Harlan Kilstein – Inner Game Copywriting
$297.00 Original price was: $297.00.$49.40Current price is: $49.40.
That’s why the following words are key to getting rid of these obstacles all at once, so be careful. What I am trying to share with you will change your bottom line. Just keep
Harlan Kilstein – Inner Game Copywriting
Internal game of copywriting
9,124 copywriters show that copywriting courses are practically useless
To build a 6-digit copywriting career.
This 7 digit copywriter provides the last piece of the puzzle …
Let’s clarify what to do instead.
His 7-digit copywriting folks are angry that he is spilling beans
— They know that their precious secrets work!
(It works well so you can try it for a year.
If you still don’t make real money
– He pays you from his pocket! )
From: Harlan Kilstein
You probably heard about AWAI. This is the top copywriting “school” in the world. They created a new copywriter through a correspondence course. Most of them are washed away in the process and go away forever.
Currently, there are 9124 copywriters who have registered on the infamous “Board” at one time. Most of them are history. Their copywriting career is just memory. Their course material was either sold on Ebay for a penny of dollars, abandoned, or abandoned somewhere on the shelf.
The chances that a new copywriter will enter a major league are minimal. Unless you discover …
The biggest key to success as a copywriter is not your skill as a copywriter. In fact, some of the best copywriters in the world are hungry for work.
I’m trying to uncover the key to success as a copywriter. It’s true that I can’t speak alone.
You may be shocked.
It may offend you-especially if you spend thousands on a copy course and still don’t make decent money as a copywriter.
But I encourage you to read this letter and find out why I reached the pinnacle of the world of copywriting in an instant.
Look, let’s straighten one …
There is serious money to make with copywriting.
And your talent is only part of the equation. With a 99% chance, it’s not the copywriting skills that affect success. What is stopping you?
Every time I sit and look at a blank screen …
Every time I fail to turn a lead into a client …
Every time you accept much less work than you want …
Every time I think my job is not worth it …
Your heart holds the hostage of your success!
None of these obstacles are remotely related to copywriting. The root of all these problems lies in your own mind.
All the technical aspects of copywriting are called “external games”.
But the inner mental strategy that is trying to lead you to success is the “inner game.”
And so far, no single copywriting teacher specializes in copywriting inner games.
That’s why the following words are key to getting rid of these obstacles all at once, so be careful. What I am trying to share with you will change your bottom line. Just keep reading and you’ll get unlimited copies!
As you know, writing a copy can be a good career choice. Not only that, successful copywriters have tremendous freedom. Decide when you will work, how much you will do, and where you will be when you do the job. That’s why so many people are jumping into band wagons.
I believe anyone who has written anything can translate their previous writing experience into a profitable business. And you can. They just need to know how. Sadly, over 90% of copywriters are missing out on how to do it right.
If you’re one of these copywriters, you know it’s not the writing talent you lack. You are already talented. You already learned copywriting and know how to write hot selling copies. What’s missing is the last piece of the puzzle. It’s the missing piece that turns your talent, skills and knowledge into hard cash.
Good news. We will give you the missing puzzle piece. The worries of your copywriting career are resolved and banished from your life forever.
Yes-it has been banished … This is not a band-aid that hides the problem, so it is invisible to others. It is a permanent solution that fixes the cause of the problem, not the symptom. You don’t have to worry about these obstacles again, as the source fixes the problem. straightforwardly…
Quite simply, without hype or hype, this is nothing else …
Programming for permanent success
My name is Dr. Harlan Kirstein. The top copywriter in the industry. Earned $ 322,000 in the first year and was successful. Now, at all stages of their career, copywriters are trying to use my copy business as their model. They see what I do like a hawk. Call for advice. They swipe my sales letter and hope they have the same success.
Get immediately download Harlan Kilstein – Inner Game Copywriting
My sales letter has brought millions of dollars to my clients. People around the world called me and asked me to write an ad. They eagerly pay me tens of thousands of dollars to write for them, because they know they will undo it many times.
One of the reasons my copy works well is in my secret weapon.
Well, I’m also an elite NLP hypnotic coach. I’ll tell you all about NLP in a moment. But for now, before I make a copy using NLP, I need to know that it helps to change people’s lives.
Until a few years ago, I owned the largest hypnosis clinic in the United States. We have helped thousands of people to reach their goals simply by overcoming mental barriers. These were obstacles to success. And NLP was the key.
In fact, NLP was all the keys I’ve mentioned so far. My success in copywriting, the success of the copy itself, and especially by helping thousands of clients ultimately achieve their personal goals.
So I’m probably wondering …
“What is NLP and how does it help me?”
NLP stands for “Neuro-Linguistic Programming”. It’s a way to shape successful actions. All physical actions (and their consequences) occur in the mind. It is your heart to decide whether these actions will build your success or set you back.
NLP uses the power of your heart and your desires to help you. NLP makes it easy to create habits that form internal thoughts that produce successful behaviors rather than suicide behaviors.
