Mike Filsaime – 7 Figure Code
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Download available within 1-2 hours. Here is what is really sad. You may feel you are too busy to read this report right now because it is a “Distraction” to a temporary project you are working on that has nothing to do with your financial future!
Mike Filsaime – 7 Figure Code
To: Anyone ready for a real Business that makes real money…
From: Mike Filsaime & Tom Beal
Dear Friend,
Can I have your permission to talk to you like a “Big Brother” or trusted advisor?
The reason why I am asking you this is because I am going to talk to you in a different way that you may have never heard before in any letter on another web page.
I am NOT going to try and sweet talk you today and tell you the things you want to hear. I am going to tell you the things you NEED to hear as someone building a business online. And these harsh truths and realities can only come from a trusted friend or “Big Brother”
But you need to hear this for your own good if you want to make it online.
O.K. – Time for the Brutal Facts…. Are you ready?
Everything you may be doing right now is probably a big waste of time when it comes to building your online business. Making money online is not about quick hits and temporary fixes.
Here is what is really sad. You may feel you are too busy to read this report right now because it is a “Distraction” to a temporary project you are working on that has nothing to do with your financial future!
Maybe right now there is a…
little person on your shoulder saying…
“I shouldn’t even be reading this right now. I have work to do and do not have time for this…”
But if you looked inside of the mind of the most successful people in the world they are having a very different conversation in their heads. (I’ll tell you how I know this in a second, but first I’ll let you know what they are NOT thinking…)
Here’s the story:
Now, of all the hundreds of successful people I know, many making 6 and 7 figures per year online, (many on this sales page) NONE of them are wasting their time…
- trying to find a way to make money by exploiting MySpace
- running FSO’s (Forum Special Offers) as a fulltime living
- using tools to “Automate” site building to fake out search engines into thinking their sites are actually worth visiting.
- seeing how they can make an extra $30 per day cheating Craiglist
- losing at the “AdSense Game”
- trying to find a way to cheat Google Adwords
- selling $7 products as their cash flow plan for the month.
Remember, I am acting as a close friend. I am not trying to beat anyone up, but I also want to be straight up with you here.
If you were my close friend, sitting in my office, and you told me that the above nonsense is what you were actually doing right now as your idea of making money online I would…
…Kick you right in your butt!
And I wish someone would have done that for me when I started out. I spent months and months chasing these “money making” systems that had a life expectancy of a Hollywood Marriage.
And I know many of you reading are thinking to yourself…
“I do Not want to make $1 Million per year online…”
“I only want to make $1000 per month.”
Get immediately download Mike Filsaime – 7 Figure Code
My reply to that is….
Yeah Right! Pah-Leeeeeeze…
If I were to tell you right now that you can do everything you are passionate about and you would get paid $19,230.77 per week…, every week, for the rest of your life…Are you really going to tell me…
Of course not. What is even more absurd about that is when I talk to people and they tell me such things. I say to them…
Come on now, when you went to college, would you have graduated and said “I want to get a Job that pays $1000 per month.”?
Here is the problem with that mentality. There is no such thing as…
…30 Second Pasta!
You either have Uncooked pasta or pasta made the right way.
Let me explain what I mean by that…
I do not think it is possible for anyone to teach you or anyone else how to make $1000 per month online. It is just not possible. It is just like trying to cook pasta in 30 seconds.
There is only one way to cook pasta, and there is only one way to build a business that serves a market.
If anyone is making $1000 per month, that is not a goal, that is a problem, because they are not serving the needs of the market place.
Now, O.K., I understand that there are people that simply can not identify with making 7 Figures (1 Million or more) per year, let alone even six figures. But what the newbie is really saying is, I want learn how to make my first dollar before worrying about making $1 Million…
Ah… That is a better statement.
But as Stephen Covey, Author of ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ says Habit No. 2 is…
…Begin With The End In Mind
Remember before I told you I wish I had this information when I got started? Instead it cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars and years to research before I cracked the 7 figure code.
Well, if you wanted to learn to be a world class golfer or just learn to play for fun, please choose what is the better path to choose.
a) Teach yourself for 1 year and then, after you taught yourself how to make bad shots, hooks, slices, and learned all of the bad habits…. go out and get a world class coach. (Who now has to spend time reprogramming your brain to get around all of the bad habits you picked up.)
or –
b) Hire a world class instructor from the start (this is called modeling) to become a world class golfer in days instead of decades.
Well, you do not need me or Stephen Covey to tell you the answer to that one. There is only one right answer and one wrong answer.
But what about with Internet Marketing?
Before today, there was no right answer. You see, there has never been anything like this before. Never.
Of course, you had good products that taught you “Tactics” like Adwords and Driving Traffic and Copywriting. But now what?
Now, I have documented information that can help you or anyone go from $0 per month, $1000 per month, or even $10,000 per month, to having the same information I use to make over $300,000 per month.
Wait! – Before we go further…
I need you to make me a promise…
Will you invest 10% – 15% your profits of your business to invest in advice, information and support to help you grow, even multiply your business every year?
