Craig Ballantyne – Social Story Selling System
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How You Can Use “Social Story Selling” To Make $1,000’s Of Dollars Per Week From As Little As 300 Followers
Craig Ballantyne – Social Story Selling System
Dear Entrepreneur,
How would you like to wake up to new sales, dozens of leads, and direct messages from highly qualified prospects that want to buy everything you offer?
Go from zero to hero in your market and watch your bank account grow so FAST you’ll be able to say SCREW IT to the 9-to-5 and have TRUE financial freedom.
Grow your business and make money while in line at the grocery store, in the back of an UBER, and even when you’re stuck at the airport?
Stop CHASING clients and have them practically BEGGING to work with you?
I have great news for you…
If you want to learn how to turn followers into dollars while doing what you love then you’re in the right place.
The Instagram secret you’re going to discover today blows every other selling system out of the water.
You’ll be able to make money as you…
Enjoy drinks with your friends at happy hour
Cruise the beautiful islands of the Mediterranean
Play with your kids when they get home from school
Walk the streets of Rome tasting the finest gelato
Explore beautiful countries while on vacation with your spouse
Let me tell you the story of how I stumbled on the Social Story Selling Formula that revolutionized my business, and the lives of my personal clients.
It All Started With A $5,000 Uber Ride…
I had just finished one of my business mentorship workshops and was on the way to the airport.
While sitting in the backseat of an UBER, I posted a picture of the workshop group on Instagram. Within minutes the post was flooded with comments and likes.
As I was scrolling through and replying to the messages, I noticed that a few people liking the post needed to be at one of my upcoming workshops.
It was exactly what they needed to have the breakthroughs they were looking for in their business, and I knew if they would come to one of my events it would change everything for them.
So I sent them a direct message based on the script that I’ll tell you about later. The same message that’s been refined, tweaked, and proven to work in all markets for all products and services.
Within FIVE MINUTES of sending that message, one of them bought a $5,000 ticket to my event… all while I was sitting in the back of an Uber.
That was a life-changing moment for me (and soon you’ll have one of these moments too).
I’ve gone on to sell over $500,000 worth of coaching in 12 months using Instagram the way I’m going to tell you about today.
But let’s be clear about something… I had NO business doing this.
I’m not a tech guy, or a social media growth guru. Heck, I just got an iPhone three months before that Uber ride, and yet now I’m known as the “King Of EPF,” which is short for the “King of Earnings Per Followers.”
Up until that point in my life I was just a simple farm boy from Canada who started his first business as a personal trainer. I wasn’t no sales guru or a “shark”.
I was raised to open doors for old ladies, pick up my trash, and work hard.
No one taught me how to sell. Money was considered BAD in my family, and I struggled because of that.
For years I thought you had to be tricky and sneaky to sell on the Internet because that’s what all the top marketers were teaching… “33 sneaky headlines… 12 slimy email tricks… 7 hacks to con people into buying.” I hated it. It never sat well with me.
All that being said, I did okay up to this point with an honest approach to business… and I made multiple 7 figures in the fitness industry, but I recently “retired” because the marketing claims in the weight loss world were becoming too outrageous for me to stomach.
That’s when I went off and wrote a new book and started coaching entrepreneurs on how to grow their businesses without sacrificing their souls.
I’ve always believed there was a way to be a nice guy and finish FIRST.
That led me to Instagram, that fateful post, and this letter to you.
If I can do it, and my clients can do it, you can do it too.
Social Story Selling
Will Change Your Life
Mark this day in your calendar…
Because today is the day EVERYTHING in your life changes for good.
The amount of money you make, the vacations you take, the house you live in, and the car your drive will never be the same.
Like my client Zander who generated $42,000 in sales in one month, or my client Wayne who bought his dream house after learning how to use Social Story Selling.
And I’ll show you some examples of this in a second.
But first I want you to realize that today is the day you discover how to turn wasted time into BIG MONEY in just 90 seconds per day with your Instagram account.
Make no mistake — you will remember this day for the rest of your life…
You’re going to see how you can turn your Instagram account into a cash machine.
How you can get rich by playing by Instagram’s rules and never have to worry about getting your account shut down or banned.
Social Story Selling is like an ATM for honest people. It’s completely changed my life and my business and I know it will do the same for you.
Let me prove it to you in this quick story about my client, Wayne.
