Mark Wallace – The eBayer’s Private Label Business In A Box
$421.00 Original price was: $421.00.$59.00Current price is: $59.00.
Download available within 1-2 hours. The ‘ private-label’ business works a bit differently though. Let’s take the example of the ‘ antique polish’ I just mentioned. Now, instead of buying in a brand name of antique polish …instead, you get the ‘ private label manufacturer’to put your own name on the product.
Mark Wallace – The eBayer’s Private Label Business In A Box
Dear Customer,
If you’re looking for possibly the best kind of eBay business
to get involved in RIGHT NOW for the ‘ little’ guy, which
can start churning out serious profits quickly …
..then you need to listen up!
You see, throughout this letter today I’m going to take you on the ‘ inside’of a somewhat secretive industry which other eBayers are using right now to profit – an industry which can help you build your own, low-stress, money-making eBay business on a totally part-time basis.
My name is Mark Wallace …
You may know my name already.
Last year, in fact, I first ‘ came clean’with my approach to eBaying – when I revealed everything I know about selling Embarrassing Products using the eBay site, a niche where I’ve built a £10,000+ per month eBay business starting from scratch.
Well, I’m back – with something NEW – something which I’ve spent the last 12 months or so working on…and it ’s bigger and better than I ever imagined!
What I’m writing about today is BIG – and is something which is making money for other eBayers right now…
And yes it is something which YOU too can profit from, and NO –
I don’t care what you’ve tried before now – YOU can do this too!
So, what exactly am I talking about here?
I’m talking about the ‘ Private Label’ industry, where the markups and margins are frankly colossal compared with nearly every product out there today (certainly on eBay)…an industry which is near-impervious to ‘ competition’ (unlike a lot of eBay markets)…and an industry which is probably the most ‘ wide-open’to the little guy of any other you’ll find out there today!
I’m writing today to tell you ALL about it…and to tell you about how YOU can now access it – to start making money from this unique industry as quickly as is humanly possible.
Anyway, I’m getting a bit ahead of myself here. Because I need to explain what I’ve been ‘ up to’for the last 12 months or so – before I tell you anymore about the ‘ private label’ industry, and just why it offers you one of the best opportunities today for profiting from the eBay marketplace.
First though…
The ‘Adventures Of Wallace ’…
Now, please bear with me a short while here!
Because I need to ‘update’ you on what I’ve been up to for the last 12 months or so. So please bear with me a little here.
See, it was last year when I first revealed my approach towards profiting from embarrassing products using eBay…revealing what I know for building your own £10,000+ per month eBay business – based on my direct experience of doing exactly that.
But since then, I’ve gone somewhat ‘ under-cover ’…
In fact, for the last 12 months or so, although I’ve continued with my eBaying (consistently bringing in five-figure months – just last month alone, for example, I sold £14,280.21 of product using just I’ve also become somewhat fixated on broader internet marketing – setting up my website, and promoting it.
But the ‘ private label’industry is the ONE place
where I’ve really got interested…
Well, let me explain starting with telling you exactly WHAT the ’private-label’ industry is all about…how it works…and how you can start profiting from it. Then I’ll tell you just why I’m so damn excited with this industry.
So, what exactly do I mean by ‘ private-labeling’– and why am I so excited by this industry ?
Get immediately download Mark Wallace – The eBayer’s Private Label Business In A Box
Well, traditionally, if you’re trying to buy in products to resell on eBay, you will probably approach a wholesaler who will give you prices for their stock. That stock could be anything – a hair-dryer, a washing machine, an exercise bike or some antique polish. And you may find that the products you buy may or may not have a ‘ brand name’on them.
Needless to say, you buy those products in…then sell them on.
The ‘ private-label’ business works a bit differently though. Let’s take the example of the ‘ antique polish’ I just mentioned. Now, instead of buying in a brand name of antique polish …instead, you get the ‘ private label manufacturer’to put your own name on the product.
It might still be the exact same ‘antique polish‘.
But now the product is branded to YOU – however you want it branded.