Somewhere along the line the idea got out there that building a business online is a solo project. That you should sit isolated and alone night after night banging your head against the keyboard trying to figure stuff out…
Here’s why I bring this up now:
Because once you get started using what I’m about to reveal to you, the dollars will start pouring in. But if you want to keep your business growing and doubling every year, then once you get a head of steam you want to POUR ON THE GAS.
Building an online business is just a game of information. If you know the moves and the timing everything else is easy. There’s no big barrier to entry–you don’t need a big pile of cash to get started and you don’t need insider connections…
But what you will need, if you want to continue to ride the wave is a commitment to doing less of the busy-work yourself and to make more leveraged moves with your time…
(In fact pretty soon you’re going to want all of the busy work done for you–not by people working in your home but by skilled outsourcers working from theirs.)
There is a dreaded disease that plagues all entrepreneurs… It is called the “I Want To Work Alone” disease. It is easily cured. But…
Just in case you are not cured yet.
Let me ask you this additional question…
Q. What 2 things do these people all have in common?
A. They all:
- have made millions on the Internet (in some case billions)
- pay for the best advice they can get and have a staff that does the busy-work. That way, they think of ways to grow their business and enjoy life. .
Wow. That was easy. You are now cured of the dreaded, I Want To Work Alone disease that plagues every entrepreneur in the beginning. (Do not feel bad. It is a bad gene we are born with, but it is easily cured.)
Well congratulations…
You are now ready to take advantage of
The 7 Figure Code
But before I tell you about it, I know many of you are wondering why I can talk to you like a “Big Brother” and help lead you to a better life.
I can litter this page with hypey screen shots of my income, but I do not feel the need to do so. The bottom line is not only do I make a 7 Figure income online, I make over $1 Million dollars every 3 months. So I will just place a small link and image for anyone that likes to see that stuff or needs real proof.
If you never heard of me, feel free to click here to see my screen shots of my 2006 income (or click on the image below.)
O.K. – So what, right? Anyone can make money. Ah.. But to be able to teach others how to do it is a whole different game.
But even teaching only goes so far. It is the success of the people you teach that will make you legendary in your market. But for me to say it is just text on a page.
Let me share with you what other successful people have said about me…
As you can see, having cracked the code, and knowing others that have done the same, I can qualify to continue to act as a “Big Brother”, so read on…
So let me tell you how it came about. Lets’ go back in time just a bit…
On February 23rd, earlier this year, a select group of elite millionaire business owners shared their most intimate secrets of running a seven figure business… secrets known to only a handful of the most respected, highly sought-after business leaders in the world!
This covert training (No Pitch Event) went for three full days of intensive, content-rich “nothing held back” instruction designed to teach – by example – how these marketing moguls run every aspect of their business (something never before attempted at any other seminar.)
…In fact, it was not a seminar. It was a $5000 workshop, or more like a 72 hour re-organization of your brain-cells For Record-Breaking Success in Any Business!
Crack the 7 Figure Code and Unlock The Secrets to Million Dollar Success in Your Business… Over 72 Hours of Elite Training from the World’s Top Business Owners, Coaches and Mentors…
– Now A Complete Home Study Course –
Experience The Entire Event from Your Own Living Room!
Here’s some of what you’ll get from the 7 Figure Code Home Study Course…
- What it really means to have Vision, and how one magic word can revolutionize your online or offline business forever (only seven figure players know this word… and they use it!)
- Learn the real history of MikeFilsaime.com, and how his multi-million dollar techniques can catapult your business into stardom and level the playing field…
- Get inside the mind of marketing super-genius, Stephen Pierce. Watch as he clearly demonstrates how to “plug-in”, map out and blueprint your way to glorified success!
- When you absolutely must “let go” and outsource for the growth potential of your business – many people have trouble with hiring out – you’ll know when the best times and situations call for an employee, and when it’s ok to do it yourself
- Command F.A.S.T profits as you follow this 100% fail-safe formula for a huge boost in your bottom line, almost overnight!
- Discover new Adwords technology that crushes all competitors to dust and leaves you to reign supreme over your entire niche market – use this and you’ll be unbeatable!
- Infamous “Black Book Access” of Mike Filsaime’s most private, fully-tested and hand-picked resources he uses daily, to remain an internet marketing giant and seven figure earner!
- Learn powerful, almost improper ways to integrate a little-known process into your business that instantly produces a well-oiled profit generator
- Online Marketing Strategies that can destroy armies of competitors with a single strike – these priceless secrets have been jealously guarded and known to only a few people in the world!
- Slash full digits off your next tax bill with Advanced Tax Strategies and start running a real business without worry over hefty legal fines or even jail-time!
- Go behind the scenes with marketing superstar Brad Fallon as he uncovers the bare mechanics of an intense multi-million dollar empire in full operation!
- The eight most important questions to ask (and find answers to) before you should even start thinking of running a million dollar business – without this most businesses never cross the seven-figure threshold to millionaire status!
- Follow Ken Macarthur as he takes you behind the curtain revealing one of the founding fathers of Internet Marketing (if you don’t see this, you haven’t yet realized your full potential for staggering success and total enjoyment of your life!)
