Logan Christopher – Secrets of the Handstand
$97.00 Original price was: $97.00.$33.00Current price is: $33.00.
Because these each teach you foundational skills that are easy to learn. In a couple weeks you can progress very Format File: [3 DVDs – MP4, 1 eBook – PDF] File Size: 680.22 MB
Logan Christopher – Secrets of the Handstand
The Only Step-by-Step
Handstand Getting System Available Today
Dear Friend,
So you want to learn a handstand? Just imagine what it would feel like to effortlessly hold a stable handstand for a minute. What would your friends and family say? How awesome would it look?
Let me tell you a story. When I first got into handstands I didn’t know what I was doing. Not to mention at 6’ 2” and around 180 pounds I’m not your average tiny gymnast’s size. I started with zero experience.
I took the long slow road which was full of frustration and many times I nearly gave up. Only through persistence was I finally able to hold a stable handstand. And it took me over a year to do it!
But you don’t have to follow what I did.
Which Path Do You Want to Take?
secrets of the handstand path
You see when I started this website I knew that nine people out of ten coming to it where looking to master this one main move. Without this foundation you can’t do anything else. You can’t do a handstand press…you can’t do a one arm handstand…you can’t jump on your hands…you can’t do ANYTHING!
Perhaps you find yourself in the same spot.
Maybe you’ve tried doing handstand before, but never had much success. You’re not alone.
The fact is if you find yourself there it’s not your fault. You were never properly taught a systematic approach to learning the handstand.
Let me explain. The handstand is an extremely difficult move, when you’re starting out. Yet people kick up or jump into a handstand hoping to hold it…and FAIL.
And I’m sorry but if you’re stumbling around on your hands you’re doing more harm then good.
This is Like Walking into a Gym and
Trying to Squat 500 lbs. on your First Day…
…It’s just not going to happen.
With the weights you need to build up to it. The handstand is just the same. Although you may be able to handle your own weight, learning the right position and the fine aspects of how to balance takes time and needs to be built up to.
That’s what the Lead-Up Stunts are all about.
In Secrets of the Handstand I detail…
Five Moves You Need to Master
Before You Even Try a Freestanding Handstand
Because these each teach you foundational skills that are easy to learn. In a couple weeks you can progress very far on these, unlike just going for the handstand.
Chris says “I am absolutely amazed at my progress in such a short time from a total novice to being able to hold 10 second handstands. ‘Secrets of the Handstand’ gave me the progressions, techniques and tips that would have taken me months, if not years to find on my own, or trawling youtube.”
And when you do move onto the handstand with this base of skills you’ll actually find it easy to do.
These five moves are:
Five Handstand Leadup Stunts
In the course I give you all the details you need to master these movements, plus many additional variations that build even more skill and strength.
These lead-up stunts make up Phase 1 of the Handstand Getting System.
Phase Two has two parts.
One is to take the wall handstand and start balancing by coming off the wall. There are two different methods of doing this.
Simple enough and most people know this already.
What they don’t know is the second part…Just how important the kickup is.
Get immediately download Logan Christopher – Secrets of the Handstand
In this system I teach you the two different ways to kick-up and how to properly practice this move so you can effortlessly get into the handstand position.
Don’t waste your time like I did, only managing one kick-up out of ten when I was learning the handstand. Instead improve here in this phase until you reach 8, 9 or 10 successful kick-ups out of every 10.
Finally we move onto Phase 3, where you start putting it all together and balancing out in the open.
The Goal of the Secrets of the Handstand Quick Start is to
Get You into a Stable 30 Second Freestanding Handstand
as Fast as Humanly Possible.
I’ve had plenty of success stories of people mastering the handstand and hitting this goal in as little as a month’s time.
That’s far better then the year or more it took me, before I created this system and refined it by training others.
Let’s talk about what you’re going to get with the Secrets of the Handstand System today.
It’s a 3 DVD set filmed at a recent workshop where I not only lecture, describe and show each move but you get to see me trouble-shoot the attendees.
You’ll learn all about the moves and so much more.
Like how to deal with painful wrists.
The straight handstand versus the curved handstand.
Back and shoulder flexibility.
Where to go once you master that free standing handstand.
The importance of setting a goal and visualizing success.
And much more.
Each DVD is approximately an hour in length. No stone is left unturned as this is the most in depth info on achieving a handstand available.
This is a $147 Value
In addition as a Bonus you’ll receive the Secrets of the Handstand Manual giving you the step by step instructions you need, complete with exercise descriptions, photos and a whole bunch more.
This book regularly sells for $29.95
Secrets of the Handstand
You have a choice between two options, the physical copies shipped to your door anywhere in the world, or the digital version available for immediate download.
The price is $97 for the physical version.
The price for the digital version is $67.
As a bonus for the physical version you’ll also get the digital version too. But you have to hurry the price goes up in a few days.
As always my products are backed by a 3 month no questions asked 100% money back guarantee. If you don’t like it for any reason let me know and you’ll receive all your money back. I’ll even let you keep the books and DVD’s!
If you want to learn the handstand as fast as humanly possible, then grab this handstand getting system today and put it to work immediately.
