Carol Look – Business Abundance Now
$197.00 Original price was: $197.00.$40.00Current price is: $40.00.
9 audio sessions detailing the 15 “KEYS” to making your business much more successful using the Law of Attraction and meridian tapping. File Size: 729 MB
Carol Look – Business Abundance Now
What is included in the program, Business Abundance Now?
9 audio sessions detailing the 15 “KEYS” to making your business much more successful using the Law of Attraction and meridian tapping. I lead you through this part of the program and help you put these special keys into practice in your business
9 audios of “live” sessions with business owners and entrepreneurs who want to move through their energetic blocks and limiting beliefs. Discover your own issues and blocks as you listen to theirs and tap along…
A 91 page downloadable “Study Guide” to help you work through this extensive audio program
The entire audio program in downloadable MP3 format, available immediately.
Ok, so what can this program do for you and your business?
The BUSINESS ABUNDANCE NOW program is designed to help you:
Integrate the Law of Attraction into your entire business
Apply meridian tapping to limiting beliefs about success
Eliminate conflicts you have to being successful and standing out
Teach you how to use the Law of Attraction to structure an exceptional product launch
Guide you to attract your “perfect” customers
Heal your relationship with money using meridian tapping
Improve your customer service BEYOND anything you ever thought was possible
Bring new levels of creativity into your business products
Target the right audience
Fine tune your marketing skills
Use Law of Attraction to build waiting lists and client lists
Harness Law of Attraction to meet your customer’s needs
Learn how to SERVE in order to SELL
Release fears of marketing, networking and public speaking with meridian tapping
Let go of procrastination and other sabotage behavior
Clear out vibrational clutter with tapping
Translate ideas and products into financial abundance
Make yourself a priority so you AND your business are healthy
I love Carol’s straightforward way of describing the vibrational approach to business abundance. So many business guides ignore the human aspects of the people running them. Carol embraces these aspects and teaches us how to use our heart and inner guidance to create a much more vibrant and engaging enterprise.
The key on self-care opened my eyes to ways I was sabotaging my efforts by not getting enough rest and play.
Instead of just telling the audience to be clear and make decisions, she shows us how. She helps us remove the blocks to each key with tapping and Law of Attraction exercises. The session audios give in-depth examples of working through fears and resistance, and tapping along opened new doorways for me.
Highly recommended for anyone who has created a business, wants to start one, or works for a living!
Cathy Vartuli, PhD
And we haven’t even discussed the 9 “live” sessions yet…
When you tap along with these 9 exceptional people using meridian tapping, don’t be surprised if you:
Clear old blocks about “shining”
Release the need to “hold onto” your anxiety
Let go of guilt that keeps you from moving forward
Eliminate the belief that earning money is a “struggle”
Forgive yourself for past mistakes so you can be successful today
Collapse beliefs about “how hard it has to be”
Discharge old emotional energy from your body
Let go of “writer’s block” and procrastination
See your business with new clarity
Stop beating up on yourself for what happened last time
I have worked with so many business entrepreneurs over the years and what they have told me is that they would appreciate a program that offers the following:
Tools to raise their vibration the easy way
Simple methods to release “stuck energy”
Ways to bring financial abundance to the bottom line
A step by step guide to grow their business in any economy
Methods to boost productivity
Tools to bring out the best in their employees
Steps to become more creative
Ways to serve their customers better while still remaining profitable
Carol Look has hit another home run! If you want to take your business to a whole new level of success, then Business Abundance Now is a “must own” program. A powerful and inspiring teacher, Carol Look masterfully presents 15 essential “keys” to help you identify your blocks to success, and then offers two proven tools, energy tapping and Law of Attraction, to release old stuck energy and achieve your vision of success for your business.
Get immediately download Carol Look – Business Abundance Now
My favorite keys are “Make Decisions,” and “Clear Past Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Conflicts about Your Business;” And the tapping sessions that helped me the most were the ones with Leslie and Mary. These powerful keys and tapping sequences helped me identify and clear conflicts around moving forward (I’m so excited to get started on my next project!), and feel more motivated about my own self-care and be clearer about boundary setting. Carol’s command of energy tapping is evident in her well-structured, insightful and resoundingly effective sessions which showcase techniques that even the most advanced practitioner could benefit from. The approach she took with Nick while helping him to release his frozen trauma was particularly inspirational.