- Be just like a “fly on the wall” at an exclusive 7 Figure Code Q&A Session with the entire speaker’s panel, where entrepreneurs from all walks of life ask the “difficult questions”… the ones that keep you stumped, frustrated… and block the path to explosive success in your business!
- Now and for the first time ever… you’re getting a Fast Start Action Blueprint for gaining massive wealth and investing wisely into your business – Follow this blueprint to the “T” and you can’t help but to experience above-average results from any business!
- And much, much more!
Why was this considered “Life Changing” information?
While other seminars are little more than cleverly disguised “pitch-fests”, this event focused on providing the most valuable cash-rich content ever given at any marketing event.
Each registrant was told this would be the most intense experience they ever had, because it was being recorded and re-packaged as an entire Home Study Course… to create millionaires from any online business starting right now!
In addition, you’ll also learn from these million dollar experts:
Brad Fallon
Brad Fallon has been running Million Dollar companies for years. Recently, he launched a business, StomperNet, that brings in over $1 Million per month. He has several million dollar businesses and shares his intimate knowledge of new technological breakthroughs in modern online marketing.
Richard Schefren
Richard Schefren has had several Multi Million Dollar business. He is a mentor to the mentors. He has personally coached many of the most successful online marketers in the world today, including me.
Richard has a staff of several of the most talented people in the industry. A C.O.O., a right-hand man, a full time copywriter, personal assistants, web master and all. He knows what to outsource and when to have employees.
Imagine being able to learn how his company runs. The guy that teaches others how to run theirs. You will get to learn from him first hand.
Ken McArthur
Ken is not new to this game. Ken has been online before many of us knew what a mouse was. Ken has built many business and has made Millions Online. He will tell you how he runs his business. How he started out and mistakes he made so you can avoid them. He will tell you how he has since put things into place to expand his business and increase profits every year since he started online without working harder.
Stephen Pierce
Stephen Pierce is one of the most successful business people marketing online today. Stephen has built a number of Million Dollar businesses. He has prepared a never before presentation bring your “Behind Closed Doors” of how he runs his business with virtually total automation. Stephen is one of the most strategic minds in the world and people regularly pay him thousands to learn from him.
David Cavanagh
This full of energy expert has blown away people all over the world with his on stage, somewhat controversial, energy. David speaks to you straight with no bull. He is one of the leading experts in the world in working with newbie’s and is also one of the most knowledge marketers and trainers of the MyOnlineShopingCart.com/1shoppingcart.com merchant Account / Affiliate / Autoresponder. David flew in from the other side of the world just to teach you how to use and profit from this powerful tool!
Don’t Take Our Word For It… Here’s What Actual Attendees from the 2007 Figure Business Said About Our Three-Day Workshop:
I’m sure you’ll agree, those are some of the best testimonials anyone could hope to get for a event… and we guarantee you’ll have the same reaction when you see what what’s inside the 7 Figure Code Home Study Course…
Here Is What Makes This Home Study Course Different Than Any Other, Ever… (insiders reveal best kept secrets here they never told anyone else – this is what millionaires are made of!)
The 7 Figure Code is based on fundamentals you need to run a $1,000,000+ online business.
And that is the entire focus.
We show you how and what we use to run our business
* How we come up with ideas for million dollar projects
* How we brain storm in our office and with other top experts
* How we create products from scratch
* How we hire staff
* How we bring products to the marketplace
* How we find JV Partners
* The software we use to run our business
* How our office is set up for enjoyable creativity and productivity
This has never been done, that I am aware of, for anyone ever before.
Imagine Living The Lifestyle of the Most Wealthy, Powerful and Highly Respected Business Leaders In The World… These Are The Keys to The Kingdom That Have Been Kept From You And Jealously Guarded By Only The Richest Business Tycoons… Until Now!
Just Imagine The Lifestyle Knowing These Secrets Can Give You…
Think about it for a second. I want you to read this and when you are done, close your eyes.
* Imagine not having to get up to the sound of an alarm clock at 6 am
* Imagine not having to answer to a “Boss”
* Imagine not having to ask for time off so that you can go anywhere you want, anytime you like…
*Imagine being able to provide your family, your spouse, or the ones you love, with whatever they desire… if you choose to do so.
* Imagine being able to walk into a Corvette dealership, buy a $55,000 Corvette and drive it off the showroom floor the same day… and never make another payment.
* Imagine, at Christmas or holiday time, you can surprise your kids with a Sony Play Station 3, because you were able to get it when many could not.
* Imagine being able to put your kids through the best schools and never have to think about where the money is coming.
* Imagine the feeling, of having a close family member, or good long life friend, calling you in a time of need to tell you that they need money for an emergency… and the only question you ask is, not why, or how much, but how do you need me to send it to you check or wire?
*Imagine being debt free and not having to stay up at night, sleepless, because you are not sure if after you pay the car payment, you’ll be able to pay the mortgage on time.
* Imagine being able to travel to anywhere you want… Hawaii, Sydney, Paris, Rome, Fiji… anytime you want and without having to ask anyone for permission.
Let me break down each individual DVD we are sending to you today.
On the First DVD Tom and I talk about understanding what YOUR vision is.
We started here, because without knowing where you are going, then how can you even decide what the next logical step is?