BIG difference here…
You can then call your’antique polish’ anything you want to call it . The ‘name’ you give it could be anything – it could be ‘ Super Antique Polish, ‘ The Antique Restorer ‘ , or anything else which you want to call ‘ your’ product. The key point is that you have the product labeled how you want it labeled.
And when you do THAT…you enjoy very many advantages over the traditional ‘ wholesale’ route.
Here’s why…
When you get a’private label’ product, you enjoy plenty of advantages of trading in other kinds of products, or going the traditional ‘wholesale‘ route. Here are the reasons why…
– HUGE markups! Don’t like the idea of buying something for £10 and selling it for £20 from a traditional wholesaler? Forget about it! Using my private-label approach as I’ll show you…you can buy stuff for a couple of quid, and mark it up five or ten times! That’s one of the beauties of the private-label business in fact – instead of getting items for 50% off (like with the traditional wholesale model), you can get them for 10% of their true retail value, meaning you can mark them up 5 or even 10 times! I’ll show you exactly how to do this, and why this kind of markup is almost unique to this particular industry!
– ZERO Competition! Usually, when you sell a product using eBay, you’ll have competition to contend with. You’ll probably have at least one other seller who is selling the exact same product as you are from a wholesaler. Not so here! Here, by the very nature of the ‘ private label’ business, you’ll be selling products which YOU label as you want to label them. Bingo…the result is that you have your ‘ own’ product which no-one else will have. And that means effectively zero direct competition! (How would you like to operate with ZERO direct competition? Well, that’s what this business allows you to do!)
– Low minimums…meaning very little capital required! If you import a product from China, most of the time you might well need to find a four-figure sum to bring in the required volume. Not so here. I know – and will introduce you to – private label companies that have minimum orders of £100…or less. With that kind of minimal capital requirement, then these kind of products really do level the playing field, and open it up to everyone (and that includes you!).
– Easy to ship, easy to handle! Let’s face it…you probably don’t want to handle exercise bikes and gigantic pieces of furniture with your eBay business – pack it up, then take it to the post office. That all sounds like a bit too much work for me. Doing all that is a gigantic pain for some products. And you don’t need to do it either. I’ll show you how these products are about the easiest to handle out there today. (Yes, you can store them in your spare room!)
– Easily expandable! You might not want to build a broader, Internet website around your private label products right now – but think about the future. You may well find that, like me, after you’ve started eBaying, you want to expand via a website on the broader Internet. Well, because you effectively have your ‘own’ product when you private-label, this is MUCH easier to do. You can start your own affiliate program, do joint-ventures and plenty more when you’ve got your own private-label products.
Now can you see why I’m so excited
about the’private-label’business…?
It offers all the advantages of’usual’eBaying…yet no-one of the hassles associated with getting stock from wholesalers, then facing a slew of competition!
Fact is, the ‘ private-label’business offers probably the best chance today for the ‘ little guy’to get a piece of the eBay action…and you don’t need a warehouse, piles of cash, or any experience to get started right away.
But let me get back on track…
Anyway, over the last 12 months or so, I’ve had my head buried deep in this industry. And I now know one thing for sure…
It is possibly THE best eBay and Web-based business – for the ‘ little guy’– which you can get involved in right now, today.
For all the reasons I’ve mentioned above – and more.
I’m convinced of one thing, in fact: the ‘ answer’ to what’s holding back so many eBayers had been staring me in the face all along – they don’t have their OWN products which they can put a HUGE markup on and sell for big profits.
And that’s why the private-label business is so ‘ bang on’ for you.
You see, it’s a ‘ cinch’ to find a private-label manufacturer who can manufacture a whole manner of different products…who can actually manufacture virtually anything – dirt-cheap, and with low minimum orders!
Take some of my own eBay sales, for example…
I was working out the other day that my best-selling eBay product (which is in the Health/Beauty sector) has now been sold to over 3,300 individuals all over the World – raking in tens of thousands of pounds in sales since I first started selling it just 18 months ago. And the really exciting thing? It’s an ideal ‘ private-label’ type product which anyone could break into and start selling for themselves!
In fact, through my experiences in the ‘ private label’ industry, I know exactly where to go to find private-label manufacturers for this and tons of other products – and I can ‘ hook you up’with all of them!
