David Wygant – Undercover Approaches Women Crave
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He teaches you how to walk around a room so that everyone wants to talk to YOU. What I learned about Format File: [13 Audios (MP3) + 5 Videos (MP4) + 1 … File Size: 673.92 MB
David Wygant – Undercover Approaches Women Crave
The Ultimate VIP ‘Backstage Pass’…
“Eavesdrop On Me LIVE and UNCUT Going ‘Undercover’ In The Field As I Record Myself Approaching Real Women In Real Situations . . . And Learn Step-By-Step EXACTLY How I Do It . . .”
“. . . Then Look Over My Shoulder As I Break Down Real-Time Client Approaches, And Show You How To Create Your Own Unique Approaches, And Be A Master Communicator With Any Woman, Anywhere, Anytime.”
It is BY FAR the number one request I get from guys, and the perfect compliment for what you’re about to learn from the Fearless Code: “David, I want to hear what YOU say when you approach and talk to a woman…”
A lot of guys feel they will “get it” and better embrace the concepts about how to approach if they see me doing it.
As it turns out, there is a LOT of truth to this belief that “seeing” can lead to better “doing.”
By getting to listen and observe, you not only hear the “mechanics” (what I say and do), but also get a sense of what my energy was like — and what created chemistry in the interactions.
“Amazing Lessons About Life And Relationships . . . Made Me The Proud, Confident Person I Am Today!”
“I would just like to absolutely thank you for all of the amazing lessons about life and relationships! Looking for advice about girls, I stumbled on your site not knowing that it would change the way I look at my entire life and gain life lessons which I am truly grateful for.
I really like the way my life is right now. Not only in my relationships but in the way I look at life, how grateful I am for it and the knowledge which I have gained from you, and will continue to gain, it has definitely made me the proud, confident person I am today and for that I have got to say THANK YOU!
I’ve been thinking of writing to you for quite a while now because of the huge role you have played in my life. I admire how you continue to transform and change the way people look at and experience life the way it was meant to work. And also how damn entertaining you make all of your productions… it is real, which is what I love most!
Once again, a huge thank you for everything!”
Nate F.
Sydney, Australia
“Just The Preciseness And Articulation Of The Fundamentals You Put Out There Is Effective”
“Hey David, you’re an inspiration! Seriously, do you know why?
You are truly audacious, to-the-point, no bull-shit, natural, and honest with who you are and what you want to convey as a person.
Once I landed on your material it was absolutely fascinating. Just the preciseness and articulation of the fundamentals you put out there is effective.
To simply observe, pay attention to details, and really be curious, is the way to go! Is there really any other way to go about it?
It’s simple and amazing!
I’ve bought two of your products, and they’ve really helped me and I am truly grateful for the effort, heart time, and hours you’ve spent to make this something truly unique for yourself and US!”
Hon Y.
Santa Monica, CA
Now I think I do a pretty darn good job of explaining things already, but this is a totally different way to learn. (Those of you who are “visual” always retain the most this way, which is why this is perfect for the Fearless Code)
There is another reason (one that I don’t hear as much from guys, but which I know is a great SIDE EFFECT)…
By hearing me do everything I teach you to do, it shows you — LIVE and UNCUT in real situations with real women in the field — why all your fears and excuses about approaching are totally bogus!
(See, there is always a method to my madness!)
While my private clients get to be up close and personal when I approach women, a lot of you never get the opportunity to see it in person.
So I ended up doing something RADICALLY DIFFERENT…
…something that will be THE game changer for showing guys how to rid themselves of approach anxiety and become a MASTER COMMUNICATOR with women!
Presenting David Wygant’s…
Undercover Approaches Women Crave is a 4-PART, 11 VOLUME POWERHOUSE PROGRAM that is unlike anything you’ve ever seen . . . and will transform your confidence, and your ability to attract and connect with women in ways you never imagined.
Part 1: David Mic’d Up!
Audio Volume #1:
Live In-Field Approaches Part 1
Audio Volume #2:
Live In-Field Approaches Part 2
How would you like to listen to me approach and talk to women? How would you like to hear exactly what I say in every situation, so you can incorporate it in your own life?
