David Wygant – The Girlfriend Manual
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Once I teach you the one simple “trick” that makes women obsess over you… getting a girlfriend will be so easy… other guys will be desperate to know your “secret!”
David Wygant – The Girlfriend Manual
Revealed: Experts Discover The “Scientific” Reason Women Fall In Love…And Today I’ll Show You How To Use It To Make THAT One Special Girl YOUR Girlfriend!
Once I teach you the one simple “trick” that makes women obsess over you… getting a girlfriend will be so easy… other guys will be desperate to know your “secret!”
Dear Friend,
This is Oxytocin…
Scientists call it “The love hormone” because it’s secreted in a woman’s brain and causes her to feel uncontrollable desire.
It’s what causes attraction in women… makes them fall in love… and creates their need for monogamy.
You see… you don’t need money, good looks, a fancy car, a great job or even a sense of humor to attract women.
You just need to know how to flood a woman’s brain with oxytocin, and she’s YOURS!
Want to know the secret to triggering the release of oxytocin?
Of course you do!
I’ll give it to you in a few moments, but first let me ask you a question…
Remember that high school kid?
He didn’t have a girlfriend to go with him to his senior prom so he asked her…
Yes her!!!
…to go with him.
And she actually said “yes”!
Unfortunately, because of scheduling her ‘yes’ turned out to be ‘no’. But you know who went with him instead?
Yes… her !
And what happened on prom night?
She tweeted they “had an AMAZING time together”.
If that pimple-faced teenager can get a Victoria’s Secret model to go to the prom with him, can you get the hot girl you see in Starbucks, in your office, on the subway, or at the supermarket… to go out with you?
You bet your ass you can!
See that kid knew how to release huge levels of Oxytocin in a woman’s brain.
I’ll let you know how to do it in a second, but let me ask you a question…
When you see an incredible girl… not just hot… but truly amazing… do you stand there looking at her and think… “If I could have this girl, if she was here next to me, holding my hand, if she looked at me across a room, telling me she loved me with her eyes … if she was my girlfriend, man, I could conquer the world.”
Does it feel like the girls you’re attracting are the ones you aren’t really into?
When you see an amazing girl you’re really attracted to – and you know she’s perfect for you… do you somehow think she’s better than you?
Are you afraid you haven’t had enough sex for a great girl?
You’ve never given a girl an orgasm, and think you won’t be good enough in bed?
If what you really want is to connect with one amazing girl… have a relationship… and make her your girlfriend. Then read every word on this page because it has the power to change your life!
If you want to know how to get any girl to fall in love with you… obsess over you… become addicted to you sexually… and be a loyal, loving, girlfriend… than this is the most important message you’ll ever read!
“The One Simple Mistake Stopping You Getting A Girlfriend?”
In a minute, I’m going to tell you the one mistake you’re making that’s holding you back from attracting the amazing girl you want, and having that special relationship.
Just in case you’ve not heard of me before… I’m David Wygant.
For over 20 years I’ve successfully coached thousands of men AND women on the subjects of dating, relationships, sex, and personal achievement.
I have clients from LA to London, and right through to Singapore.
You might have seen me featured on NBC, ABC, MTV, Fox, and CBS.
And I write for a ton of places like The Huffington Post, YourTango, Patti Stanger, and AskMen.
I have thousands of articles out there so if you’ve seen my name before that’s probably why.
Scientists “SHOCKING” Discovery About Women….
Science has discovered that women actually think about sex more often than men do. They fantasize more than we do and even masturbate more than men!
Hard to believe right?
The fact is… women almost never reveal that side of themselves because they don’t want people to think of them as cheap sluts.
How many times a day you think about sex, or masturbate?
Now picture the hottest girl you know, the one you fantasize about, one you would love to have as your girlfriend…
That girl… is hornier and has more explicit fantasies than you do. Believe it!
I’m going to show you how to turn the tables, how to make any girl you choose obsess over you and crave your company, desiring only to be your girl.
I’m going to teach you how to seduce her and drive her so wild in bed, she’ll never even think about another man.
First, do you know what ALL women have in common?
They want a boyfriend!
They’re just as lonely and horny as you are. The problem is… most guys are so busy worrying about themselves.
I’m going to teach you a ‘stupid little trick”… that triggers her brain to release oxytocin… making her feel high and becoming obsessed with getting more. It’s why women become obsessed with some guy… almost like an addict.
