Lucio Buffalmano – The Power Moves – Social Power
$93.00 Original price was: $93.00.$27.55Current price is: $27.55.
Social Power is a 6 week, step-by-step program designed to give you all the tools to maximize your power and results (ie.: to get what you want). Format File: [Documents – 71 PDF, eBooks – 5 EPUB File Size: 38.85 MB
Lucio Buffalmano – The Power Moves – Social Power
Social Power is a 6 week, step-by-step program designed to give you all the tools to maximize your power and results (ie.: to get what you want).
There is enough theory for you to understand how things really work, but it’s laid out for practical applications (ie.: to get what you want).
You will learn power dynamics, and how to leverage them, across all the most important domains in life: socialization, dating & seduction, relationships, and work.
Plus, with the included free ebook “Ultimate Power”, you’ll also tackle the mental side of power to gain full control over yourself.
This module unlocks from the first moment you join the course.
This is is your bread and butter of power dynamics.
With this module alone, you will know more about power, confidence, and dominance than almost anyone else.
By the end of it, you will become more socially aware and come across as more confident and competent.
✔ Assertive and dominant behavior you need to use
✔ Submissive behavior you need to avoid
✔ Styles of dominance, pros & cons and what’s best for you
✔ Body language: how dominant men stand and move
✔ Practical steps, mindsets & exercises to make you confident & powerful (same results for my coaching clients at 90% discount)
This module unlocks after 5 days without any additional charge.
From introductions to the simplest of gestures, you will discover the power dynamics of everyday socialization.
Chances are that you are losing social status, today, in every single interaction you have.
After this module, you will be gaining social status.
✔ Conveying power during introductions
✔ Hidden power moves & how to deal with them
✔ Learn to spot and win the key “domination showdowns” that determine the course of relationships
This module unlocks 10 days after joining the course at no additional charge.
Guys, don’t believe who says otherwise: money is power.
And to acquire resources you need to know how to play the corporate game.
Did you know that CEOs make 312 times more than what an average worker does in the same company?
Is the CEO really worth 312 times more than you are?
Most likely not.
But your potential doesn’t count.
And even your actual output only accounts for half of your personal success.
If you care about being successful, it’s time to learn the other half: politics, power dynamics and “behaving” like you’re worth a million bucks.
✔ Step-by-Step plan for successful workplace politicking
✔ Realpolitik guide to management
✔ Winning workplace power battles
✔ Power with feminity: a guide for female leaders
✔ Power dynamics of negotiations
…And resources require knowledge of power dynamics.
This module unlocks 15 days after joining at no additional cost.
This module mixes the best science with the best dating information with lots of personal experience, making it a unique opportunity to go straight to what actually works.
✔ Full clarity on how dating really works
✔ Games both genders play
✔ Dating strategies for effective dating
✔ How to use dominance to get the girls you want
Sex is often the culmination of a dominant/dominated dynamic
This module unlocks 20 days after you joined at no additional costs.
All poor relationships are the result of toxic -but common- behaviors.
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This module shows you what these behaviors are, and how to stop them, both in yourself and in your partner.
When you will learn relationship power dynamics you will be able to develop better and healthier relationships.
Men who want to become (benevolent) relationship leaders that women want will find all the answers here.
✔ How women control men & what to do about it
✔ How men seek to control women & what to do about it
✔ How power changes as relationships evolve
✔ How to end all games for the best relationship
✔ How men can be the best leader she’s ever had
This is exactly the picture that an ex-girlfriend of mine sent me as a good morning
This module unlocks 25 days after you joined at no additional cost.
This module is for more advanced social challenges.
✔ How to handle daily but difficult social challenges
✔ How to deal with physical threats and physical escalations
✔ Recognizing and beating “shame attacks”
This module unlocks one month after you joined at no additional cost.
You’re on the home stretch of starting a new life.
Here you will learn more about influence & persuasion with real-life examples.
A case study of Johnny Deep to learn from one of the most attractive men in the world, more quizzes to increase your EI and, finally, how to be vulnerable -the correct way, not the cry baby way that’s so fashion these days-.
✔ Power pill examples to increase power, EI, and influence
✔ 2 quizzes to increase your emotional intelligence
✔ Nice guy VS bad boy case study
7.2. Bonuses
And finally, to make Social Power a real no-brainer and give you the most value you can get, I have rolled all the best into one.
These ebooks condense the knowledge of tens of books and researches in a compact, easy to consume size.
They will save you hundreds of dollars and years of learning!
Together with the course, they make the most complete package to become a high-quality person.
✔ Wealth Guide ($16 value)
Is the metasummary of all personal finance books and “get rich literature”.
You will get all the knowledge from the best personal finance books in one hour.
✔ Pussy Power – dating guide ($13 value)
Is an overview of the dating literature for women.
Tens of books condensed into one.. Plus you get all the bad advice highlighted and correct by me.
✔ Relationship Guide ($14 value)
Again, the best books and researches are condensed here.
If you are looking to improve your relationship, this is the ebook that packs the most wisdom in the shortest time while still giving you the most complete overview.
The relationship literature is also very good and based on much good research.
✔ Texting Guide ($9 value)
Texting guide for men, where you can simply copy and paste the most effective texts to maximize the odds of getting dates.
Based on psychology and thousands of texts, this is what works to go from meeting to date in the most reliable way possible.
✔ Ultimate Power ($38 value)
Ultimate Power is your ultimate self-development cheat sheet. Pure concentrated wisdom summarizing hundreds of the best self-development books.
This is the ultimate and last self-development product you’ll ever need.
It was retailing at 34 Eur (around $38) and customers loved it.
Social Power shows you the practical side.
Ultimate Power tackles the mindsets.
Together, you have all the tools guaranteed to help you go straight into the top 1%.
✔ Unlimited Access to Subscribers’ Only Forum ($178 value)
Full access to the advanced, subscribers only area in the forum.
Any question you have about the course or how it applies to your life, I answer personally (and it’s not public so you won’t have to worry about your privacy).
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✔ Lifetime bonus
Once you’re in the program, it’s yours forever. Including all future updates and bonuses, which will always keep coming.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Lucio Buffalmano – The Power Moves – Social Power
Lucio Buffalmano – The Power Moves – Social Power : Sample
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