Katrina Ruth Programs – Superwoman Unchained
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Katrina Ruth Programs – Superwoman Unchained
Hi Gorgeous! Kat here, and I’m SO FREAKING EXCITED to introduce you to Superwoman Unchained: the REVOLUTION!
I’ve designed Superwoman Unchained: The Revolution so that you can get everything you need, all in one place, without the need to make any other high-ticket investments.
With Superwoman Unchained: The Revolution you won’t need to invest thousands of dollars in a one-to-one coach or a pricey mastermind where all you get is pre-recorded lessons in a membership site and an hour a week to get your questions answered (if you’re lucky.)
And you won’t need to juggle the multiple opinions of coaches, strategists and so-called fucking business experts (who, hello, have only been in business months themselves!) because everything you need is right here.
All you need to do is show up, be willing to work and you’ll start to see and feel the results almost right away.
Let me guess:
You knew you’d NEVER be right for the corporate world, that you’d find it too suffocating and never feel like you could really BE YOURSELF.
You threw yourself into online business knowing you had an important message to share.
And you believed everybody when they said “just follow the rules! That’s the key to building a personal brand!”
But when you showed up as yourself you were smacked down and told: “don’t do it like that – do it this way.”
So, like a good little girl, you did what you were told because you trusted them more than you trusted yourself.
You played it safe, played by the rules and tried your hardest to fit in.
And here you are, feeling like shit, with services that make you feel like a sleazy charlatan and a message that’s been bastardized so much you no longer fully believe in it yourself.
And you know what? I’m here to stage a fucking intervention.
DEEP DOWN, you know you’re meant to:
Be doing meaningful, transformational work that changes others’ lives and feeds your soul.
Be making heaps of fucking money without feeling like you ever have to work, because work and play are practically one and the same for you.
Be living your life unapologetically and in complete and total alignment with what feels right and authentic for you.
And yet for some reason, (and in spite of all the personal development work you’ve done) there’s something inside of you that’s still holding you back from making it to that next level.
Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Superwoman Unchained download right now!
As an entrepreneur who’s been hustling online for almost a decade (since waaaaay before online business coaches, systems and strategies were even a thing) I know that:
- You work hell for leather. You PUSH. You BLEED. You CRY. And when the going gets tough you just keep fucking going. You’re ALL IN and you’re prepared to do what it takes, for however long it takes because your work? It feeds you in every sense of the word.
- You hold a much BIGGER vision of how your life could be, but for some reason you can’t seem to SMASH through the self-imposed glass ceiling you’ve created for yourself.
- No matter how many money mindset, sales funnel, or business building programs you take with the BIGGEST names in the industry, you can’t help but feel like you’ve missed the chapter that goes before all those courses in order for them to really make an IMPACT in your business.
- You feel overwhelmed, frustrated and guilt-tripped on a regular basis by online marketing experts who REPEATEDLY tell you how you “should” be running your business. But then you’re stubborn as fuck so you keep on trying to make it work.
- There’s a constant debate going on in your head about whether your business should fit around your family or whether your family should fit around your business – needless to say, your business ALWAYS WINS out (and you’re not sorry about it.)
- The “proven success system” you’re about ready to throw out with the fucking bath water might be generating dollars but everything about that step-by-step process just feels so inauthentic and forced that you’re starting to resent your business and HATE what you do.
- In desperation, you’ve laid down fists full of dollars for game-changing, next-level coaching programs, only to realize during the first session that you’ve fallen for a deadly combination of bullshit and bravado (and invested thousands in someone whose drive, energy and commitment isn’t a match on your own.)
- You’re pretty sure there has to be a less sleazy and soul-sucking way to market yourself online only you’re too SCARED to step off your path, break ties with the online marketing gurus, and RISK throwing away everything you’ve already built to find out how.
- The vision you had of the kind of FREEDOM you’d have in your business and life you wanted to create hasn’t come to fruition, and you feel just as TRAPPED (if not more so) as when you were stuck in your corporate hell hole.
- The LACK OF ALIGNMENT you feel in your work is bleeding into every other area of your life: your relationship, your friends, they way you treat your body, your finances, and your ability to sleep at night.
