Hang Wang – Qi Secrets To Youthful Living
Over time, as the Amazon catalog has grown and more specific product categories have been added, Everything Else has become less useful and more of a junkyard for cast off and forgotten listings.
Hang Wang – Qi Secrets To Youthful Living
In my own healing journey I experienced many modalities including shamanism, pranic healing, deep bodywork, cranio sacral therapy, esoteric acupuncture, bio-resonance, plasma energy therapy, QXCI, dark field microscopy, ayahuasca, past life soul retrieval, sound, overtone harmonics. This led to fasting, cleansing of the internal organs, herbal therapy, nutritional therapy and yoga. During many years of disciplined Qi Gong training and sitting meditation, I met many interesting people who thought “out of the box”. All this coupled with lots of Divine Grace contributed to my present state of being and knowledge.
I feel that all healing modalities contribute some benefit to our bodies – and some touch the system deeper than others – provided that the practitioners have sincerity, talent in their field and continue to invest in developing their abilities.
Present healing:
In 2010, I started to feel a deep inner urge to leave America. Later that year, I packed my bags and left for India, which has become my spiritual home. From there I have travelled to different parts of the world sharing Qi Gong and healing, experiencing the many ways in which humanity expresses itself. I met my wife Anita in Zurich in the summer of 2011 and we have traveled together since then. Now I am based in Bali.
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What is Everything Else?
Everything Else is a product category on Amazon that is meant to be a catch-all for items that don’t fit into any other categories. Over time, as the Amazon catalog has grown and more specific product categories have been added, Everything Else has become less useful and more of a junkyard for cast off and forgotten listings.
Until recently, however.
Why are items listed in Everything Else when they shouldn’t be?
The answer to this is fairly simple. Some sellers are using Everything Else as an opportunity to get around Amazon’s gated category requirements. For example, DVDs with an MSRP of over $25 are now gated Selling certain products and bran… More and require permission to list. So we’ve seen some sellers create new listings in Everything Else to get around these requirements. We’ve noticed similar “workarounds” for other gated or restricted Selling certain product categorie… More categories as well.
Amazon doesn’t like this. It just makes the catalog more of a mess than it already is and ends up creating a worse customer experience.
Course Features
1 -
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10 weeks -
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All levels -
English -
149 -
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