Human Proof Designs – Human Proof Method
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Coaching with the HPD Leadership team via the Members-Only Private Facebook Group
Our latest findings, tips, advice, and feedback so you can trust you’re executing the right way File Size: 9.25 GB Format File: [WEBRips: 150 Video..
Human Proof Designs – Human Proof Method
The Human Proof Method Membership is your
key to finally succeeding with your niche site
Includes monthly trainings with industry leading experts, group coaching, accountability from other online entrepreneurs, access to our step-by-step proven system to success, and everything HPM has to offer…
Join the Human Proof Method Today – Just $7
Introducing The Human Proof Method
1. Monthly Training
Each month we bring you at least one LIVE training.
You’re able to ask questions and learn from the industry’s most successful online entrepreneurs.
You’ll also get access to the archives so you can watch previous Monthly Trainings.
2. Our Proven System to Success
In addition to Monthly Trainings, you will have access to our entire Step-by-Step method of exactly how we grow our sites to be profitable.
This includes 16 modules and over 30 hours of video training.
3. Coaching
With the Human Proof Method Membership, you’ll have access to the HPD Leadership team like no one else.
You have the opportunity to ask questions on your specific problems during the live trainings or get coaching in our Private Facebook Group.
4. Community
Speaking of Private Facebook group… this community is filled with HPD site customers and Human Proof Method Members
There is so much experience in this group, but it’s a judgement free zone so you can feel comfortable asking any questions.
What Do You Actually Get?
Coaching with the HPD Leadership team via the Members-Only Private Facebook Group
Our latest findings, tips, advice, and feedback so you can trust you’re executing the right way
30+ hours of video training taught by the HPD leadership team
Full access to our guides, templates, and checklists
New Live Training every month that covers every topic you need
Our evergreen Proven System for affiliate site success.
Tight-knit community of HPD site owners & members who are rooting for you to succeed
Members-Only discount on our services
Learn to go from this…
To This…
And Then To This…
Authority Hacker
As a member, you’ll be trained in…
Module 1:
How To Use This Course
Lesson 1: Learn How to Use This Course
Lesson 2: What Are Interjections?
Module 2:
Understanding Affiliate Marketing
Lesson 1: Affiliate Marketing in 2019
Lesson 2: Monetization Methods
Lesson 3: Traffic Methods
Lesson 4: Strategy Overview
Module 3:
Niche Selection
Lesson 1: Amazon Niche Selection Part 1
Lesson 2: Amazon Niche Selection Part 2
Lesson 3: Non-Amazon Niche Selection (Clickbank)
Lesson 4: Non-Amazon Niche Selection (Other)
Lesson 5: Validating A Niche With Keywords
Lesson 6: Competition Analysis
Module 4:
Keywords – Basic
Interjection: About The Course
Lesson 1: How Keywords Bring Us Traffic
Lesson 2: Keyword Tools
Lesson 3: Manual Analysis vs KC Scores
Lesson 4: Keyword Types
Lesson 5: Examples of Multiple Keyword Rankings
Lesson 6: Finding Keywords For Your Niche – Basic Methods
Module 5:
Keywords – Advanced
Lesson 1: Reverse Engineering Competitors
Lesson 2: Part 2
Lesson 3: Part 3 – Manual Pass
Lesson 4: KGR Keywords – Intro
Lesson 5: KGR Keywords – Part 1
Lesson 6: KGR Keywords – Part 2
Lesson 7: Forum + Semrush Keywords
Lesson 8: Tips For Manual Analysis
Module 6:
Setting Up Your Website
Introduction: WordPress, Domains, Hosting
Lesson 1: Getting a Domain From NameCheap
Interjection: More About Domains
Lesson 2: Website Hosting & SSL
Lesson 3: What is Hosting
Interjection: Setting Up Hosting/SSL on Siteground
Lesson 4: What is SSL
Lesson 5: Setting up SSL
Lesson 6: Nameservers
Lesson 7: cPanel
Lesson 8: What is the cPanel
Lesson 9: File Manager
Lesson 10: Email Accounts
Lesson 11: Add-on Domains
Lesson 12: PHPMyAdmin
Module 7:
Creating Affiliate Content
Introduction: How Content Works With An Affiliate Site
Lesson 1: Turning Keywords Into Content Ideas
Lesson 2: Non-Keyword Content
Lesson 3: Site Architecture – Silos & Clusters
Lesson 4: Content Types & Purposes
Lesson 5: Templates & Structure
Lesson 6: Scheduling & Publishing
Lesson 7: Content Strategy For Amazon
Module 8:
On-Page SEO
Introduction: How On-page SEO Helps Us Rank