So which version do you want, the physical or digital?
Good Luck and Good Hand Balancing,
Logan Christopher
What are Others Saying about the
Secrets of the Handstand System?
And please note that many of these are from the earlier versions of this course, meaning it’s far better now!
Better Explanations Then Anywhere Else
“I have viewed the video……You did an awesome job explaining the technique and showing the variations of handbalancing. I especially liked the part where you taught the the forearm stand, I tested myself out on that and did what everyone really starts at shrugging the shoulders and not keeping the upper arms perpendicular to the floor, I held that for a few seconds then I tried the best I could the way you did it and was difficult but I held for a second or 2 longer then what I originally tried. The frogstand was better explained then I was originally taught and with practice I know I can get better. Great job bro and I will be practicing these more often no matter what…..You got something special here and its made me want to do better in my conditioning and coordination.”
-Ben Bergman, Santa Cruz, CA
More Progress in 3 Months than 3 Years!
“If I had Logan’s Secrets of the Handstand DVD I could have made more progress in a couple months than my first 3 years!”
-Tyler J. Bramlett
Making Instant Breakthrus
“I was playing around the other day with the frog stand(knees on elbows) and I had a hard time till I watched it again and overlooked a key element you mentioned. “Lean forward to the point of almost overbalancing, then use the fingers to steady yourself.” I was afraid at first of smashing my face in the ground….but lo and behold when i gripped the ground hard i stayed in that position for about a minute! If I can make instant progress like that I cant wait to see what this month of training will bring me.
“Having someone around my age put in there own words how they achieved there goals makes it easier for everyday folks to understand. Not that other books arent well written…just that sometimes they seemed geared toward someone who is farther along on the learning curve rather than a beginner. Keep up the good work and I’ll keep you posted on my progress.”
-Felix Cincotta
How to Hit Sweet Spots Magically Transfers over in Video
“But one thing that seemed to always elude me was the tiger stand. I practiced this move a lot against the wall but after weeks of practice I could never consistently find that “sweet spot.” After seeing you do a tiger stand in the video, that same day, when I went to the gym it took me 2 tries and now I can easily and consistatly find the “sweet spot” hold the tiger stand. I must of unconsciously picked up something when I watched you kick up and hold the tiger stand.
“Another thing I learned from the video is that the kick up is way more important than I originally thought. I was basically muscling the handstand back from my kick up (which was way too hard). I could do it but it took a lot of energy. For the past few days I just worked my kick up over and over again. After only 2 days of working my kick up I am hitting my “sweet spot” 8 times out of 10 when before I was only hitting it 1 or 2 times out of 10 and the other hand stand attempts I was muscling back from an over anxious kick up.
“So, your videos were helpful to even someone like myself who has been practicing handstands successfully for several weeks. Just seeing someone else do the move and step me through the process, which is something I have read about and knew all ready, helped me greatly. Thanks a lot.”
-Ricky Duelley
70 Year Old Consistently Holding 10 Second Handstands
“In the past I’ve had trouble recognizing when I was loosing-it in time to make a correction. I submitted this problem to you as a question, and you replied to “…keep practicing!”.
Get immediately download Logan Christopher – Secrets of the Handstand
“Well, you were right! I’m now able to correct my under or over balance in time to stay nice-and-straight for almost 10 seconds. I’ve discovered how easy it is to over-correct! It’s definitely important to be gentle!
“Your Quick Start DVD has been very helpful. It applies well even to a 70 year old student! Thanks again.”
– Richard Cabot
Consistent Kick-up and 20 Second Handstand
‘Yes the quickstart handstand guide has definitely helped me with holding a handstand. As a bit of background, my fitness level was pretty high from a mixture of weight lifting/ training and other sports. I could just about hold a rather shaky handstand before I started, but it was all from strength, not skill. The things that really helped was how to kick-up into the hand stand, and the technique of leaning into the hands to increase stability. The longest I’ve held a handstand for is just over 20 secs, which I’m very pleased with. The kick-up is a lot more consistent, I would say I manage to catch about 7/10 handstands I attempt. I really appreciate the techniques you’ve shared, particularly because the approach was not from a pure gymnastics background.” -Roger Earp of Kent, UK
“Good step by step program that will give you quick progression.”
