Matt Furey – Combat Stretching – Complete Collection
$97.00 Original price was: $97.00.$33.25Current price is: $33.25.
Feel the tight spots loosen, the pain dissipate and years of stretching frustration waylaid. Amaze your friends with your new found flexibility. Format File: [4 DVDs, 16 Videos(4 M2TS,13 VOB,2 MKV,1 AVI,1 MPG,3 IFO,6 BUB)] File Size: 18.226 GB
Matt Furey – Combat Stretching – Complete Collection
Feel the tight spots loosen, the pain dissipate and years of stretching frustration waylaid. Amaze your friends with your new found flexibility.
Dear Friend,
Matt Furey in China with a Shaolin monk.
In the fall of 2004, I visited the world famous Shaolin Temple in China for the first time. While there I received a private audience with one of the head monks at a local school.
He and his students exhibited their amazing strength and flexibility for an entire hour. Afterward I sat with them and asked numerous questions about how they developed their skills.
And what I learned was amazing. At the same time, what they discovered about me was equally stunning.
Even though they knew I won a world title in China (1997), in the oldest style of kung fu (shuaijiao), the tour guide made the classic mistake of assuming because of my stocky, muscular build, I was inflexible.
“Unlike yourself,” the tour guide said, “these monks have muscles that are very flexible.”
My Chinese brother-in-law then began to laugh. “Ta de ji rou zhen hen ruan,” he said. Translation, “His muscles are truly soft.” (By the way: “Soft” muscles in China means that your muscles are flexible instead of tight.)
More than a few eyebrows raised when the monks heard I was flexible – so a demonstration was in order.
I stood up and fell over backwards into a perfect bridge. From this position I kicked over and back a few times, showing the flexibility in my spine and shoulders, as well as the strength in my core.
After this I slid into the splits. Then I spread my legs wide and flattened my chest on the ground like a pancake.
And from there I maneuvered onto my stomach with my hands grasping my ankles. I began bouncing off the ground from this position, just by using my stomach muscles.
At this point “the proof” was conveyed.
“Zhei ge lao wai zhen de hen li hai,” said the translator to the head monk. Translation: “Our foreign friend is really good.”
Inflexible Muscles Equal Pain and Old Age
After I left the temple that day, I couldn’t help but think about all the people who automatically assume that I’m tight and inflexible because of the way I’m built.
Moreover and more importantly, these people could greatly benefit from the unique system of stretching I teach.
So listen to me now and believe me later: If your muscles are stiff, your joints are tight and you have aches and pains all over your body – then the very words you’re reading right now may be the very catalyst that turns your life around. In fact, these words may even represent the moment in time in which you stopped growing older and got out of pain.
Yes, flexibility and aging tend to go hand-in-hand. Show me someone who is stiff and inflexible and I’ll show you someone who is aging far faster than necessary.
On the other hand, show me someone whose muscles and joints are loose, pliable, supple and flexible – and I’ll show you someone who is defying gravity, someone who’s turning back the clock and living a life of high energy and vitality.
My stretching system can help the super stiff unlock tight muscles in one evening!
Get immediately download Matt Furey – Combat Stretching – Complete Collection
Let me tell you, what you’ll discover with my stretching system will blow your mind and put slack in your muscles and joints.
Especially when you get hold of the 1 Simple Stretching Secret that gave me the flexibility I have today.
I’ve been teaching this secret for nearly a decade now, and every single person I have personally worked with made extraordinary improvements in his or her flexibility during the same session.
In addition to that, many of these same people who had aches and pains stored in their muscles and joints, eliminated them so quickly they were flabbergasted. They literally had no idea that pain liked to go on a permanent vacation in the body, locking up muscles like a prisoner behind bars.
Yet, the quickest way to free yourself from the agony of locked up muscles, was to open the door so the pain could leave.
And that’s exactly what I’m going to cover for you in my best-selling program, Combat Stretching – How to Double Your Flexibility in One Evening.
Banged Up Pro Wrestler Recovers With Combat Stretching
Vampiro (left) with Matt Furey
Let me tell you about Vampiro, a world famous pro wrestler, and a prime example of someone I have helped gain far more flexibility in one hour than he could attain following other programs for months, even years. I’m sure you’re familiar with some of these programs. They’re the ones that lead to a destination called … frustration.
Just so you know, Vampiro is 6’3″ and 255 pounds of streaming steel. He is incredibly powerful and quick as a cat. Yet, in terms of flexibility, he has endured so much pain in the ring, including a broken neck, that some of his muscles and joints had no give left in them. Talk about stiff. He had the flexibility of an iron dog. He was even stiffer than I used to be.