Well, that’s EXACTLY what I did in this Part 1 of Undercover Approaches Women Crave.
I am mic’d up. Yes, I literally hooked myself up with a hidden microphone as I went all over town — approaching real women in all sorts of locations, from coffee shops, to grocery stores, to right on the street.
I had so much fun going out and being mic’d up. It was a blast walking through Barnes & Noble knowing I had a mic on, and knowing that I was creating something for you so you could listen to everything I was saying and doing.
It was fun, especially because the women had no idea that they would actually be helping to teach men all over the world how to connect with them emotionally.
You are going to hear me effortlessly talk to women, which will help to show you that YOU are just as capable of effortlessly talking and connecting with women emotionally.
Here is just a sampling of what’s in Part 1:
- Literally eavesdrop on me as I am mic’d up and approaching women all over town.
- Hear me open them, have conversations with them, close them, and escalate attraction with them in all sorts of different ways and situations.
- I approach women everywhere — from taxi stands, grocery stores, Starbucks, to right on the street — I am basically walking up to women in most of the everyday situations YOU will see women you’d like to approach
- Hear me open a woman at a coffee shop and totally intrigue her while in line for only a couple minutes. . . and just by using ONE simple observation (this is one you’ll want to start using TODAY!)
- Hear my voice tone, the pace of the conversation, and the “back and forth” of how I respond and react to everything they say and do.
- Listen to a woman approach ME after she notices me walking . . . and hear HER observational opener and my response to her — She is basically telling you EXACTLY WHAT WOMEN WANT (This one alone is worth the price of admission!)
- Think those hot single moms are impossible to approach? Think again! Listen to me open a hot single mom at Barnes & Noble and learn how I did it by including her kid in the conversation.
- Listen to how I open them naturally and confidently, and to how they respond to me in ways that lead to dates, sex, and more.
- Listen to me open a woman at a taxi stand . . . then share a cab with her, hang with her all night, escalate amazing attraction with her, and then close her at the end of the night
- After you listen to me approach and connect with women all over town, I’ll go through each interaction and break it down for you, so you will understand EXACTLY why I did and said each thing.
- I tell you how to make each of these interactions I had your own — you won’t be left to try and copy me — because you’ll understand the underlying psychology so that you can do all this yourself, with your own style.
- Listen as I take over a clothing store . . . and how the woman I approach still flirts with me even after she discovers the mic! (pay close attention to how I make this happen…)
- When I break down each approach, I show you exactly how you can tailor that approach and make it work for you.
- Hear how EASILY I close each woman, and learn why each and every woman gave me her phone number.
- This is UNPRECEDENTED and priceless access you don’t want to miss!
Part 2: David Shares His Personal Favorite Places, Approaches, & Closes!
Audio Volume #3:
My 20 Favorite Places Part 1
Audio Volume #4:
My 20 Favorite Places Part 2
Once you’ve listened to me live, in the field, approaching, conversing with and closing women in all different places, I’l then go through ALL OF MY PERSONAL FAVORITE PLACES TO MEET WOMEN.
I’ll show you the best approaches at each of these places, how to create your own killer unique openers, and what I have found to be great conversation topics in these places . . . PLUS some of my favorite, most effective closes.
You will be able to walk into any one of these 20 places confident and ready to meet any woman!
Here is a sampling of what I’ll cover:
- Learn my personal list of my 20 favorite places to meet women — and why I think they are the absolute best places to meet the most amazing women.
- Find out how to EASILY, naturally, and confidently approach and attract women in the places YOU GO EVERY DAY.
- Discover unique approaches, conversation topics and closes for each place… no more generic openers… ever!
- I break down and show you exactly how to make some of my all-time favorite openers uniquely yours, including the “tic tac toe” approach, the “grocery store checkout” approach, the “coffee shop question” approach, the “flight vs. invisibility” approach, the “cell phone vibration” approach, the “ummm last night was great” approach, the “do you want my dog” approach, the “scent/fragrance” approach, the “power of eavesdropping” approach, and the “bag of pretzels” approach
- I reveal secrets about meeting women in each of these places that most guys never think about… and which will make you stand out from all the other guys.
