Jonathan Budd – PPC Mastery Class
$497.00 Original price was: $497.00.$59.00Current price is: $59.00.
Download available within 1-2 hours. There is NOTHING Like The Passive, Automated, & ENDLESS Money That Pours In Once You Know The Pay-Per-Click Strategies We’re Going To Be Teaching You In Our 6 Week ‘Inner Circle’ Intensive…
Jonathan Budd – PPC Mastery Class
From: Jonathan Budd & Mark Hoverson, Two Regular People Who Have Made MILLIONS In Network Marketing From Pay-Per-Click.
Subject: How To Earn 6-7 Figures Annually From PPC In The Next 6 Weeks…
Look, I’m going to be very very frank with you here. In the last 3 years of creating a mulit million-dollar business from scratch on the Internet, I have learned that NO marketing tactic on the PLANET can compare to the PHENOMONON that is Pay-Per-Click Marketing. Absolutely NOTHING.
And it is most DEFINITELY a Phenomenon. Figure that…
In less then 5 minutes you can have expertly crafted ads you only PAY for when a prospect clicks on them, in front of the EXACT prospects you’re looking for, to the tunes of TENS of thousands of people…
All resulting in NEW LEADS endlessly funneling back to your business, creating new distributors, sales, and income, and this will NOT STOP until you tell it too. In fact, once established, it runs almost entirely on Autopilot.
Frankly my friends, it’s safe to say it has never been this easy for virtually ANY man, woman, or child to walk into network marketing right now and systematically build a business that does 6-7 figures per year, and does it like CLOCKWORK, relying SOLELY on scientific marketing strategies that are PROVEN to work, time and time again.
I’m Not Kidding About This, I’m 25 Years Old And Have Made Over $1.6 Million Dollars This Year…
Guess where the VAST majority of all my traffic and leads come from? Pay Per Click.
Mark Built one of the fastest $50,000-60,000+ per month incomes our industry has ever seen in his company, and has a RAGINGLY Successful team. His team has earned him over $10k in a DAY before, without Mark lifting a finger… Guess where almost all of it has come from? Pay-Per-Click.
I’ve got dozens of inner circle students who have studied our private strategies who make sales every day, sign up partners everyday, have huge growing lists, RAGING teams, co-ops, you name it…guess where most of it comes from? Pay-Per-Click.
If it’s not obvious at this moment, PPC marketing is not just some pie in the sky concept you hear about…
It Is The Fastest, Most GUARANTEED WAY To Build A 6-7 Figure Income In The Next 12 Months Currently Existing In Our Industry…
And if you’re not currently EXPERIENCING that, and tapping into the RAW power ppc marketing has to offer you… then you are frankly missing out on untold FORTUNES you could be earning, and the most systematic way to build a LEGACY our industry has ever seen.
Get immediately download Jonathan Budd – PPC Mastery Class
Not only that, you are missing out on the EASIEST way to get your team duplicating, and to experience true LEVERAGE in your life.
Mark told me some FLABBERGASTING facts the other day… things that made me just dumbfounded with how amazing they were. Mark currently earns as much money as one person would who’s spending $25,000+ a month on advertising, yet he spends less then $30 a day.
How is that possible? Because of the STRATEGIES he’s developed for getting his team to DUPLICATE, make SALES, experience RESULTS, and get new business coming in often times in their first WEEK.
This has led to a FEVORISH team that’s exploded underneath him, ALL because of PPC marketing, and he now benefits from a $25,000 a month budget without spending a pittance comparable to that.
There is NOTHING Like The Passive, Automated, & ENDLESS Money That Pours In Once You Know The Pay-Per-Click Strategies We’re Going To Be Teaching You In Our 6 Week ‘Inner Circle’ Intensive…
There’s a very good reason why I decided to take a break from generating 500+ leads daily and actually TEACH YOU the true art of MASTERING this ultra profitable strategy.
After watching so many people SUFFER in this industry, not knowing how to really create the success they were looking for, bumbling around trying to figure out things here and there, not really getting the mentorship they needed to just MAKE it happen and really GET on the right track…
Even worse, after watching people make silly mistakes that cost them thousands, or actually try marketing but they created the wrong ads no one clicks on, or pages that no one opts into, or messages that no one cares about (Because they really don’t know the exact ways to turn any traffic into money)…
I finally decided to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, and take a break from the 500+ leads I generate daily and TEACH anyone who wants to learn exactly how to become a top 1% Money Earner in this industry how to do it using PPC Marketing.