It doesn’t matter if…
- You haven’t really succeeded with women before…
- If you’re broke…
- Overweight…
- Bald…
- Don’t have a cool car…
- Even if you’re over 50!
Hell you could even be out of work… if you know this one simple trick… you can attract any woman… even the swimsuit models you THINK are out your league!
I’m going to tell you what the best-looking women surprisingly look for in a boyfriend… and how you can use this secret knowledge to make one of
these amazing girls your girlfriend.
And I’m going to give you the step-by-step manual to guide you through the entire relationship… from choosing her, seducing her, dating her, AND I even show you how to keep her.
Just so you know I understand how you feel, I need to tell you a story about me you might not have heard.
“I Couldn’t Get A Girlfriend Either Back Then…”
You see… before I was “David Wygant – world famous dating and relationship expert”… I was just David, a guy who wasn’t comfortable around beautiful women, had no confidence in my looks or myself in general and struggled to talk to any girl, whether I was interested or not.
My high school girlfriend wouldn’t have sex with me, but I was convinced she loved me and one day, she would give in. But she didn’t.
When I told her I loved her and would wait until she was ready, she broke up with me. I cried like a baby. I thought she was the only girl I would ever love.
In college, I finally did get a girl to have sex with me, but I was so nervous and it was over so quickly, she never returned any of my calls after that.
When I started to make money, I thought great girls were suddenly going to appear in my life, but it didn’t happen!
I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t meeting the girls I was really attracted to. I was a bartender, I was working out at the gym and I had upgraded to a nicer apartment.
I wanted to be one of those guys that exuded confidence, talked to girls easily and had one of those girlfriend’s that every guy would kill for.
I did get laid a little… but not with the kind of girls I wanted to be in a relationship with. They were ‘last call girls’, looking for a warm body at the end of the night.
I wanted a girlfriend so badly I even had one of them move in with me (That didn’t end well!)
I got frustrated because when I’d go out with a girl I actually liked, I was so nervous, each time I’d make the same embarrassing mistakes. I would go all out, spend a ton of money on flowers and dinner, I would complement her, tell her how beautiful she was… and never get a second date!
I wasn’t dating the girls I wanted and I got depressed. I thought I made a huge mistake. I considered giving up. But I still wanted to date fantastic girls.
And then… I met Tracey.
“I Thought I’d Found “The One”… Here’s Why I Was Dead Wrong!”
She’d just moved into my building and I would see her walking her dog early in the morning, when I came home from the bar. She was the quintessential girl-next-door.
Pretty, down to earth, smart, with an amazing body. Everything about her was perfect, or perfect for me, but somehow I believed I wasn’t good enough for her.
I offered to walk her dog while she was at work. She loved that idea and I did it for a week before I asked her out. She gave me the key to her apartment, and when I would go over to get the dog, I would imagine what it was going to be like when she was my girlfriend.
Finally, we made a date. I was so excited I went way overboard. Between, drinks, an expensive bottle of wine and dinner. I spent over $300… which at that time was a ton of money for me.
I was pretty nervous, and I got a little drunk, so I talked too much. I was desperately trying to connect with her but couldn’t think of things to say so I kept telling her how pretty she was. I was bummed out when she started to look bored by the middle of dinner. When I walked her to her door she told me she had fun and “we should do it again”, then gave me a kiss on the cheek.
The weird thing was, I was more convinced than ever that I was the right guy for her. I was anxious. I wanted to see her again, to get a chance to really be myself, to show her how great I was. I thought if I could make her my girlfriend, my life would be great. I called her a few times, leaving messages on her answering machine… no response.
I finally slid a note under her door, asking her if she wanted me to walk the dog… Nothing!
Finally, she called.
She was going away for the weekend and asked me to dog-sit. I jumped at the chance.
When I went over to pick up the dog, I looked around for anything that would help me get to know her better. I searched her bedroom for a diary.
No luck. In her nightstand, I found a magazine that had been dog-eared to a picture of a fantastic, summer, dinner table. Set with candles. flowers, champagne, caviar and lobsters. I wasn’t sure why she had saved the page, but it gave me an idea.
I was going to make this table for us, as a surprise, when she came home. I took the magazine with me.
I spent the weekend shopping at very expensive stores. Altogether the decorations and food cost me over $500, but I was sure it was going to be worth it.