That’s the purpose of this letter today, in fact. To effectively show you and hand you a business in a box where you too can start profiting from this unique industry as quickly as is humanly possible.
And – yes, you’ll be in good company…
You see, plenty of other eBayers are already doing this.
You just need to join them…
There are plenty of other eBayers already doing this – already selling private-label products for profit – although not nearly as many as there should be.
Here’s just a few of examples…
– The ‘PowerSeller’ of a particular kind of product to the car market … which they sell around 300 of per month…every month…on autopilot. It’s the only product they sell and they’ve become a large PowerSeller as a result. They simply get this private-label product for peanuts…slap their own name on it (so their competition haven’t the foggiest where they get it from!)…mark it up…and sell it continuously – whilst they go and do something else!
– The ‘PowerSeller’ who sells private-label organic well-being products. They offer unusual and little-known products you’ve probably never heard of…with limited competition. It’s catapulted them to ‘PowerSeller’ status… on a part-time basis!
– The ‘PowerSeller’ of a particular kind of cleaning product – they have practically zero competition… charge a premium price over other sellers of cleaning products…and simply list their product over and over and over again. This thing runs on autopilot. And yes…the sales and money come in automatically once again…
It ’s not just eBayers either…the entire ‘ private-label’
industry is HUGE…and growing …
It ‘ s not just eBayers either who are involved in this. The whole ‘private-label’ industry is HUGE. And growing. Analyst Wendy Nicholson at the prestigious CitiGroup said “”We have seen a sudden recent spike in private-label market shares“. And in certain sectors, the private-label business has been growing at twice the rate of ‘branded’ products! (It’s now a multi-billion pound industry).
Fact is, there are private-labelers who will ‘ create’ high-quality and very low-cost products for you in a whole manner of markets. It’s not just boring stuff…the fact of the matter is that virtually any product you think of can be private-labeled!
Some quick and little-known examples…pet products, car and automotive products …products for bodybuilders…products for gardeners – and the list goes on!
Yet, up until now , I’m reckoning that most people reading this have barely heard of ‘ private label’- and there’s a good reason for that.
You see, simply put the ‘insiders’ would much rather the whole thing is kept secret – as it is being now. It keeps others out and their profits high. It’s that simple.
Not anymore!…
Finally: I’m the one who is putting their proverbial ‘neck above the parapet’ and I’m coming clean on the industry. Now it ’s your turn to take my secrets and use them for yourself to start making some tasty profits using eBay (and the broader Internet, if you want to) with your own private-label products.
To this end, I’ve lined up and handed to you everything you’ll need – a turn-key ‘ business in a box’if you will – to start immediately profiting from this ‘industry’ using eBay.
See, the KEY to all this of course is knowing WHICH niches and products to go for…what’s really hot at the moment…then simply ‘hooking up’ with best, lowest-cost (i.e. ‘best value’ ) private-label manufacturers in these markets.
That’s how I can help.
I know how these products ‘ work ’…I know the industry inside-out…I know exactly how to sell these products on eBay and create a monthly income stream for yourself…and, through my experience of this fascinating industry, I know how to hook you up with the manufacturers.
Whether your goal is to eBay the products, and build yourself a successful eBay business on the back of private-labeling, or whether you want to build an entire Internet business around these products (and you can) – then I can help.
In fact, I’ve done all the hard work for you. Because I am going to GIVE you my best reasoned secrets for selling these kinds of products on eBay from my own experience (and on the Web too, if that interests you)…and I’ll hand you the best supplier contacts for getting these kinds of products.
I’ll also tell exactly WHICH products and niches I think you should operate in right now, in today’s eBay environment.
Let me emphasise something here: this isn’t about going into competition with someone else, where every man and his pet poodle are selling the exact same product.
In fact, the essence of private-labelling is that we’re working at the exact OPPOSITE end of the spectrum to this!
We’ve got our own products with our own’label’on them (so no-one knows where you’ve got them from!) with huge margins…and, by the nature of the business, ZERO direct competition!
So let me tell you EXACTLY what
I’ve lined up for you here today!
