Ray Edwards – The Clarity Course
$995.00 Original price was: $995.00.$120.65Current price is: $120.65.
THE WORLD HAS CHANGED. And while eventually the current crisis will be contained, the effects will be felt for a long time to come.
Ray Edwards – The Clarity Course
Generate Revenue NOW!
Even if you have NO list, NO product, and NO CLUE what to do!
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”Social Media Selling Machine” Content For a Year!
Total, Unwavering CLARITY?!
I Want to PERSONALLY Work With You To…
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This Offer Closes on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 4 pm, pacific time
YES! Change My Life NOW! Just 1 Payment of $995
YES! Change My Life NOW! 2 Installments of $500
Your Simple Blueprint To Create A Life You Love
From: Ray Edwards
49 Degrees, North Latitude
THE WORLD HAS CHANGED. And while eventually the current crisis will be contained, the effects will be felt for a long time to come.
Welcome to the “New Normal”.
Now more than ever, I hear one question from entrepreneurs and people who want to be entrepreneurs.
It seems there’s ONE THING everyone’s looking for.
What is the ONE THING?
What is the most-requested result people say want from our trainings, from our workshops, from our mastermind meetings?
Do you ever find yourself wondering…
“What is my purpose? What is my mission on this planet? What is the nature of my business? What is my niche? What is my message? I need clarity on what to do, how to do it, when, and where.”
Get immediately download Ray Edwards – The Clarity Course
You’re not alone!
If you too want clarity, especially in a Kingdom-Based Business, trying to do business God’s way, in God’s world…
Then the Clarity Course was created just for you!
Look, I know how it feels…
You want clarity about WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and WHEN.
The 3 steps required to do just that are…
1. Decide WHAT you want and WHY you want it.
2. LEARN the cost of getting what you want and DECIDING to pay it.
This sounds simple, but here’s where it gets a bit confusing…
The Perilous Pitfalls of Being an Online Entrepreneur, Freelancer, or Influencer…
There are so many dangers – so many booby-traps and landmines you need to be aware of.
There’s the feeling of drowning in guru-overwhelm…
…in course-bloat… (buying dozens of courses that contradict one another and leave you wondering what is true, and what is bull-crap)
…in the never-ending death-spiral of debt which happens as you buy the next course, buy the next coaching program, and buy the next bright shiny obstacle.
I know what it’s like to deal with…
…trial and error…
…credit card debt…
…marital strife…
…trouble at home…
…stress, tension, fear, guilt, anxiety, shame…
…and to feel you don’t have what it takes…
I’m Here to Tell You… YOU DO HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!
If you’ve felt any of these feelings and you want to be rid of them forever…
The Clarity Course is for you!
• If you need a Kingdom-based business system based on Kingdom values…
• If you want a business plan rooted in the wisdom of God…
• If you want strategy and tactics prophetically delivered to you by God through the Holy Spirit…
• If you want your faith renewed and your hope restored, and your joy given back to you…
• If you want to receive miracles in your body and in your business…
• If you want to receive wisdom from God for your business and your life every single day…
Then the Clarity Course is for you!
If you want to shut out the carnival-barker noise from all the master manipulators who are almost like sorcerers, manipulating you into buying their next greatest, latest gadget or thing-a-ma-bob…
If you would like the quiet calm and peace of knowing you’re right in the center of God’s will for you and your business…
The Clarity Course is for you!
My Promise To You…
When You Enroll In The “Clarity Course.”
You can enter with NO plan, NO idea, NO list, NO product, NO CLUE what to do, and leave with a simple, easy to understand, custom-created blueprint showing you every step you need to take next to make your dream life your real life.
You’re going to get total clarity on your purpose, your mission, your market, your message, and you’re going to walk out with a 12-month action blueprint showing you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and how to know if it’s working.
Get immediately download Ray Edwards – The Clarity Course
If you want to end the confusion, clear the clutter, shut down the noise, get focused on your mission, and start building your kingdom-based business God’s way, then…
This Course Is For You!
Here’s What You’re Getting…
Q & A
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