Duston Mcgroarty – The Opportunity Letter
In layman’s terms, what I call a narrow-minded monetization plan, is when an email list owner is only making a 1/10th of what they should be making from each subscriber. File Size: 10.3 MB
Duston Mcgroarty – The Opportunity Letter
Dear Friend,
I drew it on a legal pad to keep it safe from digital thieves.
It contains a powerful little-known money-making email strategy…
The ONLY strategy in the world capable of putting…
…WITHOUT Spending A Dime of Your Own Money
Can you imagine that?
What I found was shocking.
There WERE people using this strategy and they HAVE have been using it for YEARS.
But not people with an ONLINE business.
So that’s what’s kept it hidden from us for so long in the online world.
Not anymore!
This is a complete GAME-CHANGER…
Forbes called this strategy, “an underutilized way to acquire as many customers as possible while spending as little money as possible”.
In his book, Growth Hacker Marketing, bestselling author, Ryan Holiday, called this strategy, “the future of marketing”.
And Entrepreneur Magazine called it, “a strategic, cost-effective way to exponentially grow your business fast”.
If you’ve lost money with other email list-building programs in the past… it’s NOT your fault.
That’s because all the other programs I’ve seen, assume you have a large chunk of money laying around that you can spend on advertising.
They withhold that key piece of information from you until AFTER you’ve spent weeks going through the training.
By the time you find out, the window for a refund has passed.
The breakthrough strategy you’re about to see is totally different…
It’s a…
WITHOUT spending a dime of your own money.
While greedy gurus and one-hit wonder course creators are busy trying to sell us yesterday’s tactics…
This new groundbreaking strategy has REAL potential to change your life forever.
You won’t hear this from the selfish marketers who are capitalizing on it right now…
But they’re average, everyday folks like you and me, and they’re creating personal WEALTH beyond belief…
Using a strategy I call “Cumulative Email Stacking”.
Just look at what happened to my friend, John, when I recently shared this strategy with him…
He added 287 subscribers to his brand new email list in his first 24 hours and it cost him NOTHING!
Imagine if that happened to you…
At 287 subscribers per day, that’s an average monthly income of $7,740.
And, that monthly income will DOUBLE each and every month as new subscribers get added each day.
No wonder John is so excited…
First, though, I need you to do something for me…
I want you to erase everything you’ve learned about making money online from your mind…
And, allow me to teach you this amazing strategy while keeping an open mind.
If you can do that for me, I promise to help you anyway I can.
But only under one condition… you MUST take action today.
I am certain those who TAKE ACTION NOW will see wealth they never dreamed possible.
And, it can never be taken from you.
It’s knowledge you can capitalize on for the rest of your life.
But only if you get your hands on it before it disappears.
Which is why you need to act RIGHT NOW.
Once it’s gone, you’ll be left in the dust.
Only those who get in now will be able to capitalize on this opportunity.
Most people will be left out.
That’s why I urge you to get in right now…
Stake your claim.
Right now…
Do you want to be on the slow, painful side of the fence?
Or, do you want to be on the quick and easy side?
Seems like an obvious choice to me.
However, every single day, people choose the slow, painful way because it’s all they know.
You see, when I got my start online…
I focused mostly on SEO traffic because it was free and that’s what everyone told me you had to do to have long-term success.
But SEO is way too slow.
I went six months and still wasn’t getting any traffic.
So I started learning paid advertising.
I went through every course I could get my hands on.
But they all had one thing in common…
You need THOUSANDS of dollars to get started with no guarantee that you’ll make any money at all.
I didn’t have thousands of dollars, nor would I ever gamble it on something that wasn’t a sure thing.
I grew up in a middle-class family in a small rural town in Ohio.
I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth.
I know what it’s like spending your grocery money on a training program because you’re sure it’s the answer you’ve been searching for.
That’s the beauty of this strategy…
You’ll have an asset that grows on its own, and puts more and more money in your pocket every single month.
By now you’re probably wondering how this brand new email strategy works.
In order to take full advantage of this opportunity, it’s important that you first understand one thing.
It happens to be the biggest mistake people make when trying to building an email list.
And that mistake is what I call…
A narrow-minded monetization plan.
I’m sure you’re thinking, “a narrow-minded WHAT?!”
In layman’s terms, what I call a narrow-minded monetization plan, is when an email list owner is only making a 1/10th of what they should be making from each subscriber.
Here’s a simple comparison:
Imagine you and your neighbor are each having a garage sale and you’re both selling used golf balls.
His golf balls are the same exact brand as yours and they were each only used once, like yours.
Now imagine this…
I walk up and pay you $1 for each of your golf balls.
Then, you see me walk over to your neighbor’s sale and pay him $10 for each of his golf balls.
What the heck?!
Why did he make 10x more than you on each ball?
