The Women behind The Guide…
Molly Galbraith
Molly Galbraith is a certified strength and conditioning coach and Co-Founder of Girls Gone Strong, a website dedicated to providing women with the best nutrition, training, health, and lifestyle information.
Molly also co-founded of one of the premiere facilities in the country for training women, although she recently stepped away to focus her attention 100% on Girls Gone Strong.
Her personal mission is to help women discover and accept what their best body looks and feels like with minimal time and effort, while having grace and compassion for themselves.
Alli McKee
Alli McKee is a Co-Founder of Girls Gone Strong as well as a fitness writer and model in the performance and physique industry. Her work includes contributions to fitness websites, print magazines and book publications.
As Alli entered her thirties, she stepped out of her comfort zone by adding a corporate opportunity to the mix. Now juggling a nine to five with training clients on the side, Alli appreciates the value (and challenge) of maintaining her own training time.
Alli is driven by heart and believes in these overlapping lifestyles: living healthy, living authentically and living passionately.
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