Katrina Ruth Programs – Gratitude
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Katrina Ruth Programs – Gratitude
You matter.
This is what I want to say to you today, what is coming out, and through, and from me, and for you.
You fucking matter baby.
The work which you were put on this earth to do? It matters too, and actually you DO get to do it (and every EVERY bit of how you dreamed it), and actually you do get to MONETIZE it (LIKE a motherfucker), and actually you do get to do every single THING that is inside of you and which you dream of –
Long for –
And yearn for.
Because ALL of it really does MATTER and it’s REAL and if you dream it then you do so for a REASON, but more than any of that shit, here is what matters most:
You the woman, the man, the badass, sure, but really, if you strip it all away and we just bare you –
Your soul opened up for all to see.
To the world.
THAT is the you I’m talking about when I say that you matter. I am NOT talking about you who has to ‘show up’, and ‘hustle’, and ‘do the work’, although I love all of those things, I live and breathe for the hustle!
It’s in my blood.
It’s in my core.
It’s what GETS me places.
So yeah, it matters, the hustle, and the doing of the do in order to get a particular outcome.
But that’s not what I’m here to talk about today. And frankly … (m’dear) … I really don’t give a damn.
I’m also not talking about you the MOTHER, or the WIFE, or the PARTNER, the FRIEND, the MENTOR, the GUIDE, the HEALER.
You’re an amazing teacher, you.
We know that.
You lead with PASSION and STRENGTH and FIRE. (When you allow yourself, but there’s a concept for us to dive into not-quite-just-now).
You RULE with an iron fist when it comes to HOW you live, how you follow your own inner guidance system and intuition … once again when you LET or TRUST yourself … but still.
And you are POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE in the work that you do and ALL the different roles you play.
This stuff matters.
But not as much as you.
Just you.
All you.
The soul of you.
And what does this have to do with GRATITUDE, you might well ask, and where am I even going and what am I unleashing for you NOW?! (And you already know –
I will say somewhat cheekily –
That you can’t not, with this, that it’s pulling you, already.
But, perhaps not yet, and so I’ll keep going).
WHAT does it have to do with GRATITUDE, pray tell?
I don’t know.
I knew that when I sat down today I would write and I would unleash and it would be something and it would be exactly what it should and must and only COULD be and I knew it would be around GRATITUDE, but that’s really all I knew.
Nothing more.
And nothing less.
And then as I let the words and the DOWNLOAD around this course unfurl inside of me, I got the message.
To tell you.
That you matter.
And so here I am, and I’m telling you, and if you leave now then take that WITH you. But I suppose there is also this:
Because you matter, you actually do get to live a life of COMPLETE and utter fulfilment, you know?
Because you matter, you do in fact GET to choose flow.
Because you matter, you have full permission (innately! And just because you exist!) to DO THE FREAKING WORK YOU CAME HERE TO DO.
And because you matter –
Because your very PRESENCE here on this earth makes you worthy of EVERYTHING you feel and want and yes inside of you:
It might be time –
To do the fucking work.
To ALLOW that shit in.
(Oh –
And when I say do the work?
I mean do the DEEP inner work to get into the state WITHIN you which would designate that EVERYTHING you dream of actually AUTOMATICALLY becomes yours)
Which is to say?
So what can I tell you, about GRATITUDE, about why it is that we get to do this together, you and I?
I could tell you that I have seen, over and over again, in my own life and the lives of my clients that when I CONSCIOUSLY shift INTO gratitude, regardless of how ‘difficult’ it may first feel to do so, when I CHOOSE that state, that magic starts to unfold …
Money, for example, appears …
Things just flow.
I could tell you that it’s purposeless, truly, to fight and rail AGAINST being where you are now. Because – and I get it, oh believe me, I GET it, I was THERE, for so LONG, and so I’m coming to you from the LOOKING BACK perspective of what I wish I knew sooner, what I am actually however grateful I GOT to learn and can now share with you – because it is so.damn.INFURIATING. when you’re doing the work –
Showing up –
And you darn well KNOW your stuff is better, amazing, can help people, and WHY AREN’T YOU GETTING PAID AND RECOGNISED ACCORDINGLY –
– SO infuriating!
But yet –
Still purposeless, truly, to fight and rail AGAINST that stuff.
(Which, I dare say, you’ve already found!)
I mean –
Unless of course it is that you just REALLY REALLY like to get to learn the same lesson(s) on struggle, and sacrifice, and PUSH, over and over again.
So maybe that’s the purpose?!
And that’s a GOOD thing, a GREAT thing, an AWESOME thing, in fact, to have the OPPORTUNITY to LEARN like that.
But if it’s that you’re now ready to receive money with ease, abundance in all forms with ease, flow with ease, time and space and freedom and a sense that you’re on your aligned motherfucking PATH with ease, then, well –
It’s purposeless to try to rail against the now.
So, I could tell you about that.
And about how GRATITUDE can shift you, so damn fast you’re not ENTIRELY sure what just happened or HOW THE FUCK IT IS YOU DIDN’T JUST CHOOSE FLOW SOONER.
