Carlos Redlich – Copywriting Domination
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Download available within 1-2 hours. Live Training On Copywriting Conversion Strategies – When you’re writing copy, you’ll be given a “cut and paste” blueprint for writing words that effortlessly turn into cash… regardless of what you’re selling and regardless if it’s for yourself or a client
Carlos Redlich – Copywriting Domination
Finally Revealed! How To Turn $9 Into $118,632.52 Per Year Without Wall Street, Stocks Or Any Complicated Garbage
I’m Looking To Make Someone In Ho Chi Minh City Up To $118,632.52 Per Year, The Only Question Is… Will It Be You?
Discover how to grow your business and career while being shown the secret to making $100,000+ over the next 12 months… even if you’ve never made that much before
Adding an extra $100,000 to your income over the next 12 months is the key to finally getting true “Freelance Freedom” and it’s attainable only through The Copywriting Domination Method
The Secret To Kick-Ass Advertorials – We’ll show you the secrets on how to sell virtually anything online using the power of “fake news” – Discover how to manipulate the media for your massive success and unfair advantage
Secret Email Copywriting Formulas For Massive Profits – Never struggle writing a follow up or sales email again, you’ll be armed with the tools to write money making emails with ease (clients pay $395 for each one of these emails also and normally get 7 or more… that’s an extra $2,765 in your pocket!)
LIVE! Why Customers Won’t Give You Money – Uncover the truth behind why people refuse to buy from you… yet still buy from your competition…and how to fix it in less than 1 hour (not what you might think)
Live Training On Copywriting Conversion Strategies – When you’re writing copy, you’ll be given a “cut and paste” blueprint for writing words that effortlessly turn into cash… regardless of what you’re selling and regardless if it’s for yourself or a client
How To Write Story Based Emails In ANY Niche, Even If You Failed English Class – You don’t need to be a grammar wizard to make a lot of money. In this module you’ll be exposed to secret story email formulas that grab your reader’s attention and doesn’t let it go until they click your link to buy
How To Write Money Making Articles That Make You Famous – The secret to building an organic presence online that actually pays you is by combining the power of traditional PR article writing and direct-response sales copywriting… this combo makes you unstoppable when growing and scaling your own business… or the business of a client!
How To Write High Converting Landing Pages For ANY Niche – There’s a 3 step formula for writing landing pages that convert at 60% or more and in this module we’ll reveal the truth about how to do it, show you the “nuts and bolts” behind WHY these landing pages work and hold nothing back
How To Write Emails That Make People Want To Buy Immediately – Discover all the dirty little psychological triggers that almost hypnotize your reader into pulling out their wallet and buying
How To Use Forbidden Psychology Secrets To Effortlessly Influence Your Customers – Your customers are also buying from other competitors… when you apply this strategy, you’ll build a “fence around your herd” so they stay loyal to YOU (very few people do this correctly)
Discover The Secret To Making $10,000 In The Next 90 Days – Never worry about where your next paycheck is coming from, instead… use this simple Client-Attraction technique to get an avalanche of new business banging on your door within the next 90 days or less
Step-By-Step: How To Find Copywriting Clients – You’ll be shown new unconventional methods for getting more copywriting clients who pay you $10,000…$20,000 or more for a single project… Never worry about finding clients and finally get the respect you deserve as a high paid professional
13 Steps To A High Converting Sales Letter – Once you watch this module you’ll never struggle to write a long form sales letter again… in fact, some folks have said that because of this 13 step formula… they can write 15 page sales letters in less than 5 hours (TRUTH: This is literally unheard of and the faster you write good copy… the more you can get paid)
💡 Busy business owner? Struggling marketer? Freelancer? Beginner Internet Marketer? This is YOUR course!
💡 All you need is your wonderful brain, $9 and a willingness to be shown something That’s Been Proven To Work
💡 A Mobile Phone, laptop, desktop or notepad
(You Get Instant Digital Access To The Copywriting Domination Method Once You Order, NO SHIPPING DELAYS OR EXTRA COSTS for only $9)
Regardless of what kind of business you decide to start on the internet, you still need to know… How to write copy for sales pages, webinars, emails, advertorials and… you’ll also want to have a solid foundation in proven direct-response marketing principles for attracting clients with ease.
