Mindvalley Quest – Be A Modern Master – Deborah King
$695.00 Original price was: $695.00.$77.90Current price is: $77.90.
This course is for everyone who’s looking to deepen the connection with their divine self and unlock the spiritual gifts and psychic abilities that they’re meant to have. File Size: 7.27 GB
Mindvalley Quest – Be A Modern Master – Deborah King
This course is for everyone who’s looking to deepen the connection with their divine self and unlock the spiritual gifts and psychic abilities that they’re meant to have.
Thousands of years ago, our ancestors had many spiritual abilities that we no longer have automatic access to, including telepathy, aura reading, precognition, and the ability to experience Divinity within their bodies.
However, even though we share the same DNA as our ancestors, we have long forgotten these abilities.
Each week, Deborah will reveal more secrets along the path of initiation, providing you with practical exercises and mystical tools that allow you to clear and balance your core energy so the sutras can be seeded in the fertile ground of your consciousness.
You will learn
How the sutras work to clear out the buried emotions and past traumas that are holding your life force hostage, so you can get free — mentally, physically, and emotionally.
How to activate certain centers in the body that expand your spiritual potential.
How to find and use responsibly the spiritual gifts that start to manifest when you do the sutra practice.
How to invoke the high spiritual beings who are there to guide and protect you.
Why initiation is so important in your spiritual development.
Who you are within the spectrum of the 7 spiritual rays.
Mindvalley has been recognised for Workplace Happiness (World Most Democratic Workplace Award 8 Years Running) and as Top Ten in Customer Support worldwide by Nicereply.com. So when you order from Mindvalley, you know your happiness is our top priority.
Discover The Sutras: A Step-By-Step Framework For Your Ascension
Like a seed that’s buried in the ground, all it takes is exposure to sunlight and a little nourishment to nurse your spiritual gifts back to health.
And that’s where Sutras come in.
With Sutras, it’s easy for you to maintain a balanced energy field with no stress, stay in touch with your emotions, monitor your chakras and clear your blockages.
Get immediately download Mindvalley Quest – Be A Modern Master – Deborah King
They are sacred threads that when woven together raise vibrations and open the doors to higher consciousness. They hold they key to supernatural powers such as telepathy, time travel, levitation and super-sensory perception.
With the power of Sutras, anyone can re-activate their spiritual gifts.
Introducing… Be A Modern Master: A 6-Week Course To Get Your Spiritual Ascension Activated With Deborah King
Be A Modern Master provides the perfect combination of ancient techniques and modern knowledge to clear away your life traumas and rocket your spiritual practice into the stratosphere in just six weeks. In this journey, you’ll be initiated into 20 powerful Sutras, the mystical phrases from the ancient Hindu Vedas, that hold the key to accessing the higher realms of consciousness and unleashing the magnificent gifts and powers that are your birthright.
With these 20 sutras as your launch vehicle, you can release and heal past traumas, unleash your creativity, and be initiated into awesome realms of Spirit, such as the Order of Melchizedek. This is the fastest and most sure-footed path to make a massive shift in your energy that will affect every aspect of your life in a positive, heart-opening way.
“Remember that you are more powerful than you can imagine — and that the totality of your being extends far beyond the limits of your physical body. We are all of us on a journey of discovery, healing and growth… guiding us to become the confident, beautiful and whole beings we are truly meant to be.”
~Deborah King
5 Things That Make This Course Unique
Studying Sutras
1. 5,000-Year-Old Secrets Previously Inaccessible To The Modern World
Sutras are mystical phrases from the ancient Vedas that shake up your energy field to connect you deeply to Source. Studying them often means years of study under an enlightened master in India. But here, you get them seeded by Deborah at the comfort of your home.
Exponential Impact On Your Immediate Reality
2. Exponential Impact On Your Immediate Reality
When you practice the sutras, you raise your vibration AND you raise the vibrations of those in your environment — your friends, family, and clients. when you study this course it not only raises your own consciousness, it actually heals the world!
Draw out your desires and hopes
3. For Both Beginners And Advanced Seekers
One of the unique things about this course is that it speaks to you at your level — to deliver exactly the results you want. The entire six-week journey is designed to draw out your desires and hopes and alter your energy field to allow the outcome to exist in reality.
Massive Shifts In Your Consciousness
4. Designed For Massive Shifts In Your Consciousness In 6 Weeks
Packed with ancient and modern tools, this course is designed to trigger immediate consciousness expansion. You not only learn, but also apply the wisdom of the sutras with Deborah King and unlock your various extraordinary spiritual gifts as you go.
