Casey Research International – Going Global 2014
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(Download available within 12-24 hours)I think I’ve presented more than enough compelling arguments on why you should diversify, diversify, diversify—across different countries, brokers, exchanges, currencies, banks, and asset classes.
Casey Research International – Going Global 2014
Going Global 2014
Dear Reader,
“Remember, your government… considers you a milk cow. And history has shown, if they need to, they’ll use you as a beef cow, as well.”
–Doug Casey,
Internationalizing Your Assets
If you’re alarmed by the growing threat—from your own government—to your financial health and personal freedom, I can’t blame you.
You are undoubtedly well aware of the avalanche of new laws, taxes, and regulations that have recently passed or are in the works. While individually they may each seem small, added together they pose a threat to your future prosperity.
In fact, I’m afraid that as budgets are shrinking and deficits rising, desperate grabs for the money of taxpayers and depositors will only accelerate.
Numerous recent examples around the world show that capital controls, tax hikes to 60-70% of your income, debt monetization, the nationalization of IRAs and other pension vehicles, and many other destructive options can and will be used by cash-strapped governments.
No matter how well you think your money is protected, how sure can you really be?
Fortunately, it’s not too late to take action to protect yourself from an out-of-control government… and there are many practical and easy strategies you can implement without ever leaving home.
The 7 Pillars of Global Investing and Internationalization
Many mainstream investors think that buying a couple of stocks trading on Canadian exchanges or adding another mutual fund is diversification. But they’ll be the ones hurting the most when the economic tsunami hits.
But this hurting doesn’t have to happen to you.
Most people know of the general investment benefits of not having all your asset eggs in one basket. This portfolio-diversification concept—investing in multiple asset classes—also applies to the political risk associated with your home country. It is a risk few people think about diversifying.
Doug Casey has said over and over that spreading your political risk beyond a single jurisdiction is the single most important thing he can recommend today.
In short, internationalization is prudent because it frees you from absolute dependence on any one country. Achieve that freedom, and it becomes very difficult for any country to control you.
While diversifying political risk is something that everyone in the world should strive to achieve, it goes double for those who live under a government that is sinking deeper into fiscal trouble (e.g., most Western governments).
So let me tell you about the seven best ways to TRULY diversify your assets and yourself that you’ll find in our book-length GOING GLOBAL 2014 report.
I’ll tell you more in a moment, but here’s a brief overview for starters:
Foreign Bank Accounts for Americans Still Possible
Where and how to open a bank account outside of the US (yes, it’s still possible, but time may be running short).
Where to Buy and Store Gold Internationally
Crooked vs. honest dealers and how to recognize them. Storing your metal: the safest jurisdictions in the world.
Internationalizing Yourself
Having a second passport or a bolt hole in another country is a great benefit – we’ll tell you how and where to get one, and how to go about buying foreign real estate. Also in this section: the 12 most popular countries to move to.
Outsourcing Your IRA
Gain more money and freedom by opening up a “self-directed” IRA; how forming an offshore LLC or a foreign trust can splendidly work in your favor.
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Foreign Annuities and Life Insurance Policies
A safe way to diversify your assets internationally–with all the perks of domestic products, including tax deferral and tax-free withdrawals.
Foeign Stocks and Funds
How to assemble a portfolio that can really protect you… Stocks, funds, and some other investments your bank account will love.
How to Properly Diversify with Currencies
The top five foreign currencies to root for… and the #1 secret most investors never even consider (but should).
And as a bonus, learn how to internationalize and shield your digital presence, offering protection from hackers and the NSA snoops.
Most of these are opportunities your broker or financial adviser won’t tell you about, simply because they’re beyond his realm of expertise.
But diversifying in the way I outlined above is now more important than ever.
Because what’s hampering your ability to acquire wealth and keep it is the endless meddling in your life by the US government… providing handouts and bailouts to the undeserving… racking up trillions of dollars in debt that can never be paid back… passing countless new restrictions, regulations, and taxes… and in the process wrecking the US economy and impoverishing the productive part of the population.
But outright taxation is not the only form of tax…
Dollar Devaluation
—Inflating Your Money Away
Peter Schiff calls it the “inflation tax.” Doug Casey calls it “theft by printing press.”
If you’ve been following the Federal Reserve’s insane money printing (or, in government-speak, “quantitative easing” or “QE”), you know that the grand plan of our masters in Washington is to inflate their way out of the unsustainable debt they’ve piled up over the last decade.
100% committed to the destruction of the dollar…
“The Federal Reserve is now 100% committed to the destruction of the dollar. Anyone with wealth in the US dollar should be concerned that economic leadership is firmly in the hands of irresponsible bureaucrats who are committed to an ivory tower version of reality that bears no resemblance to the world as it really is.”
—Peter Schiff
At the start of 2014, the Fed’s balance sheet stood at $4.06 trillion—though that was before “QE4eva” started, which obliges the Fed to buy $45 billion of US Treasuries per month.