Well, a couple months ago Vampiro came to Tampa to train with me for a few days. When he left he had this to say:
“I just finished my private bootcamp with Matt. Today was great. Wait, today was …… emotional. When I came here I wasn’t able to come close to touching my nose in the bridge. I was only on the top of my head. But within 30 minutes Matt had me down and touching for the first time. I also had a shoulder injury that was killing me and needed an operation. I couldn’t move my right arm without a lot of shoulder pain. Matt fixed it in 6 min.. I also SAW Matt help a guy to breathe that was so sick, he could not even talk! Thank you Matt, from the heart.”
Now, bear in mind that I only worked with Vampiro on SOME of the stretching exercises I’ll be teaching you in my new DVD course entitled, Combat Stretching – How To Double Your Flexibility In One Evening. Why? Because he was primarily here to improve his submission fighting skills. – (something like martial arts, that I understand you may not have any interest in whatsoever).
Even so, imagine how fabulous he would have felt if I would have taught him the entire program you’ll be learning in my new course.
And imagine how great you’re going to feel when you impress your friends with your new found flexibility.
This mind-blowing course will consist of three parts, taught on three separate DVD’s. Part one will feature nearly 20 dynamic stretches, many of which most people here in the U.S. have never seen or done before. These dynamic stretches increase flexibility through movement, hitting all the major muscle groups and joints. You’ll learn dynamic movements used by Hindu wrestlers as well as some of the toughest champion athletes in Japan and China.
[Keep this in mind: I live in China during part of each year; my wife is Chinese and I won a world kung fu title in Beijing. I also travel the world in search of the teachings no one else knows. I’ve been to Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand and many other countries, and I have customers in over 140 countries, so believe me when I say I have access to teachings most Americans would love to know. And I’m bringing them to you in this course.]
The bottom-line is that you won’t just become flexible from these dynamic movements – you’ll also get stronger. And you’ll unlock tight muscles and stiff joints and rid yourself of pain.
Always remember that flexibility without strength is a very bad thing. If you’re in a combat sport and you’re limber but weak, I think you know what will happen to you. That kind of flexibility makes you injury prone. Not a good thing. So it’s important to strike a delicate balance between strength and flexibility. One without the other is not good.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “What does it matter if you have the flexibility to kick someone in the head, if you don’t have enough power in the kick to knock him out.”
The dynamic stretches I teach will give you that “moving” functional stretch and the power to go with it.
These dynamic stretches alone will greatly enhance and improve your current level of flexibility. They will also give you more energy, more stamina and increase feelings of well-being. And for those of you who compete in sports, they’re the perfect warm-up before engaging in more vigorous exercise.
Vampiro (left) with Matt Furey
Also, rest assured, none of these stretches are girlie-man stretches done by a sissified, skinny wimp with a ballerina build. These are stretches that anyone can do. Even someone with a stocky, bulldog muscular build like mine. Even someone who is stiff as a board. Just watch the video and follow along and your muscles will begin to loosen; tension will melt away and your athletic skills will soar.
Here’s a little more of what you’ll discover on DVD 1 – Dynamic Stretching:
• The stretch that keeps Sumo Wrestlers unusually limber…even those that weigh 500 pounds, or more!
• A therapeutic stretch that will loosen your core, realign your vertebrae and help STOP BACK PAIN – FAST!
• Learn the “YIN AND YANG STRETCH” that strengthens your back and legs, while increasing your flexibility – All at the same time!
• A SIMPLE STRETCH you can do each morning to “limber up” and instantly get your day off to a good start – (ANYONE CAN DO IT)
• How to loosen your OBLIQUES and UPPER LATS to prevent injury and ENHANCE ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE
• A simple “rowing motion” that IMMEDIATELY LIMBERS your lower back and hamstrings
• How doing the “Tai Chi Waist Turner” will instantly stimulate your internal organs and improve the flexibility of your entire core
• How to use an ordinary bath towel to QUICKLY make your shoulders more flexible (AND MORE INJURY RESISTANT) than ever before
• A little-known movement that stretches your hips, spine and shoulders…SIMULTANEOUSLY!
• An easy-to-do dynamic stretch that loosens-up your trapezoids and shoulders – MELTS TENSION AWAY IN MINUTES!
