Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – Refactoring to Java 8 Streams and Lambdas Online Self- Study Workshop
$197.00 Original price was: $197.00.$39.90Current price is: $39.90.
He teaches Java courses in classrooms around the world, where his prime objective is to make absolutely sure that none of his students fall asleep.
Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – Refactoring to Java 8 Streams and Lambdas Online Self- Study Workshop
Your Instructor
Dr Heinz M. Kabutz
Dr Heinz M. Kabutz
Heinz Kabutz is the author of The Java Specialists’ Newsletter, a publication enjoyed by tens of thousands of Java experts in over 145 countries. His book “Dynamic Proxies (in German)” was #1 Bestseller on Amazon.de in Fachbücher für Informatik for about five minutes until Amazon fixed their algorithm. Thanks to a supportive mother, he has now sold 5 copies.
Heinz’s Java Specialists’ newsletter is filled with amusing anecdotes of life on the Island of Crete. He is a popular speaker at all the best Java conferences around the world, and also at some of the worst. He teaches Java courses in classrooms around the world, where his prime objective is to make absolutely sure that none of his students fall asleep. He is not always successful.
Course Curriculum
1. Welcome To The Age Of Monolithic Legacy
1.1 Welcome (1:12)
1.1.1 Slides
1.1.2 Exercises
1.2 Refactoring (3:48)
1.3 Setting Up Your IDE (6:14)
1.4 Building the OFBiz Project (6:32)
1.5 Analyzing Code for Refactoring in IDEA (12:01)
2. Cleaning Up Some Pre-Java 5 Dinosaur Code
2.1 Refactoring to Java 5 (2:04)
2.2 Getting Rid of Unnecessary Boxing:Unboxing (9:37)
2.3 Changing StringBuffer to StringBuilder (1:30)
2.4 String.contains() instead of indexOf() (4:19)
2.5 Replace ‘for’ Loop With Java 5 for-in (9:47)
2.6 Replace ‘while’ Loop With Java 5 for-in (10:22)
3. Moving to Java 7, Our Code is Entering the Age of Mammals
3.1 More Java 5 Refactorings (8:18)
3.2 Java 7 Refactorings, Diamond Operator (5:18)
3.3 Java 7 Collapsing try-catch Blocks (2:38)
3.4 Java 7 Refactoring to try-with-resource (13:11)
4. Fire is Discovered in Lambdas and Method References in Java 8
4.1 Java 8 Static Methods in Interfaces (1:27)
4.2 Java 8 Default Methods in Interfaces (2:04)
4.3 How Functional Interfaces Work (1:58)
4.4 The Four Types of Method References (10:45)
4.5 Refactoring to Iterable.forEach() (4:41)
4.6 Refactoring to use Collection.removeIf() (9:10)
5. Java 8 Streams, We Are Moving Towards the Stone Age
5.1 Introduction to Java 8 Streams (4:43)
5.2 Stream map(), filter(), collect() (4:15)
5.3 Refactoring to Lambdas and Method References (9:54)
5.4 Comparators in Java 8 (23:51)
5.5 Arrays.setAll() (1:59)
5.6 Single Map Methods getOrDefault(), merge(), putIfAbsent() (7:47)
6. Refactoring Our Code to use map()/collect() in the Bronze Age
6.1 Refactoring ContainerConfig.getContainerPropsFromXML() (3:24)
6.2 collect() in UtilCache.values() (1:58)
6.3 map():collect() in UtilDateTime.getTimeZones() (4:03)
6.4 map():collect() in EntityJoinOperator.freeze() (1:35)
6.5 Collection.forEach() in EntityJoinOperator.visit() (0:21)
6.6 map():filter():collect() in EntitytFinderUtil.createCondition() (1:40)
6.7 map():filter():collect() in EntityDataLoader.getUrlByComponentList() (0:39)
6.8 map():collect() in DelegatorContainer.() (1:09)
6.9 map():sum() in OagisShipmentServices.oagisReceiveShowShipment() (4:20)
6.10 Arrays.setAll() in ShoppingListEvents.markCartItemsArray() (3:21)
7. Matching and Finding in Streams, Our Code is Nearing the Iron Age
7.1 Stream all:any:noneMatch() (2:06)
7.2 anyMatch() in MapContext.containsKey() (0:25)
7.3 allMatch() in FileUtil (1:43)
7.4 allMatch() in EntityJoinOperator.isEmpty() (0:24)
7.5 anyMatch() in ModelEntity.getHasFieldWithAuditLog() (0:43)
7.6 allMatch() in ModelEntity.areFields() (0:16)
7.7 collect() in ModelEntity.getFieldNamesFromFieldVector() (0:33)