That’s why Tiffany Alford and myself, Carlos Redlich have developed a simple step-by-step course you can go through in under 6 weeks to easily transition from not knowing what copywriting is… to having the ability to make your first $10,000 in 90 days.
And even if you do know about copywriting and are wondering if this will be “just like every other course” – I assure you, there are strategies you’ll be shown that have never been revealed before…by anyone.
And if you don’t think I’ve fulfilled on every single one of my promises, you get all your money back.
This is your solution for making an extra six figures per year.
We call it The Copywriting Domination Method.
But Right Now It’s Available For Only $197.00 $9 (That’s A SAVINGS Of Over $100.00)
Carlos Redlich and Tiffany Alford
Your instructors and guides to internet success are Carlos Redlich and Tiffany Alford. They’re both Florida natives who have moved to Arizona to enjoy the west. They love the saying… “The West Is The Best” and have an office and homebase located in the heart of Scottsdale, Arizona where they coach and mentor students in person.
Their office address is: 7135 E Camelback Rd #360, Scottsdale, AZ 85251. They have their office hours set from 8:30am – 5:00pm. Neither of your instructors were born with a silver spoon in their mouth and after multiple failures… finally stumbled across a simple system to internet success that they claim can help everyone… even if you’re a total beginner who’s never seen success in the past. They have spoken at seminars, hosted masterminds and worked with 7, 8, 9 and even 10 figure (Billion Dollar) companies.
What you’ll discover on this page is the exact system and roadmap Carlos and Tiffany use to create flows of income that continue to pay them even when they sleep.
(PROOF: This is a screenshot of one of Carlos and Tiffany’s websites. It generated $118,632.52 on almost complete autopilot using the tactics you will be shown inside The Copywriting Domination Method).
On top of that…
It has also generated nearly $400,000 since 2017 working less than 1 hour per day.
These are real numbers. And they aren’t even that big. There’s other folks in this industry making well over $1,000,000 per year using automated online businesses.
Isn’t it time you start making an extra $5,000… $10,000… even $20,000 per month? Of course it is. And on this page, you’ll be shown how to do exactly that.
Hey ,
If you’re looking to make at least $10,000 in the next 90 days working from your kitchen table and currently live near Ho Chi Minh City, then you need to pay very close attention to what I say next… because if you have $9 to invest in yourself… I have a crystal clear roadmap to success that you can easily follow.
You see, I know for a fact that less than 1% of the folks who see this page and invest in my system will actually see results.
Does that mean this system doesn’t work?
Of course it works! I’ll show you UNDENIABLE PROOF in just a moment.
And, if you follow my proven road map, you might see tons of results just like the other people I’ll share with you on this page…
…but… and this is a BIG BUT… if you’re like every other average person walking around aimlessly through life… you won’t see a single bloody penny… nickel… or dime.
Here’s why: See, people buy things, say they’re interested… then never do a thing. They simply wish for amazing things to happen to them, but you and I both know that simply wishing for success isn’t a good business strategy.
So here’s a quick disclaimer for you to understand… if you watch nothing, do nothing and don’t apply the strategies I’m about to share with you… nothing will work and you’ll continue to live the miserable life you may or may not currently live.
But if today, you act like a good soldier in battle and do what I say, follow my step-by-step directions to a “T” and keep moving forward, I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll see amazing transformations in your life and income… just like all the other folks you’ll be introduced to on this page.
I’m about to share the worst time of my life with you, how it secretly led to my success today and even more importantly…
How it’ll save you from making the same costly mistakes I made so that you can start seeing more money flood your bank account over the next 90 days and finally have the freedom to do what you want… with who you want… when you want.
I know that might sound far fetched… or even a little hard to believe, but hang with me.
It’ll all make complete, logical sense in just a few minutes…
“Did the neighbors leave yet?”
Asking my girlfriend that question made my heart sink.
You see, not too long ago, I was living in Jacksonville, Florida, shacked up in a small home… desperately trying to keep the lights on.
It got so bad that my girlfriend and I had to wait for our neighbors to leave for work just so we could sneak over to their home and steal their water.
Then we’d use that water for flushing toilets, showering, and even drinking.
We did this by filling up buckets using our neighbors outside watering hose.
It was embarrassing and between you and me…
… one of the lowest points in my life.
