Katrina Ruth Programs – Money Smackdown Workshop
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Katrina Ruth Programs – Money Smackdown Workshop
Deal With Your Money Shit Once and For All, Develop an Internal BLUEPRINT OF RICH, Learn How to Generate IDEAS THAT SELL, Make Selling and Launching EASY AND FUN, and Get CASH In Your Bank Now, and Every Damn Day After.
It’s time for a MONEY SMACKDOWN.
I’m running my MONEY SMACKDOWN WORKSHOP, all online and fully recorded. Deal With Your Money Shit Once and For All, Develop an Internal BLUEPRINT OF RICH, Learn How to Generate IDEAS THAT SELL, Make Selling and Launching EASY AND FUN, and Get CASH In Your Bank Now, and Every Damn Day After.
This is about:
- Getting your money shit sorted once and for all: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WHERE YOU’RE AT and a clear fucking vision of EXACTLY what you want to now start RECEIVING
- Redefining your relationship with money such that you EXPECT THINGS TO BE GREAT and then they are
- Dealing with your stupid fucking habits and sabotages around money, getting out of RESISTANCE around your money situation and into automated daily FLOW
- The exact daily money practices and habits I’ve used to scale my business to now over 180k per MONTH in income: my templates, planners, processes I do every single DAY to track and GROW my wealth and develop a mindset of abundance
- EXACTLY how to write your own reality and then see it come to life, using specific wealth scripts and affirmations written and stated such that you then ACT from them without even having to think about it
- Becoming an IDEAS AND CASH GENERATING MACHINE – how to develop and RAPIDLY launch and profit from ideas that sell, how to be an endless STREAM of ideas that sell and the exact methods to SELL them
- RUNNING THE LAUNCH RACE: the precise sales and launch strategies I use to generate literally hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time with ZERO advertising, usually just a FEW short emails, and in a matter of DAYS from idea to profit.
- Getting OVER your bullshit around scarcity, around selling being bad, about whether it’s OKAY to want to be rich, to want to be SERIOUSLY rich, to make money FAST and with EASE
- Writing a NEW FUCKING BLUEPRINT in your mind about who you ARE as a seriously RICH wealthy entrepreneur, leader, artist, 1% er NOW, and IMPLANTING THAT BLUEPRINT NOW
This is for you if:
- You’re doing all the work (or a ton of it!) and it just doesn’t seem to be WORKING
- Your habit is that when things go well or you finally have a breakthrough you then CRASH THEM THE FUCK BACK DOWN AGAIN
- Deep down you are SCARED that you’ll never be able to deal with your money shit, that this will always be your pattern
- You feel scared to even fully LOOK at your money situation, not just scared of the numbers but just the whole IDEA of looking money in the eye feels awful
- You KNOW you were born for more, to change the world and dance on top of it but you’re wondering WHEN IT’S GOING TO BE YOUR TIME AND WHY YOU CAN’T SEEM TO JUST GET THERE
- Your ideas don’t sell. Kind of suck. And even when you think they’re pretty good THEY STILL DON’T SELL.
- You think that selling and launching is in any way HARD, BAD, or something that you just kind of HAVE to do and don’t really WANNA. You think that it takes TIME and basically COSTS you your energy, space, soul.
- You feel GUILTY when you ask for money
- You are NOT currently asking for money, all day, every day!
- If you’re honest the truth you have to admit is that you’re allowing life to happen TO you rather than actively creating it yourself
- You can’t even believe you’re at THIS point in your business life age and you’re STILL DEALING WITH THIS SHIT
- You seem to slip back into the SAME BULLSHIT SABOTAGES and patterns often without even noticing it!
- You are SO damn over yourself, money, how fucking ENDLESS it all seems to be and to be perfectly frank you’re just TIRED
- You’re ready to let things be fucking easy, to become SERIOUSLY rich, to do it with ease and flow and have a DAMN GOOD TIME WITH IT AS WELL
- You want cash, in your bank, NOW, and then every fucking day after.
I’m running this workshop because I’m about fucking sick and tired of seeing messages blocked IN, natural born leaders not stepping up, YOU not getting or DOING the money and mindset work that WILL MAKE YOU RICH, and listening to the nonsense about generating INSANELY PROFITABLE IDEAS and having a DAILY money flow being something that is HARD or out of reach.
Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Money Smackdown Workshop download right now!
The Money Smackdown Workshop is going to kick your butt once and for all around where you’ve been HIDING OUT.
About how you’ve been HOLDING back.
About what you actually and VERY fucking practically speaking need to be doing every day in order to WATCH YOUR INCOME AND WEALTH GROW.
I’ll be sharing with you the EXACT processes, daily mindset work, income and wealth attraction tools, templates, spreadsheets, systems, EVERYTHING I use to make money EASILY and automatically, doing what I love.
