Igor Ledochowski – Applied Conversational Hypnosis
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You MUST know the 5-step process to get you into a deep and meaningful conversationally Format File: [Videos(M4v) + Transcripts(PDF)] File Size: 5.607 GB
Igor Ledochowski – Applied Conversational Hypnosis
An Open Letter To Anyone That Wants…
…The Necessary 5-STEP “UNIFYING” PROCESS & Latest Conversational Hypnosis Tools To POSITIVELY TRANSFORM The People You Come In Contact With…
(Cast your eyes over the DEMOS listed on this page to get an idea of just what you’ll be able to do with conversational hypnosis from now on)…
By Igor Ledochowski
If you’re interested in any way in using conversational hypnosis in your life, you’re my kind of person.
I’d love to hear about your stories of how you’ve applied conversational hypnosis.
I’d love to hear about your life – your goals, your aspirations.
I’d love to hear how you are (or would like to be) incorporating conversational hypnosis into your life and work.
I feel we’d have a really interesting conversation together.
We’d probably get lots of good ideas from each other and inspire one another to reach higher and make even more out of our abilities and knowledge.
One day I’d like for that
to really happen
And maybe it will.
Then you’ll be able to tell me how you’ve applied and used my latest conversational hypnosis techniques and 5 step “unifying” process to POSITIVELY TRANSFORM the lives of people you’ve come in contact with.
How you’ll do that specifically in your life or work, I don’t yet know.
Although you probably already have a fairly good idea.
Could it be that you want to be a more effective teacher – or should I say “transformer of potential” — of the children under your tutelage?
Maybe you’re a manager and you want to be more successful at motivating, inspiring and getting deep-level “buy-in” from your company work-force.
Perhaps you’re a nurse, a doctor, or someone who works in the medical profession who wants to be more effective at getting patients to fully commit to a certain medical protocol.
Or maybe you’re a hypnotherapist or another kind of therapist, coach or counselor of people — and you want to use the best conversational hypnosis techniques and processes to enhance (and speed-up) the change-work you do.
Of course, you may just want to make the best of yourself and realize that being able to use conversational hypnosis in a STRUCTURED and authentic way…
Is one of the best ways to fully
connect with the people best
able to help you get ahead
I don’t know who those people best able to help you get ahead are. But you probably do. Or at least have a good idea of who they are.
5 Step Unifying ProcessIf so, the latest conversational hypnosis techniques and the 5-step “unifying” process I’d like to share with you will enable you to converse with those people in such a way that they will naturally feel they want to help you in any way they can.
I’ve seen it happen so many times. In my life, and in others.
So I say with great respect for you that whoever you want to be able to positively transform… whatever your goals, aspirations or motives are in your life (and whoever you need most help from in the pursuance of those goals) – I can assure you that my latest conversational hypnosis techniques and the 5-step “unifying” process (when APPLIED as I will SHOW YOU) will be an invaluable tool on your life journey.
To me they have been instrumental in allowing me to achieve great things in my career and in my personal relationships.
Even to build new key relationships with people it would have been impossible to do so with otherwise.
Needless to say, I would be a very “poor version” of myself without my conversational hypnosis techniques and the 5-step process that allows anyone to quickly (and smoothly) go from complete stranger to trusted advisor, key advocate… and most importantly… a transformer of other people’s true potential.
Let me tell you, it all makes for a very satisfying way of engaging and interacting with other people.
It feels… well… the right way to interact.
It feels good knowing you are able to transform people’s potential.
Wholesome even.
And it’s deeply authentic and uplifting for everyone involved.
When you see someone’s emotional problem (like a long standing fear or phobia) fall away because of how you’ve applied conversational hypnosis and been able to transform them – you’ll feel amazing.
If you’re a teacher or parent and you see a shy, awkward child completely transform into a confident, comfortable child full of expression and creativity – you’re going to feel so proud of yourself and the child.
And if you’re working with other people who are immovable on a topic…
…you’re going to get so much fulfillment out of seeing how authentically you can transform those people round to another point of view through the latest conversational hypnosis techniques and the 5-step “unifying” process – ALL of which I’d like to share with you in my NEW video program called:
Applied Conversational Hypnosis Training
The program is all about showing you how to actually APPLY all my latest conversational techniques and the 5-step process that enables you to smoothly transition through all the 5-stages necessary to quickly become a key confidant and trusted advisor… and most importantly a TRANSFORMER OF POTENTIAL in another person’s life.
