Chuck Smith – Powerful Profits from Probate Audio CD Set
$497.00 Original price was: $497.00.$59.00Current price is: $59.00.
Download available within 1-2 hours. Well, with Probate to many it just seems so foreign and right off the bat novice investors will think, “That is probably a mess to know about all the legalities involved.” Absolutely nothing could be farther from the truth.
Chuck Smith – Powerful Profits from Probate Audio CD Set
Dear Friend,
What exactly is Probate you ask? Other than it’s simply being the hottest real estate deal arena in the world. It’s simply a legal process. It is a legal process primarily for the benefit of credits.
When someone passes way, Probate is a state regulated process to make sure assets of the deceased are fairly distributed. Interested as well as disinterested parties involved in the probate of an estate will be some of the most motivated sellers you will ever encounter.
One of the reasons I am more successful than my so called competition, as are my students, is that we do things differently. Probate is the least understood area of real estate investing. Haven’t you ever heard, “Oh, you can’t do anything with that property because it’s in Probate”? Most people think it’s a long, drawn out legal process…and it was until I simplified it.
At that point you probably dismissed the idea figuring that someone else was right and to just move on. Don’t get down on yourself at this point because I also for years let many, many deals that were right under my nose slip away because I thought it was too complicated. In fact, if you listen and believe all those so-called “nay-sayers” then you’ll be at the same point of despair like them. Being around closed-minded individuals that want to drag others down to their level is nothing more than selfishness.
What your goal and focus of being a bona-fide real estate investor is to find deals AND profit from them in situations that the masses can’t. Why can’t they? Well, with Probate to many it just seems so foreign and right off the bat novice investors will think, “That is probably a mess to know about all the legalities involved.” Absolutely nothing could be farther from the truth.
Some of the most motivated sellers you’ll ever come across in your entire life will be found through Probate deals! It is like found money to the heirs and if you can buy quickly…the Probate/Estate attorneys will be begging you to buy!!!
Whenever investors get together to swap stories along with all the real estate clubs I speak at… there are questions that come up over and over again when someone tells about that “steal deal” they just made:
- Where did you find the deal?
- Where did you get your financing for the deal?
Can I just be brutally honest about being truly successful in real estate? (I don’t know how to be any other way)…Being successful in this business in 90% marketing to find the deals! If you have a truly great deal, then the money is ALWAYS available. I mean if you’ve got a property under contract for 60% on the dollar in a prime neighborhood needed no repairs…then the path to success is laid before you.
These are exactly the type of “no-brainer” opportunities in Probate that are available. In fact, getting tangled up on having your “financing” set up before you can start making offers on properties and looking at deals is a MYTH!
You may know a million creative ways to control a piece of real estate, but if the deal is marginal then you only have a burden. In Probate there are many, many deals to be made and having financing lined up is the last thing you will need to make significant quick cash and/or getting properties with huge chunks of equities.
Get immediately download Chuck Smith – Powerful Profits from Probate Audio CD Set
#1 Well, if you’re like the other 90% of real estate investors I talk with then you probably just didn’t know opportunities for home-run deals in Probate. This is called LACK OF COMPETITION! Don’t try to convince others about the great deals you’re finding in Probate. Just let them keep posting “I Buy Houses” ads doing the same thing month after month expecting to get different results…this literally is the definition of insanity! I have been preaching this for years.
#2 You don’t need financing or years of expertise to profit handsomely in Probate. When truly great deals are lying in front of you, there is just no need to see if you have a 650 credit score if you can buy…or rather CONTROL the profit potential of a property. In profiting through Probate you only need your good looks to pick up huge chunks of equity or quick-turn the deal into some serious cash…month after month.
#3 In Probate there are many, many profit centers that almost the entire investor community is unaware of. You will have the opportunity to CONTROL thousands and thousands of dollars worth of assets for your property. This is simply called “speculating” and has been around since man started bartering for goods.
One of my top students made $200,000 on one property.
Dear Chuck,
As you may recall, we meet at a Ron LeGrand boot camp in 1998 where you did a presentation about your success in Real Estate. I was making okay money in Real Estate at the time but nothing like you were making.
I owned several business and all the headaches and risk that goes along with them. I had over 100 employees and 36,000 sq. Ft. of warehouse space along with 5,000 sq. ft. of office space. The only people that had a guarantee that they would get paid were my employees. Don’t misunderstand me I enjoyed my businesses and received 2 high profile awards from RSI magazine were I grossed 5 million in sales and Entrepreneur of the Year from Stark County Chamber of Commerce. However, out of all the money my business made per year I took home a very small portion. I was working 16 hour days and all the risk and liabilities. I wanted a business that would not only give me financial independence but time off to enjoy life as well.