I could tell you, of COURSE, about the science behind gratitude. There’s a ton of that! But really …
It’s interesting.
It doesn’t matter.
Not for our purposes here.
And I could tell you, and this perhaps MOST of all, about the MIND-BLOWING fucking POWER you get to unleash from inside of you when you consciously –
And OH so deliberately –
SINK into –
SOAK up –
IMMERSE yourself in –
VERY deep.
And what that can? Fuck that, WILL mean –
For your business.
For your money flow.
For your ease.
For your ability to just click your FINGERS and CREATE –
the fuck
you want.
Shall I tell you about that? Should I? Yes? Now?!
Okay then!
All of that.
And so much more.
And also?
This Is How We Get to Play GRATITUDE Together. You and Me. All the WAY.
I’m so deeply passionate about this topic, so fully committed to this truth, so deeply in FLOW with the work I MYSELF am here to do with you around GRATITUDE, and how I KNOW it can so powerfully and rapidly influence your life, your results, your yes, your now, that I almost feel I don’t know where to start.
I could let my thoughts wander –
And take over –
For a thousand more pages.
As I share with you the ease and JOY and freaking OUTCOMES you do in fact get to have when you step into all day EVERY day gratitude, when you actually shift and re-CODE yourself from the inside out to where it’s your norm.
Oh –
And just in case I forget to mention it later –
We WILL be re-coding.
LIKE the badass GRATITUDE soaked mofo’s we are.
I just LOVE a good re-coding session, don’t you?! New and fresh SELF-chosen DNA … it’s a very good thing, a fabulous thing, indeed.
Plus, just, y’know –
But I’ll reign my thoughts and my wandering mind in for a MOMENT and I’ll just very simply tell you what I’m feeling for you.
You and me.
20 days.
ALL the way in. (IS there any other way, REALLY?!)
20 days of LIFE-CHANGING inner work to shift you into GRATITUDE, FULFILMENT, ABUNDANCE, FLOW, NOW.
And also?
Results like a motherfucker.
So those are those details, but here are the other details I get to tell you now! Of course there are also always SECRET details, and extras which come out, I can’t stop ’em. And it’s not that I’m all about the SECRETS, I’d tell you for sure, if I could.
It’s just that it tends to always also be a secret from ME, the real magic of my programs.
I gotta wait just like everybody else, to know exactly what’s going to go down!
But I Do Know This:
We will go deep.
It will happen FAST.
It will be HARD … in INTENSITY, that’s all!
And it will have your jaw hitting the floor with just how awesome it IS, actually, that you really really CAN see such rapid change and also rapid TANGIBLE fucking results.
I mean sure – I GOT you on the ‘feel good’ side of things, feel GREAT, actually, but make no mistake:
We’re here for PRACTICAL and MONEY and SOUL TRIBE building outcomes too baby!
The only thing kinda IRRITATING, which I guess I should be straight up and share with you –
Is that you’re going to be slightly fucking jacked off at how you didn’t give yourself permission sooner to let things be so EASY, and GOOD!!
How IS this to go down?
OKAY, I’m getting it:
We’re going to have a week by week deep dive GRATITUDE focus, actually.
There will be 3 reveals.
THE FIRST REVEAL: In Which We Strip Away The Nonsense, The Resistance, The Fluff, The Bullshittery!
{Days 1-7;}
In the first reveal (which we will begin with a live deep dive training together, and I’ll lay down our focus for the next 7 days), we will get the BLOCKITY stuff out of the way from the get go.
I think it’s nice, sometimes, don’t you, to just get straight into stirring up the SHIT? And then, of COURSE, detoxing it with GUSTO.
So, that’s what we’re going to do.
THIS is actually going to be a little ugly, ’cause we’re not talking your normal everyday sort of blocks here, are we?
We’re talking the really MURKY stuff.
The stuff where you’re holding on to BITTERNESS.
DEEP-seated frustration.
And just, kinda, y’know – fuck the world I’ll take you all stuff.
It’s nice to be a badass, to be tough as fuck, so hardcore you can’t be hurt.
It’s nicer still to soften, to step into the you who you actually came here to be, and realise that actually, true strength and badassery comes from a core of vulnerability, femininity (okay dudes … you can still join … true MASCULINITY, for you) .. and ACTUAL inner strength.
So, in the First Reveal, I’m going to guide you to get naked to the SOUL gorgeous.
Let go.
Let go.
Let go.
And this is where we will then get to flow.
Oh yes –
We will have daily follow on downloads from my soul to yours, journaling work to do, of COURSE, videos, audios, Q&A sessions and threads; a mix of those things, as well.
So we begin the FIRST Reveal with our deep dive training.
And then we continue the work, day by day, to STRIP away, so we can be fully in our CORE, and then:
THE SECOND REVEAL: In Which We Get To Play Dress-Ups On Your Nakedness!
{Days 8-14}
Dress-ups is a fabulous thing, isn’t it? I don’t know about you, but I kind of LOVE dressing up, stepping into character, performing a ROLE.
