MI40 Bodybuilding program by Ben Pakulski
$77.00 Original price was: $77.00.$25.65Current price is: $25.65.
To tell you all a little about myself, I am a graduate of the University of Western Ontario. My areas of study were primarily Kinesiology and Biomechanics. File size: 2.28 GB
MI40 Bodybuilding program by Ben Pakulski
Hi, my name is Benjamin Pakulski and I’m honored for the opportunity to expose the five most common training and dietary mistakes reversing your gains and I am extremely excited to hand you my plateau-busting shortcuts to maximize lean muscle gains, crush “weak body parts” and incinerate fat so you keep your abs the entire time.
Every 40 days you’ll experience a new growth spurt utilizing my body-remodeling methods –NOS ™ technology, the power of the number forty, my Three-Phase Nutrition system and the revolutionary workout technique Intent.
For the first time, I have organized all my absolute best muscle-building knowledge — after twenty years of trial-and-error on myself & clients, and rubbing shoulders with the world’s brightest doctors, therapists and coaches – into the Muscle Intelligence ™ foundational training system!
It’s the same system that helped me become one of the top 15 ranked pro bodybuilders in the world.
The same system that has landed me on dozens of magazine tovers such as Muscular Development, Flex, MuscleMag and many more…
It’s the same training system that has transformed the lives of hundreds of regular males & females all over the world – and the same system that will teach you the scientifically optimal way to achieve your ultimate body.
First, I know what you’re thinking so let’s acknowledge the big purple elephant in the room.
Ben, aren’t you a pro bodybuilder who takes steroids? I’m drug-free so why should I listen to you?”
No matter what you’re taking, you BETTER make sure your body is working optimally on the INSIDE and your training is MAXIMIZED on the outside.
You can take as many “extra-curricular supplements” as you want, and if your body isn’t treated as a whole organism; maximizing recovery, controlling inflammation and balancing hormones – its going to BREAK DOWN very, very quickly. Your gains will be limited and not long-term.
There are TONS of juice monkeys in every gym taking stuff and NOT growing.
They have the “eat more protein, lift more weight approach”.Sorry folks, the days of the dumb meathead are LONG GONE along with parachute pants and bandanas.
Ninety percent of my clients are 100% drug-free so I know my methods are equally effective for drug-free & drug-assisted individuals. I approach ANY athlete by looking at the body as a whole. If there is ONE ingredient missing from the pie, you won’t be responding in the best way possible.
What someone chooses to do above and beyond PERFECT training concepts and optimal nutrition is their own choice. Anabolic “assistance” or not, why wouldn’t anyone want to minimize their time in the gym and maximize results? Sounds like pretty simple meathead math to me.
“I grew up training natural and eating clean. There was no cutting corners for me. My mediocre genetics would NEVER allow it!”
In fact, I have always preferred working with drug-free trainees because it’s more of a challenge and requires a more thoughtful & intelligent approach. We must carefully analyze every aspect if we want them to beat their non drug-free counterparts! They often tend to be much more receptive to an intelligent “whole body” approach.
Drugs or no-drugs, professional bodybuilders are just like you. We obviously have different caloric requirements, different training load, but at the end of the day, we’re all trying to get 100% out of our bodies. We push our limits, minimize injuries, recover as fast as possible and do it all over again!
The smarter bodybuilders, like myself, focus on how to optimize recovery: short term and long term. This is the limiting factor to muscle growth! The faster you can recover, the more time you spend being anabolic (growing). Improve your capacity to recover faster and you can train again sooner to stimulate more new growth.
My personal motto has always been: ” The more you know, the more you grow!”
“What you’ll be STUNNED to learn about me…”
To tell you all a little about myself, I am a graduate of the University of Western Ontario. My areas of study were primarily Kinesiology and Biomechanics. In short, muscle function and movement are my specialty – how to maximally shorten and extend a body part through it’s strength curve while maintaining maximal tension, is what WE’RE ALL AFTER! More on that shortly…
My passion for health and fitness is second only to my passion for helping others improve their lives. I know it sounds somewhat “cliché” but ask anyone who knows me, and they will tell you that I am one of those people that gives selflessly and LOVES to see the people around me succeed. I always say that “Living a successful life is never any fun on your own. Bring as many people along for the ride as you can!”
Get immediately download MI40 Bodybuilding program by Ben Pakulski
I have never viewed myself as an overly blessed individual (I was once a long distance runner and no one in my family works out). From day one, my life has been centered on learning the best information, from the best resources and brightest people who exist.
