John Eggen – How to Write a Client Attracting Book and Business Marketing Mentorship Program
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John Eggen – How to Write a Client Attracting Book and Business Marketing Mentorship Program
John Eggen has worked with many well-known authors to not only help them get their books written, but also to help them:
1. Write a book that’s an effective sales vehicle for their other products/services, while still giving valuable information
2. Turn the PROCESS of writing a book into a profit-generating venture
3. Create information products from their books
4. Develop comprehensive marketing/pr strategies for their book and other products/services
5. Etc.
which I selected “the best of the best” for this Private Study Program.
Profit-Building Training: You learn the three big strategies for earning money with a book (or info product). I explain in the training the strategies to help keep you from making the biggest and most costly mistake the vast majority of people make when they start authoring a book (or info product).
How to author a book that attracts new clients and
generates multiple streams of income
Book Creation Training: I build upon what you learned in the previous training. I teach you the initial steps to create a book or information products that leads to your optimum personal and professional life.
Identifying Lucrative Niches Training: You learn the essentials of Steps Two and Three of my eight-step system. In Step Two, you learn a series of time-tested tactics to identify lucrative market niches that want and can pay for the problems you can solve and the aspirations you can help fulfill.
The Proven System Training: You learn a superb, time-proven system to author a book from publishing guru Dan Poynter, another one of the experts on my team.
Dan presented how to “Write Your Book by-the-Numbers,” an overview of the simple, effective system thousands of book authors have used very successfully. In addition, you receive an amazing Book Writing Template developed by Dan. It is a 30-page template you can use to author your book simply by filling in the blanks!
90-day Authoring Training: You learn the step-by-step fundamentals of authoring a book in 90-, 180- or 365 days. I cover the first six steps of an 18-step, time-tested process thousands of first- and second-time book authors have used to author a book.
Do you want to author higher-priced information products and programs? Many of these steps are extremely relevant to developing a compelling info product, too. During this training, you learn the fundamentals of the first six of the 18 time-proven steps to author a book.
Time-saving Training: You discover more of the step-by-step fundamentals of authoring a book in 90-, 180- or 365 days. I mentor you on the next four steps of an 18-step, time-tested process thousands of first- and second-time book authors have used to author a book. Based on my 27 years in publishing, I reveal enhancements to the basic system that can save you time, make the process even easier, and turn your book into a genuine client-magnet.
Selling and Hiring Training: You learn more of the step-by-step fundamentals of authoring a book in 90-, 180-, or 365 days. If an information product is what you are developing right now, many of the insights shared are relevant to you, too.
I reveal a tested model for creating book (or info product) content that, essentially, is a very tasteful and compelling sales letter for your high-priced services, products, or programs. I also mentor you on the all-important basics of hiring an editor and cover designer
Identifying your Ideal Market Training: You learn more about how to identify lucrative niches for your business and your books and information products. Building upon what I taught you in a previous mentoring training, this teleseminar is an advanced training on how to identify your ideal target market and what it wants, and how to profit by meeting its needs with your business, books and info products.
Book Creation Mastery Training: You discover more of the step-by-step fundamentals of authoring a book in 90-, 180- or 365 days. I provide mentoring on the next five steps of an 18-step, time-tested process thousands of first-and second-time book authors have used to author a book.
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In this training, you also learn how to turn your first draft into the subsequent drafts that are necessary to create a compelling book or higher-priced information product.
Building Credibility with Top Producers Training: You learn more of the step-by-step fundamentals of authoring a book in 90-, 180- or 365-days. I interview one of the experts on my team, Pete Masterson, about many of the most important issues in page layout, proofreading and the printing of a book and information products. Many high-quality manuscripts end up lacking credibility as books and information products because of their authors’ ignorance about these aspects of production. This training helps you side-step these problems.
Designing to Get Attention Training: To help you develop your books and information products and to get the attention of your prospective clients, I introduce you to world-class cover designer Kathi Dunn. Kathi teaches you “Insider Secrets for Turning Your Book and Info Product Covers into Client-Magnets.”
The Compelling Cover Training: When it comes to creating actual sales, the most important cover elements of all are the words you choose: the title, subtitle, testimonials, and all the back cover copy. I introduce you to two veteran marketing copywriters. Susan Kendrick and Graham Van Dixhorn. Both are experts in writing bestselling covers for both books and information products.
You can apply this system to accelerate your own publishing and marketing results. Our members have made significant (sometimes jaw-dropping) progress using this time-tested system.
How to turn your expertise into a system of up to
55 time-tested information products and programs
Information Products Training: You learn step by step how to create information products and programs quickly and within your budget. I teach you the steps to create virtually any of the 55 time-tested information products and programs revealed to you in the Private Study Program.
Information Products Continued Training: I continue where I left off in the last live teleseminar by giving you step-by-step mentoring on how to create information products and programs quickly and within your budget.