• An amazing movement that will BLAST THE RUST OFF your quadriceps, calves, hips and low back… all in one smooth motion
• An ADVANCED DYNAMIC STRETCH that will challenge already flexible athletes and inspire any Combat Stretching student to aim for the stars with their flexibility training
Matt Furey stretching on a banyan tree in Singapore.
The second DVD will cover what I call Deep Breathing Stretches. Once again, there are courses on deep breathing and there are courses on stretching, but mine is the only one that truly teaches you the most important keys about how to connect the two. Yes, you learn deep breathing techniques with some stretching programs, but mine cuts to the bone and shows you the “master keys” that make your breathing COMMAND your body to get more flexible.
Get immediately download Matt Furey – Combat Stretching – Complete Collection
Yes, I’ll show you how to do the splits, but realize that this stretch is grossly over-rated. Think of your body as a complete system of energy. If your hip flexors and groin are flexible, that’s only part of your body. If you want the real keys to flexibility, vitality and high energy, then you gotta get to work on your spine. That’s where your personal electricity gets turned on. And that’s where your energy gets blocked.
It’s All About Vibration
Remember that your success in life is in direct proportion to how vibrant you are. And how do you increase your level of vibration, and rapidly? You do it through deep breathing, proper thinking and the most beneficial stretches to your entire system. Isolating one little muscle here and there is not what you want, especially in a combat situation. Your body moves as one unit. So don’t stretch it one unit at a time. Do stretches that hit multiple areas of the body simultaneously. Do stretches that also, through the application of deep breathing and proper thinking, increase your physical strength and health. Again, you’re not just going for flexibility. You’re going for the entire package.
Now, here’s a peek at what you’ll find on DVD 2 – Isometric and Deep Breathing:
• A SIMPLE technique that ADDS INCHES to your hamstring stretch in mere minutes – GUARANTEED!
• Understand why keeping your spinal column limber is “THE KEY” to getting true flexibility and vitality throughout your entire body
• The MOST IMPORTANT FLUID for improving your flexibility and how much of it you need to drink each day
• Can your diet affect your flexibility? What you don’t know could be making you feel “as stiff as a board…”
• The SECRET to improving your flexibility explained and demonstrated with a fascinating exercise involving the thumb. (You haven’t seen this one before.)
• Find out the SHOCKING TRUTH about BRIDGING
• Effective exercises for stretching and strengthening the NECK MUSCLES – You’ll prevent pinched nerves or painful neck strains, while you develop an OWL-LIKE range of motion!
• A series of dynamic stretching movements designed to GET YOUR BLOOD FLOWING and YOUR ENERGY BEAMING. You’ll feel like a million bucks again!
• Easy-to-do stretches that will GENTLY UNFREEZE your “Hip Flexors.” WARNING: Your gait and posture will SUBSTANTIALLY improve!
• Discover how “Breathing Chi-Kung” prepares your body for stretching and lets you relax throughout the day
• Understand how improving your flexibility with Combat Stretching will help you “stay young.” (Your “aging” friends will literally be stunned by your newfound vigor…)
DVD three in the course teaches Energy Drills & Joint Mobility Stretches. And look out. We’re talking major league great stuff here.
For example, did you know that there are many exercises that martial artists, combat athletes and other exercise enthusiasts do, and without realizing it, they are literally harming themselves? Why is it that more and more karate students need reconstructive knee surgery? Why is it that so many are having hip replacements? Why is it that after the age of 40, many of the top karate kickers in the world, even those who used to have beautiful, powerful kicks – now have kicks that have literally turned to shit?
You’ll find out why in this tape, and you’ll learn some quick, simple, easy-to-learn energy drills I learned in China that will correct these weaknesses instantly. Minutes after doing these drills, you’re going to have greater flexibility and power in your lower limbs. You’re also going to be fired up, full of pep and enthusiasm that had inexplicably drained out of you, without you even knowing it.
In addition to this, you’ll find another 15 exercises on this tape that loosen every joint in your body. Just doing these drills and joint loosening exercises, even without the other stretches, will astound you. You’ll feel like a little kid again, bouncing off the walls with energy.
Matt Furey in China demonstrating great spine and hamstring flexibility.
DVD 3 – Joint Mobility Exercises will enlighten you with powerful information, such as:
• Discover “Chinese Energy Exercises” that will help PRESERVE YOUR JOINTS, while increasing your range of motion
• Simple ways to CHARGE-UP your body and prepare it for action! Go from “Sleep Walker” to “Ass Kicker” in MINUTES
• How to protect yourself against the main cause of aging, malfunctioning or painful joints
• A unique “GROUNDING EXERCISE” that works wonders for your lower back
• How to reconnect your MERIDIANS and get your energy flowing the way it’s supposed to flow, so you finally stop feeling like CRAP!