Lesson 1: Best Practices – 80/20
Lesson 2: Over Optimization
Lesson 3: Internal Linking
Lesson 4: URLs
Lesson 5: Relevancy
Lesson 6: Subheadings
Lesson 7: Meta Descriptions, Titles, & Keywords
Lesson 8: Anchor Text
Lesson 9: Synonyms
Lesson 10: Affiliate Links + Link Shorteners
Lesson 11: GeniusLink
Module 9:
Off-Page SEO
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Introduction: Overview of Links
Lesson 1: Page Rank, DA/PA, TF/CF
Lesson 2: Nofollow and Dofollow
Lesson 3: Common Backlinks + Their Strengths
Lesson 4: White Hat, Gray Hat, Black Hat
Lesson 5: Building Your First Links
Lesson 6: Scaling Links
Lesson 7: Gauging Results
Lesson 8: Link Strategy For Niche Sites
Module 10:
Advanced Backlinks
Lesson 1: Outreach Overview
Lesson 2: Guest Posts
Lesson 3: Guest Posts Continued
Lesson 4: Skyscraper
Lesson 5: Ego Bait
Lesson 6: Expert Roundup
Lesson 7: Outreach For Link Beg
Lesson 8: Infographics
Lesson 9: Host Blogging
Lesson 10: Social Media
Lesson 11: Links to Avoid
Lesson 12: Gray Hat
Lesson 13: Mass Email For Guest Posts
Module 11:
Lesson 1: Why & When To Outsource
Lesson 2: What To Outsource
Lesson 3a: Virtual Assistant 101
Lesson 3b: How To Find A Good VA
Lesson 4a: Outsourcing Writing
Lesson 4b: Hiring An In-House Writer
Lesson 5: Hoth Review
Lesson 6a: HPD Articles
Lesson 6b: HPD Links
Lesson 7: Outsourcing Graphic Design
Lesson 8: Project Management Tools Part 1
Lesson 9: Project Management Tools Part 2
Lesson 10: Project Management Tools Part 3
Lesson 11: Analyzing Work & Results
Lesson 12: Dealing With Cost & ROI
Module 12:
Email Marketing
Lesson 1: Email Basics
Lesson 2: Sales Funnel & Customer Journey
Lesson 3: Best Email Service Providers
Lesson 4a: Optin Software & Best Practices Part 1
Lesson 4b: Opt-in Software & Best Practices Part 2
Lesson 5a: Indoctrination Sequence Part 1
Lesson 5b: Indoctrination Sequence Part 2
Lesson 5c: Indoctrination Sequence Part 3
Lesson 6a: Lead Magnets Part 1
Lesson 6b: Lead Magnets Part 2
Lesson 7: Broadcast Emails
Lesson 8a: Sales/Upsell Funnel Part 1
Lesson 8b: Sales/Upsell Funnel Part 2
Lesson 9a: Segmentation Part 1
Lesson 9b: Segmentation Part 2
Lesson 10: Split Testing & Tracking Results
Interjection: Amazon Emails
Interjection: Other Affiliate Emails
Module 13:
Paid Traffic
Introduction: When You Should Worry About Paid Traffic
Lesson 1: Purpose of Paid Traffic
Lesson 2: Best Platforms
Lesson 3: Facebook Part 1 – Pros of Facebook
Lesson 4: Facebook Part 2 – Pixel + Preparation
Lesson 5: Facebook Part 3 – Finding & Testing Audiences
Lesson 6: Facebook Part 4 Cold Traffic 1
Lesson 7: Facebook Part 5 Cold Traffic 2
Lesson 8: Facebook Part 6 – Retargeting 1
Lesson 9: Facebook Part 7 – Retargeting 2
Lesson 10: Facebook Part 8 – Scaling
Lesson 11: Facebook Part 9 – A/B Testing
Lesson 12: Facebook Part 10 – Budget
Lesson 13: Google Ads
Lesson 14: Paid Traffic Re-Cap
Module 14:
Growing The Site
Lesson 1: Tracking Progress
Lesson 2: Expected Timeline
Lesson 3: Sandbox
Lesson 4: Using Social Media
Lesson 5: Scaling Content & Links
Lesson 6: Troubleshooting Progress
Lesson 7: Auditing Your Site
Lesson 8: How To Adjust As You Go & Patience
Bonus #1:
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Amazon Associates Training
Lesson 1: When To Sign Up
Lesson 2: Amazon Terms of Service
Lesson 3: Monetization Tips
Lesson 4: Amazon CRO
Lesson 5: AAWP Installation
Lesson 6: Using AAWP
Lesson 7: Genius Walkthrough
Bonus #2:
Clickbank Training
Lesson 1: Adding Additional Products
Lesson 2: Conversion Rate Optimization
Lesson 3: Email Funnel Examples
BONUS Modules Coming Soon:
Creating Your Own Products
Thrive Architect & Leads
Conversion Rate Optimization
Social Media
…. and MORE
Join the Human Proof Method Today – Just $7
I only discovered affiliate marketing and have been researching the concept since late July. I subscribed to HPD and have watched the video lessons as well as read most of the posts. There is so much information out there on this concept with varying degrees of expertise. I’ve noticed the information provided by a lot of people also depends on what agenda they’re trying to push. It seems to me HPD has done a very nice job putting together a good presentation of expertise and knowledge without cramming a sale down someone’s throat. I for one appreciate that and, therefore, choose to only reach out to people that I feel are trustworthy and objective.