I attended countless boot camps and studies many courses on Real Estate but always felt there was something missing. When I heard your presentation I was totally amazed at your system, it ran like a machine much like a franchise does.
I purchased your system and never looked back. Using your system I now average $200,000 per year and believe me I could make more, But I enjoy spending time with my son and enjoying all the other things I was unable to do in my past business life.
I enclosed a few copies of checks as proof.
Thank you very much
Dan Buxton
I am the only guru that shows copies of checks!
Ask yourself why the others don’t?
Here are some of Dan’s checks…
Joe is one of the nicest guys on the planet. I am proud to have him as a student and honored he’s a friend.
► “The” Marketing program proven to consistently bring you deals month after month. It runs on auto pilot.
► Knowing how to effectively pre-screen during the Probate process for truly great deals.
► Novice to advanced techniques in negotiating great deals in Probate.
► Be able to key into great Probate deals even though you aren’t a Probate attorney of 20 years.
► Find out how to use laws designated for creditors to be your ticket for profit.
► Get the REAL SCOOP on why in Probate you will find some of the most motivated sellers you’ll ever come into contact with on the plant.
► Having all the financing you’ll ever want right at your fingertips.
► Find out how to know exactly to the dollar on what your seller values a property. This is HUGE in the game of negotiating!
► Know how to effectively and quickly evaluate repairs for your Probate offers.
► Match up your skills against ALL the profit centers in Probate for deals your competition only dreams about.
► Find out how-to make Win-Win situations that put deposits in your bank account.
► Be able to evaluate when and where you’ll need professional advisement.
► Knowing when to work with the Probate system rather than against it.
► Become a one-day AUCTIONEER putting cold hard cash in your pocket for simply being at the right place at the right time – luck has nothing to do with it!
► Learn how to use your IRA to fund all the buy & hold deals you could ever want.
► Collect HUGE paydays from simply referring needy (sometimes greedy) heirs wanting quick cash.
► Be able to work deals from A to Z in Probate. No fluff and just for the serious in real estate investing.
► Discover what it feels like to all of the sudden be perceived as “the only game in town”!
► You’ll learn the first steps necessary to get the ball rolling and on less than a shoe-string budget.
► I’ll reveal the detailed probate process explained in “layman’s” terms; easy to understand.
► Find out how to eliminate any fear you have talking with potential sellers learning how to be sympathetic and creating win-win situations at the same time.
Will This System Actually Work For You?
I guarantee you there will absolutely be no results if you do not apply the techniques and principles I teach. However, the exact flipside of that is that if you will take the commitment as I have outlined then quite frankly “yes” the success you can expect and then some is available right now.
See, my approach in real estate is NOT chasing dead-end marketing deals and techniques that are so common they’re overused. This is exactly why this entire system is predicated upon simply being able to follow the “footsteps” that I and other select investors have followed.
Many of you have regular jobs and simply do not have the time nor want to put forth the effort UNLESS you’re absolutely sure there will be profitable results. Time is the most important commodity you posses. My system teaches you how Probate can be an integral part of your real estate business or in fact your SOLE real estate business to reach your personal financial goals.
In Summary, Here’s the Complete System and Exactly What You Get:
You will receive:
#1 You will receive not just a manual but a VERY comprehensive text material with absolutely the most cutting-edge and innovative techniques geared especially for the independent real estate investor.
#2 Complete accompany CD audio series. The audio series will reinforce and compliment the comprehensive text material so that you will be guaranteed to have a thorough understanding of Probate estate investing.
#3 “Forms” Diskette – All the necessary legal forms, documents, contracts and examples with be accompanied and to be personalized for YOUR Probate profit deals.
That’s right as some of the elite authors and investors have already told me that at that price I’m a fool! While others are selling real estate information MUCH more than my system…the bottom-line is I feel that you should NOT have to pay thousand of dollars for a quality real estate education.
To say my system will change your life is an understatement. After reading it, you will never look at the world the same again. It’s an interesting thing when you finally have the power to make your financial dreams come true. When you can really afford to take care of your family the way they deserve. When you are genuinely able to help people in need.
Get immediately download Chuck Smith – Powerful Profits from Probate Audio CD Set
Since, getting into this business I’ve had the opportunity to help my family, help my friends, and to even help out my church. But now, I’m offering to help you. I don’t honestly know how long I’ll be in the seminar business because I really don’t need the money.
My real estate business makes me all the money I need and then some. I don’t need the extra hassle of trying to convince people that my systems work. I know my systems work. It has worked for me. It has worked for others. And I know it will work for you.
I look forward to helping you fulfill your financial goals. Together we can make this program work for you. I’ll give you my best if you promise to give this thing a try and really go for it. I want you to succeed.
Your Friend In Prosperity,
Chuck Smith
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