NLP is very powerful and therapists use it to help people overcome serious problems and lead a more successful and fulfilling life. They use it (as I did) to help with weight loss, smoking cessation, phobia, and personal treatment. But its uses are endless and can be used to succeed in any field.
Leave your success to your unconscious mind!
Hypnotic pioneer Milton Ericsson created his own model of change. He has developed relationships with his patients, distracting them and allowing them to communicate more effectively with the unconscious mind.
Unconscious communication is very compelling and allows patients to reach successful conclusions to help themselves. When you feel like you have come up with an answer, you are much more likely to respond positively.
Long-established forms of psychotherapy and psychiatry can be a long, painful, and expensive process. The techniques used in NLP and Ericsson Hypnosis have proven to be a faster and more effective approach to achieving lasting, self-fulfilling and powerful behavioral changes.
Create a successful mindset!
Focus on using NLP to create ideas for success in business communication and sales. NLP helps users communicate more clearly and concisely and express what they really want to do. Certain NLP methods are widely recognized as useful techniques within business management communications.
Use NLP to quickly make a difference to yourself. Changes leading to self-confidence, learning, and cash accumulation. Most importantly, use NLP to quickly bring changes that allow you to join other copywriters who enjoy the wealth and freedom of success.
Here is your personal success guide …
I would like to introduce my personal friend. His name is Doug O’Brien.
Doug O’Brien was my secret weapon in the first year as a copywriter. Doug was working on me in my internal game, so using just a few of the exact same techniques he prepared for you could bring in over $ 322,000 that year.
Doug is known as the NLP Master Practitioner. He is very experienced and knowledgeable, training NLP people as well. In addition, he is a certified hypnotherapist to get started (they have a lot in common).
This is the man who worked at a seminar with Tony Robbins, a leader in personal change. He is currently conducting his own numerous seminars worldwide dedicated to Robert Dilts, an official NLP-accredited course, and advanced “mouth-shaped” patterns in Ericsson hypnotherapies. Doug also helped establish a complementary medicine department for the Colombian Presbyterian.
After years of soothing and arguing him over the years, Doug’s made some new recordings at Inner Game of Copywriting. And they are worth the fuss. These are brand new, separated from the press and not many people know about them.
So I would like to share them with you.
These programs are literally gold.
Here’s what you’ll receive in a secure download right away:
Financial House Cleaning-Removes all financial worries and reprograms for immediate success.
Productivity and time management – save time and do more.
Procrastination Blaster AKA: The Secret to Successful Life-Create a sales letter in half the time.
Fearless Writing-Eliminate all hesitation. Your words will flow easily.
Deep Trance Identity – come up with a photo of your favorite copywriter. In minutes, you will write like them.
Hard negotiation – peanuts are for elephants and donkeys. Get paid like a pro.
What’s Your Why – Focus on what you are doing and why. This will boost your results.
Plan and run – what do you need to do to reach the next level? Listen to this and get there.
Entrepreneurs Fight ADD-It’s a known secret that most people working online have bad cases of ADD. Unless you integrate this lesson, moving focus can be fatal.
Your Money Thinking-The world is full of complaints about depression, the economy, and more and more. Here’s how to fix the winner.
Ass Control-Recognizing my friend Frank Kahn’s wonderful program, this is all about equipping your ass.
Overcoming setbacks – what happens when things go wrong Doug immediately shows you how to reverse things.
Listen to Doug’s recordings and you’ll discover:
How to overcome negative thoughts and self-doubt, and get rid of the feeling of “I’m not going to do this game!” (Going to a major league, your work is no longer a depression!)
How to gain self-confidence so you can claim what you want. Make the most of your personal copy business! Once you’re used to it, just wait for your business to transition to an automated pilot! )
A proper inner game copy that can launch AT WILL. Your sitting time will be shorter and your writing will be much more powerful, effective and compelling.
How to properly learn from someone else’s copy! (Don’t worry about your rival’s approach anymore, quoting Dr. Sousse does so!)
It can be intolerably frustrating when it “just doesn’t come to you”. Avoid that frustration by using NLP techniques that produce great copies, like a newspaper press.
Internal tips about anchors used by professionals, which have nothing to do with cruise ships. (You may have seen this done, but I don’t completely know how to do it right!)
Build your mental game unstoppable. Having the same mental state as top copy experts like David Garfinkel, Gary Halbert and John Carlton makes a big difference in the world. Do these names ring the bell? They should
Overcome the anxieties of the writer’s block and proceed with the work you need to do in record time. (These methods cannot be found elsewhere.)
How to tell the difference between a good copywriter and a good copywriter.
Doug will show it.
And how to become the latter.
Get immediately downloadHow to program yourself for success. It’s not as difficult as I thought. In fact, Doug is available immediately.
Here’s what these NLP experts said about Doug O’Brien:
“I highly recommend Doug O’Brien and Associates’ Doug O’Brien. He is constantly updating and training with the latest skills I have developed.”
– Richard Bundler, co-founder of NLP
“There are only a handful of people in the country I personally trained and I am completely confident in making a recommendation. Doug O’Brien is one of these few.”