Right, first up I want you to know that I’ve composed a series of DVDs which outline the BEST eBay private-label markets to get in right now…along with my unique ‘insider’ industry contacts that will private-label product for you.
Yes, the suppliers I’m hooking you up with will create virtually any product, with very low minimum orders (I show you how this stuff is open to anyone) for very cheap money (some a pound or two per item!)
On the first DVD I want to send you in fact, I want to tell you all about the CLEANING MARKET!
There’s a massive market out there for
cleaning-type products – and the margins can be FAT!
Sure, it’s not super exciting. But do you care if it can make you some nice profits…and on autopilot to boot?
A quick example of what I’ve lined up for you on this DVD…
Ever notice how much pride people take in their CAR? Well, on this first DVD, I’ll talk about profiting from things like tyre shine products…scratch removers…and plenty more. All stuff for cleaning and dressing automotive type stuff.
All these products …all cleaning-type products in fact… are ideal to private-label. You can effectively make them your own, stick your own name on them…and be in business almost instantly!
What’s more, they cost ‘ peanuts’– especially when you use the suppliers I want to introduce you to. In fact, I want to tell you all about the best private-label suppliers for these niches, and show you what products to go for…how to tackle the niches…everything really to get you started in this large and growing niche!
And to be sure, I will. For example: specialist brazilian-type wax you can apply to your car – there’s a seller on eBay who’s sold over 10,000 of a similar product! Yours for around £1.80 from this UK supplier (yes, the markups are impressive as with most private-label products!)
Best part: you can ‘ brand’ these products how you want…and there’s no minimum order…and they’re dead easy to handle, store and ship! On top of this, you can introduce these products into further niches at will! (think motorbikes, caravans, etc.) Rapidly expanding your market and the money you make from this!
There’s more to the ‘ cleaning’market too – which I’ll also introduce you to. For example, a very specialist and ‘ niche’type cleaner…which has a proven market on eBay. I’ll show you a great private-label supplier for this niche…who will supply you for around £1.25 per item! They will put any name you like on the product, meaning the product is effectively your ‘ own ’…and not open to direct competition!
There’s more on this niche too. Frankly, the markups are great, competition low…and you can be in business almost immediately. And I’ll be sharing all on this breakthrough DVD!
Get immediately download Mark Wallace – The eBayer’s Private Label Business In A Box
Home-Garden Private-Labelers…
Listen, the ‘ Home And Garden’niche and category on eBay is HUGE. It’s one of the largest markets out there in fact.
If you’ve ever headed down to B&Q on the weekend, you’ll know this to be true!
Thankfully…there is a way-in to tapping the home and garden sector for big profits through private-labeling.
Don’t get me wrong, though. I’m not talking about selling bulky tools, large pieces of furniture or anything else which will make your life difficult. No, because there are still plenty of private-label products for this niche which are ideal for us as eBayers.
For example, how about the market for candles? I’ll show you how to get a whole line of products from the private-label supplier I’ll put you in touch with. Sell them on eBay, build your eBay store, and watch the repeat business hum in (as you know, candles run out, meaning people will come back for more!) These great products are ideal to eBay! And I’ll tell you where to get them for PEANUTS…and mark them up BIG! For example – how does 98p for a FOUR-SET of high-quality candles sound? I’ll show you just where to get them, and how to turn them into permanent eBay incomes streams.
On the theme of ‘home’ and the relaxing nature of candles, on your DVDs, I’ll also share another ‘ home’private labeler which I know you’ll immediately recognise the potential of. I won’t say exactly what they trade in here…but the product in question is, as usual, easy to handle and offers large markups. What’s more, the field is wide-open on eBay – and ripe for you to try this yourself! Don’t hang about with this one… I’ll reveal the full details on your DVD!
‘Personal’ Niche
So, OK, this is the market I’ve become ‘ famous’for…the ‘ personal’market (shall we say). There are boatloads of private-label manufacturers for these kinds of products. You just need to separate the wheat from the chaff…know which offer the really saleable product (which will fly off your shelves!) from those which don’t. And that’s what I can help you with.
An example of one private-label supplier I’ve lined up for you here…they offer 34 different kinds of products which they will private-label for you in small quantities.