- Why you have LESS COMPETITION in these places than you think!
- Learn the best days, times, and parts of these places to meet women.
- Why – even though I use the word “approach” and “opener” – this is NOT like any of the canned, “cookie cutter” techniques flooding the “pick-up” and dating market now…
- Over 20 of my best opening approaches – including how to easily make each one YOUR OWN (you’ll NEVER hear me give you elaborate “canned” material and I will NEVER ask you to memorize a routine).
- How to make ANY approach come across as NATURAL and REAL… and make you appear to her as the CONFIDENT MAN that all women are looking for.
- I’ll also show you how to segue between topics in a conversation and how to use “portal words” to carry the conversation even further.
- Easy ways TO CONTINUALLY LEAD THE CONVERSATION and take it where it needs to go (most guys “wait” rather than lead, which is a HUGE turnoff for women!).
- The right way to bee-line right to what a woman wants to talk about . . . and how to compliment and make her feel special and attracted to you without EVER appearing desperate or needy (this is essential, and easily learned once you know the secret).
- Proven ways to naturally turn women on with YOUR personality, and how to create INTRIGUE and genuine interest just by listening.
- How to ALWAYS leave her wanting MORE of YOU after a conversation…
- PLUS much, much, more!
Part 3: Approach Anxiety Eliminated & The Secret To Being A Master Communicator
Audio Volume #5:
Overcoming Approach Anxiety Forever
Audio Volume #6:
Master The Art of Communication
The third part of Undercover Approaches Women Crave takes you through something truly transformational.
As you already know, the number one request I get is to see ME approach women, but bar none, the #1 PROBLEM AND FEAR that guys have is OVERCOMING APPROACH ANXIETY.
Whenever guys come to me and say they don’t know how to approach, or don’t know what to say, or they just don’t “get” how to connect with women — I immediately know it’s part of the same underlying problem: FEAR….AND NOT KNOWING HOW TO COMMUNICATE THE RIGHT WAY!
Approach anxiety and poor communication skills are the things that kill the dating life of guys more than anything else…and so I could not create Undercover Approaches Women Crave without including something amazing to show you how to conquer approach anxiety and how to develop the ability to be a master communicator.
Let me ask you this: Do you ever notice how some guys seem to have great, amazing women virtually fall into their lap…and they don’t even seem to be TRYING? How do they do it?
And what is it about certain guys — guys who seem seem to know exactly the right way to talk to a woman. “The way” to talk to women so women seem to almost BEG those guys for a date…
Do they know some secret trick or “magic words?” Do they just have that certain something with which they were blessed at birth? NOPE…
That’s it….seriously. And I’ll show you how to become one.
Hearing me approach and learning all of my favorite places to meet women is awesome, but to really make full use of it — and enjoy it — you need this piece to take you to the ultimate level — you need to learn how to ELIMINATE APPROACH ANXIETY and BECOME A MASTER COMMUNICATOR.
In this awesome Double Audio portion of Undercover Approaches Women Crave, you will listen to me show you how to do both…This is the ultimate “inner game” changer!
Just Imagine…
Get immediately download David Wygant – Undercover Approaches Women Crave
- NEVER again suffering from that “frozen” feeling where you absolutely cannot get yourself to approach a woman you REALLY want to meet?
- NEVER again struggling to find something to say when you approach a woman or worrying about finding the “right” thing to say?
- NEVER again spewing ridiculous “routines” and “pick-up lines” to women?
- NEVER again torturing yourself with self-pity, self-doubt and REGRET because you didn’t approach or talk to a woman you really wanted to meet.
- NEVER again going home alone or without the phone number of that woman you so badly wanted… simply because you didn’t have the guts to approach her.
- NEVER again feeling frustrated and helpless about approaching and talking to women.
- Being able to easily, comfortably, and CONFIDENTLY approach and enjoy connecting with ANY woman you want?
- Knowing EXACTLY what to say to any woman, anywhere, and in any situation.