I spent all of Sunday, preparing the food and the table. Around 9 o’clock, she hadn’t come home. I went to put the magazine back in her nightstand and must have dosed off on her bed.
“I’d Never Been So Hurt And Humiliated In My Life!”
I woke up and smiled when I heard Tracey’s voice, but suddenly my heart dropped. I heard a man’s voice. I went out into the living room and I saw them…
Tracey and this small, scrawny guy, rolling around on the floor half-naked!
I was stunned. My mouth opened but I couldn’t speak. I looked over at the table. They had drunk my champagne, eaten the caviar and started on the lobsters. Tears came to my eyes. I wanted to run but I was trapped.
Tracey was almost naked. If I didn’t say something fast I was going to be standing there watching them have sex.
“STOP” I blurted out. And… everything stopped.
They looked over at me and the look on Tracey’s face was pure horror. I thought she was embarrassed and was going to apologize but she was furious.
She started screaming at me, called me a ‘total loser’ and that she was going to call the police. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t catch my breath.
I don’t remember leaving her apartment and wanted to forget the whole thing, but I was reminded of that night, every time my credit card bill came.
It took me almost a year to pay it off. That was when I hit rock bottom
“Millions Of Guys Suffer From This Problem… But Not YOU After TODAY!”
If I had had a system, like ‘The Girlfriend Manual’, I could have avoided the whole mess. But I understand, this has been 20 years in the making.
During the year after Tracey, I had plenty of time to self-evaluate, figure out how I got into that situation and more importantly how to never be in it again. I seriously thought about giving up, but I still wanted a relationship… a girlfriend!
After a long journey of self-discovery, what I realized was that I had the exact SAME problem as millions of guys around the world. And it’s all rooted in our self-image. We subconsciously believe that we aren’t worthy of the girls we truly want, the ones that we could fall in love with and commit to.
And it’s not our fault. It’s the way we been programmed to see ourselves. If we don’t learn how to destroy this vision of ourselves, we’ll always be on the outside looking in.
It’s a paradox. It contradicts itself, but is true. We see these women as our ‘ideal’, yet we don’t see ourselves on their level. Strange right?
So we settle for what’s easy, and comfortable, not the girls we’re really into but the ones that approach us, the ones let us know for sure they’re interested and are waiting around at last call. The girls we can get – opposed to the ones we want.
Here’s what it looks like: Imagine your perfect girl… not hard to do right?
She’s perfect for you in every way. If you could make this girl want you, love you, crave you sexually, and be your girlfriend, your whole life would change. Right?
She’s giving you all the right signals, and she’s available, all you have to do is make the right move and she’s yours.
The trouble is she’s surrounded by a swarm of angry bees stopping you get to her…
All you have to do is get rid of that angry, swarm of bees.
They’re what’s separating you from your dream girl…
But how?
“All Guys Who Are Successful With Women Know THIS…”
What I’ve learned over time, is the ‘bees’ are ALL symptoms of your one MAIN problem…
Your ‘Queen Bee’ so to speak…
And just like the Queen, if you kill her, the rest of the bees go away. So… ‘kill’ this ONE thing… ALL your problems with women disappear, magically and the women you’re attracted to, become the ONLY ones in your life.
Do you look at guys that have great girlfriends, and think they know something you don’t?
There’s something about them that’s different from you?
You’re right. All I had to do was change one thing! And I went from being a guy that believed he had to settle for ‘last call girls’, to the guy that can approach, seduce and satisfy my ideal woman every time.
I killed the Queen Bee and I’ve dedicated my life to teaching guys exactly like YOU to do the same exact thing.
Listen, this way of thinking infects the rest of our lives like a plague. It clouds our thinking, affects our judgment and slows us down in every aspect … even our career. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, And costs us the most valuable thing we will ever have… Time!
I’m going to be brutally honest… that little voice inside your head, telling you you’re not good enough for that great girl … is right.
Until you believe it isn’t.
The common denominator in ALL great success stories, is, BELIEF. I would never have been able to become the man I am, to achieve the incredible life I have, if I didn’t learn to truly love and believe in myself.
That’s why the very first audio in ‘The Girlfriend Manual’ is about learning to love yourself.
Even if there weren’t 19 more audios… learning to love yourself is the most important thing you’ll ever do. Because without it, you have zero chance of getting a girlfriend, and the relationship you want and deserve.