Frankly, there is NO BETTER two people in the world to teach you how to turn ANY ppc marketing traffic into a wildly successful team, and up to 15 different income streams EVERY MONTH then Mark Hoverson and Myself.
We have both MASTERED at the highest level possible exactly how to do this, and we are going to make 100% sure that every tiny bit of knowledge we have crammed into our heads, and every money inducing skill set we have learned, is TRANSFERRED to you… so you can KNOCK the ball out of the park and hit the winning home run you’ve been searching for for a long time.
The Pay-Per-Click 6 Week ‘Inner Circle’ Intensive Is Seriously Going To Be Your Ticket To MASTERING Everything About This Medium, And Entering Into The Brackets Of People Who Earn More Money In A Day Then Most People Could Ever Even Imagine For Themselves (And They Do It AUTOMATED)…
Before I give you a complete breakdown of exactly WHAT you are going to be learning in this entire 6 week INNER CIRCLE coaching program that is clearly going to alter the course of your financial life forever, there are a few key points you need to understand about what we’re doing.
First off, No one in our industry has EVER, and I do mean EVER, coached people on the knowledge we are about to share with you in public. These are strategies that I have used to OUTRANK every single competitor I have in EVERY single market.
If You Want Proof You Can See Here:
In fact, I would bet you money today you couldn’t find ANOTHER PERSON in all of network marketing who has as much exposure, and is as visible as I am on the PPC search engines. Try me on it, and you’re going to be shocked.
This Exposure Consistently Generates Me Over 400+ Leads Daily Just From PPC Marketing, And It Equals A Multi Million Dollar Per Year Business…
In less then 12 months of implementing many of the strategies I’ve never revealed to ANYONE before, I was able to TRIPLE the entire size of my business, and 5x the amount of leads I was generating daily.
Again, If You Want Proof You Can See How Much Money I’m Now Able To Earn In A Single Month From My Strategies Here:
The reason I’ve been able to do this is not obvious to most people. In fact, most people will never figure this out, and that’s why it’s been so easy for me to climb to the top of ANY market I’m in, and turn that traffic into 5-10x more money them I’m spending for it.
It’s this science I want to make sure YOU understand. But more then that… I want to show you how to take my SAME EXACT FORMULA, and go into ANY market you want on PPC… and use it to completely DOMINATE. (Resulting in massive cash flow)
Yet here is the REAL crazy part my friends… Not only am I going to show you EXACTLY how I’ve created each of these results above, and how you can begin employing these IDENTICAL strategies into your own business… but every single thing I’m going to show you is literally only HALF of this entire Intensive.
You see, I’m the guy who can teach you the art of the creating a ‘Million Dollar Funded Proposal’ business using PPC marketing, and show you exactly how I’ve done it. But there is ANOTHER person who has done some things in PPC marketing that I’ve again, never seen ANYONE else do, and 100% COMPLIMENTS every single tactic you’re going to learn from me.
And That Person Is, Mark Hoverson…
Mark Hoverson literally went from foodstamps, to building a $650,000+ year business for himself the first YEAR he got started in his company.
Check Out Just A Few Of His Stats Below:
And Again, Here’s How Much He Made IN CASH His First 24 Months In The Business Using PPC Marketing…
Mark rose to be one of the top leaders, and income earners, almost INSTANTLY in this company. In fact, he CRUSHED almost all his competition, taught his TEAM how to crush them as well, and before you knew it his organization was BLANKETED across the entire net promoting his opportunity.
He accomplished virtually ALL of this using the private Pay-Per-Click strategies he’s never revealed to ANYONE outside of his close team members.
His team has then taken these exact strategies, and gone on to recruit THOUSANDS of people… with many of his team members ALSO becoming top income earners and recruiters in the company.
Here’s Just A FEW Of The People In Marks Team Who Have Become 6 Figure Earners And Top Income Earners From Using These Strategies…
Case Study #1:Scott Phares, Over $31,000 In Sales In Under 20 Days Using Mark’s “NO Nonsense” PPC Marketing Strategies.