Yes…that’s 34!
Just one example…
There’s an eBayer who’s been selling a product similar to one you’ll find on this site. Their price is £14.95, but you can get it from these guys for £3.50 – and they will label it how you want it labeled, making it very hard for competition to compete with you. Best part… I estimate that the eBayer in question has sold 2,350 of these things! How you would you like to join them?
These supplier has tons more similar items too…and I’m going to introduce you to them, and tell you exactly what to do next…
Another supplier I’ll share with you on this DVD supplies scores more ‘personal’ type products for just a few pounds a time. And because people are prepared to pay a premium for these kinds of products, that means large profits for you.
Full details given – the suppliers to use, the products to go for!
Pet Niche…
Whoa! There are some markets on eBay that you’ve probably never thought about…but which are ready-markets just waiting to be profited from.
Here’s one example : the PET market. I just checked and found 54,675 items up for sale in this market!
But here’s the thing… I’m NOT saying to got the ‘traditional’ wholesale route here, and compete with every man and his son. Rather, if you go the private-label route, you can get some great products, for far less money – products which you can label and make your own! It’s the ideal solution to entering a competitive (yet lucrative) industry like this.
Don’t worry here. Once again, I’ve done all the hard work for you.
I’ve lined up private-label suppliers of pet products. One example? A supplier of pet food – a big sub-niche in this category. They produce for some of the biggest brands in the country – so the product quality is top-drawer!
And then there’s the price too…
For just £6-£7 or so, you can get product which you can mark up multiple times, creaming off big profits in this lucrative niche market. And, since it’s consumable product, your customers can keep coming back for more! (I like those kinds of eBay businesses!)
There’s more…
Health, Vitamins & Supplements
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that the vitamin and supplement market is VAST. Take a look at your local high street…and the adverts in your paper…and you’ll notice a lot of people selling these products.
And that’s a good thing. It means there’s a ready market for this stuff…a big one, churning out huge profits every year.
Well, this UK supplier I’ve lined up for you offers all sorts of different vitamins and supplements…for dirt-cheap.
Some quick examples…Collagen for a £3.61 a bottle…Ginkgo Biloba for £2.69 a bottle…herbal detox supplements (very hot right now) – and scores more cheap products too!
Their minimum order is low and you can get started with them right away, building a line of products which (since they are consumable) will offer you repeat business potential… possibly for years to come!
I’ll tell you what to do…what products are best…and how to get started and making money with this very quickly indeed.
Now, for one of my favourite ‘ private-label’ niches!
The beauty market is huge…again, I’m sure you know this for yourself. The amount of money spent yearly on this stuff is simply mind-boggling!
The good news…plenty of eBayers are doing well in these markets – and yes, with private-label products. Fact is, you can specifically brand your products right at your prospects, creating products which just sell and sell. It’s a great market to be in…
But, there’s a PROBLEM, too – often people get the wrong kinds of products…or can’t get products at all for this market! And that’s a shame, since it’s HOT if you know what to really look for.
Well, I’ll share details of a handful of private-label suppliers here who offer the BEST stuff…the real high-quality products with unique features which can sell like crazy. And, for silly prices…
One example…a supplier who offers a ‘red-hot’ product which is flying out right now…it’s on eBay for around £18. Your price? Around £4 or so (although I admit that this particular supplier has a slightly larger minimum order – don’t worry, it’s still accessible though).
Another supplier I’ve lined up for you…they offer some smokin’ anti-aging products – for around £5 each. And these are really saleable items…not some tat. You can mark them up, and then simply sell the on autopilot. And that’s just a couple of the private-label suppliers I’ve lined up for you. Some of these suppliers stock scores of items – and they’re willing to work with you to help you profit from the site!
Body-Building And Fitness Niche
The FITNESS and body-building market is another ‘consumable’ type market – a market where the products ‘ run out’, so your customers have to keep coming back for more…
Well, I’m going to hook you up with some really great suppliers in these markets as well!
One example…a supplier who offers hot products like creatine and other body-building type supplements for around £3 a time. With literally millions of people interested in these products…I don’t have to tell you that getting good products at cheap prices – then selling them direct through eBay, is a potentially great business to be involved.