I highly recommend this comprehensive and immediately beneficial program to anyone who owns their own business or is about to start one. Thank you Carol!
Beth Sorger, LCSW, EFT Practitioner
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Read more about the 15 Keys to help you succeed in your business using Law of Attraction and meridian tapping:
Business Abundance Now Set
The 15 “KEYS” (The first 9 Recordings)
Recording #1:
The Tools – I describe Law of Attraction and Meridian Tapping and give directions on how to use both for your business.
KEY #1: The BASICS: Get the BEST Training Available
This “KEY” alone can improve your profitability!
Use these LOA exercises before another day goes by…
Recording #2:
Learn how to get clear and why to get clear
Learn how to release the blocks to being clear
Now that you are clear, can you make the right decisions?
Learn how to get a “yes/no” from inside and what to do with it when you have it!
Recording #3:
Learn how this sabotage behavior may be “serving” you
Let procrastination go from your repertoire right now and become more successful
Are you congruent with what you are offering the marketplace?
Are you congruent with your products and your services?
Learn how to release the blocks to being congruent
Recording #4:
YOU are your best marketing tool
Learn how to apply LOA and tapping exercises to delete fears of marketing and networking
Learn how to change your energy by starting to serve your customers instead of simply selling to them
Learn how to listen to their needs and be a better business owner
Recording #5:
What is your relationship with money?
Clear your money blocks with LOA and multiple tapping exercises
Recording #6:
Happy employees are productive employees
Even if you’re the only employee, do you know how to make yourself more creative, feel more respected?
Clear those old hurts, resentments and angers towards the old job, boss or workplace
Let go of old conflicts between spirituality and success
Recording #7:
Learn how and why you need to “Over Deliver” if you are a small business owner
Have fun doing it and improve your sales
Eliminate limiting beliefs and replace with desired beliefs using LOA and tapping exercises
Take your power back from negative beliefs
Recording #8:
Are you a priority?
Learn how to put yourself first and see the results fall to your bottom line
Evaluate without criticism
Use LOA to improve your business and make progress
Recording #9:
BONUS Session:
Learn how to attract perfect customers with the Law of Attraction and Meridian Tapping
Use “What If” Tapping to boost your expectations
Use Gratitude Tapping to bring what you desire into your business
Use Thank You Tapping for prosperity in every part of your life
Get immediately download Carol Look – Business Abundance Now
This program is a true breakthrough! Not just “out there” business principles but rather concrete, easy to implement strategies to clear the blocks and resistance in all aspects of your business. I’ve used Carol Look’s brilliant insights and principles to create tremendous business success and I’m thrilled for the chance to take my success even higher with this program. I particularly benefitted from the “Key” called “Releasing Blocks to Marketing and Networking” and the “Key” on “Congruence” and I loved the sessions, especially the ones with Elaine and Joe!
Nicolas Ortner, Creator and Producer of “The Tapping Solution” and “The Tapping World Summit”
“I am thoroughly enjoying this incredible Business program. I am so amazed at how I relate to all the topics in the program, and I am sure that many business owners will enjoy the same benefit.
I am astounded that some issues only register a 1 or 2 with me but whilst tapping along other issues registering about 7 pop up. You have a beautiful way of helping people to identify the blockage and how to release the resistance that stands in our way of attaining the success we all deserve in our lives and businesses.
Carol thank you very much for the wonderful work you do. The Business Abundance Now Program is the best investment I have made in myself and in my business. You are teaching me how to clear the way to allow the abundant universe to flow into my life.
Janis Bryden, Johannesburg, SA
The BUSINESS ABUNDANCE NOW program CONTINUES with 9 recorded “live” sessions with small business owners and entrepreneurs wanting to improve their
“business abundance”
Business Abundance Now Set 2
The second set of 9 Recordings
Listen in and tap along with 9 “live” sessions with business owners
Recording #10:
Leslie – “I’m Afraid to Move Forward” – Leslie is well aware that she is blocking herself from moving forward in her business, but she is surprised to find that unresolved grief is part of the problem. Listen in to a touching goodbye… In addition, Leslie reveals her fears of becoming overwhelmed “AGAIN” – we tap and collapse the old trauma of being overwhelmed during a particular time in her life.