Scott is the PERFECT example of what happens when you apply the principles, concepts, and pure techniques we’ll be teaching you in this Intensive. He was one of those people who did nothing but LOSE money on adwords and turned into one of those ROCK STARS you hear about in MLM Magazines almost over night.
This is an actual screen shot of Scott’s back office where he generated over $30,000 in sales in under 20 days…
And here is where you can listen to his personal story…
Case Study #2:Dan Spranzy, Home Business NEWBIE Does $6190 In Sales In 3 Days With Adwords.
Almost ANYONE can relate to Dan’s story, as he came to Mark a complete newbie knowing NOTHING about online marketing or success in this industry.
After just a few measly WEEKS of this coaching, Dan has now learned a skill set he will be able to use to earn money for the rest of his life and has achieved amazing results. Listen to his story below…
Today, Mark spends less then $30 a day on PPC marketing, and is earning over $50,000 a month from his PRIMARY business, fueled almost exclusively through Pay-per-click.
Just To Reiterate… NO ONE I HAVE EVER KNOWN Has Created That Much Success With So Little Money Invested Before.
Mark has done something HISTORIC in the world of Online Network Marketing, and it’s created a FORMULA that virtually anyone that wants to be a top LEADER and EARNER can use to build a staggering walk away residual income, and a team of true CHAMPION leaders… that will propagate across the whole web.
Clearly you can see why I called Mark up, and basically DEMANDED he be a part of our 6 Week PPC ‘Inner Circle’ intensive series. I am convinced that after you go through 6 weeks with us, in the TRENCHES, having us show you the complete “Ins and Outs” of pay-per-click marketing… NOTHING about your life will be the same.
I am convinced we will turn ANYONE who really wants it, and decides to go through this experience WITH US, into a top earner in this industry, who can COMMAND any amount of success they want to come to THEM at will.
I’ve watched it happen time after time again when you really KNOW and GET the intimate secrets we’ll be sharing throughout this series. It’s safe to say, you this 6 Week intensive may be the very thing you’ve searched for your entire LIFE when it comes to creating true freedom in this industry.
And Just So You Can See How SERIOUS I Am About Saying That… Here Are Just A FEW Examples Of Private Students We’ve Taught These Strategies To In The Past:
Case Study #3:Mark Teztner, Floundered With 0 Recruits In 8 Months, Then Hired Mark Hoverson For Adwords And Brought In 4 New Platinum Business Partners In 7 Days Totaling $12,300 In Sales.
Another example of a student who was struggling in the industry, not getting the support they needed, yet KNEW they could do it.
After literally 7 days of the training we’re going to be sharing with you they generated over $12,000 in sales and put over $4,000 in their pocket. Here is Mark’s story…
Case Study #4: Dathen Fairley, From Buying Useless Washed Up & Resold Leads To Generating Over 100+ Of His OWN Leads DAILY, With His Best Week $9,000+ In Pure Profit.
Seriously, Dathen’s story says EVERYTHING we could want to say, but even FAR MORE.
Dathen found Mark literally at his whit’s end with what to do when it comes to creating success in this industry, and has had his life literally turned upside down since implementing the specific strategies you’ll be shown in this course. You have to hear his story…
Case Study #5: David Dixon, 10-15 High Quality Leads Daily With NO Previous Experience & Coming In As Total Beginner.
David, like most intelligent network marketers, really understands that success in this industry is ALL about the quality of your lead flow.
Unfortunately before he found us good quality lead flow was NON existent for him. After a short period of time implementing our techniques he’s generating more leads daily then most networkers will talk to all month. Here’s his story…
Case Study #6: Debbie Turner, After Spending $28,000 On BS Training and Getting 0 Results Debbie Turner Turns To Mark Hoverson, & 6 Days Later Makes Over $6,000 And Calls Mark Up Crying.
I can imagine it would be an emotional experience to go from spending $28,000 online and getting NO WHERE to earning over $6,000 in new business in 6 days.
Well, that is EXACTLY what Debbie experienced after getting our expert insight into google adwords and the power of leveraging PPC traffic. Here is her story…
Case Study #7: Gabe Joseph, $1000 In His First 6 Days, Best Week Ever Over $18,000 In Sales. Now Gabe Commands Leads All Day Long Into His Sales Funnel & Turns Them Into Team Mates.