Another example…a seller of a special kind of supplement which is frankly red-hot on eBay right now. I just checked and there are 456 listings up for this specific kind of product…and I’ll show you how to get your ‘own’ version which you can buy in for around £ 3.25 or so. Of course, this and the other suppliers I’ll share stock tons of similar items which will all be open to you as well.
I’ll share the full details with you…and tell you exactly how to get involved for yourself!
Wow…that’s some line-up!
In total, you’ll get 7 DVDs packed to the rafters with scores of private-label suppliers for literally scores of different products.
By the way, all of these private-labelers are either based right here in the UK or in the USA. So you don’t have to worry about dealing with ‘dodgy’ foreign suppliers who can’t even communicate in English! No, these suppliers are the real deal.
Alongside all this, throughout your DVDs, I’ll also outline the best techniques I’ve used and continue to use to pull in a tasty £10,000-£15,000 per MONTH using – including such secrets as:
– How to ‘ split’ a product into multiple ‘levels’… budget, normal and deluxe…and realistically DOUBLE the profits you make from a single product line!
– How to identify the unique ‘ hidden factors’behind all successful eBay private-label products which make certain products fly off the shelves…while others hardly sell at all!
– How to use in-listing video, premium pricing, multiple quantity offers and much more to vastly increase your profits!
– How to AUTOMATE as much of your private-label business as possible…so you can set it up…forget it…and do what you want with the rest of your time! (I will say that I’ve somewhat mastered this…I’m usually surfing as opposed to eBaying!)
– And plenty more…
And here’s something else which is really important too …
Alongside this, I’ve also given my best reasoned analysis on what to do about the new ‘rule changes’ on eBay, which are coming into force in late September 2008.
These changes are critically-important…and you need to know how to exploit them!
And the really good news?
Well, I’ll explain on your DVDs why these changes are probably the best thing to happen if you’ re intending to sell private-label products!
Why? Because, more than ever, products which are ‘best matched’ to certain categories will appear higher in eBay search results…and private-labelling (more than anything else) enables you to create products specifically for certain categories. That’s why the new rule changes are really worth knowing about…and why now is the time to jump on the eBay private-label bandwagon!
I will reveal the full details and ‘ secrets’in your package!
All applies to the broader Internet as well!
And all this stuff applies to the broader Internet as well. If you’re thinking of selling through Google Adwords, for example, then this is ideal for you. I’ve even included some bonus footage (based on what I’ve been doing with my own website) which tells you exactly how to sell and promote these products for profit using the broader Internet – if that interests you…(It should too – it’s a superb way of increasing your market and making more money!)
Backed with on-screen footage…
Oh yes – I should also tell you that the entire DVD Series is also backed up with unique on-screen footage ( ‘live’on eBay) to really drill home these secrets…to really ensure you ‘ get it ’…and to ultimately enable you to get off to as quick as start as possible with these private-label secrets.
As you can now probably tell, over the course of this 10-DVD ‘ SuperSet’ (7 product and source DVDs and an extra 3 DVDs on turning them into ongoing streams of cash), my goal has basically been to give you everything you need to get up and moving in this unique and breakthrough business with the minimum amount of fuss, hassle and time. And, yes, I think I’ve achieved that goal.
But I’ve not just stopped with your DVDs either.
You see, I wanted to really do everything I can to turn this into as complete an eBay ‘ business in a box’as possible. So…
More FREE STUFF to make you money…
I’m also including some other valuable free stuff to really get you moving, to really get you started with these materials. My thinking is that – if I give you some ready-made, plug-in ‘ templates’to give you the quickest possible start – then you’ll have a much better chance of hitting a home-run right out of the gate. Which is good news for both of us…
So, first up you’ll get my sales-boosting and money-making auction DESIGN TEMPLATES.
These templates are custom-made for each private-label market I’ve handed to you!
So you’ll get one for the cleaning market, one for the home and garden niche, one for the ‘personal’ market and so on. These are unique. No other eBayer has them. They’ve been especially made for you. And quite seriously, a great design on your listings can make a BIG difference to your overall results… particularly over time. And that’s why these are so valuable to you. The price for these if you weren’t investing in this package would be into the hundreds of pounds…just for these unique designs!