Company of Deborah and your fellow students
5. Community Support From Other Like-Minded Seekers
When you enroll, you’ll enjoy the company of your fellow students in an intimate online setting. This creates a vibrational vortex that allows you to make rapid progress in your spiritual journey. This alone is a tremendous advantage over other similar courses.
Instructor Profile
Meet Deborah King: Master Healer & Spiritual Leader
Deborah King is a phenomenon. W Magazine calls her work “electrifying.” She’s known for her one-of-a-kind journeys into the powerful esoteric world of healers and ascended masters. Having spread her word through multiple New York Times best-selling books like Be Your Own Shaman and Truth Heals, her contributions to The Huffington Post and Psychology Today, and her numerous appearances on ABC, NBC, CNN, and Fox television channels, her name is synonymous with self-healing.
All of this is particularly exceptional when you consider Deborah’s past. At one point in her life, she was a successful attorney who had buried her childhood emotional and sexual abuse through alcohol, drug abuse and the constant pursuit of success. Her wake-up call was a cancer diagnosis which got her into a quest for healing that led her to leave the corporate arena for the world of energy healing
If you want to heal your past and find your truth, Deborah King is the teacher you’re looking for.
As Seen On:
What You’ll Learn
Discover The Fabulous Gifts Of Spirit That Are Waiting For You
Do you want to unwrap the mystical presents Spirit has been holding for you?
Are you ready to go beyond the usual five senses (touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell) and explore clairvoyance, clairsentience, and the spiritual upgrades of the other senses, including the sixth sense of your intuition?
Do you want to fly high in the spiritual realms (and maybe actually levitate and fly in the physical realm)?
This course is the next step on the ladder to personal fulfillment.
Deborah has opened up a pathway that has long been closely guarded within certain metaphysical traditions. This course contains esoteric information and techniques to clear the way and propel you into a giant leap forward in your personal and spiritual development while safely wrapped in a bubble of divine guidance and protection.
Case Studies
“The single most influential course I’ve taken ever”
Katie found the mantra based meditation combined with the sutras allowed her to deal with life issues and traumatic events that she says she would not have been able to achieve otherwise. Most astonishingly though were the physical changes she experienced. She had a substantial decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, and her post-surgery cervical cancer results astonishingly came back negative exceeding doctors’ expectations. Katie attributes this to her practice of meditation and the sutras that she learned on Deborah King’s Be A Modern Master.
Katie Rose
“It’s been life-changing for me”
For Elizabeth, taking Be A Modern Master made it easier for her to deal with the ups and downs of life, learning to handle them better, and at times also learning to accept them. It helped her step into her power, put herself out there and take the dives into doing things she would never have imagined doing such as taking the bold step to sign up to give a TEDx talk and even fulfilling her childhood ambition of getting up on stage and performing in a play.
Elizabeth Yuengling
“I’m practically a Deborah King groupie”
Coming from a very corporate background, Nancy was first introduced to Deborah and her work in 2012, and was soon a huge fan of the course Be A Modern Master. She has found joy and balance with the sutras and meditations taught on the course, truly believing that the sutras are the driving force behind it all.
Nancy L. Neff
“I feel far more reconnected with her body”
Be A Modern Master really helped Fahreen feel far more reconnected with her body. Having taken the course and dance classes at the same time, she really noticed the difference within herself. With the enhanced connection to her physical body, Fahreen found she was enjoying her classes so much more compared to before she started Deborah’s course.
Farheen Husain
“Led me to sobriety which has just changed my life”
It was through Deborah’s course Be A Modern Master and the powerful sutras it taught, that Mary uncovered her path to sobriety, a path that really changed her life. She found the course platform fun and easy to use, downloading the audios to her phone so she could listen to them whenever and however many times she needed to.
Mary Bowers
“After I crushed my mountain bike, doctors said I won’t walk for 3 months.. With Deborah’s distance healing, I was walking a month later.”
Listen to Sabrina, a personal trainer and fitness coach, describe her incredible recovery from a mountain biking accident after her distance healing encounter with master healer Deborah King through a live stream of her workshop.
“After working with Deborah people around me can tell the difference”
As a stay at home mom, she didn’t know how to manage getting kids up for school in the morning and finding time for morning meditation. She describes Deborah’s program “as simple as brushing my teeth, it was extremely helpful for healing, and for just being a better person, the way it helped me is that people around me can tell the difference in me, I can’t really describe it in words, but the way I cope through life, and how I’m really around to help other people.”
