Jerry Banfield with EDUfyre – Genius in 21 Days!
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Before I ed applying what I talk about in Genius in 21 days, I lived a life of overachieving and frustration despite having everything I needed and most of what I wanted .
Jerry Banfield with EDUfyre – Genius in 21 Days!
Remember a time when your life was filled with happiness, joy, and freedom? I am grateful to live every single day like this now and share exactly how in Genius in 21 days! Out of all the courses I am teaching on, I think Genius in 21 days is the one you can use to get the best results in your life! I live my life each day according to what I share with you in this course and share the story of how that happened here with you now.
Before I ed applying what I talk about in Genius in 21 days, I lived a life of overachieving and frustration despite having everything I needed and most of what I wanted . Every goal I set was either soon reached or discarded in favor of another. I made two courses both of which were not selling and had a business online that was both successful in building an audience and close to failing financially. I got to a desperate place in my life where I knew I had to do better or face annihilation.
That desperation brought me to surrender and admitting I needed help. I prayed for help only because I was so desperate I did not know what else to do. Instead of my usual prayers which were more like a wishlist, I offered myself up as willing to do anything in order to receive that help. Within a few minutes, I saw that anything certainly would include going to a support group for one of my worst bad habits. As a member of that support group, I found a place full of people of all different types who were living a life that seemed happy, joyous, and free from nearly all of the problems I faced myself.
After a few months of just showing up and not really listening, I repeated the same struggle I had for most of my life which brought me back to surrender. To get to surrender again took weeks of some of the worst insanity I have experienced in my life. To fully pay attention to how spiritually, emotionally, and mentally sick I was after a lifetime of trying to ignore it and numb the pain was torture. I prayed relentlessly for help during this time saying over and over again I would do anything in return for relief from the insanity. Each time I prayed, I would then remember something I had heard at a support group meeting before. Finally, understanding came out of frustration. If I wanted a life like the people in my support had full of peace and serenity, I simply had to do what they did.
I soon witnessed miracles happen in my life as I ed trying more new behaviors and ways of thinking in just few months than I had in my entire adult life. Bad habits that I struggled with for most of my life suddenly disappeared with just a little bit of daily effort once I was aware of them and honestly took a look at them. My relationships with my wife, family, and friends got better than I ever would have believed possible.
Take genius in 21 days now if you want to find this same miracle within yourself.
You might enjoy that the course is taught with a simple “do as I do” approach that shows you one day at a time one thing I do that helps me a lot in my daily life and gives you a simple way to try it out for yourself. For example, one day focuses on accepting uncertainty and shows you where you can find resistance to uncertainty in your life today. Another talks about the power of gratitude and shows you where you can find opportunities to be thankful today.
You might get a laugh out of that fact that nearly every day I make the lectures for one of the days in the course, I get a very pointed lesson in that subject myself. For example, the one day I talked about how helpful meditation was for falling asleep, I found myself wide awake in bed that night using it to fall asleep and laughing that I would need it most on the day I made the lectures about it.
If you want to discover your true potential as a genius equal to Albert Einstein? Take this course today to quickly discover where your inner genius is hidden and to showing the world your true potential!
You will discover what you have in common with the greatest geniuses in the world like Albert Einstein, Steven Hawking, and Steve Jobs when you are a student in this course! Each day, you use three lectures to give you inspiration to try something new in your life. The power of this course is realized in your life when you combine what you learn across each day into a way of living that allows your true self to be free in the world!
This course is based on the idea that you already are your inner genius at the deepest level of who you are. You walk with me in this course in dropping the negative ideas you have about yourself and seeing that being an amazing person that makes a significant contribution to the world is more about effort and less about talents you are born with.
You will be amazed with this course before you are halfway through! I lead by example in the course and simply explain to you what I do in my life that works for me. While tests told me I was a genius, I never lived it until I ed getting to know myself. What I found shocked me. The test results in my life that had told me how smart I was actually held me back. In thinking I was so smart, I rarely thought it important to be a humble person that was willing to do good work and who felt connected to the universe. It turns out this is all you really need to be a genius according to the people most consider to be geniuses. Here are several Albert Einstein quotes that highlight this.
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”
“Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character.”
“Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”
“The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
“A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.”
Take this course now to discover your inner genius today!
Your Instructor(s)
Jerry Banfield with EDUfyre
Jerry Banfield with EDUfyre
In 2005 while I was in college at the University of South Carolina, I tried to working online. I signed up for an MLM program and a survey website. A month later, I had refunds from both and figured working online was not possible because everything was a scam. The truth was I was afraid to fail again.
In 2011, I moved in with my wife and launched an online business focusing on video game addiction in an attempt to avoid dealing with any of my other problems. In a few months, I changed my business to selling shirts because I realized there was no money in video game addiction. A year after ing my business, I dropped out of my criminology PHD program at the University of South Florida to run my business full time which by then had changed to helping clients with Facebook and Google ads based on my experience failing to do them successfully for myself.
In 2013, I ing sharing everything I knew for free on YouTube because I hoped it would help me get more clients. By April 2014, I was nearly bankrupt after failing at 15+ different business models. I was also nearly dead from trying to drink the pain away and fortunately the fear of death motivated me to get into recovery. Being in recovery motivated me to focus more on being of true service to others and less on what I would get out of it. I ed making courses online with Udemy which soon turned into my first real business. I partnered with as many talented instructors as I could and learned from top instructors how to get my courses the most sales.