– Anthony Robbins, author of “Unlimited Power” and “Awaken the Giant within”
“I have known Doug O’Brien for many years and have been consistently impressed by his skills and integrity. Doug is one of the rare teachers who can integrate NLP and Ericsson hypnosis. This allows the student to develop both conscious and unconscious abilities. I confidently support him as a trainer and as a person. “
– Robert Dilts, co-developer of NLP and author of NLP Vol 1
“I particularly enjoy Doug’s sense of humor. How does he combine compassion and carefree spirit? He takes a holistic view of life and sees solutions rather than problems. Focusing. Doug not only gets results, but everyone has a good time getting it. ”
– Dan Millman, author of “The Road to Peaceful Warriors” and “No Normal Moments”
“I’ve been really out of touch since I dropped out of educational games. It was nice to see someone like Doug actually in action. Hypno-biz is in good hands.”
– Dr. Steven Heller, author of “Monsters and Magic Wands”
“Dug O’Brien is a master teacher and offers skills that can have a huge impact on your life. He has a great way to make people complex and easy to understand.”
– Nancy Raimondo, Unlimited Resources, Bayside, Long Island
“… impeccable expertise and honesty … I’ve rarely seen teachers and trainers consistently show compassion comparable to his skills as Doug O’Brien.”
– Dr. Robert Bayes, author of “Five Lessons of Relationship”
Making In The Making – Yours In Minutes
I’ve been harassing the last couple of years to get Doug to put this package together.
But Doug was busy training people around the world and it was almost impossible to get him to do this.
But Doug cares to help people change.
When he sees how well this package works, he finds himself dying to know what else he’s developing for you. So … it’s the dream of a lazy copywriter. You can make money right away. You don’t have to spend time training. You can acquire skills that will last a lifetime.
It’s also a great pleasure to help teach people what is essential to life. Your business and its success are part of your life that you want to maximize.
Especially rewarding to hear from so many people who have helped me completely change my copywriting and other areas of life by sharing only some of Ing’s inner game material with: There is.
Wow! Harlan, I love you, but I always thought this NLP transformer was a bit “wow”. I’m glad I tried the Inner Game Copywriting Package. I’ve never been so focused or productive. And negotiations? I hung up on the CEO type of a big wig … he couldn’t get my PayPal address fast enough. I am a believer now Lear Carson, Albuquerque, NJ |
Hey! Your financial house cleaning CD has changed my life. seriously. Without it, I would have spent the first six months of my new daughter’s life in a panicked wreck. Instead, they helped me formulate an entirely new business model. My wife was able to take a full six months maternity leave and enjoy her new baby without worry. Thanks, Anthony Coyne, Quebec, Canada |
This is a type of “insider” information about the copy, completely hidden from most amateurs. Knowing that this item exists, your companion will never approach anyone. Still, for you now … you can get it.
It took a long time to create, record, edit, plan, and compile these programs, but they were worth it.
If you are thinking about investing in this area of your life, I sincerely urge you to do so. Doug and I guarantee that these programs work for you and get the results you want. We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee and we support our work and guarantee. If you’re not 100% satisfied and you don’t get 10 times the amount you paid for Doug’s program, let us know. I will refund. But I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
This is Inner Game Steel!
When I was in the hypnosis business, I charged $ 250 for a customized hypnosis recording. People flew from all over the world to work with me. At these rates, the cost of this program is $ 3000 (and believe me, it will be worth it at that price).
However, most hypnosis programs are priced at $ 29.95 (a cheap bastard) and nonetheless the price of this program should be $ 359.40.
However, it will reduce prices even further.
Provides the best opportunity to overcome all obstacles.
The introduction price for my inner game copywriting is only $ 297.00. This is a hassle-free way to get started. Just listen to these recordings and you can start making changes.
Listen, you might be a huge success in the world of copywriting if you only do what you need to get your inner game into gear.
This is the best way to do that.
We encourage you to purchase the Doug program. Kick start your inner game tonight and see results you couldn’t imagine tomorrow.
It can take up to a year to make your decision. The most effective way to change it is to listen to one program at a time.
And this is a hypnosis program. Do not listen to this program while driving a car, operating a boat, or doing anything sensitive.
Harlan D. Kirstein Ed.D.C. Ht.
$ 297.00
PS I want to emphasize what you get from Doug’s astonishing program.
You will get:
Inner Confidence and Inner Game for Writing Your Copy
An effective tool for overcoming writers’ blocks and exhausting their ideas of what to write
Ability to be more effective, persuasive and increase sales
How to tell your true value to your clients and earn the highest amount
I can’t stop with a copy business
I seldom recommend the product and I can tell you that you can’t find better value, better teachers, and better programs than Doug’s.
NLP Online Course
What is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology.
Linguistics refers to language. Programming refers to how that neural language works.
In short, learning NLP is like learning the language of your mind.
NLP is a study of good communication with yourself and others.
It was developed by modeling talented communicators and therapists who achieved results in their clients.
NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it’s not the only one.
It’s an attitude and methodology that knows how to reach your goals and get results
Course Features
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