and more!
Turn to Section 6:Where Jeff Walker, Product Launch Formula Inventor And Mastermind, Reveals The Power Of His Groundbreaking Marketing Process & His NEW STUFF That’s Working Now, Including:
- How to create a thriving online business out of thin air… literally overnight… even if you don’t even have a website or a list right now!
- The ONE little word you must NEVER ever use in your marketing during any product launch. If you’re using this word right now – STOP!
- How to turn a tiny investment in cheap video equipment into a million-dollar-plus product launch!
- The most important element of any product launch. Leave this out, and you’ll make a fraction of what you could.
- How to get customers so freakin’ eager to buy your product… they pull out their credit cards and go right to your order form without even caring about reading your sales letter.
- The 3 persuasion triggers you can put in your email sequence that drive prospects back to your blog or sales letter like crazy!
- What you need to create “instant momentum” for your business so your profits grow and grow every month..
- The one piece of software the big boys use almost every time they launch a new product or service.
- Why you should consider using the brand new technique of “turning your salesletter sideways” to experience an explosion in your conversion rate!!
- The right way to cover and eliminate prospective customer objections to buying your product. Do this incorrectly… like most online marketers do… and you’ll slaughter your conversion rate.
- …and more!
Turn to Section 11:Where Gary Vaynerchuk, Social Media And Web 2.0 Superstar, Shares His Secret To Getting 80,000 Visitors To His Blog Every Day, Including:
- How to have your blog turn you into the newest Hollywood A-Lister. Gary’s formula is so simple and works so well, this could happen for you sooner than you think.
- The massive mistake most internet marketers make when entering the social media space. Make this mistake and you could slaughter your business’s online reputation.
- The truth about video blogging… and how to know if it’s right for your business.
- The exact number of times you should release a video every week to insure you get maximum exposure. Too many times or too little and your videos will fall flat.
- How to market on MySpace… without getting involved in the childish, sexual, weird-side of that community. Done correctly, like this, it can be worth a fortune to your business.
- The 1 thing that is more important, right now, than currency online. When you understand this, you’ll dominate your marketplace with ease.
- … and more!
As you can see… this ain’t no ordinary internet marketing resource. You won’t find this level of content anywhere on the Net right now.
What you get with your copy of the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript is access to the most effective, most up-to-date, techniques and tactics being used by the sharpest internet marketers on the Net — all who were highly-paid to share their best stuff.
What does that mean for you?
That you can finally start to cash in on the Internet, with a real business, a real income, and that sought-after “free” lifestyle most marketers only dream about.
But, maybe you’re just getting started online and don’t even have a website…
Great… the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript will shortcut your success. And, if you’ve been online for any significant length of time, it will finally allow you to grow your business to the size you want.
But, little word of warning: the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript doesn’t have any fancy images or pictures in it, and quite honestly, the font is a little on the small size. I guess that’s just so we could fit all of the content into a reasonably-sized manuscript.
But, if you’re like most savvy marketers and what you really care about is the value of the content, then… today is going to be one of the best investments you’ve ever made for yourself.
Which brings me to the question that’s probably on your mind right now.
How much is it, right? Well…
A $42,000 Manuscript Has To Be Ultra-Expensive, Right?
True… the value of the Mastermind Manuscript is at least $42,000, probably a lot more. And, I’d be completely justified in selling it for $1,197.00 or even more. Most marketers who grab their copy will probably make that back and a heck of a lot more in no time whatsoever. But, you’re not going to pay $1,197.00 or even $997 or anything even close to that.
Today, you can get your copy of the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript for JUST $97.
Why so cheap, you might be wondering?
The answer is simple: Because back in my early dark days online, I made a simple vow: If and when I “made it”… I would do everything I could to make it easy for other people to make it big online as well.
And I did “make it”, in spades. World-wide recognition, buckets of money, and respect up the yin-yang.
No one “really” helped me very early on. Most misled me. And I learned firsthand the ENORMOUS VALUE of expert advice and a little mentoring. So, I’m thrilled to be able to “pass it forward” and share this with you.
And that’s why the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript is so ridiculously reasonable.
Plus, you get to download the entire Manuscript instantly and we don’t have to print anything, pack anything or ship anything. And, because of all of the money and time that saves us, we can pass the savings on to you.
However, I do have to say… if $97 doesn’t immediately seem like a ridiculous bargain to you, this is NOT for you. And, I would ask that you pass on this offer.
Please understand, I don’t need the money… quite honestly… and the release of this special document is more about me helping serious entrepreneurs make big money online than it is about anything else. Okay?
But, with that said, maybe you really want the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript, but you don’t feel you have the $97 to invest in your online business.