In fact, when you figure it all out, getting these 10 templates professionally designed would cost you more than the entire cost of this whole package! But I’m throwing in a license to use them as part of the deal today. (If you got a designer to design just ONE of these things you’re likely looking at over a £100 each…well, you’re getting SEVEN as part of the package…that’s almost a £700 in value right here!)
Description TEMPLATE…
I’m also going to hand you something I’ve never done before. I’m going to hand you the exact description template I’ve used to generate six figures in sales using eBay.
You see, I’ve prepared a simple cut-and-paste template which lets you get off to a super-quick and easy start here. Some eBayers frankly struggle with putting together a hard-hitting and sales-producing description.
I believe I’ve come up with a simple solution.
Using my ‘Cut-And-Paste eBay Description Template’ you’ll be able to quickly and easily create a money-making listing description within about 60 minutes!
You’ll then be able to combine this description with the professionally-designed auction template designs, and you’ll be good to go!
In fact, as an integral part of your start-up package, you’ll get a full ‘license to use’ certificate for all my materials. That’s a license to use the information….the sources and niches…a license to use your design templates and plug-in description builder. I’ll include this license as part of the package.
I do believe that this entire package is about as complete an eBay ‘ Business In A Box’as you could possibly get. In fact, that’s what it’s called… ”The eBayer’ s Private-Label Business In A Box’.
Try it our for yourself…risk-free
Now, as I’ve stated – I think this is the best way for you to profit…for the ‘ little guy’to profit…from eBay right now, in today’s current environment. I know this is an ideal way of getting you up and running and pulling in serious sales using this unique industry. And I know that it’s probably the most realistic ‘plug-in’ eBay opportunity out there for you to build your own £5,000-£10,000 (or greater) eBay business from home. And yes, that’s on a part-time basis…
So, what’s my ‘fee’ for showing you how this all works…hooking you up with the suppliers…and giving you my best help to get you started?
Well, the price I’m asking for this Set actually pales in comparison to the value it provides if you act on the information I’ll share. The suppliers I’m hooking you up with AND the information I’m sharing on turning these products into continuous and autopilot income streams – that alone is worth many hundreds of pounds. Then there’s your design templates – which are worth more than the price I’m asking for this package TOTAL! And of course, you get your description builder…and, if you’re quick, extra consultations with me personally…
So, come on, what’s the price? Well, your price for the complete package is £297+VAT (total £348.98), and that’s for everything. Seriously…you’d need to take just ONE of the products I’ve outlined in your package to make back my small ‘fee’ very quickly indeed using these secrets. And then you’ll have your own continuous, autopilot eBay private-label business you can run forever more thereafter.
But you don’t have to take my word for any of this!
But all this is for you – and ONLY YOU – to decide (and test out) for yourself – risk-free! So here’s the deal…
Your complete guarantee…
In short, I want to give you a full SIXTY DAYS to check everything out in your own home, as a customer of Oliver Goehler’s, the original ‘Auction Kommando’.
Check it all out…see what you think…then start the money-making wheels. I’m convinced that this is the best, most ‘ quick-start’package out there today for eBay and Internet entrepreneurs looking to get into this (or any other, for that matter) business. You can start small, with minimal capital and build it from there. It’s one of the very few business left out there on the Web for ‘ the little guy’which is actually ‘ do-able’and realistic.
But you don’t have to take my word for it…
But you don’t have to take that as ‘gospel’. All I ask is that you simply preview the package for yourself on a 60-day trial. See what you think. See how much cold, hard profit these secrets will make you. And yet if you’re not satisfied with what you receive…if you don’t start piling up profits in those first 60 days – just let us know. Post your package back to us…and we’ll give you a full, prompt and courteous refund of your full fee. Fair enough?
That’s confidence for you!
That’s confidence that I KNOW that this industry, and the secrets I’ll share…the niches I’ll go through…the entire start-up package, in fact, is absolutely the ‘ real deal’. Now you can test and trial this for yourself – and make up your own mind.
