Kezia Noble – Maximum Impact
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You DO need to know how to have ‘PRESENCE’ when you walk into a room or a social situation Format File: [WEBRiP-SD 4 MP4 1 PDF] File size: 1.954 GB
Kezia Noble – Maximum Impact
This program will give you the opportunity to live the reality you have always visualised yourself leading.
Become the heat she’s drawn to and the man she can’t resist no matter what
Finally, the ultimate product in attraction is yours. Created for you by two of the world’s leading attraction experts.
Master the art of confident body language, and seduce her with your eye contact, timing and vocal tonality
This groundbreaking program will show you how
Make MAXIMUM Impact
Understand and apply the secrets of the alpha male
Develop a strong PRESENCE that makes INSTANT impact
Gain immediate respect from others
Master the art of ‘seductive and alpha’ charisma
Utilise attractive and confident body language to get exactly what you want
Maximise your success rate with women
Use your body language to seduce women
Know the difference between what women SAY they want and what they REALLY desire
Develop the power to turn women on and give them what they crave for
Unleash your inner confidence
Build a strong sense of attraction with beautiful women
The skill and ability to create that ‘chemistry’ sensation
“Master the secrets of attraction from one of the most elite Performances Experts in the world”
You might not know this, but seduction is 60 percent NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION. Women either make snap decisions when a man walks into a room or instant judgments when he speaks to them, which means you need to make MAXIMUM impact if you want to secure their attention long enough to implement the skills that will build attraction.
“Receive the most powerful insight into the female mind”
Here’s some good news !
You DON’T have to be the best looking guy in the room
You DON’T have to be Mr Popular
You DON’T need to have an incredible job or a large bank account
You DON’T need to be ripped or be 6 ft 2
You DON’T need to be funny or have something impressive to say
You DO need to convey confidence
You DO need to demonstrate self acceptance
You DO need to possess the power to make INSTANT impact
You DO need to know how to have ‘PRESENCE’ when you walk into a room or a social situation
You DO need to DISTINGUISH the difference between what women say they want and what they REALLY desire
You DO need to possess the ‘secrets’ of the modern alpha male rather than the archaic and out of date text book theories
You DO need to know how to build up a strong sense of attraction
You DO need to master the art of ‘non-verbal’ sexual escalation
You DO need to understand how to use your body language, eye contact and vocal tonality to show your commitment and confidence in your intention
“Between them, Kezia and Vio have helped over 40,000 men become more desired”
Kezia Noble:
Best selling author and leading attraction and dating expert for men.
“In this program I will reveal to you what women really want. Why we lust after certain guys, who aren’t initially our ‘typical’ type, and what it is that these guys do that makes them so irresistible. Now let me make this point clear to you as possible, that I will not be dishing out vague and generic tips on how to appear more confident or how to tweak certain parts of your body language to come across more alpha. Lazy text book advice that you have probably heard hundreds of times before is not what I want to share with you. The material in this program are fresh and extremely powerful, and will inspire and open your eyes up to opportunities that you probably never imagined possible.
I will be sharing with you every element and every micro- detailed point that you need to master in-order to make that powerful impact on a woman within seconds.
Me and my TOP male instructor on the team VIO who has helped thousands of men across the globe reach their full potential, will give you everything you need to make women take notice of you, become drawn to you ,and most importantly, WANT you”
Vio Fasakerley:
Peak performance coach and life style development mentor for the elite.
“I have been specialising in helping guys maximise their chances with women for over a decade. I have done this by mainly focusing on they way they utilise their non-verbal communication. Kezia heard about the kind of results I was getting for men, and invited me to work with her in 2010, and not long after, we decided to put together all the information, methods and skills we had been sharing without clients in to this programe.
Kezia has helped millions of men become master conversationalists, and she has shown them exactly what to say to a woman and when they should say it in order to attract them super fast. Together, we are now sharing the NON VERBAL and PHYSICAL skills and techniques of the master seducer. If your body language, energy, self belief, commitment and intent are not in line with your goals and with your words, then you will probably end up in that dreaded friend zone, that I used to always end up in. Women desire CHEMISTRY. But what is chemistry ? What is that sexual chemistry that sends both women and men crazy?
To explain, break down and pass on in a step by step format that can be applied whenever you choose. Me and Kezia spent the last 3 years doing just that!
We broke it down in to what could be ALMOST considered a science! But best of all, we have made sure that we put together the MOST effective methods and techniques in a way that gives the opportunity to apply them STRAIGHT AWAY.
We have left no stone unturned, and have helped thousands of men from across the globe to seduce women (that they once considered to be out of their league) with the methods, insights, skill sand techniques that are contained in this program”
“Do you know what your attraction net worth is? This is something other dating and sex experts will never tell you..”
Here’s what people are saying:
Phillip is a 34 year old IT consultant from Nottingham. He applied the information and skills that are featured in This Program.
“I was always the guy women took no notice of. I tried to be witty and crack jokes, but they always got distracted and seemed to see me more as just a ‘space filler’ than someone of worth. Whenever I did try and re-established communication, the most that I would get is an offer to be part of their ‘friend zoned social circle’
Get immediately download Kezia Noble – Maximum Impact
Vio and Kezia immediately knew after just 5 minutes of meeting me that what I lacked was confidence in myself and my intent. They showed me everything that I needed to complete the jigsaw puzzle. They showed me how to walk into a room, and own it. They showed me how to use my body language to convey power and self confidence. They showed me how to make eye contact with a woman, and turn her on just by using non-verbal communication.”
Charles is a 41 year old investment banker from New York . He has applied the information and skills that are contained in these DVDs.