In fact, I remember applying (and getting) government assistance food stamps so we could at least buy Ramen Noodles. And as corny as it might be, I carry my expired food stamps card in my wallet as a reminder of where we came from.
And because of that book… we decided to start a small web design business.
It seemed easy enough. However as you and I both know… looks can be deceiving.
We would find local businesses, pitch them on a website, then outsource the work to India or the Philippines and keep whatever money was left over.
The thing is… finding clients was quite a bit more difficult than we originally imagined.
And our dreams of becoming “filthy rich”…
Here was our “old school” process for getting business:
Call at least 150 people every day…try to close 3 or 4 of them on a future appointment to hopefully close 1 or 2 of them on a $1500 website.
That was working… but it was exhausting.
And since we didn’t know how to manage our money at the time, we ended up losing more than we made.
Even though I felt like a failure, I also felt blessed because I was getting $250 per month in food stamps.
And it was literally saving our lives.
Sometimes, it felt like I would never get off government assistance and actually make any money.
But then…
Something truly amazing happened.
I remembered my old martial art instructor Sifu Dwight Woods teaching me about direct response copywriting and how he used it to grow his martial art school.
Direct response copywriting is when you write the words used to sell people through video, websites, direct mail, brochures, ads, etc.
And Copywriters are the people who write those words for businesses. And they can get paid a lot of money.
Like Clayton Makepeace. He’s been in the business for decades. He’s a full-time, working copywriter who has earned copywriting fees of $1 million or more every year since 1995… that’s more than $20,000,000 (20 million dollars) that he’s made for himself throughout his career as “just” a copywriter.
Not too shabby, right?
And I didn’t make that up, that’s right out of his own bio with American Writers and Artists, Inc
Here’s another great quote of his that’s related to money and copywriting…
See, instead of cold calling 150 business owners every day, we just mailed out 200 copies of the same pitch we’d give on the phone, but typed out on a simple one page letter and 6 people would call us out of every 200 pieces mailed.
That transformed our business.
In fact, here’s a picture of the original letter
And the best part was, we didn’t need to call 150 people anymore just to get some appointments.
Simple – because this letter was doing all the HEAVY LIFTING for us.
It worked like gangbusters and could probably be replicated again if someone wanted to use it.
Anyway, after folks heard about our crazy direct mail success, they asked my girlfriend and me to start writing copy for them (my girlfriends name is Tiffany Alford).
Now listen, you might not believe what happened next, but I assure you, every bit of it is 100% true (and proof is provided)…
Within 6 months of writing copy for other people, we started making $10,000 per month… then a couple years later, we were able to make a full six figures in just 6 months time (a hair north of $137,000 to be more precise). And since then, our numbers have only continued to skyrocket upwards!
This gave us enough money and freedom to start traveling the world while also building other online “side businesses”.
Speaking about traveling the world…
Here’s a picture of us in Italy…
Here’s a few pictures in Spain when we found a legal marijuana club:
But our happiest trips are when we sporadically go visit family like when I surprised my mom for her 75th birthday.
She lives in Miami, Florida and I live in Phoenix, Arizona… and because I have the financial ability to make a lot of money, from anywhere I want… I never miss her birthday or any major holidays.
That’s true freedom.
Here’s a video of me surprising her on her 75th birthday:
Before I dive deep into how YOU can use the simple power of copywriting to make more money for yourself and your family, here’s a little glimpse of who I am today and even more importantly, WHY you should listen to me…
And I know this might sound like bragging, but because of what Copywriting has done for us, we can also afford to fly private every now and then with our Yearly Private Jet Club Pass (this picture is when we took a lunch trip from Phoenix, Arizona to Denver, Colorado to have “special pizza”… Then flew back safely to Phoenix before bedtime):
It’s important to understand that Tiffany and I don’t pay for these cars, vacations or private jets… our copywriting and little membership websites do. At least, that’s how we like to look at it.
See, whenever we want something, we just write a simple letter, put it on a webpage and send people who might be interested in buying what we’re selling… to read the letter and determine if they want to buy it.
Simple, honest and works like crazy… even in today’s world where more and more people are starting to sell things online.
Listen, what you’ll discover on this page isn’t some theoretical nonsense I read in a vintage marketing book.
It’s real, in-the-trenches marketing psychology you can use to influence more people and make more money… faster.
When I first started in the “copywriting game”, I started with zero clients and crawled up the ladder of success to write for some of the top dogs in business.