HPD Customer
I’ve managed to double my Amazon sales this month! Just checked my associates account for yesterday and I’ve made $90 in fees in one day! Been focused on link building and making sure all posts are real quality and targeting attainable keywords. Now I need to do the same again next month!
HPD Customer
I recently signed up for the Amazon Niche site online course. The course was comprehensive, simple, and clear! Thank you for being informative, thorough, but not dragging people in all sorts of directions. I am ready to take the next steps.
HPD Customer
Your Platform To Success
Choose from 14 Modules (plus 2 bonus modules) to begin your journey to getting the financial results you want.
These modules are based on everything we know and that you need to learn to execute and get results…
…but this membership is MORE than that. It’s the path, the route to follow, the point A to point B, the step-by-step, the HOW.
The modules are in a logical order, but you can jump around to solve your specific problems and hurdles.
The membership has over 30 hours of video content, and they come with downloadable guides, checklists, and templates.
This is the exact method we use on our portfolio sites to get above average results.
What You’ll Learn
Why Do You Need This?
FREE. ORGANIC. TRAFFIC. Success comes when your revenues are greater than your expenses (aka you start making profit).
The easiest way to achieve this is to get free traffic. Why? Because it’s free. The easiest way to free traffic? Ranking in Google.
This, of course, is a simplified explanation. Ranking in Google comes with challenges, but we’ll show you exactly how to get it done.
Here’s a screenshot from Google Analytics for one of our affiliate sites, all of this is free passive traffic:
You can also rank for dozens of different search terms.
Check out how many keywords this site ranks for:
Modules that cover Ranking in Google:
Keywords – Basic
Keywords – Advanced
Creating Affiliate Content
On-Page SEO
Off-Page SEO
Advanced Backlinks
Why Do You Need This?
Getting traffic is the first part, but having traffic alone does not amount to a successful business. You need to convert at least part of your audience into buyers to make money.
As you can probably figure out, the greater the conversions the better.
This will come down to the actual content on your pages, the value you provide, how your articles are internally linked to direct visitors to money pages, and following up with visitors via email and retargeting.
Modules that will help you convert visitors into buyers:
Creating Affiliate Content
On-Page SEO
Email Marketing
Paid Traffic
Why Do You Need This?
One of the hardest things you’ll find in the affiliate game is finding return visitors. Especially in our model of affiliate SEO, it’s not always easy to dominate every search term and niche.
That’s why we’ve put together the following modules for you. This will help you turn a niche site into an authority site by utilizing all the tactics of email marketing and paid ads to re-engage your audience and bring them straight back to your domain.
It’s important build an email list because you can get traffic back to your site for free. Yes, SEO is essentially free but it takes time for you to rank and it’s not on-demand. Whereas email marketing and paid ads allow you to press a button and let the floodgates come in.
This is where adding different revenue models like advertisements comes in very handy!
Modules that will teach you how to get a returning audience:
Creating Affiliate Content
Growing the Site
Email Marketing
Paid Traffic
On-Page SEO
Why Do You Need This?
Many affiliates know the pieces that make up success. The challenge is seeing the bigger picture, staying motivated, and not getting stuck in the weeds.
This course puts it all together in a way that is manageable, sustainable, and makes sense.
PLUS, this method is based off of tested procedures that have helped us and hundreds of others succeed.
Modules that cover the Big Picture:
How To Use This Course
Understanding Affiliate Marketing
Growing The Site
Learn Our Strategy
We have 16 in-depth modules (and more on the way) that cover everything from Affiliate Marketing Basics to Advanced SEO Techniques to Paid Traffic.
If that’s not enough, we have Live Monthly Trainings with industry experts.
On top of that, we offer Coaching in our Private Facebook Group.
Use Our Plan
Once you learn the concepts and how it will help you grow, you can focus on the steps you need to take to make it happen. Follow our plan and apply it to your own niche site.
We will help you customize the plan based on your individual site needs.
Take Action
You’ll learn what to do and how to do it. Now it’s your turn to execute. We provide the tools and resources you need to get the ball rolling. This isn’t just theory. You’ll get step-by-step instructions on how to get it DONE.