“I worked with Kezia and Vio in 2012, and to say that what they shared with me was a ‘game changer’ is an understatement. I always got plenty of respect from the people in my industry, and because I was successful in my career and was able to afford the lifestyle that most people envied, I believed that getting women to sleep with me would be EASY. This was not the case. For 10 years I was unable to make any impact with beautiful women. There was always someone richer, someone funnier, someone more charismatic than me, and no matter how successful I became in my line of work, it made no difference to my success rate with women. Kezia and Vio showed me how to seduce beautiful women without relying on wearing my Rolex watch, without even mentioning my career, without having to show off about my exotic vacations. They showed me how to make sexual impact with women by using my body language, my eye contact, my energy and my presence. I now know what women desire, and having that knowledge is seriously powerful, but best of all, I know how to use that knowledge and apply the power it has given me.”
Henry Zhang is a 22 year old student studying for his Mathematics PHD from Los Angeles. He has applied the information and skill that are shared in this Program.
“ The best thing about working with Kezia and Vio, was the fact that they never once tried to make me pretend to be something I’m not. I’m generally an introverted guy, and I told them I didn’t want to become a loud extrovert to attract women. They showed me how to adopt and apply effective alpha male techniques that could remain congruent with my quiet nature. They also showed me how to be sexual with women, without having to pretend I was someone else. I love the fact that I can make a strong impact and attract women just by altering my body language and internal dialogue. What Kezia and Vio teach is amazing, and I am forever grateful to them”
Arjun is a 39 year old property developer from Toronto,who has applied the information and skill that are in these DVDs.
“ I divorced my wife when I was 35 years old, and had no idea how to get back in the dating scene. I felt so uncomfortable when I went to bars and clubs, and experienced instant rejection whenever I approached women, even women who were similar age to me. I tried out a lot of advice that was given by dating coaches and pick up artists, and although their advice helped me a little bit to keep a conversation going and feel better about myself, I was still not able to seduce a woman. When I came to London to specifically work with Kezia and Vio, I felt it was my last chance to really find happiness and fulfilment. The first thing that amazed me when I met them, was their brutal honesty. It was that level of honesty that had been missing from my life . They understood that I needed to hear exactly what I had been doing wrong to make sure I fully understood what needed to be done. I did everything they advised me to do, and all I can say to anyone who wants to really know how to seduce women, Kezia and Vio really know what it takes to master this. I am forever grateful to them”
Are you tired of being ignored by women?
Have you had enough of women putting you in the friend zone?
Are you sick of other guys getting the woman that YOU desire?
Do you have trouble in sexual escalating with women?
Are you sick of ‘nice’ and ‘platonic’ relationships with women that lead nowhere?
Do you want to turn women on and flirt with them WITHOUT coming across creepy?
Do you want to the ability to create a powerful ‘chemistry’ sensation that makes her desire you whenever you want ?
Do you want to have the l ability to make MAXIMUM IMPACT on any woman you choose in any situation ?
Do you want to be able to sexually excite her with ‘tension building accelerators that are super easy to apply ?
Do you want to walk into a room or social interaction and command instant respect?
Do you want to become her ‘main focus’ instead of just another replaceable ‘time filler’
Are you determined to never get caught in the dreaded friend zone again?
Do you want to know how turn women on without saying a single word?
Do you want to know how to use your eye contact to sexually charge the interaction?
Do you want to possess the ‘know how’ to use your body language and facial expressions to encourages sexual desire ?
Do you want the most powerful and honest insights into the female mind , that will let you find out what sexually arouses women?
Do you want the techniques and micro-detailed advice that will increase your success rate with women ?
Do you want to learn and understand the secrets of the modern alpha male ?
Do you want to have the power to attract women without masquerading as someone else or telling a single lie ?
Get immediately download Kezia Noble – Maximum Impact
Are you ready to unleash your inner confidence ?
Are you ready to achieve a deep level of self acceptance ?
Are you ready to learn the effective solutions for your sticking points ?
Are you ready to obtain the ability to enhance your inner strengths ?
Are you ready to take action?
If you answered YES to just ONE of these questions, then the MAXIM IMPACT Program is for you.
Men become more desired and achieve REAL tangible results with women, they once thought were out of their league
To transform how you look and feel, as well as supercharging libido and your masculinity.
You will be provided with a lowdown, on what it takes to look and feel like you have always wanted.
Mastering the content on both products will dramatically transform the impact you have on beautiful women.
The training style and diet plan is designed to supercharge your masculinity and sex drive.
It is also perfect for building deep solid muscle and burning fat fast
You will learn precisely what look 99% of females prefer and why
You will learn how to customise your training and diet for faster results
You will learn how to develop your mind to tap into the true power of your body
You will how the truth about the food and supplement industry
You will learn how to become much more alpha by changing your biochemistry
You will learn the secrets of longevity, that increase your physical and sexual prime by decades!!!
You will learn to connect this training, with everything else you are doing, so you get alignment
You will learn how to dramatically improve your posture and swagger via certain exercises
You will torch layers of fat by clever diet tricks and short workouts that are fun
You will completely rethink your daily activities
You will learn the safest and best way to make fast and solid gains
You will learn how to prevent aches, pains and especially injuries
You will learn the secrets of how I look and feel 15 years younger
you will learn how to find the perfect training system for where you are at
You will learn how to structure workouts and diets to constantly keep your body guessing and adapting
Powerful muscle building and fat building workouts that are between 5 and 40 minutes
No injuries. No gimmicks.
100s of pictures demonstrating the precise form.
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