Simple. Your neighbor knows something you don’t.
Same goes for building an email list.
Most list owners are…
They’re focused so much on trying to promote the same product, to the same subscriber, over and over again…
That they completely miss the money-making opportunity, worth 900% more, right in front of their face.
It’s a narrow-minded monetization plan. They just don’t know what they don’t know.
Instead of ruining the relationship with their subscribers by shoving the same pitch down their throat day after day…
They could be earning 9x more money…
Without having to sell anything…
And without spending a dime of their own money, by simply following this groundbreaking new strategy.
If you’ll allow me, I’ll send you a report detailing the specifics of this entire strategy.
The report is called…
…Without spending a dime of your own money.
Inside this special report, every single step of this brand new strategy is explained in layman’s terms so even the absolute beginner can understand.
The report goes into detail, revealing:
- 4-STEP EMAIL FUNNEL: You’ll discover an email funnel like no other. In four simple steps you’ll be able to earn 10x more revenue per subscriber than every other marketer in the world…
- GET PAID NOT TO SELL: You’ll see how easy it really is to make 10x more from not selling anything at all! This goes against everything you’ve ever seen and every email marketing training you’ve ever been through…
- CUMULATIVE EMAIL STACKING: You’ll see just how powerful the 10X Email Strategy is when I reveal the secret science behind what I call, Cumulative Email Stacking. It’s a self-perpetuating system that grows on its own, increasing your monthly income month after month…
You won’t find this information anywhere else.
And there’s no other way to get this report.
I’ve only shared this strategy with some of my students, until now.
And from what I’ve seen, if you get started with this strategy right now…
You Could Be Living A Whole New Life Just A Few Short Months From Now
It’s like I tell most people…
If you really want to change your financial situation fast, you have to jump on an opportunity before everyone else knows about it.
Which is why you need to get your hands on this report ASAP.
The good news is…
You can do that today.
All I ask in return for this is that you try something I’m already very proud of.
Get immediately download Duston Mcgroarty – The Opportunity Letter
The Opportunity Letter
Each and every month, in this very private and personal newsletter, I analyze what’s happening in the online world and advise you on where the biggest opportunities lie.
Whether it’s specific to email marketing, affiliate marketing, or something more “off the wall” I’ve discovered…
You’ll receive my humble advice and in-depth research on how best to capitalize on these current opportunities.
My insight is sought after by marketers all over the world — but now I’ll be YOUR personal advisor.
When I first started publishing The Opportunity Letter in December 2019, it was a printed (physical) newsletter that I mailed to my subscribers.
In August 2020 I decided to stop publishing that printed monthly newsletter.
Mostly cuz I’m lazy and it was a huge pain in the butt to manage a printed newsletter each month.
Especially because within the first 30 days of launching it…
I already had subscribers in 17 different countries around the world (shown below).
I was completely blown away! I never imagined it would get such a great response.
Which made the decision to stop writing it that much harder.
When I broke the news about its demise, my inbox got flooded with emails from subscribers who had some really kind words to say about my newsletter.
Look at what Wendy had to say about it…
That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
I had so many people write in expressing their feelings about my decision.
Daryl, another subscriber, compared my newsletter to, in his words, “the old Gary Halbert newsletter.”
Gary has been one of my direct-response marketing heroes for years.
Here’s everything Daryl had to say…
“It reminds me of the old Gary Halbert newsletter…”
“I think The Opportunity Letter is one of the best I’ve ever subscribed to! It reminds me of the old Gary Halbert newsletter I used to get. As soon as I got it in the mail, I tore it open and devoured the contents. The same thing is happening with your newsletter.”
– Daryl T.
from Houston, TX
Pretty crazy, right?! It’s a true honor to be compared to somebody like Gary.
I was reading back through all the amazing emails my subscribers sent in about my newsletter the other day…
And, after thinking it through, I made the exciting decision to bring The Opportunity Letter…
Back From The Dead!
I will never have a shortage of money-making opportunities to share with you.
Anytime I think of one or see something someone else is doing online, I add it to an ‘Opportunities’ list in my Todoist account.
That’s the main reason why I started The Opportunity Letter in the first place…
Because I always have an abundance of money-making opportunities to share.
Here’s a preview of my list of opportunities in my Todoist account, which I just renamed to ‘The Opportunity Letter’…
Yes, I have 139 money-making opportunities on that list and I add new ones every week.
Since I typically share 4 per month in each newsletter issue…
That means I almost have enough money-making opportunities to share with you for THREE YEARS!
Awesome, right?! I think so.
I know you’re gonna love it!
But There Is One MAJOR Change
Don’t worry though, it’s a good change.
A change that’ll help me keep my sanity each and every month.
A change that’ll prevent the newsletter from ever going away AGAIN.