Ben Pakulski
Twenty years I have been ACTIVELY SEEKING cutting edge information from the world’s leading athletic doctors, coaches, trainers and therapists and applying just about every possible technique on myself. This journey has brought me to where I am today…
A very successful, happy, healthy, motivated, professional bodybuilder, author, public speaker, nutrition coach, celebrity trainer and success coach. Sounds like a lot of hats, but they all tie into one balanced life… sometimes!
There are five problems we must address right now…
5 Irrefutable Reasons You’ll NEVER Grow And The 5 Uncommon Scientific-Solutions To Guaranteeing Max Gains…
weights Reason #1 Being obsessed with lifting heavy!
Ever notice that you FEEL the muscle better on your warm up sets than you do on your “working sets”? Isn’t it so true that the lighter weights often burn way more than the heavy ones? Why do you think that is?
Well, one of the main reasons is that you’re not focusing all your attention on stabilizing a weight and barely moving it from point A to point B, likely using every muscle in the general vicinity to get it to move and the range is WAY smaller than it was with the lighter weight. The PROBLEM here is that the TENSION has SHIFTED everywhere BUT the working muscle!
Your body adapts and starts using anything it can to keep itself safe. You can continue lifting heavy weights, all day long, but without optimal muscle tension, don’t expect to see any improvement in your skinny arms and legs! If you can’t “feel” your muscles then you won’t be able to exhaust them enough to elicit the hormonal, metabolic and nervous system response for muscle growth.
The Solution:
Tension! Tension! Tension! NOT Heavy Weight! Introducing: Intent !
Your muscles have no idea how much weight you’re lifting. You’ve all heard it before. They can’t recognize whether you’re lifting 10 lbs or 100 lbs. The ONLY things muscles know is TORQUE, or for us less scientifically-inclined, tension.
If we can increase the amount of TENSION, we can increase muscle growth.
“WHAT ON EARTH is he talking about?”
What if I told you there was a BREAKTHROUGH technique that allows you to use HALF the weight and keep the same amount of tension on the muscle! With Intent, you can selectively fatigue each and every muscle in your body without having to burn out your entire body, and your joints, in the process.
Sounds too good to be true, I know. In a moment, you can try Intent on yourself.
With Intent, you change the tension by means of a technique almost imperceptible to an observer. You pull inward or push outward with your hands or feet as you perform an exercise. The different motion makes your muscles fire in a different way and leaves you more sore the next day than you have been in months.
shevs lifting Reason #2 Believing that you have “genetically weak” body parts
We all have “strong” body parts. The parts that just seem to grow no matter what you do. They grow easier and faster than the rest. Have you ever wondered why your body parts don’t all develop at the same rate? Imagine that there was a way to make your “weak” body part grow the same as your “strong” body part? You’ll LOVE this:
The Solution:
Breaking Crappy Lifting Technique & Re-Training Movement Patterns
The key is to overwrite old crappy movement patterns with new ones. For any lifter, especially serious bodybuilders, this is the number one reason you’re unable to grow. Knowing the OPTIMAL range of motion – how to fully lengthen (extend) and fully shorten (contract) a muscle – is the key to growing. Unfortunately, these ranges are more complex than you think.
A muscle is weakest at the extreme points of the range of motion; i.e., when it is fully lengthened or fully shortened. Putting your muscle into these full ranges where we are most unfamiliar is critical to develop untapped and untrained muscle fibers. Strengthening these weak points of the muscle will strengthen the maximal ability of the entire muscle. It’s like when the worst player on the team gets better, even if it’s a small increase, the whole team benefits.
Shortly I’ll teach you the proper anatomical function of each muscle so you can learn how to manipulate everything from shoulder position, hip orientation, spine flexion or extension, wrist position and elbow position in order to isolate “weak” body parts and say goodbye to them FOREVER.
It is important to realize that it is just as easy to learn the RIGHT technique as it is to learn the WRONG one. So why not choose now to learn the right way and say goodbye to crappy results?!
weights Reason #3 “Have I done enough? Or Should I do more?”
Carrying a set to a point where you are forced to utilize 100 percent of your momentary ability is the single most important factor in increasing size and strength. Working to this “point of failure” when another rep is impossible despite the greatest effort, ensures that you pass through the “anabolic threshold!” This is the point in any set or workout that MUST be surpassed to elicit NEW GROWTH. Once you learn to routinely overcome the anabolic threshold, your results will increase geometrically.
The Solution:
NOS ™– a.k.a. Neurological Overload Sets
Neurological overload set training is directly responsible for new growth spurts and overcoming plateaus. On the fourth and final set of a given exercise – usually for each exercise in a workout – we perform four consecutive drop sets in 20% increments and try to knock off at least 5-6 reps with each weight.