• Scientifically proven exercises that stop knee and hip pain in its tracks – DO THESE EXERCISES ANYWHERE – NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED
• A powerful assortment of ankle, elbow, shoulder and wrist loosening exercises that will immediately BOOST joint flexibility!
• How to loosen-up your entire trunk and STIMULATE FROZEN MUSCLES throughout your body
• A variety pack of exercises that give you mobility and youthfulness – TAKES ONLY MINUTES PER DAY TO “GET THE EDGE”
• Ancient Chinese exercises for GETTING RID of elbow tendonitis – FAST – And without surgery, or expensive doctor visits
• Exercises to INCREASE BLOOD FLOW and TENDON STRENGTH to the entire lower arm – helps prevent or eliminate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Much more…
By now you should definitely see how much these DVD’s can help you. But I want to go one step further. Normally this course should sell for $500.00 or more, afterall, we’re talking about a quantum leap in flexibility virtually overnight. But here’s what I’m prepared to do: If you’re one of the first 50 people who place their order today, you can get this program for $147.00 plus S&H.
Get immediately download Matt Furey – Combat Stretching – Complete Collection
No, wait. I take that back. With your order right NOW I’ll give you this best-selling program for the incredibly low amount of $97 plus S&H.
But that’s not all… FREE Bonus on Chinese Underground Sports Rejuvenation Secrets – a $199.00 value
Order TODAY and I’ll also throw in a FREE copy of “Chinese Underground Sports Rejuvenation Secrets” – a $199.00 dollar value. On this DVD I am going to teach you what I learned on my last visit to our second home in China. These incredible techniques will, without a doubt, double your flexibility in record time.
Not only that, they can help your aches, pains and injuries heal much faster. Learn the secret of how I eliminated Vampiro’s shoulder problem inside of six minutes. Learn much, much more than that, including:
• CHINESE MASSAGE SECRETS for healing and revitalizing your body from head-to-toe
• Find out how to FIX SHOULDER PAIN FAST – No “meds,” No “docs”
• A “treasure trove” of PARTNER STRETCHES that loosen up your lower and upper back, shoulders, traps, lats, glutes, hamstrings, calves, feet and more
• A quadriceps stretch like no other…THIS ONE IS A STUNNER!
• Loads of MUST HAVE REHAB EXERCISES for martial artists, wrestlers, gymnasts, football players and other athletes who want to be PAIN-FREE
• LEARN the keys to REVITALIZING YOUR BODY so you feel youthful and healthy again…quicker than you can possibly imagine!
• Does “STRENGTH” lie in your organs or in your muscles? The answer may forever change how you think about fitness…
• A 100% proven method that magnetizes all the things you want into your life FOREVER
• Simple DEEP BREATHING EXERCISES that cleanse your body and mind, while giving you the energy and mental focus to achieve success in any area of your life
• A powerful “Zen Stance” that will focus your mind better than anything else
• DISCOVER the one “secret ingredient” for making your fitness goals happen time and time again (and most people don’t even know it exists)
• How to rejuvenate your body and mind from strenuous exercise or nagging stress, so you can finally LIVE LIFE ON YOUR TERMS!
And in addition to the above… two more gifts for saying “YES” NOW
I have a couple more bonus gifts I’d LOVE to give you when you place your order right now.
For starters, a copy of The Unbeatable Man – a story about tragedy turning to triumph, of turning scars into stars and pain into passion. I consider this book to be my greatest writing, EVER. Most everyone who reads it cannot put it down. It’s a page turner, from start to finish. This $19.95 value is yours FREE when you place your order NOW.
And last but not least, I’ll send you a copy of my special report, How to Eat More and Weigh Less. Follow the super simple advice in this report and you’ll be absolutely stunned at the results you achieve.
Loosen Your Tight Muscles and Joints NOW!
Well, I think if you’ve come this far with me, you must really, really want to have the flexibility that I am offering you. So now is the time for you to reach out and claim your copy of Combat Stretching – How to Double Your Flexibility in One Evening.
Go ahead and click the order button below and place your order right now.
P.S. Remember, if you’re one of the first 50 to order this program today, you’ll get the program for only $97 plus S&H. Plus you’ll get a FREE copy of Chinese Underground Sports Rejuvenation Secrets – valued at $199.00. And Ill send you a free copy of The Unbeatable Man as well as my best-selling report How to Eat More and Weight Less. Order NOW.
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