Most importantly though…
This is a change that’ll SAVE YOU MONEY because…
The New & Improved Opportunity Letter Is Now 100% DIGITAL!
The same newsletter all my subscribers loved the first time…
Packed full of money-making secrets…
Is now 100% digital!
Which means you won’t have to wait around days and days for it to arrive.
On the first of each month, you’ll get an email with a link where you can download the brand new issue.
And the best news?
You’ll receive all of this, PLUS the 10X Email Strategy Report just for trying out The Opportunity Letter.
This is an important time in the online world right now.
Things are changing.
And I want to use my insight to help you prosper through the changes.
It works like this:
By subscribing today, you’ll get access to the latest issue of The Opportunity Letter right in your inbox every single month.
But that’s not all.
When you subscribe today, you’ll also get INSTANT ACCESS to a digital copy of The 10X Email Strategy Report…
Immediately after placing your order.
The information inside this report is extremely valuable and will likely spread across the web like a wildfire as more people learn about it.
It’s some of the most insightful and sought-after information in the world of digital marketing.
Frankly, if you choose to put this into action…
The ideas I share with you could help you make a lot of money in the coming weeks and months.
You’re looking at the potential for SIX FIGURES A MONTH here. Fast.
This knowledge is so valuable that…
If you were to hire me for a day’s worth of consulting so I could explain The 10X Email Strategy to you in its entirety…
It would cost you $10,000.
If I were to package The 10X Email Strategy up and sell it as an 8-week coaching program…
It would sell like crazy at $2,000.
However, I have no Consulting Days open for the rest of the year…
And I’m NEVER going package this information up into a coaching program.
The only way to get access to The 10X Email Strategy is by subscribing to The Opportunity Letter, right here, right now, today.
The normal “retail” price for a monthly subscription to The Opportunity Letter is $197.
But I’m going to drop the cost of the monthly subscription to just $67 for you.
Just $67.
That’s as low as it’ll ever be, trust me.
Once word gets out about the information inside this monthly newsletter, I’m gonna have people begging me for past issues.
Speaking of past issues…
There are NO old printed issues available…
And, NO access to past digital issues are included with this offer…
There is NO online member’s area…
And, there is NO private Facebook group.
I want this to be as easy as possible for me to manage…
And, I’ve purposely made it hard for you to get your hands on it.
I’ve also priced it in such a way to deter people who never take action.
I only want this info in the hands of action-takers.
Look, you now know about The 10X Email Strategy…
…The ONLY strategy in the world capable of putting one million subscribers onto your brand NEW email list, in as little as 30 days…
…Without spending a dime of your own money.
You saw how people who are following the strategy are already building money-making email lists.
Now it’s time for a decision.
The Way I See It, You Have Three Options…
Option #1: Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.
If you’re already making good money and you’re not worried about running out…
Then maybe you don’t need this simple strategy.
But if you’d like to make more money, that leaves you with two other options…
Option #2: Do it yourself.
You can try to go at it alone, wasting thousands of dollars and months worth of time trying to figure it out yourself.
If you’re willing spend thousands of dollars and wait months or even years, you might be able to pull it off.
Option #3: Let me do the heavy lifting for you.
You can put the proven 10X Email Strategy to work for yourself.
All you need to do is read my special report and do exactly as I say…
At the end of the first month you’ll be happy you chose this option, to say the least.
Of these three options, ask yourself…
What’s Going to Be Easier for You?
You see, there are two types of people in this world…
Those who dream about achieving their financial goals without ever taking any action to make it happen…
And those who are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.
Most people will tell you they want to be financially free.
But we both know very few actually make it happen.
It’s a natural law of financial wealth…
The classic tale of the willful and the wishful.
Most people will keep dreaming…
While the few who are actually serious about their financial future will take action.
Since you’ve read this far, I think you’re one of the few special ones…
One of the 100 people I’m looking for.
If I’m right and you’re still with me…
I’m ready to send you my Special Report: The 10X Email Strategy.
Only you can decide.
If you’re an action-taker, now’s the time to prove it.
Get immediately download Duston Mcgroarty – The Opportunity Letter
The Next Digital Issue of The Opportunity Letter Will Be Released On August 1, 2021
Now, here’s where you need to pay close attention…
This offer has a very strict deadline.
If you do not subscribe before 12:00 AM (EST) on August 1, 2021…
You will NOT be able to get access to this first digital issue.
Anyone who subscribes after that deadline will have to wait until August 1st for their first digital issue.
All you need to do is click the “Subscribe Now” link below and complete your details on the secure order form page you’ll see next.
The time is now for The 10X Email Strategy. I’m 1,000% serious.
Never miss another opportunity…
I can’t wait to get this brand new issue into your hands inbox on the 1st! 😉
See ya soon! Adios!
Dream big. Take action.
Duston McGroarty
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