Get immediately download Mike Filsaime – 7 Figure Code
DVD Volume 1:
“Vision, And Your Hedgehog Concept”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume One…
- Learn how to find your vision, ignite your passion and set your income on fire! (chapter 3, 44:49)
- Decipher the difference between a vision statement and a mission statement (99.8% of all entrepreneurs get this totally wrong and suffer for it!) (chapter 4, 47:00)
- See by example how not one, but several 7 figure businesses are setup and operate on a daily basis for maximum effect (chapter 4, 49:39)
- Break-down the core requirements of a truly powerful vision statement (chapter 4, 51:40)
- The Hedgehog Concept: Are you a fox or a hedgehog? (Hint: One reigns triumphant and the other fails miserably, every time!) (chapter 5, 1:01:15)
- What fuels the economic engine for reaching beyond the 6-7 figure threshold? (chapter 6, 01:22:15)
- Gain the insight to know when it’s in your best interest to “just say NO” to a business opportunity! (chapter 6, 01:26:06)
- The Flywheel effect and how to use it to supercharge your business, almost overnight (chapter 7, 01:34:47)
- Discover your direction to know where you are now, and where you’re headed! (chapter 7, 01:38:00)
- The most fundamental action steps you must be taking right now to ensure 7 Figure Success in your business! (01:40:55)
Now that you know your Vision and Hedgehog concept, you will want to now go behind the scenes to my office, my staff, and my product sales.
We take you on a tour of some top secret information I would normally not even share with my own family.
DVD Volume 2:
“History And Behind The Scenes Of MIkeFilsaime.com, Inc.”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Two…
- Take your business to the next level as Mike covers his own progression month by month (chapter 1, 00:45)
- Learn The History of MikeFilsaime.com, Inc (chapter 1, 02:05)
- Learn who Mike’s mentor was before he was involved online (chapter 1, 05:50)
- What process made Mike react in such a profound way to get him off his butt! (chapter 1, 10:25)
- What Don’t Touch My Ads and Butterfly Marketing have in common, and how it was used by Mike before he even knew about it! (chapter 1, 13:14)
- How to network and perform marketing magic… literally, at your fingertips (chapter 2, 28:00)
- The birth of the Thank You Page concept (chapter 3, 31:06)
Learn the dollar value of each site, from starter to stardom! (chapter 3, 43:27) - Creating a super cool work place, and how keeping employees happy can boost productivity (chapter 4, 56:57)
- The right action-steps to take when hiring staff to grow your business (chapter 5, 01:14:34)
What more can be said. My personal friend gave what many call, the most perfect presentation ever given at an Internet Marketing event.
This DVD will blow you away. You will never look at what you are doing the same again. I feel it is worth the price of the entire package alone.
The only people that have ever received this information have paid Stephen over $30000 to get a hold of it. You get access to it in the course.
DVD Volume 3:
Stephen Pierce: The Sales Process Of A
7 Figure Business”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Three…
- Take your customers on a journey guided by the golden goose… and ultimately turn them into repeat buyers! (chapter 1, 10:02)
- What 14 critical processes can turn your business into a 7 figure empire (chapter 1, 11:14)
- What the Profit Nervous System is and why you need to know! (chapter 1, 11:46)
- 7 Steps to a 7 Figure Business, the sales process and pipeline your customers must go through (chapter 1, 14:00)
- How to set objectives, and what you must know before you set them in place! (chapter 2, 23:14)
- Value Mapping your Market, and why this is crucial to your business (chapter 2, 24:07)
- What “Position your shape next to the bridge, so you can close it” really means! (chapter 2, 29:09)
- How to give value to your customers without shame and in return become wealthier (chapter 4, 57:45)
- What does “M.O.S.T.” stand for and how these 4 elements take you straight to the top (chapter 5, 1:12:17)
- How to know what is relevant and what to do for information overload (chapter 6, 01:24:30)
- What is the effect on what you’re doing and how it relates to consistency (chapter 7, 01:30:01)
After Stephen teaches you how to get a flood of sales with his valuable process map for selling online…
You will want to learn the use of leverage of your time, as you focus on your strengths, you will now become a master at Outsourcing ad Out tasking projects at light speed for maximum profits.
DVD Volume 4:
“Why, When, And How To Outsource, Out Task, And Hire”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Four…
- Outsourcing and Outtasking, Virtual Staff and Employees, and how they all have an important role in your business (chapter 2, 21:22)
- Why you should never try to run your business by yourself – you won’t get far without knowing this (chapter 3, 30:15)
- Commonly outsourced jobs (chapter 3, 36:30)
- Most commonly outtasked jobs (chapter 3, 41:37)
- Places to outtask the job at hand (chapter 3, 43:18)
- Submitting your project, and how to protect your technology from getting in the hands of search engines (chapter 4, 55:38)
- Where and how to get software and scripts made to benefit your business (chapter 4, 55:59)
- Find out what to do with an extraordinary person that can benefit you tremendously (chapter 5, 01:14:24)
- What the difference is between outsourcing and a virtual employee working from home or somewhere else (chapter 6, 01:16:30)
- When to hire in-house employees and what positions are good for them as you grow (chapter 6, 01:30:10)
We run our business by a method we coined F.A.S.T. Profits. As you can see, profits do not come first. We must always have Fun, while we Automate our business that will Scale with success and leave us with Time for time off.