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The program will give you a complete understanding of the structure and purpose of a conversation to…
Become a unique transformational
conversationalist… IN ANY CONTEXT!
Structure First Substance SecondYou’ll get a step-by-step (5-steps in all actually!) process to go from zero to having a meaningful conversation with anyone and then turn that conversation conversationally-hypnotic so it has a positive and lasting transformational effect on the person you conversed with.
Which brings us to another important point to be aware of:
You MUST know the 5-step process to get you into a deep and meaningful conversationally hypnotic interaction with the right people.
You HAVE to go through each step of the 5-step process.
You MUST understand the order and importance of each of the steps.
You HAVE to know how to smoothly transition from one step to the next.
Because listen, if you miss or “jump over” one of the steps your conversation will NOT be conversationally hypnotic (even if you’re using the best conversational hypnosis techniques in the world).
Structure First; Substance Second
The structure is the 5-step process (or phases) you have to take a conversation through.
The substance is (or are) the conversational hypnosis language patterns and techniques.
Well, good news:
The Applied Conversational Hypnosis Video Training Program has you covered BOTH WAYS.
It gives you the essential structure (the 5-step “unifying” process – i.e., the conversational process that holds everything together).
It ALSO gives you my latest conversational hypnosis language patterns and techniques.
Meaning it’s a fully comprehensive “rubber meets the road” kind of training program.
Highly Transformational TrainingMaking it exceptionally transformational for anyone who goes through it.
Mostly because there’ll be plenty of demonstrations in the training videos for you to watch and “copy” (“adapt”) for your own life or with other people’s situations.
And I do mean your specific life or other people’s situations.
See my latest conversational hypnosis techniques and structured 5-step process is all USEABLE and ADAPTABLE to every situation, environment and context where verbal communication is involved.
They can even be used with no
“face-contact” over the phone or on
a Skype call with someone you
have never spoken to before
Which makes it even more likely you’ll get a face-to-face meeting by the way!
With access to my Applied Conversational Hypnosis Video Training Program you’ll always have the essential structure and the conversational hypnosis “language technology” to make the BIGGEST positive difference in the lives of the people you most want to impact.
And once you have that…
There’s not a lot you cannot
achieve in life
After all…
The ability to get full “heart-based” co-operation from others is ALWAYS required to achieve, and achieve BIG.
Sports coaches know that.
CEOs know that.
Top producing sales managers know that.
Expedition leaders know that.
Generals in the army know that.
And you will know it (and experience it) too – just as soon as you start following the essential 5-step process (phases of conversation) and apply the latest conversational hypnosis techniques and processes I share with you in the NEW Applied Conversational Hypnosis Video Training Program.
Bottom line:
The NEW Applied Conversational Hypnosis Video Training Program is definitely for you if you want to DO GOOD and achieve BIG in your life and in your work.
It gives you an AUTHENTIC life
advantage that will never
lose its power
And best of all:
You can get instant access to the full Applied Conversational Hypnosis Video Training Program in as little as a couple of minutes from now… giving you rare access to these insightful and must-watch DEMOS:
Demo: Emotional Calibration:
Demo – Emotional CalibrationHave you ever wondered why a person you’re talking to shuts down and withdraws (all of a sudden) in the middle of a conversation?
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If so, watch as I demonstrate the Emotional Calibration technique with volunteer student Matt.
You’ll see how to instantly KNOW the effect you’re having on another person… how to course-correct if necessary… and how to instantly diffuse any awkwardness, defensiveness, or anger in the person you are interacting with.
Demo: Conversational Fractionation:
Demo – Conversational FractionationWatch as I demonstrate Conversational Hypnotic Fractionation with a student called Jonathan who says he has a ‘weird thing he does when he travels, that everyone hates him for’.
Watch as I transform Jonathan’s issue into a powerful resource he’ll remember for the rest of his life.
You’ll see how Jonathan lights up like a firework! All because I bring out the ‘Hero Fuel’ in Jonathan which allows him to finally see the hero within himself (HINT: you’ll see how YOU can do exactly the same thing with people in your life!)
