Katrina Ruth Programs – Healed
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Katrina Ruth Programs – Healed
Release the Old. Become What You Always Were.
It’s not that we’re scared of what’s inside of us, not really, not if you cast aside the drama, the stories, the fear, which you’ve allowed to swamp and to shroud you.
And it’s not actually that you think you’re not good enough, not worthy, ‘who am I, oh, I couldn’t possibly!’, not really.
When you drop in –
All the way in –
And you allow the truth to slowly but certainly bubble up, the layers of fear, and doubt, and resistance, and ‘who am I?!’ to float off off off and away –
The truth is that you DO know you’re good enough, and always have been.
In fact, more than that –
The truth is simply that you know you MUST, and that there’d at some point come a time when you could no longer listen to the excuses, the lies from within or outside, the nonsense and drama and bullshit, about why you couldn’t or shouldn’t, or not yet.
The TRUTH is that what’s in you is, simply and in THE most finite way, a thing which must get out.
And that it’s up to you to let it out, this deep deep work which you came here to do.
And that you know this.
So if it’s not really the fear –
And it’s not really a self-worth thang –
And you DO in fact know –
Then what is it, you may well wonder, that STILL freakin’ stops you, slows you, and keeps you off of the path you KNOW you’re meant to be on?
Well, I’ll tell you.
I’ll tell you what I believe, and what I’ve learned through observation of now thousands of coaching clients over the past 20 years, as well as of course observation of my self –
It’s a need to release the old,
And consciously choose to become what you always were.
Today, I want to invite you to do that work with me, and to enter –
Release the Old. Become What You Always Were.
Here is what this work is about, and why it is coming about, and why now:
You’re holding on.
Oh so tightly.
And for a very long while, perhaps too long to even recall.
Maybe, since before time began! Impregnated into you, before YOU began, at least, in this world, this body, this life.
You’re holding on to things which tell you –
I’m not WORTHY.
I’m not ENOUGH.
I DESERVE bad things.
I should be ASHAMED.
I have so much to feel GUILTY about!
I make bad CHOICES.
And so on,
And so forth.
It’s kind of a BOTHER, don’t you think? So tiresome!
So tiresome, how the same old stuff just keeps on circling back again, how you never seem to be done, how you continually find yourself trapped in patterns and sabotages of yesteryear!
So tiresome –
(says your higher self)
– how she won’t just recognise that there’s a damn REASON I need to keep on serving her up these lessons, and how perhaps, just mebbe –
I’d be able to stop, move on, let her let GO of them, if she’d once and for all stop –
Look in –
Face the so-called SHIT head on –
And do the actual work needed, to learn, to grow, to release.
Here’s what you need to understand about FEAR, about DOUBT, about self-worth shit, about ALL the murky heaviness which holds you back –
It’s not that you ACTUALLY could ever be stopped, from becoming all that you always were!
It’s that you are CHOOSING to stop yourself, because there is something you need to learn –
Something you GET to grow through –
And a level of healing and release to be embraced –
In order to shift the old, beCOME the real you, and finally break the pattern once and for all.
Look, I’ll be the first to tell you that it’s nonsense to think you can’t simply do the work, create the outcomes, have it all, even with healing to be done!
You can.
But I’ll also be the first to tell you that the healing work which NEEDS to be done?
Actually needs to be done, for its own sake. It has COME to you for a reason. The pain. The drama. The scariness. All of it.
It’s time to lean into it.
It’s time to allow it to teach you.
It’s time to understand it.
And it’s time to HEAL it, once and for all, so that you can clearly and easily see where it is you’re meant to go –
How to get there –
And how damn ABSOfuckinglutely worthy you are.
The result of which?
Money flow.
Love and hot sex flow.
Dream body flow.
Life of ease and fun and fulfilment flow.
YOU flow.
Everything, the way you’ve always indeed known it should be. Everything you’ve WAITED LONG ENOUGH FOR.
Everything it’s time to stop telling yourself a bullshit story you can’t have yet.
Because it’s TIME.