Here you will learn the criteria we go through when we are faced with an opportunity. Learn who we say yes or no.
DVD Volume 5:
“The F.A.S.T. Profits Method Of Running Your Online Business”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Five…
- Life is good, don’t screw it up! What “F.A.S.T.” profits can do to your business (chapter 1, 05:37)
- When is “enough money” actually enough – passing the FUN test (chapter 1, 13:03)
- How to come up with projects and use them to your ultimate advantage (chapter 2, 20:29)
- Find a way to remember your ideas by using this method (chapter 3, 35:31)
- Lose the scarcity mentality by handling it in a different way to help you grow as a person (chapter 3, 41:45)
- Learn how to get your product out in the market first, and beat the competition (chapter 4, 49:55)
- What steps you need to do to take action that will get you results (chapter 4, 50:45)
- How to acquire JV partners using these 3 different methods to get their attention (chapter 4, 57:33)
- The bottom line to a proper focused action plan and what you need to do (chapter 5, 01:11:40)
- What you have to set and what you have to know to maximize profits (chapter 6, 01:15:56)
The lifeline to any business is getting eyeballs to look at your product. Pay Per Click marketing has been termed the most innovative advertising system to come around in 100 years.
But it is not easy for many. Our experts break it down for your with pure content to get you more visitors that you would have thought possible.
DVD Volume 6:
“Amish Shah and Larry Ostrovsky:
The New Pay-Per-Click”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Six…
- Why is PPC important and the biggest 3 obstacles you may face (chapter 1, 3:41)
- Market Research – how to find the right market and how to find the right keywords (chapter 1, 09:05)
- To find your competition, you need competitive intelligence which can be broken down to six action steps you can take to maximize your chances (chapter 1, 14:01)
- How to structure your campaign, and how to avoid the most common mistake people will do (chapter 2, 18:04)
- What to do to manage your campaigns and using analytics the right way (chapter 2, 26:41)
- How to get free traffic by using these 3 steps to maximize your campaigns (chapter 3, 32:45)
- Find out the 3 types of money making keywords and how to use them to your advantage (chapter 3, 34:30)
- Hexaclick – the higher version of the new PPC (an automated ROI) and how to get money using it. (chapter 3, 37:45)
- How to find the search engine to use and why Grouping, Targeting, and Tracking are more important (chapter 4, 45:41)
- How to find out more about Hexaclick and how it can benefit you (chapter 4, 46:11)
Here, in this DVD I go behind the scenes again to show you every tool I use to run my business plus I also explain why I use them.
The audience throws out some gems as well. I wish I had this when I started. I would have paid $500 for just this type of content alone!
DVD Volume 7:
“A Behind The Scenes Look At The Tools And Resources We Use To Run Our Million Dollar Business”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Seven…
- Keep your sites up and running with this “no crash” hosting solution
- Why working with GoDaddy keeps your business on a tight-rope, and how it can prove deadly without a moments warning
- How to turn one product into many using these simply “one-time” services
- Get the best rates for the best work online with this one resource
- Make the most of your mind power with one piece of software that revolutionized my business
- Stay on the same page with your employees – even if they’re on different sides of the planet using this one solution
- Where to find the most qualified programmers online so your never left in the dark again
- Get killer graphics for any product and see the finished result without paying a dime
- Which software do I use to make all my stunning video and even a “how to” guide
- Make the most of your time by using one awesome software solution…
Knows world round as the mentor to the newbie’s. David is responsible for helping more newbie’s to succeed than almost anyone online.
Watch how he goes deep into the integration of 3 of the most important parts of your online business..
DVD Volume 8:
“David Cavanagh: How To Integrate Your Merchant Account, Affiliate Program, And Your Email AutoRepsonders”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Eight…
- How to create a payment system, never lose another sale to faulty processors(8:40)
- What’s missing from the average “marketer/customer” relationship and how it affects the buying process(12:30)
- How to use the opt-in page to it’s fullest potential, what most marketers don’t know – even if they already collect leads(14:20)
- What DJs and Hypnosis have to do with online solutions, and how you can be sabotaging yourself with the wrong tools(16:40)
- Go from being an affiliate to a business owner – why its wiser to advertise products of your own(19:35)
- Build your list and sell your product at the same time with Clickbank- just follow these simple steps(23:03)
- How an ad tracker is indispensable when it comes to all your advertising campaigns(30:10)
- How to get the big dogs to mail to their list and use “affiliate program module” the right way(33:30)
- Learn how to brand yourself to create lasting customer relationships with name recognition(51:15)
- How to think two steps ahead of your customers leaving your with quick cash and pages of testimonials(01:14:02)
The information provide in this DVD module may just be one of the most powerful of all. In this DVD module, whether you are a beginner or a marketer making$10,00 per month, this information will triple your sales in the next 90 days. It is that powerful.
To this day, I have people asking me why I went so far to share these secrets that make me over $45,000 per month just in their own.