Demo: Asking Deeper Questions:
Demo – Asking Deeper QuestionsLet’s face it, when someone (especially a stranger or someone you just met) asks you a deep question, it’s not easy to open up.
Therefore in this demonstration I show how to “move the conversation along” (through the necessary phases) so that people will feel joyful and empowered in answering the really deep “exploratory” questions you bring into a conversation.
You’ll understand what kind of questions to ask and how to ask them in the right way so that anyone will feel comfortable – and even eager- to open up to you.
Use these questions to create stronger connections and make the conversation more memorable and engaging.
Demo: Conversational Revivification:
Demo – Conversational RevivificationIn this demonstration using Conversational Revivification you’ll see why I call Revivification the work-horse of all hypnosis.
Recalling a pleasant memory of her niece’s wedding, I take a lady through all the stages of memory until “she’s there” – re-experiencing it all again. There’s a twist though…
Through the conversational revivification process I lead her through — she gets to bring back inner-resources and understandings she never got the first time around.
Resources she can now use for the rest of her life whenever a problem arises.
So for you — you’ll see exactly HOW to conduct a powerful and deeply empowering revivification process yourself.
Demo: Eliciting Values:
Demo – Eliciting ValuesIn this demonstration of Eliciting Values, you’ll see how I adeptly use a pleasant, seemingly simple memory to elicit a deep core value transformation in a woman I’m working with.
I show you HOW – (by moving through the phases of a meaningful conversation and taking it hypnotic) – I lead the woman into a trance-like state that takes her into her “Unconscious Inner Sanctum”.
This “Unconscious Inner Sanctum” is where the important things we hold closest to us, our values, live.
This is the demonstration you can copy (adapt!) any time you (or your subject) want to discover or get clear on what is THE most important value to them.
Demo: Using Values:
Demo – Using ValuesHere, rather than just explain how values are used in everyday contexts, I answer a doctor’s question about how to create a happy workforce… with a demonstration of course!
Using a series of Values Elicitation Questions, I quickly show how to find out if someone is the right person for a particular employment position, or project.
Also, the demonstration shows how to determine what motivation someone is using (extrinsic or intrinsic) and if it’s strong enough to get the job or project completed.
This demonstration ultimately shows you how to answer the questions “Will they be happy and effective doing this job or project?” And “Will you be happy you hired them?”
Important to know, right?
Demo: Empowering Identities:
Demo – Empowering IdentitiesThis is an amazing demonstration of how to elicit someone’s empowering identities through the use of strategic questions.
You’ll see me work with a student who had a devastating family tragedy and how the memory of that tragedy gets turned into a tremendous inner resource for them.
We all know we have many identities (or parts to us) throughout our life and knowing how to empower the positive identities in a person is perhaps one of the greatest gifts you can give them.
This demonstration shows you HOW to do just that.
Demo: Empowering An Aspirational Identity:
Demo – Empowering An Aspirational IdentityWatch my demonstration with a medical doctor on HOW to create and empower an aspirational identity.
Often in life we’ve picked up a lot of negative identities that are still affecting our lives.
So in this particular demonstration (by hypnotically suggesting an identity that does not currently exist in the inner landscape of the person’s mind) I show you how to actually give someone a brand new aspirational identity.
You know, an identity they can live-up-to and lights them up with their new potential.
Overall, lots and LOTS of high-value demonstrations you can watch (and re-watch) as many times as you like.
You’ll also get plenty of training in the proper application of powerful hypnotic techniques that you can seamlessly incorporate into all your conversations and dialogues – including (but not limited to):
The Conversational Revivification Technique (CRT) for tapping into and recruiting overlooked resources inside a person.
The Future Memory Technique for creating a future memory in someone that gives them a very real sense of a renewed and better destiny. It “programs” their unconscious to default towards that better future experience. Think of it as a way of formatting someone’s unconscious mind to make it easier for them to achieve something meaningful and significant.
Pre-Identity and changing someone’s identity concept so they feel newly empowered and willing to do things that they felt, up until this point, were beyond them.
You’ll also get SHOWN:
The secrets to applying conversational hypnosis even under great pressure.
The 5 phases that EVERY conversation must pass through if you want to create a “hypnotic environment” and successfully use the most powerful conversational hypnosis techniques (hint: most conversational hypnosis fails not because of the techniques but because one of the 5 phases has been ignored or “jumped over”. You’ll never make that mistake again!).