Deborah King’s Student
“I now see that I have the tools to help”
Spiritual teacher & master healer wants to show you how to restore your health and harmony so you can do the same for others. She wanted to help one of her clients who she just couldn’t seem to be able to help, she didn’t have the right tools nor information, after going through Deborah’s program she was able to help her client who have been a healer herself. Now she says “I have the tools to share with her to help her”.
Deborah King’s Student
“Being on the other side, I’m really encouraged”
She was diagnosed with a cecal polyp and was told she needed a surgery for doctors to dissect her colyp, she felt resistant to this, she looked at alternative health, she looked at different modalities of healing with Deborah King. She felt amazing being on the receiving end of Deborah’s teaching and now feels encouraged to continue in this path of healing.
Deborah King’s Student
“You are going to be transformed if you just follow your guidance”
A student of Deborah highly encourages anyone who have been called to do this work, she encourages you to enroll in this program and just know that you’re gonna be transformed if you just follow your guidance and continue down the path, one step at the time, you don’t necessarily have to know what’s coming, but just continue down the path and as your life is getting better then that’s a wonderful thing to be grateful for.
Deborah King’s Student
“By doing breathwork and meditation anybody can find what they’re looking for”“
Another of Deborah’s students, encourages anyone interested in Energy Healing to start with Deborah, She says “Her own story and how she discovered the power of energy healing, she was able to touch me, as well as my ability to share her story with other people”.
Deborah King’s Student
Here Are 10 Ways Students Typically Grow When They Get Initiated Into The Sutras
Here’s What Students Typically Experience When They Get Initiated Into The Sutras
Even after doing a ton of personal work, most people are nowhere near self-realization and using spiritual gifts. Because they’ve never been subjected to such a potent spiritual framework as the sutras. That’s why they experience massive breakthroughs in their spiritual expansion leading to changes in almost every area of life.
As a result of the spiritual expansion you’ll undergo through this course, you’ll feel in control of your destiny. You’re no longer leaving it to chance — you’re passionately creating what you want.
Life Purpose
Where a tremendous amount of doubt roamed, clarity now becomes a permanent fixture. You’ll know why you were given life and what you’re being called to do. Your life will take on new meaning.
Career and Finances
Productivity skyrockets when you’re clear about what you want to do. As a result, your career zooms past the levels you’ve only been dreaming of before now. And so does your finances as a result.
Anger, fear, frustration, envy, and impatience will no longer have their dominance on you. Instead, your emotional landscape will be continuously filled with calm, serene and focused thoughts.
Intuition and other psychic abilities
The ability to access your intuition is directly proportional to the depth of your connection to the spirit. So expect a higher sense of intuition as well as other psychic capabilities such as clairvoyance.
Traumas and bad memories
You will never have to live with a bad memory ever again. You’ll start seeing things differently as if a thick veil was lifted from around you. You’ll see the absolute truth in every situation, past or present.
Happiness, creativity, and fulfillment
You’ll be caught in a gentle cycle of positivity. As a result of having better control over your emotions and being more productive, you’ll be happier which leads to more creative flow and fulfillment.
Love and relationships
As a result of your spiritual expansion, you’ll find yourself to be a beacon of compassion and empathy. This fuels better intimacy in your romantic relationships and helps attract the right people in life.
Health and vitality
The one thing you’ll notice missing from your life will be stress. And it takes away with it all the stress-related illnesses such as obesity, headaches, depression and even gastrointestinal problems.
And of course, you’ll be at a much higher level in terms of your connection with Source. Life will happen through you as if you’re a conduit to divine wisdom and guidance. You’ll feel the divine within.
Course Information
Week-By-Week Coaching Schedule
In each week, Deborah will divulge new ways to advance in openness and expansion. Here’s a week-by-week schedule for your six-weeks with Deborah King….
Be A Modern Master by Mindvalley
Clearing Trauma with the Sutras, What are the Sutras?
In the first week, you establish a ground by learning how to clear your internal and external space, and through your introduction to the ancient Hindu Vedas and to working with the sutras. Goddess Saraswati is invoked to prepare you to learn the practice. Then the first five sutras are seeded in you. These five sutras have the power to clear old trauma from your body. You also receive a guided reflection on silence and how to activate that special place of silence within you.
The Foundation for the Sutras
The sutras need fertile ground to be well-seeded. That ground is provided by a regular spiritual practice that expands your consciousness and heightens your intuitive powers. Mantra work is explained and you learn what it means to enter the “gap.” You learn about releasing stress and dealing with distractions. After an ancient invocation to the Gods, three more sutras are seeded.