I would say, if that’s how you’re feeling… that is the exact reason why you NEED to get your copy of the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript today. Because if you don’t, how and when are things ever going to change for you.
Having to watch every dollar you spend or question your ability to invest in yourself is no way for you to live.
That’s just not fair to you or your family.
When you grab your copy of the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript today, you’ll never be in that position again.
Armed with the strategies, tactics, techniques and frankly… rapid money-making tricks… that you’ll find in the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript, you’ll enjoy a sense of freedom and fulfillment that can ONLY be felt when you have a business that brings you more cash and gives you more freedom than you’ve ever imagined.
Ready for that?
Well… we’re not even done yet.
Along with your $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript, you also get 2 FREE BONUSES…
My $175,000- Per-Page Success Notebook:
A Peek Into My Private
Collection Of Notes & Advice
The “Gurus” Gave Me 2 1/2 Years Ago…
Yep… that original notebook of advice that propelled my website from zero to multiple-millions… it’s handwritten contents are yours! You get every tip and trick I scribbled down as the gurus fed me specific instructions to shoot my company income through the roof. Each page of notes and strategies has been worth over $175,000.00 to my company. Now, they’re yours.
I’ve never shared the contents of this notebook publically… ever. And, frankly, don’t even know how long I’m going to be giving it as a bonus with this offer. It makes me a little uncomfortable to be sharing it in this format. The moment you dig in and flip to the very first page you’ll understand why. The exact advice, tips, and short-cuts I was given are just too valuable to share with just everyone.
However, for right now… today… you can have it for FREE when you grab your copy of the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript.
But that’s not all… you also get…
The M3: Mastermind Manuscript Mindmap Collection
Easy, Quick Results
To make it even easier for you to quickly implement and benefit from all the business-building and money-making tools and tactics you get in the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript, you also get the entire M3: Mastermind Manuscript collection of 10 detailed Mindmaps.
With these at your side, you’ll never have to wonder or question how to put the powerful tactics from the Manuscript to work building your business and making you money.
It’s all completely laid out for you here – step-by-step. I’m talkin’ paint-by-numbers, brain-dead simple for you.
Just follow the maps and your success is virtually guaranteed.
And, speaking of “guaranteed”… to show you how serious I am about the results you can expect to experience with your copy of the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript, you’re entire $97 investment today is completely secure.
Check out the guarantee you get today:
By this point you should see that this is the closest you can get to a sure-thing when it comes to building a successful online business.
I’ve shown you why there’s nothing like the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript available anywhere… and why I willingly and happily paid all of that money to have these experts reveal their newest and hottest business-building techniques for you.
With the addition of the M3: Mastermind Manuscript Mindmap Collection; achieving your business and financial goals is now that much easier and quicker for you.
And, with the $42,000 Money-Back Guarantee, you have nothing to lose – only your dream of having your own money-making web business.
All that’s left for you to do now is grab your copy of the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript.
Because the Internet is changing at such lightning pace, the big money to be made from the tactics you get in your Manuscript is right now. ot tomorrow.
Not next week…
Not next month…
But rightnow.
Like getting in on the Google stock IPO or catching a wave… the time to take action is right before the “payoff” is about to come. You hesitate even a second and you could possibly miss out big-time. Just like with the Internet and your dream of having a successful business.
There are tactics and techniques that will make you massive amounts of money online right now. Yet, if you miss the window of opportunity and delay in grabbing your $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript, these very same techniques – in the future – could be worth very little to you.
Then what??
Get immediately download Rich Schefren – $42000 Mastermind Manuscript 2008
No… don’t hesitate, procrastinate or stay on the fence about this. It could cost you in more ways than you even understand right now.
Why go on struggling to make the money you want online? Why continue to wonder what you have to do to make the big money you hear so many other marketers talking about?
Forget that.
Instead, grab your copy of the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript and experience the thrill of watching your business and income grow almost immediately.
Then, as your income continues to rise and your bank account starts to really fill up, you can look at yourself in the mirror with pride… knowing… you did it… you finally have a successful, money-making business to be proud of.
Rich Schefren
Founder and CEO of Strategic Profits
P.S. Grab your copy of the $42,000 Mastermind Manuscript and get a, never-before-revealed, blow-by-blow breakdown of the EXACT marketing strategies & business-building moves I used to go from zero to $3.5 MILLION in 2 weeks, then over $5,274,988 in just 18-months.
P.P.S. When you grab your copy of the Mastermind Manuscript today you risk nothing since you’re investment is backed by our $42,000 Money-Back Guarantee.
If you don’t think the contents of the the Mastermind Manuscript is worth every penny of the $42,000.00 I shelled out, simply let us know and you’ll get a complete refund – no-qualms, no-questions…. just an instant refund.
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