Gabe was VERY skeptical of Google adwords at first after hearing what happens to newbies who lack the REAL knowledge of how to be successful in this market.
However, his skepticism turned to an immediate JOY after he cranked out over $18,000 in revenue in under 8 days. Here’s his story…
Now, let me tell you about the AMAZING details of the 6 week Inner Circle coaching program we’ve created… that I’m convinced is bar NONE the fastest, easiest, and most powerful way for ANYONE to become a top 1% income earner in our industry. (I’m not kidding, I truthfully believe this to be the most valuable course that has EVER, in all of the history of network marketing, existed)
This is a NO HOLDS barred, 100% expose of ALL our marketing secrets. Every single thing we currently do in our business to create colossal sized results will be revealed to you in a complete step-by-step format.
The most powerful, most effective, and fastest marketing tactic there is out there will be de-mystified in front of your eyes… and you will clearly see EXACTLY how you can take $100 and turn it into $300. And $300, and turn it into $1000. And onwards and upwards from there…
I’m guaranteeing you that, after you go through this 6 weeks with us you will be more advanced in this industry then most of the people out there who are actually EARNING 6 figures yearly… and you will seriously have a POWER to create results for yourself at WILL.
The Pay-Per-Click Mastery 6 Week ‘Inner Circle’ Intensive will be conducted in LIVE, online, interactive webinars strictly by Mark Hoverson and Myself.
We will be personally leading you every single Monday night, directly navigating you through the ‘Million Dollar’ territory that is pay-per-click marketing.
Each session is going to be so overly filled with value, content, training, insight, and wisdom… that you will probably not be able to sleep over this 6 weeks due to sheer excitement. Every session will be recorded, and you will be able to watch it to soak up the golden knowledge again and again and again.
Here is just a SAMPLE of exactly what you’re going to be getting in each session:
In this session you’re going to learn…
Mark is going to literally GIVE YOU his personal team, and entire collection of partners that work on EVERY $500,000 yearly income producing website he’s every created for his business.
You’ll learn exactly where to go to duplicate Mark’s EXACT formula’s, systems, and processes he’s used to grow one of the most successful organizations existing in our industry.
The secrets for how to design your OWN literal ‘Money Suction System’ in under 30 minutes, exactly the way it needs to be designed in order to WIN over the competition & MAKE the sale into your organization.
Mark’s 10% difference on “Where” to place your opt in box that has skyrocketed his conversions across ALL his pages, Plus more…
The Psychology behind virtually 99.9% of the prospects in the network marketing industry that makes them seriously EASY puddy in your hands to recruit & exactly WHAT to say to them to tap into their OWN deepest desires. (This seriously is borderline dangerous with how powerfully you can recruit people who will go to the ends of the earth to join your team)
One more mark will fill in
One more mark will fill in
One more mark will fin in
Value: $497
In This Session You’re Going To Learn…
How to create your adwords account in less then 5 minutes, set up your FIRST campaign, choose the right platform, and literally be ready to MARKET to millions of people.
A total explanation of the NEW google adwords interface, and ALL of the hidden ‘Gems’ buried inside of it that can mean 6 or 7 figures to your business.
How to organize your ad campaigns, ad groups, and keywords like the MILLION DOLLAR producers in our industry know how to do, so your adwords marketing is an efficient self sustaining MACHINE.
Where to run the most PROFITABLE reports you could for your business, and break down ANY ‘Weak Links’ in your adwords marketing to make them stronger.
How to split test ads, ad groups, and always find the BIGGEST winning combinations that pull in ‘leadership’ level income.
The secret formula I use to manage literally HUNDREDS of campaigns BY MYSELF, without needing to pay thousands monthly to adwords consultants… on TOP of running all the other pieces of my business.
Insider secrets into the ‘campaign settings’ function that can MAKE OR BREAK your business, and has the power to 150% your lead flow over night…
How to use the most ADVANCED tracking platforms that have EVER existed in our industry, to literally turn your business into an easily controllable science experiment that spits out the results YOU want it to. Hint hint: google doesn’t just have ANAYLTICS anymore, there is another feature they’ve recently added worth even MORE.