The Gifts of the Sutras
Here you’ll leap into the spiritual powers, the gifts of physical powers and psychic abilities that can be yours from a consistent sutra practice. You’ll learn about the possible misuse of the gifts and the five ways of acting ethically. You’ll hear about Deborah’s breakthrough experience of oneness. Then, she will invoke and honor the divinity within and without and seed the next three sutras in you.
Initiation and the Sutras
You’ll learn all about the initiatory process, the way in which initiation and the sutras are connected, and why initiation is so important in the spiritual scheme of things. You’ll learn about the ego problems that can arise concerning initiation. You’ll hear about Deborah’s initiation into the Order of Melchizedek and learn about the Order. Then, she will again do the ancient invocation and seed in you the next seven sutras.
More about Initiation — the Path of the Sutras
In this week, you’ll hear a story about the Hindu deities Shiva and Parvati, then you’ll experience your own Soul Star, the source of your spiritual strength and power. You’ll hear Deborah’s tale of initiation and all about “initiations of the threshold” — the starting point of the initiatory journey of transformation that ends in union with Source. The final two most powerful sutras will be seeded in you.
The Journey of the Sutras
In the final installment, you’ll hear a teaching tale of two swamis, and learn the yogic practices of mudras (hand positions) and pranayama (breathing technique). You’ll explore the 7 spiritual rays of light and the Ascended Masters in charge of each ray and the connection of the rays to the levels of initiation. Then, the full 20 sutras will be reinforced in you. You are now all set for the magic of the sutras to unfold within you. You’ll also participate in The Great Invocation.
Secrets That People Happily
Spend Thousands For
What you’re embarking on is not cookie-cutter spirituality. Most people who want to experience this kind of spiritual expansion end up spending considerable time, energy and money for the task. Some undertake journeys to the east where they spend years just trying to find a master that suits them. Some other celebrities and CEOs spend hundreds of thousands of dollars visiting shamans and healers on different corners of the planet.
The only reason these people spend thousands of dollars time and time again for this is because they know the tremendous value it brings to their life.
Even at a cost of thousands of dollars, the transformation you’ll experience in this course will be a huge bargain over the course of the next six to twelve months (and much more over the rest of your life).
What Famous People Say About Deborah King
“I have seen people stand in line for hours just to get a moment with Deborah King. People just love her and her healing work.”
Louise L. Hay
New York Times best-selling author of You Can Heal Your Life
“Deborah King’s book is a must read for every seeker on the path.”
Caroline Myss
New York Times best-selling author of Entering the Castle and Anatomy of the Spirit
“Deborah King reminds us that we’re born with nature’s most powerful instrument of healing — the gift to be able to sense and direct subtle energy through our bodies.”
Gregg Braden
New York Times best-selling author of The Divine Matrix and Fractal Time
“I love Deborah King’s mix of esoteric and practical wisdom, the confluence of ancient and modern healing traditions!”
Marci Shimoff
New York Times best-selling author of Love for No Reason & Happy for No Reason
“Deborah King is a guide for all seekers of higher truth who are destined to fulfill their purpose of helping others by first healing themselves.”
Neale Donald Walsch
New York Times best-selling author of Conversations with God
“Happiness comes by living our true nature. Deborah King opens us up to realizing the powerful healing nature that lives within us all.”
Robert Holden
Ph.D., the best-selling author of Be Happy and Happiness Now!
“If you are looking for truth, light, and a straight-forward approach to unlocking your hidden potential, master healer and teacher Deborah King delivers!”
Jay Adams
Owner, Host of Emmy Award Winning Breakthrough Medicine
“Deborah King is a spiritual guide to be reckoned with and charismatic and entertaining to boot!”
James Van Praagh
Spiritual Medium, TV Host and Producer, the New York Times best-selling author of Ghosts Among Us
What Students Say
Here’s What Students Say About Deborah’s Work
“The techniques and knowledge I’ve gained from studying with Deborah have proved an invaluable experience, that will continue to serve me the rest of my life!”
When I attended my first workshop with Deborah in 2012, I was completely emotionally numb.
The healing that has followed since is nothing less than miraculous. It can best be described as a tumultuous roller coaster, but well worth the ride. Bit by bit, with each workshop attended, I began to drop my defenses and process the hurt and the pain caused by repeated abandonment and trauma throughout my life. As each layer revealed itself, one layer more painful than the last, a peace and gratitude began to fill the emptiness as the numbness began to thaw.
In addition to emotional healing, I also began to experience physical healing in my body as well. As I healed from the sexual abuse, that trauma that my body had repressed as a young child began to manifest in a physical way. Recently, during meditation following a profound spiritual experience sitting in a church, I received physical healing, which was a result of the work Deborah has done with me, removing and clearing these stuck traumas, and the dedication I have to continue my own healing, using the techniques Deborah teaches.
