Henk Schram – Heart Core Power
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What if you really can have the lifestyle you dream of – financial freedom, inner peace, loving circle of friends and fulfilling relationships, File Size: 30.2 MB
Henk Schram – Heart Core Power
This Is Not Just Wishful Thinking, And I’ll Prove It To You In Just A Moment. But Right Now…:
Consider this very real possibility – even if it’s for just a moment:
What if you really can have the lifestyle you dream of – financial freedom, inner peace, loving circle of friends and fulfilling relationships, healthy and vigorous energy… free from the crippling impact of fear, stress and worry… even when the world seems on fire?
What if you really can banish negativity from your experience… and even the troubles of the would flip-turn in an instant with a few simple ‘tricks’ that literally anyone can pull, including you?
What if there’s a much more rewarding way to live your life… reach your goals… manifest your desires… that’s also much simpler to apply than you’ve been led to believe? In fact:
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What if this was all possible without hard work, constant positive thinking, or any popular self-help or pop-psychology cliché?
Don’t worry, I haven’t totally lost it – this is very much for real.
Let me explain…
Have YOU TOO Fallen Victim To Today’s “Fear Pandemic” And Crisis Of “Tall Tales” And “Information Overload?”
When you’re trying your best to figure out how to best go about manifesting your desires… it’s easy to get completely overwhelmed, confused and discouraged:
The world seems on fire, and you can’t see how can there be hope for abundance, joy, love and prosperity when everything appears to fall apart…
You don’t know where to start…
Or if you do, every other expert has you believe that there’s another “missing secret” you should be adding on top of everything else you’re already juggling…
There always seems to be yet another “mind hack”
you supposedly “can’t afford to miss”…
Not too long ago you were still excited about the prospect of actually enjoying the abundant, joyful and worry-free life you long for… and the ease by which you could supposedly make that happen…
… but now you’re rather getting discouraged and dismayed, because this whole thing just seems impossible to keep up with.
Even moving a single inch forward seems to take ten times longer and more effort than it should…
And as you’re getting stressed out and beginning to doubt yourself… there are days when you think:
“Maybe this whole ‘manifesting’ thing is one big giant lie…”
“Maybe it’s not the right time…”
“Maybe I should just toss my dreams in the garbage and give up…”
Let’s stop all that confusion, overwhelm
and frustration right here and now!
Because imagine this for a second…
What If There’s A MUCH SIMPLER And MUCH MORE POWERFUL Way To Manifest Your Desires That Doesn’t Depend On The State Of The World… And You Wouldn’t Even Need All Those Popular Techniques?
Look, all those tools and techniques can have their place – but only when you’ve covered your bases.
And therein lies the rub:
You deserve to know how to really get the results you want…
…without having to weed your way through the complex maze of half-truths, myths, and sometimes even blatant falsehoods out there.
You no longer want to feel like a perpetual seeker…
…jumping from one course to the next hoping “this will be the one” to do it for you.
So in a moment I’ll show you the one thing I know will FINALLY tip the scales back in your favor.
But for that, we’ll first need to expose…
The 3 Most Results-Killing “Manifesting Myths” You Should Ditch Right Now:
(And What To Do Instead)
Manifesting Myth #1:
“You must keep your thoughts and emotions positive at all times.”
This supposed ‘cardinal rule’ is pretty much the first thing every well-intended ‘manifesting’ expert tells you to follow. But unfortunately, it’s dead wrong:
Did you know that psychological research demonstrates that the typical ways in which we try to make positive changes in our minds usually yield the opposite effect?
That’s right: they make us achieve precisely what we didn’t want!
Think that sounds far-fetched? Then you might be interested in discovering that cutting-edge psychology considers these paradoxical effects very real. They even have a special name for them:
Psychologists call them “ironic effects.” And the body of evidence proving their reality is growing by the day:
Scientific research into those so-called “ironic effects” shows that most of our attempts to change our minds, emotions and behavior result in precisely the effects we didn’t want.
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As a quick example, take affirmations – probably one of the most widely-popularized techniques to change your thinking and neurological wiring:
Did you know that studies by the universities of Waterloo and New Brunswick into the actual effects of affirmations showed that for most people they really do more harm than good? That’s right:
Their research demonstrated that repeating positive self-statements MAY benefit certain people – like individuals who already have high self-esteem – though typically backfire for the very people who need them the most.