Folks like Agora, the Billion dollar per year financial newsletter giant…Anthony Powell, another Billion dollar producer… Ryan “Hardcore Closer” Stewman who went from Prison to multiple millions of dollars over the last 4 or 5 years and more than 150 different 7, 8 and 9-figure clients…
That means, I know two very important things:
Thing #1 – I know how to write copy that converts
Thing #2 – I know how to find and close clients on paying me big dollars (this is way simpler than you may think)
The reason I’m telling you this is because I’m on a mission to help 10,000 new entrepreneurs harness that same power.
The power of copywriting.
You hear all the big gurus like Dan Lok, Jason Capital, Russell Brunson and others praise it as the #1 skill every entrepreneur MUST master.
The power to transform words into cash will free you from the shackles of a normal, nine-to-five job – forever.
Everything you do once you master copywriting will appear easier.
The way you speak to the slow and disgruntled cashier at your local grocery store will be easier…
Just speak the same copywriting techniques I show you instead of writing them and watch as the angry cashier goes from terrible service… to happily picking up the pace and cheerfully bagging your groceries, giving YOU first class, honest-to-God service.
Something extremely rare nowadays.
The folks in line behind you will wonder why this cashier suddenly treated you like GOLD and everyone else like everyday peasants.
If you’ve ever heard of the great rock band from the 1960s called The Beatles, you might not be shocked to discover that they too used the power of words to fund their dreams… but you will be surprised at the mentality behind why they wrote their BIGGEST hit songs…
TRUE STORY: Paul McCartney and John Lennon sat down one day to hammer out a new song.
Telling the story, Paul says, “John would be getting an extension on his house or something, and the joke used to be, ‘Okay! Today let’s write a swimming pool.’ It was great motivation.”
Paul continues, “Then in the next three hours, ‘Help!’ appears from nowhere, you’d suddenly get the idea, this’ll be a hit, this is a good one.
You become aware what you were doing was making money. Making good money.”
That’s what this page is all about.
It’s about showing folks who can understand and write in basic English… the secrets of copywriting because the truth is… it’s not hard.
Most people just don’t know the formulas and because they don’t know the formulas they shoot from the hip and get crushed in business.
But if you use the proven and tested copywriting formulas we show you, you’re like a trained sniper looking through your scope before taking the shot.
You simply can’t miss.
These secrets can make millions of dollars for your clients and a very comfortable six-figure income for yourself… year after year, like clockwork.
And all from the comfort of your home, hotel or hostel (if you’re doing that “digital nomad” thing and traveling the world).
Regardless of what you decide to do online, you still need to know… How to write copy for sales pages, webinars, emails, advertorials and… you’ll also want to have a solid foundation in proven direct-response marketing principles for attracting clients with ease.
That’s why Tiffany and I have developed a simple course you can go through in under 6 weeks to easily transition from not knowing what copywriting is… to making your first $10,000 in 90 days.
And even if you do know about copywriting and are wondering if this will be “just like every other course” – I assure you, there are strategies you’ll be shown that have never been revealed before…by anyone.
And if you don’t think I’ve fulfilled on every single one of my promises, I’ll pay YOU!
More on that later… let’s get back to your solution for making an extra six figures per year…
We call it The Copywriting Domination Method.
This is perfect for the beginner copywriter just starting out or the advanced copywriter looking for a deeper understanding on proven strategies along with different hooks and tactics for getting clients to pay you more money, more often.
Of course, you could hire a copywriting mentor to show you some of this stuff for about $5,000.
And even then, most mentors don’t actually know how to find clients… they just know how to write copy.
But with The Copywriting Domination Method, you won’t need to pay $12,000… or $5,000… or even $1,000.
Instead, the price for this step-by-step video training is just $197.
But when you order this week, you get it for only $9/mo or $97 lifetime membership — a $100 savings off the cover price.
That comes out to only .26 cents per day… and less than I charge for just 17 minutes of my time!
The Copywriting Domination Method is a 12 Module Video Training… which means it’s available for immediate access.
No shipping costs. And no waiting.
As a licensed purchaser, you get the videos as well as The Copywriting Domination Method Workbook Cheat Sheets (12 Workbooks Total) – all instantly accessed after you order.
Course Features
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10 weeks -
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English -
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