- Imagine it feeling truly effortless — and eventually FUN — to walk up to any woman you want.
- Imagine not only knowing exactly what to say to any woman you want to talk to, but actually not having to even think about it EVER.
- I am going to show you step by step how this will be your reality… forever.
You will leave this part of Undercover Approaches Women Crave NOT only knowing how to “get past” your approach anxiety, but having GOTTEN RID OF IT once and for all —- and knowing how to connect and communicate with any woman, anywhere, anytime!
“Teaches You How to Become a Master Communicator”
“David teaches you how to become a master communicator in all situations. I spent a few hours with him in London. He taught me that it’s about creating a lifestyle. I walked around with David in my city and he knew more people than I did! It’s amazing!
He teaches you how to walk around a room so that everyone wants to talk to YOU. What I learned about escalating attraction, David, is the most powerful thing I’ve ever learned from any dating expert! I recommend Undercover Approaches Women Crave to ANYONE who wants to learn the art of attraction!”
Timothy D.
London, England
Why This is Totally Unique…
So why am I putting this in as the third part to Undercover Approaches Women Crave? Simple. This Program is all about taking things to the next level… no matter what level you are at now.
It grows with you, so that you can use it when you are first learning all the way until you are truly working on advanced techniques and becoming a Master Communicator.
I designed it that way . . .
And Part 3 is no exception.
- You’ll learn how to first start eliminating all the monkey chatter and negative voices in your head if you are a guy who is still struggling to approach women in general…
- All the way to confidently approaching women in more “advanced” or difficult situations, and how to be able to own ANY room (and master some of the high-level nuance techniques that will put you in the elite 3% of guys who are true Master Communicators).
No matter what level you are at now with communicating with women, this will be your blueprint for how to level up (and up and up and up!)
Part 4: Watch Me Break It All Down
Video Volumes #7, 8, 9, 10, & 11:
Live Approaches

I’ve designed Undercover Approaches Women Crave based both on what I’ve seen to be most effective and on what I have received literally hundreds of requests to do — to combine the two MOST EFFECTIVE and FASTEST mediums to create massive transformation . . . audio AND video.
In the first parts of Undercover Approaches Women Crave you listened to me approach, and teach you all the mindset you need to know. Now, in this final part of the Program, you will get the video part of the equation . . .
You will see me work with:
- Real clients
- Real interactions
- Real approaches
- Real conversations
- Real responses from women
And it all happens in REAL time…right before your eyes! It is like getting to be a fly on the wall as I work with real clients.
Here is a sneak peek into what are in these FOUR VIDEO VOLUMES:
- WATCH as I SHOW you everything you need to know about approaching and interacting with women by breaking down real client approaches right in front of your eyes — Yes, these are all breakdowns of LIVE, in-field approaches by real clients!
- See step-by-step what went right, what went wrong… and what each woman’s responses mean, and how to interpret them yourself
- Learn and watch clients doing “the book store approach”
- Learn and watch clients doing “the dog approach”
- Learn how to approach women who are with their mother (this is something most guys will NEVER know how to do!)
- Learn ALL the best strategies (and avoid all the biggest mistakes) for doing “the street approach”
- Learn how to notice opportunities everywhere — and MULTIPLY your opportunities to meet and attract women every day.
- When I break down each approach, I show you exactly how you can tailor that approach and make it work for you.
- This is the closest thing to being coached personally by me, but from the comfort of your own home!
You Can See That Undercover Approaches Women Crave Is Truly Incredibly Powerful Stuff!
Suffice it to say, you will learn EVERYTHING about how I approach, how I decide what to say, how I develop a conversation, how I escalate, and how I close….Yes, EVERYTHING. And you will see and hear it firsthand! Paired with the Fearless Code you will have the ultimate 1-2 punch to getting rid of your approach anxiety.
What I teach you in these 11 mega-volumes, I charge private clients thousands of dollars to learn.
Because I’ve been doing this for so long, I’ve been able to take the same information, distilled down to just the core of what you need to know to successfully approach any type of women, and put it together into one amazing package for you. And because I know many people — in fact most people — can’t afford thousan
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