How to use conversational transition tactics to go from “small talk” chit-chat into DEEP and meaningful conversation that has a hypnotic effect on the person you are conversing with.
How to apply hypnotic conversations in such a way that you access the inner landscape (unconscious territory) of the person you are talking to – absolutely necessary for deep and lasting change and transformation work.
How to access hypnotic phenomena in a conversation and target transformative moments necessary for hypnotic revivification and regression work.
How to DO the conversational revivification technique – simple, elegant and so versatile it can be used in everyday conversation to empower someone like nobody else can!
How to use values as “psychological levers” to create transformation in people who are stuck or overwhelmed.
The Conversational Influence Formula you can use in any business or work setting to get “buy in” (both emotional and financial) for the value you deliver.
You will get to see other conversational hypnosis models in action (including the Hero Fuel Method, the P-CAT model, the Consultation Process, the “Magic Question” and the GROW model). All of which will really open your eyes to the possibilities and true potential of HOW and WHERE conversational hypnosis can be APPLIED effectively in your life.
Naturally, all hypnotic tools and techniques (including those listed above) will be fully explained and more importantly demonstrated (in a strategic best-use way) at various points throughout the Applied Conversational Hypnosis Video Training Program.
Here’s a breakdown of the Applied Conversational Hypnosis Program delivered in 24 Modules:
Module #01:
The Secrets To Applying Conversational Hypnosis Even Under Great Pressure
Module #02:
The 5 Phases Of Every Conversation
Module #03:
Conversational “People Whisperers”, Appreciation & Status
Module #04:
The Power Of “Big Talk” & Conversation Deepeners
Module #05:
Conversational Transition Tactics
Module #06:
Hypnotic Conversations & Entering Into A Person’s Inner Landscape
Module #07:
How To Calibrate Emotions Demonstration & Tracking Emotional States
Get immediately download Igor Ledochowski – Applied Conversational Hypnosis
Module #08:
Group Demo: Shifting Consciousness, Conversational Fractionation & Demonstration
Module #09:
How To Ask Deeper Questions With Demonstration
Module #10:
How To Access Hypnotic Phenomena In A Conversation & Target Transformative Moments
Module #11:
Developing Intense Revivifications Demonstration
Module #12:
The Conversational Revivification Technique
Module #13:
Conversational Hypnosis Techniques In “The Real World”
Module #14:
Demonstration: Eliciting Values Conversationally
Module #15:
Using Values As Psychological Levers To Create Transformation
Module #16:
How To Elicit Identities To Find Empowering Resources
Module #17:
Demo: Empowering An Aspirational Identity
Module #18:
The Conversational Influence Formula
Module #19:
“Gold Mining” & The Consultation Process
Module #20:
“Building Bridges” & The Motivation Pre-Frame
Module #21:
De-Labeling & The Adapted Full Consultation Process
Module #22:
Releasing Past Failures, Finding Lost Dreams & Using “Hero Fuel”
Module #23:
Putting The Consultation Process Into Context & Troubleshooting The Abyss
Module #24:
Setting Transitional Frames, Using “The Magic Question” & Final Skills Review
Check out what this student has to say
Michael Zadorozhny
Coach & Hypnotherapist
San Diego, USA
And it’s all yours for the watching (and re-watching)…for an investment of $2895 just 6 simple monthly installments of only $95.
Naturally, of course, you can put the risk on us by making use of our…
Here’s how it works:
Watch (or download) the video trainings on your desktop, laptop, tablet or smart-phone as many times as you like.
Then, if you are not impressed with what you see, just let either myself or my team know inside the 60-day guarantee period and you’ll get a prompt and full refund on whatever you’ve paid so far.
You do not risk a penny.
There’ll be no explaining to do on your part, either.
Just say you want a refund – and the full refund will be in your account, no questions asked.
But hurry.
Bonus Teleseminar With IgorBecause as an extra bonus I will be holding a special Live Q & A Teleseminar on this program.
Spots are strictly limited and when the allocation runs out this offer ends and the program will no longer be available!
However if you get back to me today by clicking on the “Add to Cart” button below you can access the full Applied Conversational Hypnosis Video Training Program, TODAY for an investment of $2895 just 6 simple monthly installments of only $95.