And while Fed Chairman Bernanke is spreading his “helicopter money” around, your dollars are losing purchasing power every day.
Right now this trickle-down loss is so gradual that most savers and investors are not even aware of it. But if you want to know how much value the US dollar has really lost, here’s another eye-opening chart for you:
As the Fed’s excessive money printing continues, rampant inflation—perhaps even hyper-inflation—is baked in the cake. And if it stops printing, the US government is going to drown in its own debt.
It’s the classic “rock and a hard place” scenario. Whatever happens from here on out, there is a very good chance that the whole US economy could come crashing down, and soon.
That’s why you should start internationalizing your assets right away. Remember, the prepared are spared.
Of course I—along with the entire Casey Research team—hope that we’re wrong in our dire predictions. But we also believe that it’s better to be overprepared than unprepared… and wiped out.
And I assure you, the odds for a worst-case scenario are rising by the day.
In a moment, I’m going to tell you more about how to best internationalize your wealth—but first, allow me to briefly introduce myself…
Taking Lessons from the
“International Man”
My name is Olivier Garret, and I’m working with the original “International Man,” Doug Casey, founder and chairman of Casey Research.
Doug is not just a well-known contrarian investor and self-made multimillionaire, he is also a true citizen of the world. In the 1970s, he wrote The International Man, a book on investing and living in foreign countries. His next book was the acclaimed Crisis Investing, which became the best-selling financial book in 1980.
Today, Doug is a sought-after speaker at investment conferences across North America, and usually it is standing room only during his speeches.
Here’s something else about Doug: his unique expertise makes him the master of diversification—the kind of diversification that can truly make a difference for your life and wealth. And over the years, he has established a network of specialists that are cut from the same cloth.
Move a significant portion of your assets out of your home country…
By far the most effective way to ensure your personal and financial freedom is to have your citizenship in one country, your bank and brokerage accounts in another, your residence in another, and your business activities everywhere else. That’s an ideal, of course, and it isn’t practical for most people.
What is practical for everybody, and totally necessary, is to move a significant portion of your assets out of your home country. . . .
The storm that’s just now breaking has been building for a long time. It’s not too late to take shelter. But it soon will be. I don’t mean to be alarmist, but—notwithstanding temporary reversals—things are going to be unraveling for years to come.
—Doug Casey
Doug and his team of experts have put together GOING GLOBAL 2014, a special report filled with specific advice and in-depth descriptions of all the different ways you can protect your assets by moving them—and maybe even yourself—out of the country.
The Special Report That
Leaves Nothing Out
This book-length report our experts have assembled is absolutely the best of its kind.
The Authors of
Doug Casey, founder and chairman of Casey Research-the original international man.
Kevin Brekke, editor of World Money Analyst, a Mauldin Economics publication focused on international investments.
Nick Giambruno, CFA charterholder; contributor and investment analyst at Casey Research and senior editor at International Man.
Terry Coxon, economist; contributing editor, The Casey Report; president of Passport Financial, a firm helping investors set up international structures for optimal asset protection.
Jeff Clark, senior editor of the BIG GOLD newsletter, which focuses on the best ways of buying and storing physical metals, as well as large-cap gold stocks and funds.
Frank Suess, CEO and Chairman of BFI Capital Group, which provides private banking, wealth management, and investment advisory services.
Alex Daley, senior editor of the Casey Extraordinary Technology newsletter, which focuses on the best opportunities in the largest sector of the American economy – technology.
It’s an unparalleled compendium of financial intelligence you won’t find anywhere else—need-to-know facts for any investor thinking about saving his hard-earned money from the long arms of a greedy government.
But I also have to tell you what it is not: It is NOT a handbook on how to evade taxes or to cheat the government. A lot of people have tried to do that, and today they’re the smartest guys on the cell block.
That’s why we’re keeping it real—providing feasible (and legally sound) guidance and actionable advice to ALL rational investors.
For example…
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How to protect yourself from dollar debasement
We already talked about the Fed’s excessive money creation, which is diluting the money supply and laying the foundation for over-the-top inflation.
In the past, many investors have bought euros because they perceived them to be a more stable currency. But with the ongoing debt disaster in the PIIGS countries (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain), it is becoming clear that the Eurozone may be in greater peril than the US.
There’s a number of different ways to acquire and hold foreign currencies as well:
You can buy them outright and keep them in cash
You can invest in a foreign-denominated certificate of deposit (CD)
Or you can buy shares of foreign-currency ETFs
And perhaps even more important, you’ll learn WHERE to keep the currencies you have.
A vitally important question for you
Do you have a bank account in another country? If not, you should hurry up and get one.
Holding foreign currencies in an account outside of the United States is the way to go if you REALLY want to diversify your assets internationally—but in the last few years the US government has left no stone unturned to make it harder for investors to get a foreign bank account.