Here is What We’re Healing, in Healed, and How This Translates to YOU, Being What You Always Were, and Having What You Always Saw, and –
How this Work Actually Works, How I Channel and Am Guided, From my Soul to Yours
Before I share a little of what we’ll be diving in to, in this time together, let me tell you how I work:
This work is partly channeled –
Partly downloaded –
FULLY guided from above, and within, and of course rinsed out well by way of the other (non-physical) realms.
It’s not MADE UP BY ME.
I’m not creating a course –
Designing modules –
Or THINKING about what would be a good idea, or even about what would be helpful!
I pay no mind to organisation –
Structure –
Order –
Or expectations.
But I do STFU and listen to my higher self, my highest available self, and here is what she told me, VERY clearly –
There is work to be done in this community.
DEEP healing work.
It starts with you, of course.
And it’s to share with everybody.
Healed? (I was shown, and then asked)
But what is it about?! (I asked)
– No need to ask.
Just write it.
You’ll find out.
It’s already all inside.
My job is not to make anything up, or attempt to teach, even though I am a creator, and I am a teacher.
My JOB, is to listen, and to follow orders from soul, trusting and knowing that what I’m being given and what is shown to me is what is needed, and that I am EQUIPPED.
And then? I do the work.
Imagine, if you always did the same … now there’s perhaps something to consider deciding to be healed from, the idea that you can’t simply DO WHAT YOU KNOW YOU MUST!
But I digress
There is a LOT of healing, which I was shown we would work on together.
When you read the below, it might feel like – fuck! That’s so much! How long is this course anyway, how are we possibly going to cover ALL THESE AREAS?!
And I’ll tell ya –
Because we will, that’s all. Very very easily, too. There IS, after all, no separation here, from one ‘thing’ to the next. All we need to do, in actual fact, is to find that one thread which pulls it all together –
And also blows it all apart.
Everything connects to everything.
Holding yourself back, not being what you were always meant to be in one area, naturally and ALWAYS crosses over to other areas.
That is why we must do ALL of this work –
Or quit kidding ourselves, and do none of it.
Let’s just do all of it!
It looks like this:
>>> Relationship Healing
Love is patient, love is kind, love is slow to anger, love is –
Feels so far away.
Something that was once believed in, and now seems like a fantasy, a ‘one day’ dream which may never again come true, and maybe never does.
I’m not just talking about romantic love here.
I’m talking about all of the ways in which you’ve allowed RELATIONSHIP, as a concept, to be tainted, bruised, or even, destroyed.
The ideas you used to have of how it would be –
With your lover –
Or your family –
Your friends –
Perhaps your clients –
Or indeed the world at large –
Maybe all of it! –
Marred. Difficult to access. More difficult still, to create.
How NOT healing in this area may be screwing with you is simple –
You continue to call in, create, and ONLY allow a reflection of the damage and bruising and SAFE expectations which you’ve developed inside. You make choices out of guilt, or shame, or blame.
You compromise.
You settle.
You sacrifice.
You CONTINUE to sabotage or destroy.
When you’re coming from a place of BROKEN-ness, and pain, you continue to create all of that! of course
What healing the relationships wound allows you to expect:
A return to clarity, to purity of vision, to unadulterated hope and belief. The certain knowledge that of course you can have the best, liase and engage only with the best, because YOU are the best, your best, and worthy of everything that that entails.
Do you remember when you had SUCH lit up and light dreams for your business, and the EMPIRE you knew you were going to build?
Your dreams were grandiose, ridiculous even, extravagant, and wild!
You wanted it all, at once if not sooner, and you knew that you could have it!
Your energy and passion and WILLINGNESS to show up, go all in, also put yourself out there ‘come what may’ were unbeatable!
You could not be stopped!
You WOULD not be stopped!
And then?
Something stopped you.
A supposed failure, perhaps. Or the seductive voice of those outside of you, compelling you to do it their way, go against what you really believed or knew, just this once. The whispers of doubt from inside telling you that you were being unrealistic, and it’s time to get serious, get grown up, be like the others.
All or any of that, and much more besides.
And somewhere along the way you lost your craziness.
You lost your relentlessness.
You lost your WILD dreaming.
You lost your certainty.