All of this plus far more…
Value: $297
In this class you are going to learn…
Ethically steal Mark’s exact blueprint for how he can COMMAND attention on adwords in ANY market, and can get a prospect to do almost ANYTHING once they enter his marketing funnel.
How to write ads that are simply AMAZING & will pull 5x the traffic then the guy or gal literally sitting right next to you, weeping over their losses.
The secret software we use to 100% LEGITIMATELY swipe all our competitors biggest ‘Money Pulling’ keywords, markets, niches, and ads… and then we’ll show you how we go into those same ‘money filled’ markets and perform BETTER and WIN OVER that market space no matter what niche we enter.
How to create original, compelling, and distinct ads different from what ANYONE else in the market place is doing. (hint, almost EVERYONE in the ppc world is un original, and stealing other people’s creativity. Knowing Mark’s formula will allow you to be the EXCEPTION in every market…)
The secret strategy for getting into the mindset of EVERY searcher on the pay per click engines and how to speak to their ‘Hidden Psychology’ resulting in the EASIEST conversions and sales imaginable.
Learn Mark’s secret ‘Fishing Spots’ and exactly what to put on the Hook that NO ONE can resist… and lures new distributors into your world like an absolute science.
Plus one more mark will fill in
Plus one more mark will fill in
Value: $497
In this class you’re going to learn…
The secrets to spotting the LEADERSHIP within people, and recruiting the people who undoubtedly turn into HARD CORE producers on your front line. (Its honestly strange how scientific this is when you know what to look for and how to deal with these individuals)
Sales funnel strategies to LEVERAGE your time, energy, & money before you ever get on the phone with a prospect… so that by the time you DO they are already serious about sending you money… and ready to join your team.
How to train your rapidly growing team so YOU benefit from their collective ad budget… and FAST. This has allowed mark to profit from a $25k monthly ad budget without spending more then $1k himself.
The unbelievably powerful strategies Mark has used that got his team duplicating FAST, and out producing ANY other team in the entire direct sales market place. These strategies literally turn Marks’ organization into an internet wide force to be reckoned with.
What to do in the first 7 days of working with someone that SETS them up for success, and grooms them to be a true WINNER in this industry rather then most people who just cry, whine, and complain about their life. (Note, this is absolutely KEY you set the correct leadership mindset within your organization from the beginning. Nonsense is NOT to be tolerated in this industry)
Mark’s secret ‘Weapon’ to get his team plugged into the most powerful tools and EASIEST downline growing training so they start duplicating FAST rather then SLOW like most businesses.
One secret tip to creating a fast start guide you’d honestly be AMAZED can make you so much money and shave off so much of the time you have to spend helping your organization to make money…
PLUS one more from Mark
Value: $497
Get immediately download Jonathan Budd – PPC Mastery Class
In This Ground Breaking Class You’re Going To Learn…
Exactly how to get into the psychology of EVERY single person who enters a search term on the Internet, and craft your headlines to meet their EXACT wants, needs, and demands. This is like a conversion formula on STERIODS that few people in our entire world understand. Thus… we stuff ludicrous piles of money in the bank monthly.
The personal ‘Video Capture Page Recipe’ I use in EVERY single market I go into, that has increased my conversion rates as much as 200% in ruggedly competitive terrain.
Exactly what kinds of videos to make in your marketing, what to say, what players to use, where to put them, and EVERY other piece of information you need to know to make money like I do.
What to say in your ads, how to split test them, how to find the ones that are actually PULLING leads and sales, the process to constantly keeping your marketing ABOVE your competition. (HINT: The highest click through ration on your ads is NOT always the best data to look out, there are several other factors that actually matter MORE)
How to use the secret software that’s been behind SO MUCH of my scientific success using pay per click. This software literally allows you to increase your lead flow 50%-200% in almost ANY market you go into.
The secrets to duplicating your SUCCESSFUL, income-producing campaigns on Google into the Yahoo and MSN pay per click platforms. This is like literally ADDING 40% more income into your business OVER NIGHT.
What you NEED to do to successful monitor your campaigns, and make sure another ‘Hungry’ marketer doesn’t come into your territory and OVERTAKE your profitable positions. (this is the formula for staying on TOP of the game)
Plus Far More…
Value: $497
In This Class You’re Going To Learn…
How to target the most profitable, the most targeted, and the EASIEST keywords you can starting right now, so you can begin building your list literally OVERNIGHT.