You learn the next steps in the basic system to create virtually any of the 55 time-tested information products and programs.
Profitable Sales Letter Creation Training: You discover the secret to writing sales letters and other marketing copy that sell your high-priced information products and programs… as well as anything else you market.
I’ll teach you using a sales letter I wrote (not even one of my best) that brought me more than $335,000 in extra cash in just the first six-months of testing… and much more after that. It got those results simply because it used the fundamentals of the time-tested sales letter writing system you learn in this training.
Sales Letters Continued Training: Building upon what you learned in the last training, you discover more secrets to writing sales letters that sell your high-priced information products, programs and services. This is the second and final training on how to write compelling sales letters. Virtually all the marketing communications you will ever create during your career can be optimized by using the system I teach you in this teleseminar.
Rapid Content Repurposing Training: You learn the next steps in my proven system to create information products and programs quickly and within your budget. I provide more mentoring on getting testimonials. You’ll learn how to save time and create a compelling info product or program by creating a detailed outline that positions your product in a certain way. Then I teach you how to draft the copy for any info product’s covers. And I share nine ways to rapidly turn your detailed outline into attractive content.
Audio Creation and Editing Training: You learn a proven, step-by-step system to produce audio information products. I introduce you to an expert in producing audio info products, Tracy Alan Childers. Whether you want to delegate the work to others or do it yourself, applying Tracy’s step-by-step system saves you time, money and headaches. In this training, you learn how to find the right audio editing software (a big key), discover how to record your voice directly on your computer, learn to edit problems quickly, discover how to cut your audio recording into tracks, add musical intros, create audio CDs and finally, learn how to package your products to carry your expertise out to the world.
Video Creation Training: You learn a step-by-step system to produce your own video information products. I introduce you to an expert in producing these video information products, Mike Stewart. You learn a powerful strategy to produce high-priced DVD info products right in the comfort of your own office and on a shoestring budget.
Product Duplication Training: If you want to make good money with information publishing and marketing…and keep your business life uncomplicated…then listen to this teleseminar.
You learn the secrets of efficient info product duplication and fulfillment as I interview Mr. Bret Ridgway, an expert in these important areas. You learn how little business you need to be doing before it makes sense to hire out duplication and fulfillment to someone else.
How to use high-leverage marketing to
multiply your income while working a lot less each day
Winning Clients Training: You learn 10 simple, proven tactics you can use… starting the first week you begin the book authoring process… to win more and better clients.
These are “no-brainer” marketing tactics proven to generate $20,000 to $150,000 quickly. I emphasize you DON’T have to wait until your book is published to benefit. You can use these ultra-simple ways as early as the first week you begin the authoring process.
Success Acceleration Training: My lead coach, Lorna Mc Leod, and I lead you through a one-of-a-kind process to set goals that propel you and your business forward into the success you really want. You learn the secret to setting goals that genuinely inspire and motivate you to act (versus the “same ol’, same ol’” kind of goals most people are fooled into setting).
Exponential Growth Training: You learn a small, select number of the most powerful marketing strategies in existence to geometrically increase your income and attract the highest-caliber clients.
The strategies work not only for marketing your books, information products and programs, but also for marketing your services. For instance, you discover a straightforward way to identify a small number of people who, if you had relationships with them, would bring you all the business you need to create the practice or business of your dreams within the next three years. You also learn a strategy that is typically the fastest way to double your income when you are marketing professional services. And you discover a simple process that makes sure, while you are going after big opportunities, you always have all the immediate cash you need. And more.
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Strategic Alliance Building Training You learn how to identify joint venture partners who can bring you a lot of business, save you loads of time and result in large streams of income. You discover key advantages of using joint-ventures, whether you want to use them to market your books, high-priced information products and programs, or services.
Outsourcing Mastery Training: You learn how to start getting the benefits of outsourcing. Outsourcing is the delegation of non-core competencies to other reliable people who specialize in them. You discover that only 10-20% of what you personally do in your practice or business yields 80% or more of all your results.
Speaking and PR Training: In the final training of this series, I teach you the fundamentals of high-leverage public speaking and publicity.
You learn the four profit centers you can develop with public speaking… most professionals’ earnings are limited to only one or two of them.
You discover six of the largest markets that want public speakers like you. You learn five marketing strategies you can use to get the speaker bookings you want.
And you learn about marketing materials you need when you speak.
Plus, if it’s publicity you’re looking for, discover how busy professionals and experts use the time-collapsing “Only 25” strategy to get ample, free publicity specifically in your market niche. You also learn how to invest only 10-12 hours a month and get more positive results from the media than almost anyone in your industry.
Here’s What You’ll Get in John Eggen – How to Write a Client Attracting Book and Business Marketing Mentorship Program
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