Everything Changed When I Showed
A Struggling Personal Trainer
My Instagram Secret
Wayne’s life is probably similar to yours.
He’s hard-working. He’s great at what he does. His clients and team members love him.
But in the past, as you know, just being a good person didn’t guarantee financial success.
He had tons of bills from his own business and from supporting a growing family— a family that included a beautiful 2-year old daughter that he wanted to spoil.
As you can imagine, Wayne was working all the time and sacrificing everything.
Many nights he found himself working through dinner and getting home late. His wife was upset, their marriage was strained, and his daughter was already asleep when he walked in the door.
Wayne hated this feeling. But he was struggling to make ends meet, so he had no choice. He had to do everything he could to keep the lights on… and if that meant working ridiculous hours, that’s what he would do.
Then one day, everything changed for Wayne when he stumbled upon my Instagram stories.
I say stumbled upon, but in reality, there was more to it than that.
You see, Wayne got sucked into my world because of my Social Story Selling Formula. It’s a little method I use to grow my following by thousands of people each month without trying to use hacks or gimmicks.
Once Wayne was in my world, he quickly realized that no one else was doing what I was doing.
He started hearing about all of the other “average” people just like him who were using my social media “spells” to get more clients and make more money, all without sacrificing their personal lives.
So Wayne decided to track me down.
The truth is, he didn’t have much of a choice anymore…
Unless Wayne wanted to keep working all hours of the night and never see his family something needed to change.
When we finally met in my penthouse suite overlooking the city of Toronto, he begged to know exactly how he could use my secret to grow his business.
At first I was reluctant. I get DMs every day from people asking for my secrets, but few people do anything with them.
But Wayne was persistent and wanted to show me he was committed to success so he put up $5,000 to promise me he would follow through.
We sat down for six hours in my penthouse and I revealed every one of my secrets for turning Instagram into a money making machine in 90 seconds or less per day.
You’ve never seen a man so excited.
So he rushed home and told his wife…
And she was furious.
In her eyes, he’d just wasted one of his few days off with a complete stranger when he could have been with his family. On top of that, he spent $5,000!
Wayne knew that he only had one option; to make it work. There wasn’t a ‘Plan B.’ Not anymore.
So at 5am the next day, Wayne used the Social Story Selling Formula for the first time.
He followed my step-by-step plan for 7 days straight.
By the end of the week, he’d made $1,000 from Instagram.
By the end of the month, he’d made $5,000.
Five months later, Wayne was banking $15,000 every single month.
And by the end of the year?
At the rate he’s growing, Wayne will have banked over $130,000 from using this system.
And it gets better, too.
Wayne’s wife isn’t furious anymore. Because of this proven system, he’s been able to cut back his work hours, spend more time with his family, and move out of his tiny, cramped apartment…
…and into the dream home that he and his wife thought they could never afford.
Wayne’s life has done a complete 180.
Today you’re going to learn the same secret I used to make this all possible.
This secret is THE way for the “good guys” to win.
Forget the past when nice guys (like Wayne) and gals finish “last.”
Today is the day that everything is going to change for you, just like it did for Wayne.
Today is the day you FINALLY find out how to make money with social media.
If you have as little as 300 followers… you can earn thousands every single week.
And if you have 10,000+ followers, this is one of the easiest ways to crack the 7-figure mark with an Online Business.
From now on, “Nice guys finish first!”
Because the bad guys are getting punished. For example…
Did You Know Most
Instagram Growth Strategies
Are Hurting You?
No one is telling you this…
The majority of the “grow your Instagram” products and courses are digging you into a deep dark hole where you don’t want to be.
They’re pushing you to chase the wrong numbers. The numbers that don’t actually help you make money from Instagram.
They want you to fight for followers, spend hours editing pretty pictures, beg for shoutouts, and scam the system.
This doesn’t work anymore!
The only person that makes money by telling you that you need more pretty pictures are the people selling the courses on how to make pretty pictures. You don’t need it.
Some of the smartest people in America are tirelessly working in Silicon Valley to stop people from trying to game the system.
Cheating doesn’t equal dollars in your bank account. It just means a BANNED account.
Following those tricks is the fastest way to waste your time, get frustrated, get burned out, LOSE MONEY, and get your account DELETED forever.
When that happens, you throw away every minute, hour, and ounce of energy you spent on Instagram, likely to never get it back again.
Trust me, I’ve seen this happen with hundreds of people. I don’t want it to happen to you too.