How to get amazingly cheap clicks, literally GLIMMERING with gold because of the sheer EASE in which these prospects are looking for a leader, and someone to show them how to be successful.
The secrets to leveraging the marketing budgets of OTHER successful marketers, except you’ll only pay 10-20% of what they pay for the SAME exact prospect…
Learn how one of my students generated a $3,000 high ticket sale, netting $1000 commission, spending less then $18 in google through bidding on an UNTAPPED market place, which I can show you EXACTLY where it is.
My strategies for being the FIRST to enter literally the HOTTEST markets as they are unfolding, to soak up the purely amazing traffic while its in its HAYDAY. (Hayday in this instance means most profitable timing)
Where to get a literal NEVER ENDING amount of keywords, ideas, and new markets to go into that give you endless possibilities and an unbelievable amount of space to profit.
The 4 main categories you MUST know and be taking advantage of… if you want to reach 400+ leads per day easier then most can create 10.
Plus one website I’ve seriously used to find DOZENS of untapped, low cost, zero competition lead sources that continue to pummel my bank account with cash till this day…
Value: $497
In This REMARKABLE Session You’re Going To Learn…
The UTTER difference between a campaign that pulls like a DEMON in the search engines yet falls on its face like a DRUNKARD in the content network. NOTE: You have GOT to structure your campaigns differently in content network to reap the endless easy money it contains.
My personal secrets to getting my ads to show up at the TOP of the search engines, without doing ANY search engine optimization, or paying even CLOSE to the cost of almost every other ad on the page… yet you’re getting the SAME exact traffic for 1/10 the price.
What the ‘site targeted’ function is, how the new adwords platform has made it STUPIDLY simple to take advantage of, and the BEST strategy in the world for how to do this. (results in amazing prices for clicks that equal amazing results)
I’m going to show you my personal strategies for rolling out content network campaigns that generate me leads for less then a 1/3 I pay in the regular networks.
How to tap into the almost BAREN ‘Content Network IMAGE Ad Placement’ function in google, which has been a secret weapon to many of this industries BIGGEST EARNERS yet I’ll reveal to you…
How to set up a campaign in less then a FEW MINUTES, yet can pull leads, new recruits, and new money for the as long as you want.
Plus TONS more content strategies I have personally NEVER shared with ANYONE before.
Value: $497
In This Private Class You’re Going To Get…
Both mine and Mark’s undivided attention as we critique, analyze, and GUIDE YOU to being a Pay Per Click legend exactly like we are.
Answers to any questions you have, so nothing goes unanswered and you learn everything you possibly can about this phenomenal marketing medium.
The ability to submit your ads, landing pages, ideas, or anything else you want us to look over for you, and give you personal coaching on.
Insights into questions other people are asking, so you can benefit from the COLLECTIVE growth, knowledge, and experience of the entire group as we deliver the SOLUTIONS.
Plus a lot more…
Value: $497
It is absolutely blatantly obvious the sheer profitability of each and everyone of the tactics we’re going to be showing you over the next 6 weeks, and its undeniable the effect this can have on your life, and INCOME.
However, we are not going to stop there. You see, I LOVE to reward leadership, and when I go all out… I GO ALL OUT. For me, it’s incredibly important to REWARD the true leaders in our industry, and the people who really CARE about themselves enough to invest in their life and education.
And there is NOTHING more powerful then investing in your LIFE EDCUATION.
So I decided to do something that is honestly going to make you feel like a TOTAL fool if you don’t choose to become part of our ‘Inner Circle’ in the next 5 minutes… and that is Give away some of the most AMAZINGLY Valuable bonuses you’ll ever see, which are EASILY worth MORE then the price of this entire 6 week coaching program itself.
If you take FAST, Swift, and IMMEDIATE action on the information I’m sharing with you right now, you’re also going to get…
Fast Action Bonuses For The Cream Of The Crop Action Takers:
Now, it’s extremely obvious that the opportunity we’re offering here for you today to enter into the ranks of the most ELITE of the ELITE marketers, the Masters who can command 7 Figure Incomes on autopilot without flinching, is not something you’re going to get to many times in your life. (if ever again)
There are no two people like Mark and I in this entire industry, who have ever taught these secret PPC strategies before. The content, information, and techniques we’ll be revealing in this private 6 Week PPC ‘Inner Circle’ intensive are privy to less than a handful of entrepreneurs world wide, who have ALL used them to grow some of the most successful businesses in our industry.