You will find all of this in the DVD…
DVD Volume 9:
“Advanced Profit Marketing”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Nine…
- How to increase profits 3 simple ways to increase profits -these same methods are use by giants like Reese and Joyner to pull million dollar profits (3:12)
- Learn the stone cold solid ways to use multiple streams of traffic channels – so you can keep an uninterrupted flow of heavy traffic (4:30)
- increase profits, traffic and conversions for your business comprehensive charts, maps and fail proof steps show you how (7:22)
- How to use “the bump” to almost invisibly make more money off each customer, and get them to thank you for it (9:35)
- Get targeted traffic and excellent conversions when you learn to use Adwords “the right way (15:33)
- What is the difference between offer and guarantee when it comes to closing, and how you form a correct offer – or sell by perfecting risk reversal (29:02)
- How to give exclusive bonuses that add value, and how specific bonuses may prove deadly to your sales… find out how to approach your market (32:33)
- Get a detailed list of specific elements of your sales letter you NEED to be testing or your just wasting your time online and you precious sales (35:48)
- A simple formula to make half a million dollars with a tight marketing funnel, and this laser specific point of focus (47:33)
- How you can dominate your marketplace with one simple equation, and what “metrics” can do to easily change your business (50:24)
- How to get “plug and play” traffic leveraging other peoples websites, auto responders, and members areas… and keep everyone equally delighted (1:10:31)
As Drew says, it is not how much you make, it is how much you keep. And even more important, is protecting your assets from frivolous lawsuits that exploit loop holes in the law.
This may be one of the most important DVD’s you ever watch about protecting your business. While Drew is a US Tax Advisor, his principles apply to any country and get you asking the right questions about how to save more profits and protect your assets.
DVD Volume 10:
“Financial Specialist Gives Tax Planning
And Asset Protection”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Ten…
- How to correctly build lasting wealth, and the secret most top-earners
never talk about (6:12) - How to run your business in a tax free environment, what the government doesn’t want you to know (12:50)
- Get sued and lose everything unless you protect yourself with this
one protective step (34:03) - Avoid serious tragedy with “The asset protection power tools of the Rich” (32:26)
- What is an “S Corp” and what your accountant and advisers don’t tell you that is setting you up to take a major fall (34:48)
- Your JV partners may unknowing be setting you up for serious lawsuits, that leaves them in the clear and leaves you in handcuffs (33:12)
- What is a “Charging Order” and how it properly protects you million-dollar asset, and what extra step keeps the courts from taking all your profits (36:24)
- How to protect yourself using an “LLC” and keep the bad guys at bay and keep your assets, and all your hard-earned profits (38:04)
- What is your CPA not telling you and 3 ways you can be proactive
in your business (01:10:26) - How to get double your money or more with special code sections to start saving you money TODAY in your own business (01:24)
This was the most inspiring talk of the event. Tom’s presentation stirred up emotions as he kicked some people in the butt and set them on the right track.
There was not a dry eye in the house when he was done. People are still talking about this even today. This DVD may be exactly what you need to get you to the next level.
Get immediately download Mike Filsaime – 7 Figure Code
DVD Volume 11:
“Tom Beal: The Proven Online
Success Magnet System”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Eleven…
- What is the “5 step success magnet system” and how each step is instrumental to your success and happiness in business and life (21:50)
- What does the “Dave Mira double backflip” and X-treme Biking have to do with your business evolution, and how you can relate your key to success (3:12)
- Is it possible to go from bankrupt to 2 million a month, to 50 million
a month… yes, take a look (6:00) - Are you in the 5% that are working on these life changing “9 most important words in life”, or are you wasting time and focus on fruitless pursuits (8:50)
- What are the steps you can take today to begin the journey to success and how can you 10X your business? (11:30)
- How can multiplying your possibilities keep your business reaching for the stars, and still have a 7figure biz – even if you only reach the moon. (13:35)
- How to implement the 5 easy steps and how they can change not
only your business but your life starting now, demand a great biz balanced with a brilliant and fulfilled life (16:08) - Could this minute be your last? Yes, quite possibly – here’s how to overcome any obstacle with an inspired mind and advance by leaps and bound from where you are to where you want to be (24:41)
- What is true success? You may have wrongly defined this simple term
and it’s holding you back, change your life to easily align with your dreams (don’t miss these slides) (31:01) - What does Napoleon Hill and belief have to do with your reality and how this one statement gives you total creative power to achieve anything you can conceive (33:44)
- How committing to action with urgency and gratefulness can change the way you operate on a sub-physical level to irreversibly change your life for the better (41:01)
Brad is known by his peers has one of the smartest marketers in the game. Brad is on a legendary level. Every time this DVD is on in the production studio in our office, I stop what I am doing and learn something new.
Brad Fallon is the Howard Hughes of Internet Marketing(minus The Crazy Part, Well Maybe Not. What the Video Below.)