Of course in this case … truth is in ANY case, for me … we’re not dressing ourselves up into anything that we’re actually not ALREADY, that is actually not already IN us, just raring, and waiting, and ready, to go.
So there!!
What this is about, is simple:
There is stuff inside of you, which needs to come out. Which you’ve been stuffing down. Not being honest with yourself around. And also? BLOCKING as a result of not understanding and / or acting upon the reality which exists around getting to HAVE, now.
So this is where we get to look at flicking that switch inside of you, at creating the INNER state you need, moment by moment and day by day, in order to automatically shift you into the OUTER states you desire.
We’ll apply this to money flow, NOW.
To attracting in your soulmate tribe, FAST, and MAGNETICALLY.
To ALWAYS knowing your message, what to say, how to say it, and how to sell from it.
To monetizing your every BREATH, with ease.
And to being.
Just being.
Full you, and getting to NATURALLY just click your fingers and HAVE, what you WANT.
As well as so much more. Of course!
Oh, the details, or method? I suppose it will be whatever it needs to be, but the gist is that in the Second Reveal, we will once again begin with our deep dive live training in the group. And we will continue on with the DAILY live work, exercises, tune-ins, check-ins, support, and soul to soul WHATEVER THE FUCK IS NEEDED.
Sound good?
Let’s continue, into:
THE THIRD (and FINAL!) REVEAL: The Closing Act. In Which We Elevate Like Grateful AF Motherfuckers.
Or, you know… see even more results flow, even faster, and with greater ease!
{Days 15-20. Ish. I suppose 21 would make more sense, but 20 is what I’m getting. We’ll find out!}
The details of how it goes down are the same. I would IMAGINE it’s gonna get more intense, of course, as we gear up into this final stretch. But as well as more intense, and this IS the ideal intensity I suppose, also more CERTAIN.
You get to just release all idea of HOW.
You notice that you’re existing already IN gratitude, abundance, fulfilment, flow.
You already HAVE, inside of you, the results you THOUGHT you were looking for and needed to strive for.
And KNOWING that your every wish or thought is done? Is your new normal.
So, that’s a LITTLE bit about the Third Reveal.
And of course I’ll be there with you every step of the way.
I should tell you … I probably don’t have to tell you, but I will …
This is the REAL fucking work that works, baby.
We CREATE our reality from within.
I’m SO excited, and honoured, to get to do this with you.
Here’s a recap of the 3 reveals!!
THE FIRST REVEAL: In Which We Strip Away The Nonsense, The Resistance, The Fluff, The Bullshittery!
{Days 1-7}
In the first reveal (which we will begin with a live deep dive training together, and I’ll lay down our focus for the next 7 days), we will get the BLOCKITY stuff out of the way from the get go.
I think it’s nice, sometimes, don’t you, to just get straight into stirring up the SHIT? And then, of COURSE, detoxing it with GUSTO.
So, that’s what we’re going to do.
THIS is actually going to be a little ugly, ’cause we’re not talking your normal everyday sort of blocks here, are we?
We’re talking the really MURKY stuff.
The stuff where you’re holding on to BITTERNESS.
DEEP-seated frustration.
And just, kinda, y’know – fuck the world I’ll take you all stuff.
It’s nice to be a badass, to be tough as fuck, so hardcore you can’t be hurt.
It’s nicer still to soften, to step into the you who you actually came here to be, and realise that actually, true strength and badassery comes from a core of vulnerability, femininity (okay dudes … you can still join … true MASCULINITY, for you) .. and ACTUAL inner strength.
So, in the First Reveal, I’m going to guide you to get naked to the SOUL gorgeous.
Let go.
Let go.
Let go.
And this is where we will then get to flow.
Oh yes –
We will have daily follow on downloads from my soul to yours, journaling work to do, of COURSE, videos, audios, Q&A sessions and threads; a mix of those things, as well.
So we begin the FIRST Reveal with our deep dive training.
And then we continue the work, day by day, to STRIP away, so we can be fully in our CORE, and then:
THE SECOND REVEAL: In Which We Get To Play Dress-Ups On Your Nakedness!
{Days 8-14}
Dress-ups is a fabulous thing, isn’t it? I don’t know about you, but I kind of LOVE dressing up, stepping into character, performing a ROLE.
Of course in this case … truth is in ANY case, for me … we’re not dressing ourselves up into anything that we’re actually not ALREADY, that is actually not already IN us, just raring, and waiting, and ready, to go.
So there!!
What this is about, is simple:
There is stuff inside of you, which needs to come out. Which you’ve been stuffing down. Not being honest with yourself around. And also? BLOCKING as a result of not understanding and / or acting upon the reality which exists around getting to HAVE, now.
So this is where we get to look at flicking that switch inside of you, at creating the INNER state you need, moment by moment and day by day, in order to automatically shift you into the OUTER states you desire.
We’ll apply this to money flow, NOW.
To attracting in your soulmate tribe, FAST, and MAGNETICALLY.
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