What you can expect to HAPPEN from this workshop is that you will:
- Deal with your money shit once and for all, understand and release limiting patterns, repeat sabotages, beliefs that YOU CAN’T HAVE THAT; get rid of ALL that stuff for good
- Develop an internal BLUEPRINT OF RICH whereby you know that you know that you KNOW you’re creating wealth
- Become an IDEAS THAT SELL machine, where you are constantly downloading ideas that you KNOW will sell AND THEN YOU SELL THEM
- Learn how to make selling and launching easy and fun, with the exact very simple and VERY fucking effective strategies and sales processes I use to run my own daily sales activities and launch race: this is HANDS ON PRACTICAL SHIT THAT WORKS AND WILL MAKE YOU RICH, super fucking rich when you couple it with the money daily PRACTICES we’ll be tailoring to you!
- Get cash in your bank NOW and every damn day after
- Double, triple, quadruple and MORE your income with what I teach you … for most of my clients this happens within a matter of WEEKS and even days.
Yesterday evening alone I heard from 3 different people who told me, respectively:
- I only heard of you 2 weeks ago and last week I had my BEST WEEK EVER from what you showed me
- I applied ONE thing you taught me and made an extra 5k right away!
- I can’t believe how QUICKLY my program filled after we spoke!
Oh and another client just made an EXTRA HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS from one 5-minute conversation we had. Let me tell you … this was because of how I helped her CLEAR HER BULLSHIT it wasn’t because of some magic fucking bulletproof plan of ‘what to sell’ … she KNEW what to sell and then SOLD THE FUCK OUT OF IT (and yes I did give her some pointers on that AS I WILL YOU!) because she stepped into her freaking POWER zone as someone who knew that MONEY MUST BEND TO HER WILL.
I hear this stuff all day. Every day.
My inbox is FILLED with messages of people telling me how I’ve MADE THEM MONEY.
Let me tell you this is NOT because of the sales and launch stuff, even though THAT fucking helps and I’ll be giving it ALL to you!
It’s because I will shift shit within you.
I will help YOU to see into the core of where you’re NOT PLAYING ALL OUT.
I will shine a fucking LIGHT on who you need to be, what you need to be doing, and exactly HOW to do it, so that you turn on the money tap NOW.
There IS a money tap, and if right now you’re not receiving then you JUST DON’T KNOW HOW TO RECEIVE.
Let me show you how.
I’ve already MORE than doubled my already 7-figure income in 2016 using the exact mindset and practical processes and ideas sales launch strategies I’m going to share with you in this workshop.
I’ll be giving you access to my EXACT tools, templates, systems, and show you exactly what to do and exactly how to do it!
I will be kicking your butt into PERMISSION and TRUTH around what you need to DEAL with
DO –
Enough is enough baby.
You can keep on following the RULES and trying to HUSTLE by putting our boring and LIFELESS stuff that people just don’t really buy no matter how great your intent.
Or you can become a WARRIOR FUCKING SUPERHERO who KNOWS they are rich, INSISTS on being rich, does the daily WORK to be rich, has a MINDSET of rich and IS FUCKING RICH NOW.
What I’m going to show and IMPLANT into you, and the follow on support, templates, systems and EXACT WEALTH BLUEPRINTS I give you will easily make you thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars within as little as a DAY of applying it.
This workshop will make you RICH.
You will NEVER AGAIN have to deal with the limiting bullshit MINDSET that you can’t have enough or don’t know how.
You will be able to double, triple, quadruple your income or MORE within a matter of weeks or even days!
You will become an UNSTOPPABLE FUCKING SUPERHERO to whom wealth, success, EVERYTHING you ask for flows.
THAT is what this is about.
I’m not done.
I know! I just keep going …
I guarantee you this:
WITHIN the next 2 weeks.
There will be STORY AFTER STORY of people who made an extra 5k, 10k, 100k RIGHT AWAY. Who filled their programs. Who finally felt the noose LOOSEN AND FLY THE FUCK AWAY. Who started making SERIOUS cash from stuff they love.
Don’t be on the outside watching me plaster those stories all over Facebook, and wishing you were in.
Stop fucking around baby.
It’s time to deal with your money shit ONCE and for all …
Understand and FULLY release limiting patterns, repeat sabotages, beliefs that YOU CAN’T HAVE THAT …
Develop an internal BLUEPRINT OF RICH …
Become an IDEAS THAT SELL machine, where you are constantly downloading ideas that you KNOW will sell AND THEN YOU SELL THEM …
Learn how to make selling and launching easy and fun, with the exact very simple and VERY fucking effective strategies and sales processes I use to run my own daily sales activities and launch race …
Get cash in your bank NOW and every damn day after …
Double, triple, quadruple and MORE your income and finally FINALLY be fully in the belief that you can make as much money as you CHOOSE and you’re DOING IT now.
Get Katrina Ruth Programs – Money Smackdown Workshop download right now!
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