I will be forever grateful for the journey I have been on, and continue to learn new techniques from Deborah, knowing that I am now equipped to be a conduit for others healing. The techniques and knowledge I’ve gained from studying with Deborah have proved an invaluable experience, one that will continue to serve me for the rest of my life! I feel lighter, brighter and clearer than I’ve ever felt in my life, feeling a sense of peace, love and gratitude filling every part of me.
“From the path of despair to the path of enlightenment.”
My story, like many others in the field of energy healing, is one of loss and struggle. Beginning with my mother’s suicide, my coming out and my own attempted suicide. Although my life changed dramatically for the better with the meeting of my life partner 31 years ago, I still struggled with my feeling of separation from God or Spirit and my dependency on alcohol to numb the pain I had yet to come to grips with.
It wasn’t until I began energy healing with Deborah’s programs, along with daily meditation, that I truly began to heal and change. As my own healing began to occur, my prayer practice blossomed and I realized that God was part of me, that none of us are separate, that we are all connected to this Universal Life Force. I became sober, more aware, more alive in a sense.
I have learned to work with and channel the energy along with the assistance of my guides, Angels, and Ascended Masters. I have a better understanding of why I am here and more about the gifts I have to offer. I now believe we are all on a never-ending journey, one of learning and searching, with the goal of becoming more enlightened and living a life of service.
Doug R.
“Cleared severe trauma and transformed my life.”
One night, in late December, I was surfing for something on the internet for a friend. I stumbled upon The Deborah King Radio Show. Deborah was introducing her new class starting up soon. I wasn’t looking for training. I didn’t even know what energy medicine was. But I had this uncontrollable need from the Universe to learn from her, even if it meant spending my very last dollars. I didn’t know when or where the next money was going to come from. And why not start school? My life just got freed up to study.
I’ve learned so many techniques that have changed the quality of my life for the better.
She teaches an advanced shamanic technique that is an awesome tool to clear out the emotional connection to a situation, person, place or thing. I was able to clear out severe trauma, PTSD, and many bad relationships in short order allowing me to move forward quickly.
I’ve continued my advanced studies with Deborah to clear more of my deep self, connect to higher realms easier, and learn refined techniques to be a well-rounded practitioner and teacher of these wonderful ancient techniques.
Lisa S.
“Since beginning Deborah’s program, my transformation has been enormous.”
My journey into energy healing began in 1997 when I first discovered Reiki after a traumatic relationship breakup. Before discovering energy healing, I was very insecure, self-centered, co-dependent, and very much in victim mode following what I felt to be an unsettling childhood. I was quite volatile, becoming easily triggered and moody when things didn’t go my way, with poor conflict resolution skills.
“My most magical moment would have been about a year later, after a fall on my tailbone during a hike, resulting in forced rest. I was regularly practicing Reiki on myself and one morning ‘saw’ a Mary Magdalene type vision in my 3rd eye so knew there was a connection that I’d never dreamt possible. Some years later, whilst giving Reiki to a friend in ER after a bicycle accident, I felt her pain as I channeled the healing energy to her so was convinced of the connections of our energy fields.
“Since beginning Deborah’s program, my transformation has been enormous. I’m now much more outward focused, appreciating Mother Nature more than ever and sensing the unified field, thereby accepting wholeheartedly that we are all one energy field. My heart has opened. I am much more compassionate, patient, calm and accepting of others. My self-awareness has grown exponentially, such that I take much more responsibility for my life and its creations. I thoroughly recommend Deborah’s courses and the practice of energy healing and spirituality for developing expanded self-awareness, and a stronger sense of belonging, realizing and experiencing how we are all one and all connected.
Gael N.
“I didn’t know exactly what energy healing was but I signed up for it. And fast forward, it turned out to be the best investment ever.”
Just like any other 30-something Korean young mom with a 3-year-old son, I was struggling with my life.
I was a seeker of spirituality, so I always listened to Deborah’s radio as a backdrop and ever since Deborah King started her show back in 2009, I immediately got hooked by her voice and her teachings. I didn’t know exactly what energy healing was but I signed up for it. And fast forward, it turned out to be the best investment ever. I’m meeting more of me which is so exciting because the person that I aspire to be was inside of me. The more I get to meet my true essence of me, the more I fall in love with the qualities that I exude so naturally. Therefore, I don’t have to cover up to become a better person which is so freeing. The more I can save all the energy spent for cover-ups, I feel stronger, lighter, more loving, authentic and transparent.
“Had it not been Deborah’s programs, I would have not had the courage to separate with my husband and claim
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