Listen to this quote from Henry Ford: “The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t are both right. Which one are you?”
Think about that for a minute. If you’re okay continuing to live as a man who ‘thinks he can’t’, then you should stop watching right now. If you’re one of my subscribers, send me an email and I’ll take you off my mailing list because the truth is, I can’t help you.
But if you’re one of us, the guys who ‘think we can’, and you’re ready to make that mean something, I’m going to help you achieve your greatness, like I achieved mine.
The only thing you’re going to need, is the COURAGE to act today. I promise I will give you the rest.
It’s time to invest in yourself.
I’ve devoted my life to helping guys become the best version of themselves and teaching them to have confidence, to connect with any beautiful women they choose.
I get well paid to do it.
Private clients pay me over $10,000 for what I’m about to show you.
Introducing… “The Girlfriend Manual”
‘The Girlfriend Manual’ tells you what to do every step of the way. You’ll learn how to attract and date, how to seduce her and satisfy her in bed and how to make her feel important every day, so you’ll get the deep, lasting commitment from your dream girl you want.
This system will give you the confidence that women sense as soon as you enter a room and it brings them to you like a giant electromagnet.
As you learn the system, there will probably be a few special girls in your life, and eventually you’ll have to choose which one you want to be, ‘the one’.
‘The Girlfriend Manual’, takes you from where you are now, to the best most confident version of yourself, attracting and connecting with the girls you really want for the first time, dating, seducing and falling in love.
It’s a step by step system that takes you through living together, meeting her friends, how to propose, marriage, kids and beyond.
It’s the only dating and relationship system you can use literally for the rest of your life.
There 20 audio’s in all you can start using the minute you get her phone number, all the way through marriage and kids.
Even if you’re in a relationship right now, you can keep coming back to The Girlfriend Manual over and over again, like a mentor, for great advice and to hear what steps you need to be taking.
Here’s what’s in this incredible program:
VOLUME 1: Self- Love
In this powerful volume, you’ll discover the importance of learning to love yourself. You’ll learn the secrets to overcoming your past, and I’ll show you how to stop bad experiences with girls holding you back from meeting your perfect girl. You’ll discover…
- Why you’ll never get a girlfriend until you know THIS about yourself
- Why “perfection” is a turn off to girls
- The “weird” reason your bald-spots, acne, or short legs will drive women wild with desire
- 2 Simple techniques to help you cope with your past and get over your ex
- The one mindset you MUST adopt before you can start dating 9’s and 10s
- How to create the ultimate version of yourself from head to toe
- Why you need to make “friends” with the mirror
- And a whole lot more…
VOLUME 2: Why Vulnerability And Authenticity Are Hot To Women
If you think you have to be Mr. Tough Guy to attract that beautiful girl into your life, think again. In this volume, I’ll teach you about how to use authenticity and vulnerability to make yourself stand out from all the other guys out there…
…And how to show any girl you desire that you’re pure, hot, sexy, red-blooded boyfriend material, even if she’s already rejected you! I’m going to show you…
- How to figure out what you really want…and why you need to know BEFORE you get a girlfriend
- What to do when a woman tries to change you… without turning her off or pushing her away
- Why authenticity turns girls on… and how to demonstrate you have it in 3 simple ways
- Most guys think vulnerability is crying over soppy movies… It isn’t… but THIS is the kind of vulnerability girls adore
- The one “pickup line” it IS ok to use… and why it drives women crazy for you!
- How to make girl’s feel safe and protected… by showing them you’re afraid!
- Why it’s good to show your emotions as long as you don’t do THIS!
- And a whole lot more!
VOLUME 3: How to Know if She is The One
The last thing you want to do is spend all your time and effort chasing girls who aren’t any good for you. In this volume, I’ll show you how to spot the girls you’ll truly connect with, and how to spot the signs of girls who will cause you nothing but trouble!
You’ll also discover…
- What does “The One” mean anyway and does she even exist?… I reveal the surprising truth
- Why you have to follow the “One Year Rule” or risk having your heart smashed!
- Why “drugs” are clouding your vision of who she is… and how to find out whether you connect with the REAL girl inside
- My foolproof relationship checklist that tells you instantly whether she’s girlfriend material
- How to discover what you really want in a woman… the answer lies within your own mind
- How to get the girl YOU desire… rather than the leftovers no other guy wants
- And a whole lot more
VOLUME 4: How to Create Great Dates</sp
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