It’s not too late, though—there are still feasible ways to open one. But you have to act quickly, before Washington enacts even stricter controls in a desperate grab for your money.
You’ll find all the information you need in GOING GLOBAL 2014… and I urge you to read it today, for the sake of your financial security.
But as useful as foreign currencies and bank accounts can be for diversification, here’s one safe and convenient way to protect your wealth that I’m pretty sure your broker will never mention…
The passport to freedom
Having a second passport is a benefit you shouldn’t underestimate. For one thing, it will let you live and work indefinitely in the country whose citizen you become, without visa restrictions or limits to business or real estate ownership, as some countries have.
If you check your ancestry, you may even be entitled to a European or other passport without knowing it.
An Italian, Spanish, or German passport, for example, would allow you to live in any EU member country of your choosing, and it would give you access to benefits – like visa-free entry to many non-EU countries – that Americans don’t enjoy.
GOING GLOBAL 2014 guides you through all the necessary steps and tells you which countries are the best candidates to obtain citizenship.
One word on real estate: If you’re thinking of setting up a bolt hole outside of the United States, don’t just pick some paradisiacal spot you’ve vacationed in before.
It’s important to do your homework about the country, its economy, its government and policies, the local mentality, and much more before you jump.
In GOING GLOBAL 2014, you will learn how to find the best place for yourself to live, invest, and keep your money – as well as practical steps you need to take in order to set up shop in your country of choice.
There are many more crucial topics in GOING GLOBAL 2014, like:
The Most Ingenious Ways to Keep Your Money Out of the US
How LLCs can manage your money and save you a lot of taxes
Trusts are good; control is better
Why you should own some gold—and the safest places to store it
… and much more.
Now, our experts have worked for months on putting this handbook for international investors together. As a result, it is so stuffed with valuable, down-to-earth information that Casey Research could easily sell it for $200 or more.
But I decided that we should make this material available to as many investors as possible, so here is my special offer to you…
A Well of Tried and
Tested Knowledge… for Only $99
And I guarantee you, that’s a great deal.
You see, the information you’ll find in GOING GLOBAL 2014 is not just some theoretical claptrap that we read in books.
It is firsthand knowledge acquired by traveling the world to consult with international lawyers, real estate experts, brokers, and asset managers… and by actually implementing their strategies in the real world.
So, yes, $99 is a steal for this kind of practical guidance that you can only get from people who have been there, done that.
And that’s not all.
When you purchase GOING GLOBAL 2014, in the “Resources” chapter you’ll find links to additional special reports written by our experts—free for you:’
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Investing Abroad: What US Investors Need to Know
Why You Don’t Have an International Trust… Even Though You Should
Your Own Offshore Trust
… or read on for some more excellent reasons to diversify.
The Big Money Grab
—and You Have No Rights
Heavily indebted and desperate for funds as they are, it should come as no surprise that the US federal and state governments are constantly looking for new ways to fleece the taxpayers (you and me). And the methods they employ are getting ever more creative…
Too stupid to manage your own IRA?
We’re from the government,
and we’re here to help…
“If you knew what’s good for you, you’d buy US Treasuries—you know, the stuff we can’t get anyone but the Fed to buy—for your IRA and 401(k). Since you obviously don’t know what’s good for you, we’ll do it for you.”
That’s my plain-English translation of the Obama administration’s argument that it should be handling our pension funds for us. (To be fair, the Bush regime made a similar move, but it died in Congress at the time.)
“Retirement USA is basically an effort that amounts to nationalizing 401(k)s and IRAs.”
–David John, senior research fellow, Heritage Foundation
Don’t you just love our gentle, caring government?
The first step has been taken by the Service Employee International Union (SEIU), which “has mounted an effort to create government-mandated worker retirement accounts as an entitlement program,” reports World Net Daily.
In other words, US companies, already bogged down with Obamacare, would be required by law to provide retirement funds for employees—with workers paying half of the tab.
Under this program, patriotically named “Retirement USA,” the government could then demand that part of the retirement contributions go into a government-created annuity funded by purchasing Treasury debt.
To see the flaws in this plan, we only have to look to Hungary, which in November 2010 gave its citizens an ultimatum: move your private-pension fund assets to the state or lose your state pension. The ostensible purpose of this extortion scheme: reduce the country’s budget deficit and public debt. Bloomberg reported that “workers who opt against returning to the state system stand to lose 70 percent of their pension claim.”
Do you really want to bet your retirement fund on the hope that something like this can’t happen in America?
I think I’ve presented more than enough compelling arguments on why you should diversify, diversify, diversify—across different countries, brokers, exchanges, currencies, banks, and asset classes.
Our comprehensive special report, GOING GLOBAL 2014, gives you all the tools you need to do just that.
I wish you much enjoyment reading GOING GLOBAL 2014… you’ll be glad you did.
Olivier Garret
Chief Executive Officer
Casey Research, LLC
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