What to do now:
To get instant access to the full Applied Conversational Hypnosis Video Training Program before all the bonus teleseminar spots are taken and the training is pulled off the market – just click on the “Add to Cart” button below and follow the simple instructions:
The Secrets To Applied Conversational Hypnosis
Discover how to apply and use my latest conversational hypnosis techniques and get an arsenal of “show you how” demos as well.
I’m excited to get INSTANT ACCESS to the secrets of Applied Conversational Hypnosis so I can motivate, empower and inspire others during everyday conversations.
I understand:
I will get INSTANT ACCESS to the entire 24 Modules of high-level training (24 hours 44 minutes of in-depth training)
The videos will be available to me in the exclusive member’s area where I can watch them on-line or download to my computer, laptop, tablet or smart-phone
Plus I’ll also get FULL Transcripts of the videos as well (758 pages)
My investment is only $2895 just 6 simple monthly installments of only $95
Extra Bonus: I get to attend a Special Live Q & A Teleseminar with Igor Ledochowski
And I will also receive a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Guarantee as well. If I’m not happy with these videos I can get a full refund
Applied Conversational Hypnosis Training
On that basis, I’m clicking the “Add-To-Cart” button below now so I can get INSTANT ACCESS to these videos…
Igor Ledochowski
Certified Success Life Coach & Trainer
Author Of Over Different 70 Training Products & Seminars
Author Of The Best Selling, “The Deep Trance Training Manual”
Accredited & Certified NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer
Internationally Acclaimed Master Hypnosis Trainer
Certified Master Hypnotist & Trainer
P.S. Here’s some comments from people who have been through this training already:
“It’s An Embarrassment Of Riches”
Larisse Goldstein“My hypnosis skills are improving with this training because I have a better understanding of the principles and what’s behind the techniques so I can apply the techniques better and be more fluid with them.
“I’m getting a ton out of it. It’s so much more than just hypnosis. It’s just understanding conversation, the meaning behind it, the purpose behind all the bits and pieces in a conversation. It’s fun.
“There’s so much that’s offered. It’s an embarrassment of riches…It’s fabulous.”
Larisse Goldstein
Vancouver, Canada
“Now All The Pieces Fell Together
And I’m Enlightened”
Larisse Goldstein “I wanted to take my hypnosis skills to the next level; especially conversational hypnosis skills.
“I absolutely love the training. Igor is a great teacher and after the first part of the training, I already had great insight into how all the pieces fit together.
“So far, I have studied conversational hypnosis, but it was all more or less disjointed. Now all the pieces fell together and I’m enlightened.
“Up to this training I had lots of trouble doing small talk with people. Now I know not only how to do the small talk, but also how to turn small talk into a conversational hypnosis induction. So it is quite an amazing skill for me to have.”
Lech Debski
Psychiatrist, NLP Trainer & Hypnotherapist
“Makes It Easier To Use Hypnosis In A More Social Setting”
Larisse Goldstein”I decided to take this training because it sounded like an interesting form of hypnosis. More covert, and although that has strange connotations, it was more conversational. It would fit in without sticking out and people thinking I’m strange. It was sort of a less weird way of doing hypnotism.
“Igor is a great teacher. The part that amazed me the most was how natural and simple it is and how it can work naturally. Although there’s a structure that he’s added so you can understand why things work and why they don’t work.”
“One of the exercises that is present, a revivification exercise, are always fun if you get the right moment to revivify. You can watch the person you’re working with light up and glow, and that’s always fun.
“That’s actually one of the interesting parts about this course as it makes it easier to use hypnosis in a more social setting.”
Daniel Weyerts
UPS Worker
Lawrence, KS, USA
I really would love to hear about your stories of how you’ve applied my latest conversational hypnosis techniques and processes in my NEW Applied Conversational Hypnosis Video Training Program.
Just watch a few of the videos (that you can access in just a couple of minutes) and then go out and experiment with it in one of your next day to day conversations or even with your next business client.
Then – when the excitement from the results you see settles down just a bit – email me at with what happened! I’d love to hear it.
But first you need access to the videos of the Applied Conversational Hypnosis Video Training Program to get you started.
So remember: If you get back to me today by clicking on the “Add to Cart” button below you can get instant access the full Applied Conversational Hypnosis Video Training Program, TODAY, for an inve
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