DVD Volume 12:
“Brad Fallon: Smarter Internet Marketers Work Less Think More”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Twelve…
- How to work less and think more learn how “Vince Lombardy’s” football fundamentals take you from A. the first dollar to more money FAST (2:10)
- What is “ROCE” and why you should look at these numbers before jumping on an investment or you could be losing big (6:26)
- How is cash flow like heroine? -and why do many, many marketers die broke and alone – here’s how to avoid this dangerous addiction with “one word”(7:13)
- What one question can you ask yourself that maximizes your productivity and takes your business forward at light speed. Make your skill set take you to millions-here’s how! (13:15)
- What is the one thing that could be limiting the throughput of your system why starting like a Rookie can be your greatest asset (16:24)
- Do you understand your “inherent simplicity” – if you don’t then your not exploiting you productive power at all (17:34)
- How to get the “right people on the bus” without wasting over 50% of your time on the front end (25:06)
- What does “Wayne Gretsky” have to do with you scoring big by thinking outside the box (29:08)
- Learn how you can apply the REAL “holy grail of marketing” to effortlessly grow your business the smart way and why search marketing doesn’t apply (32:04)
- How you can put your IQ to work for you, with a one hit and forget approach that sets up a residual profit for life in minutes (1:14:05)
DVD Volume 13:
“Ken McArthur: How to Double Your Customers”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Thirteen…
- Are you a “connector”, if not you can be and how this can make your business take off in no time (2:52)
- What are the 3 types of people you need in your business to keep your bottom line untouchable (5:36)
- How do most people get started online, how to race through this timeline and skip all the mistakes most people make… (27:08)
- How to build flawless systems that make you massive profits, the one question you need to build immediate trust and unavoidable success (29:29)
- Are you limiting yourself? Discover your stand-point – leverage JVs –
and use this technique to launch straight to the top (37:01) - How to make the most of your promotional power by implementing the perfect backend strategy, starting now… (48:40)
- Who you need to bring in to maximize your effort and how to implement your own “apprentice program” (50:01)
- How does your list fit into the pyramid of projects, are you spending you time effectively – how to work with your list to give them what you want and make massive profits (54:40)
- What part of your “funnel” are you missing that holding you back and how to set up an ultimate marketing system (56:50)
- Do you have what it takes to be at the top? If you have these elements in place, your only missing one thing (01:23)
Rich Schefren is the person that took Internet marking from a hobby to a real business in the minds of thousand online.
Having built 4 million dollar business, and as my personal mentor, there was no one better than him to talk business at this premier business workshop.
After 90 minutes of his new strategies he shares, you may just stop everything you are doing and make instant changes in your current projects or the ones coming.
DVD Volume 14:
“Rich Schefren: Ten Steps To Build A Real Business Online”
Below Are Just A Few Snippets Of What You Will Learn On DVD Volume Fourteen…
- Avoid the “recipe for failure” and how business has changed to save you time and build momentum (7:18)
- What components do you need to build your business around your strength and operate around your flaws(10:00)
- What 10 steps do you need to “align for growth” with your market as an entrepreneur(14:55)
- How to find hire, keep and retain the right people follow the greatest marketers when it comes to putting together a killer team (17:08)
- What is the “theory of constraints” and how your it applies to everything from business to life (18:40)
- How to get free of the business, how to reach a point where your business can operate without you and how to make a smooth transition(20:40)
- What are the 4 stages of momentum and how to start out on the path to freedom (22:00)
- Are you wasting time creating false value, find out if your just spinning your wheels or building a real business (29:03)
- What problems are you uniquely capable of solving and how to capitalize on them to reap massive profits (32:01)
- What you need to focus on to escape the momentum phase, this takes you business to the next level (58:54)
The minds that gathered at this event are without a doubt, the most brilliant group of minds ever assembled on an Internet marketing stage. Many people said they would have paid $1000 just to attend this module.
But it gets rough. They do not call it the hot seat for no reason. They came for help, they got the brutal facts, and then when they took the advice of the experts, their sites will never be the same again.
On DVD’s 15 and 16 you will learn from Jeff Johnson, Andrew Fox, Michael Cheney, Brian Rogers, Keith Wellman, Sterling Valentine, Alex Ngheim, Ken McArthur, Jason James, Rick Butts, Martin Wales, Harris Fellman, Donna Fox, JP Micek, Frank Garon, James Grandstaff, Mike Ambrosio, Brett Ridgeway, The Rich Jerks’ “Magic” Ryan, and Jeff Walker.
DVD Volume 15:
“The Hot Seat Panel”
The experts now take questions from the audience and answer them like a Pro Golfer hitting a hole in one.
DVD Volume 16:
“The Expert Panel”
Here are a few videos sent to us from the recent attendees of the $5000 workshop who watched the same information you will be able to watch too.
These videos were sent in to us unsolicited because they were just so excited to share these results with us.
I could go on and on, but it may sound like I am bragging. It is best when you hear it from their own words.
You know, they say money does not buy happiness.
But when you have a loving family and good health, at least you don’t have to worry about money.
But let’s face it… you deserve money and you know it..
You deserve to be rich and wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.
And to Prove It, I’m Eliminating Your Risk With My Absolute, No-Brainer – “Love It or Shove It” 100% Money Back Guarantee… You Have Zero Risk And Your Ultimate Satisfaction Is Set In Stone!
The reason you have no risk is because if you are not happy with the 7 Figure Code Home Study Course… you get a full 30 days to send it back and get every cent of your money returned to you.