NOS ™ has proven more effective than any other intensifier technique – beats everything else, hands down. NOS ™ is a great way to overload the muscle, create metabolic debt, as well as overload the nervous system to force adaptation. NOS ™ volume varies based on the client’s training age and will be prescribed to your fitness level below. Keep reading!
lifting Reason #4 Unable To Stimulate Maximal Testosterone Response
When we lift weights, the endocrine system is stimulated to kick up production of muscle-building chemicals — the anabolic hormones like testosterone, insulin, IGF-1 and growth hormone — to create the optimal biological scenario to support muscle growth and repair. But, exactly what kind of workouts elicit the greatest anabolic response from the endocrine system?
The Solution:
Enter The Number FORTY (40)!
Might you be wondering the significance of the number 40? The number 40 is the most important number in this program because it is the number that has the most scientific significance in MI40.
Forty is representative of the number of days in the program (40 days), the amount of time in a set (40 seconds), the rest between sets (40 seconds), and the number of exercises divided into MASS Construction exercises and MASS Appeal exercises.
Many of you will immediately recognize the scientific significance of all of these numbers and some of you may not. The number 40 was chosen because of the fact that it is the MOST optimal number for many of these variables when it comes to unleashing your body’s own anabolic factories for maximum growth – naturally!
As will be explained in the program, 40 days has been proven to be the most optimal amount of time to adapt to any new training program (6 weeks). Forty seconds is the ideal amount of “Time Under Tension”(TUT) to elicit muscular hypertrophy. Forty seconds rest is the ideal amount of time to allow your CP and ATP Glycolytic energy pathways to recover before the next set (these are the energy pathways that drive muscular contraction of fast-twitch muscle fibers which are responsible for growth!).
weights Reason #5 Gaining More Fat than Muscle
Carrying a set to a point where you are forced to utilize 100 percent of your momentary ability is the single most important factor in increasing size and strength. Working to this “point of failure” when another rep is impossible despite the greatest effort, ensures that you pass through the “anabolic threshold!” This is the point in any set or workout that MUST be surpassed to elicit NEW GROWTH. Once you learn to routinely overcome the anabolic threshold, your results will increase geometrically.
The Solution:
Get immediately download MI40 Bodybuilding program by Ben Pakulski
Ben Pakulski’s 3-Phase Nutrition To Build Muscle & Get Ripped At The Same Time
Three-phase Nutrition is a dietary protocol that suggests you take in a significantly different amount of carbs on certain days of the week to help you burn bodyfat while packing on muscle mass the other days. You manipulate nutrient timing and volume to exactly conform to YOUR goals — perhaps the most cutting-edge dietary protocol and it’s just moments from being in your hands.
Are you ready to immediately ADD muscle to your slow-to-grow body parts, smash ANY plateau, while carving out your 6-pack?
Are you ready to become my next top success story like these individuals who trusted me?
Envision getting size & cuts at the same time every 6 weeks – while revealing your washboard abs!
To summarize, why do guys and gals struggle to make even modest gains?
Obsessing over heavier weights instead of increasing TIME UNDER TENSION.
Training through a limited range of motion due to a lack of biomechanic muscle function and how to fully shorten and lengthen a muscle through it’s greatest strength curve.
Not knowing if “I did enough” or if “I did too much?” — a.k.a. being uncertain if your workout intensity was optimal to elicit hormonal, metabolic and nervous system response to trigger growth.
Failure to stimulate maximal testosterone response.
Crappy diet that piles on more fat than muscle.
Today you have a chance to take your physique to incredible new heights and maximize your potential with my revolutionary new system – I will teach you how to achieve massive muscle and immense strength without the use of drugs, helping you achieve physical perfection naturally.
shevs Intro
Mi40 Product
$67 Value
Component 1
The 40-Day MASS Intelligence Training Manual
MI40-Foundation stands for Muscle Intelligence 40
This is the only muscle-gaining system that shows you how to apply conscious INTENT to create TENSION in the muscle. It relies on the intensifier NOS ™ and exploits the scientific significance of the number 40 when it comes to rapid and permanent muscle growth.
The training manual goes into depth explaining the science behind the intensifier technique NOS ™ and how to execute Intent. I have used NOS ™ & Intent to become one of the best bodybuilders on the planet and will rely on it up until every show that I do. You can use it to change your body & life.
Component 2
The 40-Day MASS Consumption Nutrition Manual
The Nutrition Manual teaches you how to achieve the most common goal — building muscle & losing fat in less time. You want to get big & lean. You want to bulk up while staying ripped. You want size & cuts! They don’t call me The Master Molder for nothing!
The best way to achieve these goals is the implementation of my patented dietary strategy known as Three Phase Nutrition. Get ready to learn – step-by-step – how to add muscle size while even losing fat in the process!