It’s safe to say, if you don’t choose to become a member of the VERY special inner circle we are assembling right now, you will probably miss your chance FOREVER to have these tactics in your arsenal, to use for your OWN success.
Knowing this, the only possible question left on anyone’s’ mind is… How much does it cost to join this elite group of marketers in freedom, and become a part of the Pay-Per-Click Mastery 6 Week ‘Inner Circle’ Intensive?
I’ve Done Generous Things Before, But This One Takes The Cake…
Now, I don’t have to state the obvious here. But it’s EXTREMELY obvious the information we’ll be sharing with you is MINIMALLY worth millions upon millions of dollars.
You’re learning from two people, who have both become millionaires in this industry, living lives of TOTAL freedom DIRECTLY because of the processes we’re going to give away to you.
When we originally sat down to determine a fair price to join us, and learn from us, in this ONE TIME ONLY event… we easily realized $5,000 would be a fair price. Many people have actually paid FAR MORE to learn profitable pay per click strategies from people who were making far LESS.
So $5000 seemed like a fair price. But Mark and I are just not like that. We do this for a lot more reasons then money, and a CHIEF source of satisfaction we both now receive in life is from the FREEDOM we get to help other people create.
Mark travels all over the country with many of his team members, and the bonds they’ve formed all simply AMAZING. You can’t do that if everyone is stuck working jobs. The same thing goes for me… many of my students have become some of my best friends because we’re the only ones that can pick up and GO anywhere, and do anything, anytime we want.
So Mark and I decided possibly $2,000 would be a fairer price to join us during our total expose of our ENTIRE PPC business models.
But Something Still Just Didn’t Feel Right…
I’m the type of person that TRUSTS my gut a lot of the times, and trusts my instincts. On top of that, I’m the type of person who ALWAYS, 100% of the time, likes to DELIVER MORE VALUE then most people could ever expect they’d be getting.
That’s just what makes me feel best about my business, and the change I get to make in people’s lives. And for this reason… I decided I would do something totally SHOCKING to most capitalists. I decided I would KNOWINGLY lose over 50-100% of the money I could be making on such a rare event as the ‘Inner Circle’ PPC Mastery Intensive…
Instead of charging $2,000 for this coaching program, which it is EASILY worth, we decided to make it affordable enough so that literally EVERY single entrepreneur who TRULY wants to master this medium, and TRULY wants to create a 6-7 figure income for themselves in the next 12 months could absolutely LEARN how to do it.
We decided to not even make it $1500, or even $997. But only, let me repeat ONLY, this one time… we’ve decided to let you join us in this historic event for only $497.
I’m not kidding. We are defying what ALL other guru’s, and people in the industry would charge to be a part of this Inner Circle, and learn some of the most profitable tactics that have EVER existed in the home business industry.
You can secure your extremely limited and exclusive access to the Pay-Per-Click Mastery ‘6 Week Inner Circle Intensive’ for only one payment of $497 right now.
Literally, the spots available for this program are disappearing at the fastest speeds of any training I’ve ever conducted, and there is no guarantee you’ll even get in before we pull it off the market. I’d recommend you do the smart thing, and secure your membership NOW through the link below…
Click Here To Secure Your Access To The Pay-Per-Click Mastery 6 Week Inner Circle Intensive.
But not only have we made it EXTREMELY easy for ANYONE to purchase this elite and ridiculously under priced mastermind series, but we’re taking it one step further…
I am so utterly and ridiculously confident, in fact I know with 1000% certainty, that the information we’re going to be sharing with you over the next 6 weeks is SO VALUABLE it will undoubtedly change EVERY aspect of how you do business, and the amount of money you can earn in your life time.
I am going to make a guarantee that you simply would be INSANE to ignore, and a challenge you’d be INSANE not to take me up on.
At the end of the next 6 weeks, if you’re not generating at least 25-50 NEW LEADS every single day for your business, and signing up 1-2 new distributors PER WEEK into your organization… We want to give you a FULL money back refund.