First 10 ONLY! My individual hand-holding…
And to really sweeten the pot – and to make sure you get off to the best possible start – I’ll throw in my personal help, reviews and critiques as part of the package. Got a listing or product you need looking at? Just drop me an email, and I’ll give you my best reasoned input, holding your hand through the whole process. From start to finish.
This ‘ extra’ service is all part of the package. Mind you, due to the individual attention and time required, I’m only planning on doing this for the first 10 people who reply to this announcement today. In short, hurry if you want in on this – to be sure you get this extra valuable and personal bonus.
Don’t hang about!
FREE Bonus DVD if you order now!
If you order within 72 hours of receiving this notice, I’ll also throw in an extra bonus DVD. This DVD shows you how to expand your private-label business from eBay onto the broader Internet. It might not be for everyone…but don’t neglect this either. Last year, I setup my own website and it’s grown month-on-month ever since.
I’ll show you how and why expanding onto a website from eBay (once you’ve got fully up-and-running using the site) could be the best thing you’ve ever done…and the most profitable too!
You’ll learn the secrets I’ve discovered over the last 12 months for getting traffic for your products from the best available (and lowest cost) sources. Especially for ‘ private-label’ type products.
By the time you’re done…
By the time you’re done, you’ll have everything you need to start your own profitable eBay private-label business!
What’s more, I believe you’ll be in possibly the best kind of eBay business to get involved in today. See, with eBay’s new ‘ rules ’… and with increasing competition for ‘ branded’stock…you’ll be operating in a very different environment.
One where markups of 3, 5 or even 10 times are not out of the ordinary…where competition is far less fierce since YOU own the product…and where you can precisely match your products to individual categories. And, that’s not to mention the other benefits…
– Run your eBay private-label business on AUTOPILOT …from literally ANYWHERE !
– Start small and part-time until you’re fully ‘ up and running’– keep things as big or as small as YOU want!
– Do WITHOUT ‘competition’ battles with other eBayers…and make more money in a more stress-free business!
We’ve all been there – the wholesaler who’s prices are too high (and above eBay prices)…the lack of products and sources which are out there…we’ve all be there.
And if any of that sounds familiar – don’t worry . We‘ve all been there and done it. And it’s actually not your fault. You see, chances are that if you’re doing what everyone else is doing then you’re getting mediocre results. At best.
Get immediately download Mark Wallace – The eBayer’s Private Label Business In A Box
No…you see, to profit w-a-a-y ahead of the crowd, you have to think differently from the crowd – and DO differently from the crowd!
Well, here’s the good news…
‘Private Label’ Products are, I believe, the ANSWER for the ‘little guy’ looking to profit from eBay – and I’m willing to show YOU how you can start turning big profits from these products, very quickly indeed.
I’ve done everything I can in this letter to prove this to you.
Now, it’s over to you…
I’ve removed all the risk here today with all this…and I’ve shown you why this is possibly the best eBay business to get involved with RIGHT NOW. It’s up to you from here. You can either go on banging your head against the wall – or you can take the better way and get a piece of the action from the eBay private-label business.
And the good news is that I’ve done all the hard work for you. This is, quite seriously, as close to a ‘ plug-in’ eBay business…a business in a box if you will…the best ‘way’ for the little guy to build a £5,000-£10,000 per month eBay business from home…part-time…as you’ll find anywhere else on the face of the planet.
And you take no risk in trying it for yourself!
If you’re not up and running and profiting inside the next 60 days (and probably MUCH sooner than that!), then just let me know. You’ll be refunded in full and without quibble. Won’t you join us today?
Order online today. From there, I’m confident that your eyes will be opened to this ‘ better way’- and you’ll immediately feel a new spring, enthusiasm and bounce in your step as you appreciate what this business could do for you.
Order today.
Thanks for reading – and best of luck with your eBaying!
Yours Sincerely,
Mark Wallace
Mark Wallace
eBay PowerSeller
P.S. The ‘private-label’ business in currently a virtual unknown to most eBayers – and that’s spells opportunity for you RIGHT NOW to get in whilst you can. Just hurry…and grab a piece of this action for yourself whilst it’s still a ‘secret’!
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