7.8 anyMatch() in ProductPromoWOrker.hasOrderTotalCondition() (2:16)
7.9 Stream.findFirst:Any (1:57)
7.10 findFirst() in MapContext.get() (4:34)
7.11 Creating Stream from Spliterator in findFirst() in UtilObject.getObjectFromFactory() (3:38)
7.12 findFirst() in ModelRelation (0:58)
7.13 findFirst() in ShoppingCartItem (1:11)
7.14 findFirst() in LoadSale.selectedSale() (4:47)
7.15 Optional in OrderReadHelper.getShippableSizes() (5:00)
8. Finally, We Enter the Information Age (But a Monolithic One)
8.1 distinct() in PaymentGatewayServices.capturePaymentsByInvoice() (3:23)
8.2 filter():collect() in ContainerConfig.getPropertiesWithValue() (2:27)
8.3 map():sum() in UtilCache.getSizeInBytes() (4:23)
8.4 Deep Refactoring in UtilMisc.LocaleHolder.getAvailableLocaleList() (12:22)
8.5 filter():map():collect() in ModelGroupReader.getEntityNamesByGroup() (1:01)
8.6 map():reduce() in InvoiceServices.updatePaymentApplicationDefBd() (3:41)
8.7 Collectors.groupingBy() in ModelReader.rebuildResourceHandlerEntities() (4:58)
8.8 groupingBy():Checked Exception with ModelReader.getEntitiesByPackage() (13:42)
8.9 Creating Own Spliterator for NodeELResolver.getValue() (6:27)
8.10 Conclusion (1:11)
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Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to a fully paid course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. Furthermore, if we move to another platform, we will offer you a free transfer of your account for all the courses that you have purchased.
How many times can I cancel and rejoin a subscription course?
To prevent abuse, we limit the number of times that you can cancel and rejoin our subscription based courses to three times.
What is the difference between a subscription, paying in installments and an outright purchase?
With a subscription, you never own the rights to the material. If your card is declined or you cancel your subscription, you lose access to the course. The money you have paid so far is lost. Paying in installments is a bit better. You pay for 5 or 10 months and then once you have completed your installments you have lifetime access to the course. The safest is an outright purchase, where you pay the entire course in one amount. There is no risk of losing access.
Can I pay via PayPal?
Yes, you can for outright purchases, but not for recurring payments such as paying by installments or subscriptions.
Can I get an EU VAT Invoice?
Absolutely. First off, be sure to enter the VAT number in the appropriate field during the payment process. Then contact us for an EU VAT Invoice. Please tell us the receipt number for which you need the invoice.
May I share my login details with my colleagues?
Unfortunately not. The terms of usage are for a single license. Teachable tracks your progress through the curriculum, so you won’t know how much you have watched. We offer a 30% discount on 50 licenses or more by one company. Please contact us for bulk licensing.
May we use the course for running in-house courses?
You may, as long as each of the students in the class has a valid license for that course. For example, some companies run lunch time Design Patterns study groups using our material. This is an effective way to learn. Please contact us for bulk licensing.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund and deregister you from the course.
When does the course and finish?
The course s now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you and when you finish. We do recommend putting time aside and setting goals to complete the course.
Can I watch the course offline during my commute?
Teachable have an iOS app that lets you watch offline. Android is not supported unfortunately.
Read more: https://archive.is/bbOTy
Here’s What You’ll Get in Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – Refactoring to Java 8 Streams and Lambdas Online Self- Study Workshop
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