That’s right… for any reason what so ever if you don’t think the exact action steps, and business plans we just showed you to become a MILLIONAIRE in this industry, aren’t worth it 110%… then tell us you want a refund and you’ve got it. We don’t want your money.
This information is STRICTLY for top class entrepreneurs who are going to use it to create results they previously didn’t even think were possible for themselves.
We ONLY want people who are going to IMPLEMENT their favorite of the techniques we show you.
But It Gets Even Better…
The PPC Mastery Intensive Enrollment Form Deadline Check: Still Available
Just when you thought it couldn’t be any EASIER for you to sign up right now and join us in this insanely profitable event… I created a payment option for anyone that needs to split up their tuition in two chunks.
You can sign up right now today for only $277, and we’ll accept your next payment of tuition 30 days from now for only $277 as well. That way, literally NO ONE has an excuse for why they shouldn’t be LEARNING knowledge that can set them free in life, from the two perfect people to teach them.
And if I forgot to mention already… we will ONLY be doing this event one time and one time only, then we go back in the dungeons using these secrets to continue making millions.
The group of students who goes through this event with us will be the ones to PROSPER for the rest of time… and everyone who was foolish enough to skip it… well, I won’t even mention what usually happens to them.
You can sign up now, and secure your spot in our one time only Pay-Per-Click coaching intensive here below…
Click Here To Secure Your Spot In The PPC Inner Circle For Only $497
So my friends, I know I don’t need to beat a dead horse, or explain to you anymore WHY this is such a unique opportunity you’d be almost INSANE to skip… but I’m going to recap just one more time.
You’re getting access to TWO proven millionaires in this industry, who went from living in their parents house and foodstamps, to less then 3 years later building some of the largest businesses existing in our industry.
They did it PRIMARLY through Pay-Per-Click marketing…and are going to bring you BEHIND the scenes of their entire business model and teach you how to be a superstar in this medium like you’d never even imagine.
They have never taught this knowledge in Public before, and they are NEVER going to do an event like this again. This is most definitely your ONLY chance to be a part of such an event like this, and you’ll more then likely never get the chance to learn this skill at this caliber ever again.
On top of it, you’ve got THOUSANDS of dollars in bonuses at your fingertips, and a GUARANTEE that anyone would have to be crazy not to take up the CHALLENGE on.
Frankly, if you’re an entrepreneur worth your salt… we’ll see you inside our Inner Circle and on class starting on Monday.
The clock is ticking as we speak, and we’re shutting the registration doors any moment now as soon as we reach our limit, which means this opportunity could completely disappear on you at anytime.
I will tell you this though; I have NEVER been more excited for a group of my students like this before.
I know with 100% certainty that MORE people are going to come out of this training EMPOWERED to create a life of true freedom then possibly ANY other coaching program that’s ever existed in network marketing.
Get immediately download Jonathan Budd – PPC Mastery Class
We’re not just going to coach you here… we are going to hand you the most DUPLICATABLE and guaranteed way to build a 6-7 Figure Business there currently IS in our industry.
These tactics are the bread and butter, and the foundation of the most SUCCESSFUL online network marketers today… and they are about to be completely in YOUR possession. If you even remotely share the excitement I have for you right now, then you won’t even sleep TONIGHT.
Because I know what it’s like to be at the precipice of massive success, knowing its there at your fingertips but it hasn’t arrived yet. I also know what it’s like that first month you really hit it BIG and experience what its like for $30-50k to show up in your bank account in that fast of a time period.
That feeling, that experience, is there for ANYONE to grab if they really want it. We’re going to show you EXACTLY how we did it, starting from SCRATCH, in ways no one has ever revealed before.
Lets just say, I am EXCITED to see you in our classes, and look VERY forward to what you’re going to do with our strategies. This very well could be the largest play you’ve made in your life… and I don’t take that lightly.
I’ll see you in class my friends.
Yours In True & Utter Mastery,
Jonathan Budd & Mark Hoverson
P.S. The Fast Start bonuses, which are worth more then the ENTIRE intensive itself, are disappearing at astonishing speeds. It is HIGHLY recommended you don’t waste another minute and you secure your tuition for the pay-per-click 6 week inner circle intensive now.
Course Features
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10 weeks -
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English -
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