$67 Value
complete mi40 system
$1050 Value
Component 3
The 40-Day MASS Instruction Workout Videos
Get coached by me and watch me guide world-class athletes like Figure Champ Emily Stirling, Bodybuilding Champion Matt Stirling, Pro Fitness Model Vince Del Monte, and TNA wrestler ‘The Freak’ Rob Terry, to the next level. If these athletes have room to learn and grow, you do too!
Keep this in perspective: to get a 1 to 1 hour with me in Tampa, Florida, you’re looking at $150 an hour, and it would take us about 7-8 hours to cover all the major bodyparts. To be frank, I think $150 an hour is a steal for the value I deliver.
So…. WITHOUT A DOUBT… the BEST part about MI40-Foundation is getting over SEVEN (7) hours of coaching time with me on HD video! SEVEN HOURS of life-changing step-by-step instruction! That would cost you $1,050 if you came to Tampa, Florida to hire me. But you won’t have to pay even close to $1,050 and you’re getting so much more with the entire MI40-Foundation System today!
Component 4
The 40-Day MASS Proportions Exercise Execution Guide
MI40-Foundation is a training system that is made up of the 40 best-ever exercises and categorized into MASS Construction exercises and MASS Appeal exercises – some common and many unique. In this exercise demo guide, all 40 exercises will be demonstrated with pictures showing the start and finish position of every exercise.
As well, each exercise is explained in explicit detail how to maximally shorten and lengthen a muscle through it’s FULL range of motion, which is PARAMOUNT, to double your gains.
$77 Value
$17 Value
Component 5
The 40-Day MASS Prescription Printable Workout Sheets
Get coached by Big Ben and watch him guide world-class athletes like Figure Champ Emily Stirling, Bodybuilding Champion Matt Stirling, Pro Fitness Model Vince Del Monte, and TNA wrestler ‘The Freak’ Rob Terry, to the next level. If these athletes have room to learn and grow, you do too!
Keep this in perspective: to get a 1 to 1 hour with me in Tampa, Florida, you’re looking at $150 an hour, and it would take us about 7-8 hours to cover all the major bodyparts. To be frank, I think $150 an hour is a steal for the value I deliver.
So…. WITHOUT A DOUBT… the BEST part about MI40-Foundation is getting over SEVEN (7) hours of coaching time with me on HD video! SEVEN HOURS of life-changing step-by-step instruction! That would cost you $1,050 if you came to Tampa, Florida to hire me. But you won’t have to pay even close to $1,050 and you’re getting so much more with the entire MI40-Foundation System today!
Component 6
The 40-Day MASS Pursuit Calendar
MI40-Foundation is a training system that is made up of the 40 best-ever exercises and categorized into MASS Construction exercises and MASS Appeal exercises – some common and many unique. In this exercise demo guide, all 40 exercises will be demonstrated with pictures showing the start and finish position of every exercise.
As well, each exercise is explained in explicit detail how to maximally shorten and lengthen a muscle through it’s FULL range of motion, which is PARAMOUNT, to double your gains.
$17 Value
$27 Value
Component 7
The 40-Day MASS Supplement Stack Protocol
Get coached by Big Ben and watch him guide world-class athletes like Figure Champ Emily Stirling, Bodybuilding Champion Matt Stirling, Pro Fitness Model Vince Del Monte, and TNA wrestler ‘The Freak’ Rob Terry, to the next level. If these athletes have room to learn and grow, you do too!
Keep this in perspective: to get a 1 to 1 hour with me in Tampa, Florida, you’re looking at $150 an hour, and it would take us about 7-8 hours to cover all the major bodyparts. To be frank, I think $150 an hour is a steal for the value I deliver.
So…. WITHOUT A DOUBT… the BEST part about MI40 is getting over SEVEN (7) hours of coaching time with me on HD video! SEVEN HOURS of life-changing step-by-step instruction! That would cost you $1,050 if you came to Tampa, Florida to hire me. But you won’t have to pay even close to $1,050 and you’re so much more with the entire MI40-Foundation System today!
Component 8
Size Secrets Audio Interrogation
One thing I love about our sport is that you’re never perfect. Some aspect of your nutrition, training, supplementation or recovery can always be improved. There are so many factors to consider! Learning about these little subtleties is what I love doing!
In this exclusive audio interrogation, I reveal more uncommon and “under-the-radar” strategies that have helped me produce the greatest gains. I have accumulated lots of straightforward knowledge while rubbing shoulders with the smartest doctors, therapists and trainers on the planet. One thing is for certain: each gem shared will help you pack on some serious size.
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