Recording #11:
Andrew, part 1 – “I Feel Guilty For Abandoning My Father’s Business” – Andrew inherited his father’s business after his father’s death. As it becomes clear that the business needs to be closed down, Andrew struggles with guilt about the employees and the overwhelming feeling of responsibility. He releases enormous amounts of “stuck energy” when he discusses the parallels between having to “pull the plug” on the business in the same way he had to “pull the plug” on his dying father.
Recording #12:
“Mary” – “Will There Be Enough For Me?” Mary is having difficulty leaving the security of her fulltime job and struggles with marketing and procrastination. In addition, Mary admits she has “bought into the beliefs” of all the workaholics surrounding her – that you can’t have your own business and live a balanced life. You’ll enjoy the shift in Mary’s energy and outlook when we talk about the Law of Attraction, and how her business can be different…
Recording #13:
Nicholas P. – “My Worry Has Been My Friend” – A business entrepreneur, Nicholas doesn’t want to let go of his anxiety as he believes it has kept him “safe.” Nicholas’ “AHA” comes when he finds the connection between his current anxiety and his adolescence where he suffered 6 car accidents. Listen in as Nicholas releases the “freeze response” from his body and mind and allows old memories and images to come back to him from his past.
Recording #14:
“Elaine” – “Everything is life or death” – A soldier from the Iraq war reveals that she is still living her life in her current business as a soldier, as if everything is life or death. Listen in as “Elaine” unravels the connection between being a soldier and running her coaching business. As her heart “heals” and starts to “radiate” she offers a beautiful image for all of us to enjoy.
Recording #15:
Andrew, part 2 – “I Feel So Trapped” and “It Has to Be a Struggle” Check in with Andrew as he unravels old shame and embarrassment about a time in his life when he was in debt. As it becomes clear he needs to close his father’s business once and for all, the anxiety about re-opening his own consulting business and all the “yes, buts” start to surface. Andrew’s belief in his success blossoms by the end of the session.
Recording #16:
“Lisa” – “What if I Hurt Someone?” While we work on some current incidents for Lisa, it turns out that she is haunted by two serious mistakes she made in the past during her nursing career. Listen in as Lisa releases the old anxiety and fear and announces that she “feels 100 % better” by the end of the session.
Recording #17:
Dee Dee – “I Have to Know It All Before I Start…” – Dee Dee has many blocks to opening her wellness center for animals, but she realizes that an old traumatic incident from another job was getting in her way… She collapses the humiliation from this incident, and she announces that her fears of letting go and moving forward “seem silly now.”
Recording #18:
Joe – “Playing it Safe Has Protected Me”
Joe is a competent attorney who isn’t good at the “business” of being an attorney… Listen in as he tries to let go of his fear of being rejected when asking for referrals and more business. While he holds on to this fear due to his identity issues – who will I be if I no longer play it safe? – listen in and tap along as we help “Little Joey” with his feelings.
I am listening to the Business Abundance Now series for the 2nd (or is it 3rd?) time. I just wanted to email you to tell you that I still just LOVE them and get so much out of them. They are an incredible resource for me. You are a gifted practitioner. A nice benefit to listening to them again is discovering that I have come a long way in my own growth and development both personally and business-wise, and the things that I would tap along with at a 7-10 level are often at a 0-2 now. Progress! Thanks again for your wonderful work. I also really enjoy your Facebook entries. Very uplifting!
Marilyn Holt,
Get immediately download Carol Look – Business Abundance Now
The 9 hours on the first set of recordings working with the Law of Attraction and meridian tapping could be sold alone for $300-$400…
At my hourly rate as an abundance coach, the 9 “live” sessions would cost nearly $3,000…
The 91-page study guide offering tapping suggestions and immediately applicable Law of Attraction exercises could be priced separately at $49…
But I have decided to price this product at only $197, for all 18 recordings and the 91 page “Study Guide”
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