Trust the process. The people that fail in affiliate marketing are the people that quit. Mindset is a huge part of succeeding (we have a lesson on that too).
As one of our customers put it… “I guarantee you will never fail as long as you keep producing.”
What an awesome opportunity to have a closer look behind the scenes of HPD. Thanks Dom and the team for making this opportunity available!
I’m blasting through the lessons (the more advanced ones since I have some basic knowledge)… and it’s amazing. I’ve been listening to Alejandro for hours today… you drop some golden nuggets in there about structuring the site, internal linking and other good stuff. Tomorrow I’ll be repeating the On-Page SEO lessons just to make sure I understand everything.
If anyone is on the fence with joining or not… let me tell you guys, this is a no brainer. Join today, the only regret will be not having joined earlier.
HPD Customer
I don’t know how I found HPD, the services you provide, along with the insane amounts of free information you are giving out on a regular basis has allowed me to grow as an online marketer. I’m still in the tadpole stage, but thanks to HPD I have no doubt in my mind that I will hit the goals I am aspiring towards. Since following the advice given, one of my sites has sites has finally paid affiliate commissions!
Get immediately download Human Proof Designs – Human Proof Method
HPD Customer
Wrote an article last month targeting two high volume search terms. Now ranking page one. Again, all thanks to everything I’ve learned from Dom and crew, the work I hired them to do, and my own efforts. Yesterday I did in affiliate revenue across all my sites what I normally do in a month.
HPD Customer
Why You Should Sign Up For This Membership
Starting and GROWING a business for the first time can be challenging. There will undoubtedly be mistakes made and learning experiences along the way.
This membership will help you minimize those mistakes, allow you to learn from our experiences, and give you a clear path forward. We want you to reach profitability as soon as possible.
Meet The Humans That Are Here To Help
Dom Wells
Founder & CEO
Human Proof Designs
Dom Wells is the founder and CEO of Human Proof Designs. He created the company in 2013, with a simple goal to help beginners get set up with quality affiliate sites and top level training. Over time HPD grew to the mammoth size it is now. Along the way, he was featured in Entrepreneur as a top online entrepreneur to follow. Dom leads the strategy and direction of HPD, as well as making sure that the company stays cutting edge.
He’s not quite a digital nomad, preferring to travel around the world slowly. Some might call him a slow-mad. You can usually find him in Taipei or London.
Alejandro Meyerhans
Portfolio Manager & Acquisitions Director
Human Proof Designs
Alejandro Meyerhans is the Portfolio Manager and Acquisitions Director at HPD. Based in Chiang Mai (Thailand), he runs all the advertising, content marketing, lead generation and SEO strategies for over 15 money websites with the help of three fantastic assistants.
On the rare moments when he isn’t doing marketing stuff or hopping countries, he enjoys riding & building motorcycles, reading books and discovering the best eateries around.
Carmen Anderson
Customer Success & Digital Marketing Director
Human Proof Designs
Carmen Anderson is the Customer Success & Digital Marketing Director at HPD. She is based in Minneapolis, MN, USA where she handles email marketing, promotions, product information pages, upsell funnels, and customer inquiries. She loves what she does because it’s all about helping HPD customers succeed.
Outside of work she enjoys cooking, practicing and teaching yoga, hiking, eating pizza, and traveling with her husband.
Kelvin Mah
Content & Growth Director
Human Proof Designs
Kelvin Mah is the head of Content & Growth at Human Proof Designs. He’s tasked with making sure content goals are met & that we are consistently connecting with our multiple audiences. Primarily focused on HPD and it’s second largest portfolio site, Kelvin creates and oversees the processes necessary for a quickly-growing authority machine.
Beyond Kelvin’s work at HPD, you’ll often find him arm wrestling his dog, traveling for blues concerts, and growing his personal authority sites.
Dean Robinson
CTO & Web Developer
Human Proof Designs
Dean Robinson is the Chief Technical Officer at HPD. He is based in Naantali, Finland, and handles the tech side of things at HPD from technical support, managing a variety of sites and making sure his team of site builders produce amazing sites for customers.
When Dean looks up from coding and digging into websites, he enjoys fishing and miniature painting, as well as other geeky activities.
Brad Vandenberg
Human Proof Designs
Brad Vandenberg is the Chief Operations Officer at Human Proof Designs. His role allows him to work from home in Ontario, Canada with his wife and six kids (sixth is due in early Dec. 2018!).
He purchased his first affiliate website from Human Proof Designs in 2015 to begin his foray into Affiliate Marketing; that site ended up being the first of a small portfolio which he operates with the assistance of his capable VA, Lorenzo.
Entrepreneurship, affiliate marketing, and team building aside, Brad also enjoys table tennis, chess, morning walks with his oldest son (The early riser!) and meal times with his family.
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