I assume all the risk. If you are not happy, simply return the package to us within 30 days of the receipt of the course (even if after you watch and learn from all of the experts) and I will send your money back to you on the spot. Your risk has been eliminated!
How is that for a total satisfaction guarantee…!
You see, I am confident that this will be one of the best Home Study Courses you have ever experienced in your life, and the only one that has ever covered this type of critical information for all marketers… and that is why I can be so bold.
The bottom line is that I would not deserve your money if I did not live up to my promise. You can rest assured that I will exceed your expectations.
But more than that, I want this year to be the year that makes all your dreams come true…
That’s Why You Won’t Have to Pay $5,000 for The 7 Figure Code Home Study Course
— Make sure to read this, because not only is there an early bird introductory price, but for the first 7 days, you also get some great fast action bonuses. Read on…
When the infamous $1 Million day hit the net in August of 2004, the bar was raised for home study courses… It sold for $997. In fact I entered that area and launched a product for $997 and did $1 Million in sales in just 5 days. It now sells for $1497.
And My coaching program sells for $4997 when I speak around the world on a monthly basis to thousands of people.
And recently, we have seen a membership site with over 1500 paid members paying $797 per month!
My point is not whether or not they are worth it. If someone pays for something and makes money in return, that is a good return on investment. But…
Get immediately download Mike Filsaime – 7 Figure Code
The points of what I am saying are,
- I know I can easily market this product for $2497 as I have done it before to great success
- the market has proven to pay ever rising prices for quality products
I am very confident that we could easily sell 500 units in 30 days at $2497. And I feel, that for a $5000 per ticket recorded event, it would be a great value. (I think you know that too, or at least agree to some extent.)
But you know what, just because the market is willing to pay, does not mean that I have to push the boundaries of price and profit to and explore it.
At the end of the day, what I want to do is help as many people get what they want out of life by letting them walk in my successful footsteps.
Tom Beal and I spoke about this one day. We said, let’s shock the market and give back… Tom said, “I bet we can help more people, and in the end, make about the same amount of money.” And I agreed with him.
So we decided to set the price to $1497.00 That was going to be the price forever.
This price may go into effect any day now (even today.) I have been known to raise prices several times as I like to over deliver with surprises bonuses and updating courses. The final price will be $1497 (or more) and will never come back down to the current low price we are going to make for you now.
I told my members that the price would shock the market. So the price is not what many have expected… i.e. $2497, or $1997, or $1497.
For the next 500 units only, you save $200
…We’ll Ship This Entire Course to Your Front Door for Just $1297.00
(but only for a very limited time)
Less than 500 orders
That’s right… if you’re one of the the next 500 orders, you get your hands on this incredible Home Study Course… you’re going to save more than $3,000 off what others have paid to gain access to this priceless information… and over $200 less than what everybody else will have to pay for this package after the we sell out this lot of courses (and they are going fast!)
I hate to be this blunt. And I am talking to newbie’s and non newbie’s alike. (Let’s put our “Ego” aside for a minute.)
If you are not willing to spend $1297 for a course like this, then either you have everything you want out of life, you have a big ego, or you just do not have the $1297.
If your ego is the problem, then that is your problem not mine. I will never know as it will not make difference to me if you buy or not.
If you can not afford it, find a way to afford it if this is what you really want. You deserve it and this is an investment that can pay for itself over and over and over.
If you have everything you want out of life, then what are you doing reading this sales page?
You know… my mentor says to me, “In life, either you are growing or dying. And the same hold true for your business.”
So, if you choose to grow in all aspects, then you have a choice today to grow as well, even if you have everything you want out of life… there is always room to improve.
This is your once in a lifetime chance to finally learn and fully understand what is required to run and operate a Seven Figure Business… (That is $23,800.00 per week, every week for for every year of your life.)
You don’t just wake up one morning and find your business has generated over a million dollars… not until you know what these millionaires do to make that kind of money on a steady, reliable and consistent basis. Don’t close this window of opportunity…
How You May NOT Qualify For The 7 Figure Code!
I don’t want your money… unless you are on-fire for success and are willing and ready to take a few hours out of your busy schedule to really integrate these secrets into your conscious mind. Make them a part of you. Dream about them. Live them. Breathe them. And apply them immediately!
This is serious stuff. And I expect you to take it seriously, or leave this web site.
I want every last one who orders this Home Study Course to be on the fast-track to their own million dollar business this year… I’ve already helped thousands from all over the world to realize their true potential for generating massive wealth, and with the help of these world class business and marketing moguls… we’re going to give you the chance to run a seven figure business.
But the only way you’re going to get your hands on this Course, is if you make a promise.
Not just to me, but to yourself.
I look forward to seeing you at the top!
To Your 7 Figure Success in 2007,
Mike Filsaime and
Tom Beal
P.S. – Remember, we’re only making this offer for the next 500 sales. After which, we’re raising the price on the next run. I am sure you are thinking of whether this is right for you. Remember, be decisive in nature. Successful people make decisions quickly and change them slowly. You know this is exactly what you are looking for. Act now before the $200 price increase.
Course Features
1 -
0 -
10 weeks -
Skill level
All levels -
English -
131 -
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