Realsubliminal – DeluxeBundle Subliminal Hypnosis
Realsubliminal – DeluxeBundle Subliminal Hypnosis
Realsubliminal Deep Meditation
Enter a deep meditation with our subliminal meditation tool and enhance your meditative state way beyond your current ability.
• Do you regularly meditate and want to take your meditation to a deeper level?
• Are you struggling to relax and focus on your meditation?
• Do you try to meditate but can’t find peace due to an active mind and racing thoughts?
If you are struggling with your meditation in any way, if you can not calm your mind, or give up on your meditation session too early we can help you. Our subliminal meditation music will send specific messages to your unconscious mind to enhance your meditation sessions. It will:
• Help you to reach a deeper level of meditation and leave your physical worries behind.
• Clear your mind and stop your chain of thoughts.
• Slow down your thinking and let your thoughts pass without dwelling on them. and achieve a calmer state of mind.
• Allow you to develop a focus on your meditation technique.
• Focus you on your breathing, so that everything else melts away.
Whether you want to start meditating or are already practicing but want to enhance your efforts – to meditate for longer, or to a deeper level and leave your physical worries and thoughts behind – then our subliminal meditation download will enhance your meditation sessions.
Realsubliminals Pack 3
How Subliminal Learning Works
Your regular conscious way of learning is through repeated experience and practice; through this process the new information will be stored deep within your mind on an unconscious level. This is how we learn to ride a bicycle, learn math, or even develop our confidence and establish self beliefs for example.
Subliminal learning bypasses this conscious experience and practice stage and sends information directly to your unconscious mind. If the same subliminal messages are sent frequently enough this will lead to the same outcome, i.e. a shift in your self beliefs. The only difference is that the shift comes naturally, from within!
We are all exposed to subliminal messages every day due to the massive amounts of information we are exposed to, and our limited capacity to consciously register it. As a result this may lead to small changes in our minds, or over time if you are exposed to the same subliminal information over and over then there will be lasting changes.
Listening to a subliminal messaging album is simply a way to counteract this and take control. By targeting subliminal messages consistently at your mind, in larger and focused quantities you can make positive changes in areas of your choice.
Subliminal audio can be used to improve any area of your life – from deep internal changes, to improvements in the physical body. For example, you can increase your motivation, boost your self esteem, treat illnesses and phobias, the possibilities are endless – even subliminal language learning is possible!
We will now go into the principles behind subliminal messaging and the technical side of how subliminal messaging works. The simplest way to show how subliminal messaging works is to describe it in relation to a more common form of mind programming – hypnosis.
A Form Of Hypnosis
Hypnosis can be extremely effective at changing patterns of behavior, personal beliefs, bad habits, and much more. This is because it bypasses your logical mind, i.e. your conscious mind.
Your logical mind is a function you start to develop around the age of five or six. This is why you can suggest almost anything to a child and they will accept it as truth. When we are younger we are much more susceptible to suggestion – you don’t need hypnosis or subliminal messaging to create self beliefs in a child.
When we are adults our logical mind does not let us accept all the information presented to us, so bypassing it is critical for making any major changes in your self beliefs, patterns of thinking, and physical behavior. These changes would be very difficult if using conscious learning / physical action alone, so by accessing your subconscious mind you can solve difficult problems or issues which you wouldn’t be able to otherwise.
Hypnosis gains access to your subconscious mind by sending you into a trance. And this is where the difference between subliminal messaging and hypnosis comes in. Subliminal messaging doesn’t send you into a trance, but it also accesses your subconscious mind, bypassing your conscious logical mind. You won’t feel drowsy, or need to take a time out for an hour and enter a sleep / trance like state. This means that you can use subliminal cds and mp3s while you work, study, go about your daily chores, or even exercise.
We will now go even further into the technical side of subliminal messages and discuss how they are written.
GET Realsubliminal DeluxeBundle Subliminal Hypnosis download
Based On NLP Principles
NLP was created by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in the 1970s. Bandler used to sit in a lobby of a hotel and cure people of their fear of elevators for free with NLP. He did this in just 30-45 minutes; shocking the world of psychology and therapy who took months to cure someone of a phobia. NLP has been proven time and time again to make changes in people when other methods have failed, and to create big changes in small periods of time.
At the most basic level subliminal messaging is based on the principles of NLP. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming, and basically looks at the type of language we use to speak to ourselves on a specific subject, recognizes the patterns, and then aims to change this language to match that used by someone who is successful in the area you wish to improve.
For example if you want to become more confident but your inner voice is saying things like “I can’t do this” or “this will be hard” then NLP would aim to replace these beliefs with the core beliefs of someone who has abundant confidence – someone with an inner voice that says “I can do anything I put my mind to”.
Based on these principles of NLP, subliminal messaging and sends suggestions to your mind which overwrite your negative beliefs with positive ones. Subliminal messaging isn’t just pseudo-science, it is based on one of the most effective forms of therapy and personal development of modern times.
NLP has several ways of changing your beliefs and patterns of thinking, but one of the main and most effective ways, and certainly the simplest, is through the use of positive affirmations, and this is exactly how subliminal messaging works.
Positive Affirmations
A positive affirmation is simply a statement which affirms something is true. With repetition the statement becomes stored in your mind, and starts to change your beliefs, influence your personality and even alter your behavior. For example, if you say the phrase “I can do anything I put my mind to” over and over, you will start to really believe it, and it will influence your personality; you will become more confident.
The general guideline is to repeat the affirmations first thing on a morning, and then last thing at night. This is so your goal is fresh in your mind at the start of the day, and so you go to bed with it on your mind too. This is a very simple and effective method which will make dramatic and lasting changes in your mind.
Our subliminal suggestions are basically just positive affirmations, but instead of you having to repeat them we have done the work for you, and instead of hearing them aloud they enter your mind subliminally – without distracting you, and without you being aware of them.
The main benefit of using a subliminal audio album is that you can save time – you don’t have to stand at the mirror every morning and evening and say the affirmations yourself; it is a more effortless method – you can even play the album while you do other things; work, study, exercise, and yes, even subliminal sleep learning is possible.
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Here’s What You’ll Get in Realsubliminal – DeluxeBundle Subliminal Hypnosis
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