Hale Dwoskin – Letting Go – A Sedona Method Movie
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No matter what sabotaging behaviors or uncomfortable feelings you are experiencing, you can learn to let them go. As you let go of these holdbacks in your life, you
Hale Dwoskin – Letting Go – A Sedona Method Movie
You Can Have it All
You may realize that you’re constantly holding yourself back—but you may not realize exactly how you’re doing this. We all hold ourselves back by wanting things instead of having them. The more you want, the less you feel like you have. The less you feel like you have, the less you actually do have. But there’s a simple solution—and that solution is letting go. As you let go of your wanting, you may be surprised to discover you truly can have it all.
It’s Time to Drop Your Excess Baggage
Are you carrying around all sorts of burdens from the past that you’ve been carrying so long you’ve forgotten that you can simply let them go? This humorous clip is an invitation for you to put your burdens down and move on.
Anyone Can Do This
Watch this great-grandmother describe her experience of letting go and her hope for planet Earth. If she can do it, so can you. No matter what your age, education, background, or what you have or have not done before, you can let go and make a difference for yourself and for everyone you care about.
You Are Love
When you let go and stop looking for love in all the wrong places, you discover that love is already here, already now, waiting to be expressed and experienced.
Beyond the Push
Most of us spend most of our lives trying to make things happen without ever noticing that the more we let go, the easier it is to accomplish anything. If you’re open to this as a possibility, you’ll discover that the less you push, the more support you’ll have—and the more you’ll feel like you’re being carried by the river of life.
Could You, Would You, When?
A hospice chaplain talks about how he uses the basic Letting Go technique to help those most in need, describing what you can start doing for yourself and everyone you care about, right now. Don’t let the simplicity of this technique fool you; it is extremely powerful and can lead to huge breakthroughs for yourself and for others, if you are willing to give it a try.
Your Relationships Will Never Be the Same Again
As you let go, you will discover an inner fountain of endless love that is waiting to spill over into all your relationships. This is the fountain that will wash away your past pains and hurts and help you revive your inner flame. Your relationships—including your relationship with yourself—will never be the same again. In a really good way!
Are You a Human Doing?
If you are like most people on planet earth, you may have lost yourself in a series of “must do’s,” “have to do’s” or “should do’s.” We’re all so busy doing that we don’t recognize, honor or even feel the beauty of our innate Beingness. As you let go and discover the truth of who you are, you will discover that there is a sense of effortlessness and spontaneous action that is available to you now. You will also discover that you do not need to do anything in order to be.
Beyond Chaos
Most of us are distressed by the news. We may have all sorts of issues about how the world is being run and how things are going. Yet what we are missing when we pit ourselves against a problem is that this is just adding to the chaos. The way to break the cycle is to let go of our emotional reactions and be for the solution.
It Changed Their Lives
Want to stop your craving and become a finder instead of a seeker? Listen as people describe how letting go has allowed them to have what they have always wanted, including more inner peace and freedom. Letting Go can help you to discover the freedom and peace that is already right here, right now, right within you.
The Invitation Here
As you let go, you will discover that even your deepest, darkest burdens from the past can be released or dissolved. It only requires a willingness to explore what is actually here, now—and what is simply based on memory. As you let go of burdens from your past, you may sense a warmth and an aliveness washing over you. You may feel like you are coming back to life and want to start fresh and move forward in life.
What’s Holding You Back?
Do you feel like you’re living up to your highest potential? Maybe there are places in your body, mind and world that could use a little—or a lot—of improvement. This film is a way to discover that you can change the things that you’ve been wanting to change. It’s also about something much more than simply moving around the furniture. It is a way for you discover what is beyond mere self improvement. And it is a way for you to bring forth true personal and global transformation.
Blinded by Familiarity
Our problems often seem huge to us because we think they belong to us. They are our problems. Here is a humorous look at how we get lost in our stories of woe and our suffering by keeping ourselves too close to the problem. Take off the blinders of familiarity and you may just laugh your way off the dot.
A Solution for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
Could this be a way to heal PTSD? This Vietnam vet describes how Letting Go is helping him let go of some of the pain and the anger that he has been carrying around for over forty years. Are you suffering from any kind of emotional trauma? If so, you owe it to yourself to at least explore the possibility of letting go.
The Universe Says Yes
Most of us are saying “no” to money and abundance without even realizing it. This short clip is about you turning your no’s to yeses by letting go.
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Are You Ready to Wake Up?
All over the world people like you and me are waking up to the truth of who we are. This film is about just one of those ways—a way for us all to have more of whatever it is we choose, and to discover what is beyond simply having more. It is also an invitation for us all to work together to bring about a better world.
Turn Dis-Ease into Health
Stress, tension, anxiety and suppressed emotions rob you of your health and well-being. When you allow yourself to let go, you will be amazed at how quickly and easily you can feel better and how much more aliveness is truly possible for you.
Acceptance of What You Feel
We are often so busy fighting how we feel that we don’t realize that the very fight is preventing us from simply welcoming our feelings and allowing them to pass through our awareness.
Endless Treasure
When you let go, you uncover the endless treasure of joy, peace and wisdom that is already and always right within you.
Life Is Like a River
As you welcome what you are experiencing, you discover that there is a flow in life that you never dreamed was possible. You will also notice that even life-long barriers and obstacles are washed away.
Perfect Emptiness
You can discover that right within you is a perfectly peaceful sense of emptiness that is also full of love, light and grace. As you allow what is to be, this perfect emptiness shines into every part of your life.
Beyond Depression
No matter what sabotaging behaviors or uncomfortable feelings you are experiencing, you can learn to let them go. As you let go of these holdbacks in your life, you discover the true nature of who you are.
Are You Ready to Accept the Invitation?
This film is an invitation for you to lead a richer, happier, more abundant and love-filled life. It is an invitation for you to share what you have learned with those that you care about. It is also an invitation for the healing of planet earth. In just a little over an hour you can accept this invitation, and together we can work together to support each other in bringing about a better world.
Movie Released 2010
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