In 2015, I tried making some inspirational videos sharing what I learned in recovery and got an amazing response on YouTube. To make the background on my videos more interesting, I ed making the inspirational videos while playing video games. To make a more helpful website, I hired a freelancer to convert the videos into blog posts including this about page originally.
Get immediately download Jerry Banfield with EDUfyre – Genius in 21 Days!
Course Curriculum
Day 1! What is a genius and how can you possibly be one 21 days from now?
What value do you get immediately out of ing this 21 day program? (6:34)
Being a genius s with letting go of every idea you have about your limits. (10:19)
Today practice having an open mind about what your mental abilities really are. (7:58)
Day 2! A Genius is one that has original thoughts. What is original thought?
The connection between genius and original thought. Where are original thoughts? (5:13)
How I have original thoughts and how you can too! (9:03)
Today look for a space in your thoughts where for a moment there is nothing. (8:43)
Day 3! Being an exceptional listener will immediately give you super powers.
In a world of talking, being a great listener will allow you to amaze people. (6:47)
How can you and I be a great listener today? (9:02)
Today practice being a great listener and find the best listener in your life! (8:52)
Day 4! Discover the creative genius you already are when you are dreaming.
A genius can make a hollywood movie in their sleep and you already do it! (8:19)
How to bring the same creative genius you have in your dreams into every day. (10:48)
Today reflect on a few of the dreams you have had and prepare your workshop. (6:39)
Day 5! Use the power of gratitude to understand your purpose as a genius.
Einstein was big on the role to gratitude in the creation of his work. (8:22)
How I found gratitude in my life and how it allows me to reach my full potential (10:33)
Today find the gratitude you have for being alive right now!
Day 6! Notice and overcome the biggest barrier to your inner genius.
The biggest obstacle to being a genius is having a closed mind. (11:50)
Opening my mind has been the single most helpful step I have taken. (9:53)
Today find the opening in your life into love, acceptance, and an open mind. (9:41)
Day 7! Praying for help every day will bring more results than you can believe!
How does prayer help me and why does it work no matter what you believe? (7:33)
What has prayer done in my life? Praying has saved my life. (14:45)
Today try praying for direction in your life and to be of service to others. (10:00)
Day 8! Living a life of purity brings out the inner genius you already are.
How does purity relate to being a genius and what is purity? (8:16)
What I did to restore my purity and what I do to maintain it each day. (16:30)
Today look for the purity in your life. Be aware of help available to restore it (12:18)
Day 9! Patience is a virtue.
How is patience a core value of genius and what does that look like? (10:15)
What can you do to find and practice patience in your life? How do I do it? (11:03)
Today look for one opportunity to be patient with yourself and with life. (7:33)
Day 10! What you need to be a genius is here now and always will be.
You have everything you need already to be a genius. (6:37)
How can you and I see that everything we need is already here? (14:24)
Today see the depth and opportunity in what you already have. (10:17)
Day 11! Seeing through the illusion of separation will show you your true self.
The illusion of separation introduced. (3:22)
I will try to define myself now as a separate being from the world. (18:31)
Today try to define yourself as a separate being from the world. (8:46)
Day 12! Making a day of rest each week will help you maintain your inner genius.
Taking a day off is normal in life until you get to do what you love every day. (6:05)
Taking a day off each week has been one of my big challenges. (11:09)
Today find a day within a week you can totally take off from your passion. (10:06)
Day 13! Getting enough sleep will allow you to work at 100% when you are awake!
There is no substitute for getting enough good sleep. (11:29)
How I am able to fall asleep easily now after a lifetime of struggle. (18:10)
Today try going to bed a little earlier and noticing your sleeping habits. (9:36)
Day 14! Change is the law of life. Variety is the spice of life.
Variety is the spice of life and your inner genius. (6:25)
Accepting change and playing with variety helps you learn. (11:07)
Today find a new way to accept change and embrace variety in your life. (7:00)
Day 15! Leading by example will produce miracles all around you.
Why is it easier to control what my dog eats than what I eat? (10:28)
How I realized I was living a do as I say not as I do life and changed it. (14:49)
Today try finding one situation where you can live by example. (8:25)
Day 16! See the choice you are making every moment of your life.
See the yes or no choice you are making right now. (12:00)
How the yes or no choice looks in my life at different times. (15:44)
Today find the choice you are making about saying yes or no to life. (8:49)
Day 17! Give up the idea of the future as a place you need to get to be happy.
What is the future? What is it like to finally arrive there? Where am I going? (16:43)
Know the idea that you have to be somewhere or find something in the future. (12:33)
Today notice when you are in a hurry to get to the future and slow down. (11:38)
Day 18! Changing from great expectations to gratitude.
What do you think is supposed to happen? What do you expect? (11:24)
How to turn expectations in gratitude. (11:42)
Today look for a place where you are expecting something and change to gratitude (8:22)
Day 19! What role is the past playing in your life? Accepting and using the past
Accepting the past and using it to bring gratitude into now. (10:05)
How I dropped the burden of my past and ed learning from it. (15:35)
Today see how your past burdens you. See where it helps you. Find who you are. (12:12)
Day 20! Meditation is easier than you think and opens space for genius to grow!
Meditation opens the space where inner genius lives. (12:37)
How I meditate today with very little effort and use meditation to keep space. (18:22)
Today take a few extra deep breaths and think of meditation when in pain. (9:38)
Day 21! Uncertainty about the past in future is healthy!
The surprising power of allowing and accepting uncertainty. (10:44)
How I went from hating uncertainty to accepting and loving it each day. (18:52)
Today accept the uncertainty in your life about the past and future. (8:18)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course and finish?
The course s now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
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