In other words: they only work for the people who don’t even need them in the first place. Everyone else basically ended up feeling worse from using them!
That really doesn’t do us a lot of good, does it? But that’s not all…
Manifesting Myth #2:
“Inner and outer transformation are made to happen.”
Have you heard about the ever-growing body of psychological science – pioneered by Harvard psychologist Daniel Wegner – that demonstrates how those “ironic effects” I mentioned literally show up all over the place, both in our minds and in our lives?
For example, these studies have shown that…:
Trying to get rid of negative thoughts makes those gloomy concerns even more central to your thinking…
Trying to change your negative emotions often makes those feelings even worse…
Trying to stop certain debilitating behaviors rather makes your urge to engage in them stronger…
And regretfully, the list goes on and on and on for our typical financial, wellness and relationship goals… just like other areas of life:
The way in which we deliberately try to change these areas often aggravates our situation… while strangely enough – if we let our fixation slide now and again, we sometimes DO get what we want.
So as it turns out again and again:
The transformations you seek – whether inside or outside – are not things you “make” happen.
Instead, they can only be allowed to happen on their own – which you do by shaping the right conditions – within and without.
Obviously, that can be a little elusive… and the way to facilitate that process is a lot different from what you’re normally told to do – which becomes even clearer when we bust…
Manifesting Myth #3:
“MIND power is the key to manifesting your desires.”
As those ironic effects illustrate, your real ‘manifesting potency’ actually comes from somewhere else. The problem is…:
You hardly ever hear about this power source, because most of the experts and ‘successful ones’ engage this power naturally… without realizing…
… which means they’re not fully aware of the true cause of their efficacy – which has little to do with the power of their minds.
Consider this:
Did you know that there’s actual research that demonstrates that the energy field of your heart is 5,000 times stronger than that of your brain?
That’s clearly a difference of epic proportions!
This was originally proven back in 2004 by independent research at the Institute of Heartmath. And their subsequent studies – which still go on today – have only built more evidence to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
However, when trying to enhance our ability to manifest our desires, most of us completely disregard this gigantic discrepancy by focusing all our energies on changing our MINDS…
Now as strange as it may sound, that’s actually great news – because it means…:
There’s A Deeper And Much Stronger Wellspring Of ‘Manifesting Potency’ That Most Of The Popular Methods Only Scratch The Surface Of…
… And That’s Also MUCH EASIER To Tap Into!
That’s right – if you’ve come to think that the process of conscious manifesting is too elusive, complex, or out of reach…
… you’ve simply been taught wrong.
And if you’ve made it this far, you already know that being able to master this ability is critical to your happiness and fulfillment in life…
But maybe you didn’t know that by using the 5-Phase Heart-Core Power™ Process that you’re about to discover, you’ll finally have the power to…:
Easily tap into that bewildering source of creative power that’s demonstrated to be at least 5,000 stronger than your ‘mind’…
Cleverly sidestep those pesky and elusive ‘ironic effects’ of your mind that only get you the paradoxical opposite of what you want…
Swiftly generate joy, delight and inspiration without having to battle your own brain for it…
Completely ditch any need for will power, force and effort to make that all happen.
YES, these outcomes are totally within reach for you – regardless of where you’re coming from or what you’ve already tried…
… but they do depend on taking a straight-line, step-by-step approach that might go against everything you’ve been taught.
Yet with it, you no longer need to feel powerless over what’s arguably the most critical and valuable skill of your life. You literally can’t afford to… and you no longer have to.
But before we explore how it works, you’re probably wondering…
“Who The Heck Are You To Tell Me This?”
Look, let’s be honest here…
I bet you’ve probably seen enough experts puffing up their credentials… casually leaning against some fancy car (often hired for the occasion) to attest to their alleged success without a care in the world… blathering about abundance, positivity and fairy dust with no idea what’s really behind their success (or how to explain it).
I know this, because I’ve been in your shoes – jaded by the lofty promises and ongoing stream of “missing secrets,” “miracle cures,” and “missing pieces no one else could give you.”
All it did was leave me with more frustration…
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So whatever I tell you here about myself you’ll probably meet with a great deal of skepticism – and rightfully so.
Besides, the last thing the world needs right now is another self-proclaimed guru…
So rather than tooting my own horn, I prefer to let the insights you get from me do the talking… along with what others who’ve come before you have to say about them:
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