Instagram is standing up for The Good Guys.
They’re making it easier for us to win and by using the system I’m going to tell you about today, you’ll be able to do that faster than ever.
Turn Hundreds of Followers
Into Thousands of Dollars Per Week
Listen, this isn’t another out-of-date course about how to get more followers by begging and bugging other people (besides, as I mentioned, that doesn’t work).
This is for people who need to keep the lights on in their business… who need the money to save their marriage and stop fighting over finances.
This is for the business owner that wants to make money while being able to help and impact people.
If you’re sick and tired of trying to be fancy and motivational on Instagram and not getting anywhere, if you’re confused and cluttered, then you can relax.
You’re in the right place. You’re about to make SERIOUS money with the this Social Story Selling Formula.
You’re about to join the new way of using Instagram…
…where you play by the rules and get rewarded for it.
…where changes to the platform are a GOOD thing because you’re using Instagram how it was meant to be used.
And when you do then you’ll realize…
If You’re NOT Earning $2 Per Follower Per Week on Instagram… You’re Doing Something Wrong.
You already know the problem with getting followers is that it’s not a guaranteed way to get money. It’s just a guaranteed way to get more followers.
And now you know you suck in LOW-QUALITY people into your world like a vacuum. People who will never buy a thing and bots that SPAM your page.
Instead to need to learn how to connect, communicate and sell to your followers.
This is the ONLY way to make real money, and the EPF formula teaches you exactly how to do it.
EPF stands for “earnings per follower.”
When you follow the exact formula I give you and use video the right way, your Instagram stories and feed will magically find its way in front of your perfect fans and future clients.
The algorithm will naturally help you get the right followers. Real followers, not bots!
People that will PAY money and pay attention.
People who will be blowing up your direct messages begging to sign up with you and buy your product.
The ONLY THING you need to know is that EPF is THE Formula to Get Money NOW.
You don’t need 100,000 followers…
You don’t need 10,000 followers…
Heck, you don’t even need 1,000 followers…
to make money on Instagram TODAY.
Here’s the trick…
The EPF Formula will get you rewarded by Instagram!
When you play NICE on Instagram, you will become one of their favorite children. When that happens, you’ll be able to make money, anywhere, anytime.
When I show my private clients the EPF Formula and Social Story Selling System they always say “Craig, I’ve never seen anyone doing what you are doing.”
That’s because nobody is showing you how to do what I’m doing.
“Craig Ballantyne is the King of EPF, and he’ll show you how to get thousands of dollars from your followers using something you are already doing every day. No one else has figured out Instagram like Craig. If you’re not using his Social Story Selling System, you’re leaving massive amounts of money on the table.” – Bedros Keuilian
“Craig, what you’re doing is totally unique and brilliant. Thanks for sharing and leading the way. This is a game changer for everyone trying to make money online.” – Eelco DeBoer
Email Marketing Is Dying
And Social Story Selling Is Taking Over
The truth is, email marketing is dying.
A good friend of mine just put on a $25,000 seminar teaching high-level entrepreneurs and professional email copywriters how to get email delivered.
You can’t just hit send. You have to invest loads of money just to learn how to get emails into someone’s inbox!
That goes to show what’s happening with email and I’m not just saying this because I don’t like email.
I’ve built multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses with the help of email, so when I first started feeling the backlash of this dying marketing system, I was worried.
Not anymore. Social stories are the NEW email marketing.
The Social Story Selling System I’m going to tell you about has quickly replaced it and passes every test with flying colors.
You’re probably wondering, “Wait, what about Facebook!?”
If you haven’t noticed, Facebook is a DEAD zone.
They don’t even allow your fans to see your content unless you PAY.
Instagram is in a Golden Age, and I can show you how to use it properly and profitably.
The Social Story Selling Formula Gives You
A Proven Social Cash Machine System With Done-For-You Tools To Turn Followers Into $$$
You’re about to discover an entirely different, nearly done-for-you approach to making money with IG that turns followers into dollars…
So that you don’t become another “me-too” Instagram account with 25k, 100k, or 250k followers that only makes $500 a month.
Instead, I’ll show you how to turn the tables and turn hundreds of followers into thousands of dollars every week in just 90 seconds a day…
Get Download Craig Ballantyne – Social Story Selling System Right Now!
Here’s What You’ll Get in Craig Ballantyne – Social Story Selling System
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