There’s no point wasting your time worrying about whether you’re conforming to the bullshit rules that the online marketing industry has set for you. It’s time to start running your business in a way that makes you feel really FUCKING GOOD.
Because when you feel good and you’re operating from a place of alignment, everything changes.
Your motivation will be higher and you’ll become the queen of fucking content creation, pumping out products that your customers and clients absolutely have to have.
Your marketing will feel easy and natural and the people who are meant to be part of your tribe will flock to you without the help of a fucking “like train” because you know if you see the words “type hell yes in the comments” one more time you’ll probably kill yourself.
And instead of showing up online and wondering whether you’re doing it right, whether anyone likes you, or whether you’re actually being noticed, you’ll be owning your message and not giving a fuck what the naysayers think.
I don’t believe you’re really one of those good little girls who wants to tow the line, dot her i’s and cross her t’s.
And I don’t believe you’re just some kid who started out online because she popped out a sprog and couldn’t stand the thought of going back to her desk-job either.
I believe you’re a visionary, an artist, and a revolutionary fucking leader who’s capable of shaking the world.
The real question here is, why don’t you?
You really want to be successful, right? I mean, successful beyond your current wildest dreams? Then believe me when I say: You’re different. You’re special. You’re fucking amazing.
You’re the elite 1% of the 1% that’s figured out you don’t have to join those other bitches in the schoolyard or follow the digital fucking herd. It’s OK to break the mould.
Smash it for all I care, but just start fucking owning who you really are.
Those that don’t understand you or don’t have the courage to make their own rules will call you:
Stupid. Arrogant. Stubborn. Bloody-minded. Aggressive. Abrasive. Harsh. High maintenance. A diva. A selfish fucking bitch. Unrealistic. Too much. Need to slow down!
Just take a minute to visualise how unapologetically awesome your business and life would be if:
- Every decision you made was ALIGNED with your purpose and powered by innate BELIEF in your capabilities.
- You spent every ounce of your time conforming only to your OWN expectations, and nobody else’s.
- You knew that just by being your AWESOME FUCKING SELF, you could disrupt the market, grow your tribe and create a cult following more rapidly than any fucking like-train could.
- You only ever made money doing things that felt really, REALLY GOOD.
- You took MASSIVE fucking action every time you got a dig in the ribs from your intuition, instead of parking your most profitable ideas until “someday, when…”
- You KNEW how to achieve more in a day that most other entrepreneurs achieve in a week.
- You believed that everything you ever wanted in life, no matter how outrageous or inaccessible, was ready for the taking.
- You knew the age-old secret to DOING IT ALL AND HAVING IT ALL – a successful business, a banging body, a passionate relationship, amazing friendships and the lifestyle of your dreams.
Enrol in the Superwoman Unchained The Revolution program and you’ll graduate with irrevocable success guaranteed in three core areas:
- A crystal-clear fucking clarity over what you want your life to look like, right down to the day-to-details as well as your pie-in-the-fucking-sky DREAMS.
- A feeling of finally being in complete and total ALIGNMENT with your truest self, without giving a shit what all the naysayers will think.
- The belief that you are super capable of seizing your ideal client’s attention with a super-strong message that polarizes the market and causes your tribe to separate from the rest of the pack.
- An ability to effortlessly call in your true tribe, the people who fucking love your message, binge on everything you create, and are throwing money at you because you stand in your truth and do everything you say you will.
- The knowledge of the precise daily activities you NEED to do each day to SMASH through your resistance and get shit done fast.
- The understanding of how to create content your tribe craves at super-high velocity whenever inspiration hits without feeling like it needs to be fucking perfect or finished before you start promoting it.
- The knowledge of EXACTLY what you need to do to launch, promote and sell your next program or package in a way that feels so totally fucking amazing that you’d even pay to do it.
- A success mindset SO STRONG that makes exceeding your ambitions NON-NEGOTIABLE in every area of your business and life.
- The innate BELIEF that everything you want in your business and your life is already available to you for the taking if you’ll just do the fucking work.
Each week there’ll be a new audio training to kick your ass into massive fucking action. You’ll get to listen with me, as I walk you through EVERYTHING.
Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Superwoman Unchained download right now!
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