You lost your faith.
You lost you.
Now, is it any wonder that business feels SO tough-going, so quicksand-y, so never-ending, so HEAVY?
Is it any wonder that you repeatedly fail to get to the flow you used to dream of, when you don’t REALLY let yourself dream that dream anymore, never mind act on it?!
The answer is NO, it’s not, and also?
Just LOOK at what you’re (not!) creating by letting yourself be guided this way.
*How NOT healing in this area may be screwing with you:
Flat out, your self-belief has been shaken and it is SHOWING. You’re making choices from fear, from doubt, from ‘who am I’, rather than from who am I NOT to, and just fucking WATCH me.
Continue to do this, and you’ll get, well – more of the same. Forward momentum, perhaps, if you’re particularly hard-working, and I’m sure that you are.
But really –
Nothing to write home about.
Nothing that your SOUL knows is available.
*What healing around your business allows you to expect:
A reboot back to UNSHAKEABLE CONFIDENCE AND FIRE. Back to ACCESSING the crazy, the wild, the BEYOND THE REALMS OF POSSIBILITY, all of it, and then?
Bringin’ that shit to motherfucking life.
WITH bells on!
Ah, money. Money money money, WHAT is it good for?!
Well, one thing that’s for sure is that it’s good for showing you where you have some work to do! It is a GREAT way of bringing to light, and life, stories which we have MADE UP which block us from receiving in MULTIPLE areas!
So much shame.
So much blame.
So much hurt.
So much just SILLY conditioning, too!
So much to unravel.
But really –
It’s not actually that hard at all, once you realise you just made the WHOLE entire thing up, and can just as easily UNMAKE it all, and REMAKE it in a way which absolutely serves you!
For me, remaking my money story has literally resulted in me being able to now receive millions of dollars each year with ease, all just based on me being me and doing my purpose work!
But before I healed my money stuff … oh boy –
*How not healing in this area may be screwing with you:
In order to be HEALED, we must must MUST allow for the truth and the knowledge that we really DID choose what we needed to choose.
We must embrace EVERY aspect of who we are, and every way in which we’ve showed up, and played this game of life.
Without doing so, you will CONTINUE to have the same stuff show up again and again, and you will CONTINUE to show up for each day feeling as though your throat is choked and your hands restrained.
Let me tell you –
This is no way to live.
And nor do you HAVE to.
*What healing your soul sadness and grief allows you to expect:
This is probably the most powerful work of all, in that it will FREE you to be able to breathe again, and from that place, BE. Unfettered. Unrestrained. PROUD of yourself. And self-assured, that you have everything you need, and everything you desire is available to you, always, and now.
As part of this we will be FULLY shifting any residue you have, any anger OR grief OR sadness AND frustration, annoyance, lack of self-respect, etcetera, that you have at yourself for repeatedly PLACING your self ahead of your higher self, and ahead of your soul.
And finally –
Ironically, perhaps, although I think not – !
How could we do this work, without also acknowledging, with a wry smile perhaps, the need to heal from the very idea of needing healing?
Indeed the MOST powerful work, and my intention for you in this time together, is for you to realise, that you already have everything you need –
You already ARE everything you must be –
Everything really IS perfect, and available, now –
And from this place?
You can create freaking anything, and everything, and yes you WILL.
So What is Healed REALLY About, Then, and What Will You See HAPPEN, When You Say Yes To This Work?
I could talk to you about how this work will result in the flow of abundance, in all areas –
In access to your natural-born and inherent ability to click your fingers, and receive.
I could remind you of how, when you come from a place of being healed, whole, certain, and perfect, it is so damn EASY to achieve, create, ‘have’, anything, and everything, always.
Dream business.
Dream body.
Dream relationships.
Dream life.
It’s ALL true, it’s all obvious, it’s all a little simplistic, don’t you think?
The outcome of DOING this sort of deep work is that of COURSE of course of course you get to have the physical results you long for, and have for so long held at arms length.
That’s easy!
I know that such a state
Here’s What You’ll Get in Katrina Ruth Programs – Healed
Katrina Ruth Programs – Healed : Sample
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