– Omari Rose of New York, NY
“The book helps you good through the way of building the handstand. It also good that is recommended that you should train/practice that fits you. For me the ‘forearm stand’ is a quiet helpful tool for balancing en strength, it’s feels good for your shoulders, but it is more difficult to hold the forearm stand for 30 seconds than the handstand. I think more practice on this will devellop your handstand a lot.” – Eric
“I’ve been working on the handstand for about a month now, and have found Logan’s explanations extremely helpful. The guidance in this book is very similar to his Quickstart DVD (where I started), yet for some reason I’ve found that I’ve absorbed some of the material better from reading it. The illustrations are very helpful. With or without the video this book is a tremendous help for learning how to do a handstand. I am regularly holding a handstand from 6-10 seconds in practices, and today I held it once for about 20 seconds. My arms, shoulders, wrists, and neck are the strongest they have ever been, and it is mostly due to Logan’s materials. ” – John Q
“This is a great ebook for anyone looking to get started with handstands. It contains the necessary progressions for anyone to be able to eventually do handstands. Recommended for beginners.” – Anthony
“I’ve been doing handstands most of my life but I’m challenged to hold one for 60 seconds. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t. I have been self taught and never actually worked my way up to them. I just power through them and do my best to balance myself in the process. This book actually allows you to build up your inverted balance with progressive moves that finally take you to the finished pose where you have now incorporated the balance techniques from easier starting inversion poses. This makes sense when you think about it. Why would you run fast before you can walk properly? I was inspired by this book and have put it to use already. I stepped back and started from square one following the suggestions laid out by Logan and will re-build the foundation that never was under my handstands. I now have a new pastime for the beach this summer and look forward to sticking and holding my handstands all the time. I like the book, the information and the instructions in it. I recommend it for anyone who has wanted to master the art of hand balancing. ” – D. Bayuk
“It’s short and simple–but not at all lacking in the necessary specific details. I am delighted with the clear, simple step-by-step instructions. Everything is illustrated with photos. The key elements are broken down from the inside-out AND from the outside-in, so both internal muscle cues AND visual/positional cues are highlighted. I’m already making far better progress than I was just trying to launch into this on my own. I’m grateful for the generously shared insights of the author. ” – Lola Rosny
I really enjoyed this book, Logan shares some great information on how to improve hand balancing techniques and so great progressions. His website is also great, I really enjoy reading his weekly emails containing great new articles each week. – Jason
“I like this book very much. It gives you tried and true directions for teaching yourself how to do a handstand. I am working on this slowly and I really like it. Even a person in his 50s can use the course to achieve the full handstand. You just need to be consistent in your practice and find a little “wall space” _x0001F609_ The book provides introductory “stunts” that should be mastered before going for a full handstand and discusses a lot of details of how to get there. The only thing that is not provided is consistent practice. No book can give you this – you owe it to yourself. Just like buying a map is not equal to making a trip yet… This book is a roadmap for your trip if you are willing to spend your time. ” – Mariusz Niewczas
“As a fan of physical culture, superheros and ninjas, handbalancing has always intrigued me. However the pursuit of it has been frustrating to say the least..until now! Logan knows the topic like no other. Better yet, he knows how to make the subject accessible to beginners and advanced trainers alike. The progressions and 5 build up movements are like magic. Especially if you give them the time and effort. Trust me, you WILL be doing a handstand in no time after putting these secrets to work. And yes, you may be mistaken for a superhero or possibly a ninja when people see you do the Handstand with ease! ” – Ryan Pitts of Iowa
“I discovered “hand balancing” as part of a deepening yoga asanas practice. Unfortunately most yoga teachers only seem to know one way of doing thing (while others shy away or avoid inversions completely). But not Logan; instead he manages to make the complex seem simple. I love his systematic mythology. Accordingly individual elements are broken down and explained in a manner anyone can follow. Amazingly he then goes on to compare and contrast a number of options I’d never even considered… Wow!” – Jene
“Great reminders of the basics, reminding me to correct my form, to get back to basics, everything flows from there.” – David Kelso of Glasgow, UK
“The frog handstand was useful in that it showed me another way to strengthen my wrists for handstands (and other uses)” – Les Green of Omaha, NE
“The tips on hand placement and shoulder positioning were excellent!!!”
– Matthew Nelson of Toronto, Canada
“Very good course! Now I can balance far away from the wall, with the help of one leg only. Even can free stand for about 3-4 seconds.”
– Dmitry Gubenko of North Caulfield, Australia
“The lead up skills were very helpful as was the focus on total body tension.”
– Donald Thomas Nicholson of South Lyon, MI
“Yes some of the excercises helped my balance, and starting from scratch to attempt a static handstand was also very useful as I was walking around to keep my balance instead of mastering balance first and then walking.”
– Simon Fell of Lincoln, UK
Get immediately download Logan Christopher – Secrets of the Handstand
“The lead up exercises were great in developing hand balance and strength.”
– Brendan Blake of Jerrabomberra, Australia
“It has given me progresions for getting to the handstand – not there yet, but building good frogs, heads and wall handstands.” – Matt Staples of Nottingham, UK
“Providing a foundation within the quickstart guide was key and helped me improve my overall strength, endurance, and coordination.” – Sly Chatman of Pheonix, AZ
“I am working diligently to get my hand balancing right and work into hand walking later. I appreciate your system and am certain it has already saved me a lot of time to get dialed in on the right techniques.” – Tom Bogan of Longmont, CO
“I’ve read you’re books on body weight squats and handstands recently and I loved the content, I’m starting to hold handstands for upwards of 5+ seconds now! ” – Eric Maxwell of Yarmouthport, MA
“I love this book because its an easy to read encyclopedia on the how to’s of achieving a successful handstand. With great explanations and accompanied by clear photos illustrating the different exercises, the book certainly paves the way towards being a success manual for handstands.” – Christian Smith of Queensland, Australia
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